
Arcana: Sword and Magic

Ray is famed as the #1 player in Arcana Online, a popular VRMMORPG game that has more than 2 Billion players. Despite his fame, there is almost no information about his or his guild members past. One day he find himself reincarnated in the game along with Laila the #2 ranked player in the game. "Wait.... why did I spawn as a baby?" (Ray) "I can't log out?" (Ray) "Wait... is this Ray?" (Leila) "This voice... Leila?" (Ray) Thus their journey began in a new world Note: Purely written as an hobby, could be dropped at some random time and had a very long and inconsistent update time

BuyJestercap · Fantasy
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19 Chs


[Logging In]




[Welcome Player Ray]

[Announcement the game will have a large scale update in 5 minute]

"The game will update??"

"Why didn't they inform me?"


Name: Ray

Race: Human?

Class: Void Swordsman

Level: 982 (SSS)

Title: The one who achieved the impossible...

"18 more levels to reach <SSS+> rank"

The inside of Ray's 30x30 meter private room is very luxurious, chandelier hanging on the ceiling, desk made of pure gold, and bookshelf that contain a lot of skill book that the guild collected.

While looking at some skill book in the shelf Ray thought of the best method to reach level 1000 after the game update.

He and his guildmates have already prepare various stuff in preparation for the update. Because of this we could quickly move around without wasting much time.

Unlike other guild which have a lot of member, our guild only have 9 member.

"Sometime having few members are more convenient" (Ray)

Imagining the reactions of the major guilds make me slightly smile.

"Right... I wonder what Laila is doing" (Ray)

Laila the global #2 ranker, is the leader of <Blue Rose> which is the strongest guild in the world with over 100.000 members.

I could imagine her in piles of papers with dark bag in her eyes.

"Should I help her?" (Ray)

After pondering a bit, I decided not to help as I might slow her down... definitely not because I hate paper work

Placing the book back in the shelf I decided to logout for the day

[Logging Out...]


Leaving the gaming capsule, I sat down on a nearby couch and check my phone for messages.


[Arcana Online] (New)

[Hello player Ray, Congratulation for placing #1 in the global leaderboard. You will be one of the two player who will receive a special perk after the update. The game will be under maintenance for 15 hours. We hope that our update will enhance your playing experience]

'15 hours huh I'll log in tomorrow I guess'

With nothing to do Ray went to bed and sleep like a log for 14 hour straight.




The next day, I woke up scratching my back as I went to the bathroom to wash my face.

Looking at the mirror a man with slightly pale but handsome face with black hair, and unique purple eyes appeared on the reflection.

'I need to buy some more toothpaste tomorrow'

Walking to the kitchen I open the fridge to get some cereal for breakfast, getting some bowl from the drawer I place my cereal in the bowl and pour some milk.

Right now the news about Arcana Online sudden update caused an uproar in the internet, the intensity keep increasing as time

"According to the developers Arcana Online update will enhance yo__"


Turning off the TV I went back to my room and waited for the update.

1 hours later.....

"Finally the game is up"

Suppressing my excitement, I quickly get into the gaming capsule and start the game

[Logging In...]

[Special Perk Detected]

[Transporting Player to the world of Arcana]

[Welcome to Arcana may luck be with you!]