
Arcana: Sword and Magic

Ray is famed as the #1 player in Arcana Online, a popular VRMMORPG game that has more than 2 Billion players. Despite his fame, there is almost no information about his or his guild members past. One day he find himself reincarnated in the game along with Laila the #2 ranked player in the game. "Wait.... why did I spawn as a baby?" (Ray) "I can't log out?" (Ray) "Wait... is this Ray?" (Leila) "This voice... Leila?" (Ray) Thus their journey began in a new world Note: Purely written as an hobby, could be dropped at some random time and had a very long and inconsistent update time

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19 Chs

New Life (1)

As soon as I Open my eyes, an unfamiliar ceiling came into view. Sensing my unusual situation, I quickly asses my surrounding.

Habitually I started to focus my sense and try to move around.

'Hmm? Small hand?' (Ray)

I stare at the small hand that is presumably mine with a confused face. In my confusion, I was gently lifted by a female wearing a full doctor's attire.

With a smile, the doctor spoke

"Congratulations Empress, the prince has been safely born without any health issues"

"Is he healthy? Shouldn't babies cry when they are healthy?"

Said a man with a worried face

"Yes Emperor that should be the common case.... but our scanner didn't detect any problem with the prince's body, in fact, he is a lot healthier than the normal standard"


"Don't worry to much Kyle, the doctor already said that our child is healthy"

Moving my head towards the voice, an elegant lady presumably my mother is lying on the bed with a gentle smile though she looks considerably pale, her beauty didn't diminish one bit.

"Please don't push your self to talk Lina, you need to rest" (Kyle)

"Emperor Kyle is correct, Empress you shouldn't push yourself to talk in your condition" (Kyle)

Said the doctor while moving me to my mother's embrace

"Don't worry, this much is fine" (Lina)

"Okay you should all leave now, the Empress needs to rest"

With that words, the doctors and maids bowed and then left the room.

"Kyle what are you going to name our child?" (Lina)

"After thinking for a few days I decided to name him Rayford Zyavn Aquinox" (Kyle)

"Rayford... Okay His name is Ray for short" (Lina)

"I'll be leaving now, I need to check on Kayne and Sophia, get some good rest" (Kyle)

"Don't forget to tell Sophia our promise if their child is born as a female!" (Lina)

"Yes.. Yes.. now go to sleep" (Kyle)

My father spoke while grinning weirdly

After father left, my mother gently embrace my body with a warm smile

"Hello little Ray I'm your mommy, nice to meet you" (Lina)

Trying to respond, I open my mouth and spoke

"Guu~" (Ray)

"Kya~ you're soo cute!" (Lina)

While my mother giggled happily, I was deeply embarrassed by my failure to speak. Well... I already expected this since I was born a couple minutes ago.

After mother stop giggling she immediately fell a sleep, this gave me time to organize my thought.

So my name in this world will be Rayford Zyavn Aquinox, and I seem to be a prince of an empire.

'But how and why did I get into this situation?' (Ray)

The lasting I remember was going into the game capsule to start AO, after that this situation happen.

"Sigh..." (Ray)

Note: Arcana Online is the abbreviation of AO which was the game back on earth

Clearing my mind, I start to calmly organize my thought.

The first thing to know are information about this world.

From what I see, this world seems to be more advance than earth judging from the medical technologies I saw before. I could also sense the existence of mana in the atmosphere making it very different from earth in which there is very little mana in the air.

While I was thinking about what to do, a subtle ring sounded in my head


[Special Perk Notification]

- Host soul has been stabilize.....

- Receiving [Special Perk]

[Special Perk] has been successfully integrated

- Player's special class has been retain

- Receive special skill [Synchronize]

- Receive unique special skill [Realization]


Name: Rayford Zyavn Aquinox

Race: Human

Class: Magic Swordsman (degraded)

Level: 0 (unranked)

Title: None


[Synchronize] (Unique) <LVL 1>

Passive skill that allows the user to synchronize your mind, sight, smell, skill, and emotions. Using this will allow the user to speak telepathically with her soulmate. Because of the skill's low level, the user can only telepathically talk to each other. As this skill level increases some active skills will be unlocked.

[Realization] (EX) <LVL Max>

This will allow the user to increase their level and power temporarily by using the user data of Arcana Online. The user will be able to retain all skill and appearance data from Arcana Online by using mental energy, the amount consume will differ depending on the amount of strength used.

'Woah...' (Ray)

After reading the status board I was amazed by how broken the skill was, especially the EX skill in which I could increase my level by using mental power.

From my understanding, the skill increased your level by the amount of level the user has back in the game.

For example:

My level is 982 before transporting to the game, upon skill usage Ray's level will increase by 982 levels for a short period of time. So if he uses this skill when he is level 20, his level will increase to 1008 and he will be able to use all of his skills back when it's still a game. he could also increase only 400 levels or only change his appearance depending on the amount of mental energy used which makes it very versatile.

Remembering that the power gap between the level increased in higher levels made the skill game-changing.

'So how much mental power is used?' (Ray)

Calming myself from my excitement, I realize that using this skill might be very dangerous if used for too long.

'I should have expected there is no power without risk' (Ray)


[Soulmate Detected]

- Player's skill [Synchronize] has been updated

- Soulmate Information tab has been added to the system


Name: Laila Snow Callestio

Race: Human

Class: Ice Mage (degraded)

Level: 0 (unranked)

Title: None


[Synchronize] (Unique) LVL 1

Passive skill that allows the user to synchronize her mind, sight, smell, skill, and emotions. Using this will allow the user to speak telepathically with her soulmate. Because of the skill's low level, the user can only telepathically talk to each other. As this skill level increases some active skills will be unlocked.

[Realization] (EX) <LVL Max>

This will allow the user to increase their level and power temporarily by using the user data of Arcana Online. The user will be able to retain all skill and appearance data from Arcana Online by using mental energy, the amount consume will differ depending on the amount of strength used.

(Eh..? Rayford?) (Laila)

(Laila?) (Ray)

(A-Are you saying that you're my soulmate?) (Laila)

(Yep....) (Ray)

(...) (Laila)

In the other room, the already adorable Laila squealing and blushing caused a lot of damage to the hearts of adults around her while completely forgetting that her sense is linked with Ray through [Synchronize]


A/N: This work is revamped version of the previous work with the same name which will be deleted soon.

The time I will upload is mostly random so don't hope for much...