
Bastard Of Thanos

Sisyphus the bastard trash son of Thanos and brother to Thane was nothing like his family members. While they were powerful beings, the only thing Sisyphus inherited from his father was his gigantic stature and semi immortality unfortunately. Sisyphus was used as a slave by his father Thanos until one day he found a device he recognized from his past life. A device that would change his life for the better and make him the most powerful being in all known universes. Join him on his journey of interstellar and interdimensional domination. Authors Notes: The MC is neither a good guy or a bad guy. This story contains a small amount of smut and gore. No romance, but a small group of sexual partners that are loyal to the MC. The majority of the story will take place in the Stargate Universe.

Level1Goblin · TV
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61 Chs

Eli's Date

Eli had asked me for time off to go on a date with his new gf. The girl in question was named Mandy Moore and she was a year younger than Eli. I thought they made a good couple.

"Eli, why don't you take Mandy to the Tollan home planet and take her shopping? I'll pay for everything. I have quite a bit of Tollan currency I will probably never use due to them buying things via the Galactic hub. Why don't you take her to eat some Alien cuisine and buy her a nice dress or something?" 

"Really? You are going to let me take someone that isn't part of Ephyra to another world without supervision? I have never been to another planet before without an adult like you or Jasmine there with me." 

"I'm only sixteen, so you have been off world without an adult before, also the Tollans are an advanced world with law and order and you would be safe there." I said matter of factly. We had all pitched in to give away the Galactic hubs to various worlds and I had made sure that Eli was with someone at all times. I wanted good diplomacy with Earth and it would have been a shame if he died within the short amount of time he was with us for. 

"Youre a frackin' liar, there is absolutely no way you are sixteen years old" Eli replied 

Grabbing my lightsaber I raised it and turned it on. "Ive cut arms off of guys for less, watch your words. I have no reason to lie, I am aware I look older. It's due to my Titan physiology. Now do you want to go on that date or not?".

Eli's brain had just been fried with the new information of hearing his King was only sixteen, but it didn't stop him from eyeing the lightsaber in front of him. He had seen it before, but every time he did he couldn't help but hold envy in his heart. "....um yes I want to go on my date, but more importantly can I have a lightsaber instead of a phase gun?" 

I shook my head "Youre too young to wield one of these, you will just cut your pecker off". 

"But wait, aren't we about the same age according to you?" Eli asked

I looked Eli dead in the eyes and gave it to him straight. "We are not the same, I was eating my own fingers and shitting them out while you were sucking on your mommy's tits. If you want a lightsaber, earn it by making contributions to Ephyra. Give your gf this ring and i'll beam her to Ephyra's gate room for you". 

Eli took the ring with an embarrassed face. "She's not my gf"

"Do you want her to be?" I asked

Eli nodded his head yes in a shy manner. 

Smiling and patting his shoulder, I gave him a bit of advice I had learned through experience with women. "Don't ever come off as desperate by chasing, complimenting her, or putting her on a pedestal. Also beat your meat before any dates. At your age sex is running through your mind 24/7 and it will do you no favors. Women can sense desperation a mile away and are grossed out by it. Women like confident and masculine men with their own opinions and beliefs. The biggest mistake young people like yourself make is that you listen to movies, tv, and other women on how to get them. Do you listen to the fish when you want to learn how to fish or do you listen to the fisherman?"

"That sounds borderline misogynistic, wouldn't women know best about what they want? " replied Eli

I shook my head at his young and naive response. "No, it's not misogynistic, It's evolutionary. It's simply what attracts them. Women crave hunters and leaders, not berry pickers and yes men. Women say they want one thing, but their actions since the dawn of time dictate another".

Eli scratched his head and looked uncomfortable. "Yeah, but I don't want to be mean to them".

"When did I say be mean to them? I said treat them as you would your friends. I'm simply saying to be confident in yourself, not have only sex on the brain, and to pay attention to women's actions instead of their words. Give women respect, but not to the extent that she is above you and you are a doormat. This is also a way to weed out gold diggers and ultra feminist which trust me are not good if youre thinking of a long term relationship. Do you understand?".

I could tell by the way he was looking at me that he didn't understand and viewed me as the devil, but he still nodded his head yes. This kid has never had a proper father figure and it shows. His father was probably the type of parent to tell him to just ignore bullies or report them to the teachers. It was weak. In this world only the strong survive and the weak get the scraps. You have to have a backbone and fight. 

"Women love compliments and attention more than anyone else, but do not think for a second that this means they like you. They like the attention and compliments because it validates them. Be yourself, don't think with your dick, and the right woman will find you. You can show a woman you value them with your actions, keep that in mind". 

"Yes, I'll try to remember" Eli replied.

Walking away I saw he had pulled up Galactic Social and was chatting with Mandy. I guess he was inviting her to Ephyra like I had suggested. I didn't want to get too involved in his affairs, but I also wanted to see him succeed. Although I didn't have memories of it, I was sure I made the same mistakes him and other guys his age make to learn what I know about women. Sometimes the best way to learn is through experience and maybe he needs to experience rejection and heartbreak enough to truly get it. 

Men and women are both full of their own bullshit and both sexes have to deal with a lot when trying to find a mate. Women have to deal with lustful 'nice guys' that pretend to be nice in hopes of getting into their pants, abusive douchebags, and even men that try to get out of their responsibilities. In the long run, some men have it better in the dating game simply because they just have to learn and adapt with trial and error. Women don't get the same luxury. 

To some trash men, women are a bitch if they say they aren't interested, but if the woman doesn't say no in an assertive manner they could end up with a stalker that can't take a hint. If she gives into a guy and sleeps with him on the first day or just faster than the norm and that guy brags to his mates, she's suddenly a slut even though she may have only had one or two sexual partners before. Those are just a few examples. It's truly hard for both men and women for different reasons. 

In the end, love is a battlefield and you can't go into it with a weak mindset. 

I greatly appreciate the people that recently reviewed this story. People are more likely to click on a story with a rating than one that hasn't been rated. I'll try to pop out a bit more than usual over the next few days if I can as my thanks.

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