
Arcana: Sword and Magic

Ray is famed as the #1 player in Arcana Online, a popular VRMMORPG game that has more than 2 Billion players. Despite his fame, there is almost no information about his or his guild members past. One day he find himself reincarnated in the game along with Laila the #2 ranked player in the game. "Wait.... why did I spawn as a baby?" (Ray) "I can't log out?" (Ray) "Wait... is this Ray?" (Leila) "This voice... Leila?" (Ray) Thus their journey began in a new world Note: Purely written as an hobby, could be dropped at some random time and had a very long and inconsistent update time

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New Life (2)

2 Years have passed since we were born here, both me and Laila are now 2 years old.

During the years, we dug up bunch of information about this world such as history, geography, magic & technology development, etc.

The first thing we found is that this world and the game's world is different yet similar. In the game, the world is still in it's medieval period while this one is 200 years more advance then earth.

The earth ini this world is around 10 times bigger than the previous earth, the earth is divided into 6 main continents which are:

Arrecos Continent of human

Allenoiyr of the Elves,

Zelandia of Beastmens,

Faramoth of the Dwarfs,

Azhyriath of the Merfolks and Sirens

Tenebris the land of Demons.

Right now we are located in the Aquila Empire humanity strongest nation and the only human nation that have 2 SSS ranked individual which are my father Kyle Zyvan Aquinox a Master Swordsman and Laila's father Kaynes Snow Callestio an SSS ranked Archmage which is hailed as the strongest in the continent.

This world have dimensional cracks around the world called dungeons just like in the game in which monsters appeared through.

The ranking system are also the same as the game that goes from <G> rank all the way to <SSS+> rank.

The concept of level also exist in this world, but how levels increased worked differently then the game in which you need to kill monsters.

The levels are basically the amount of your overall strength and Mana, so instead of [level up -> increase power] its [Increase power -> level increase]

The rank evaluation criteria are the same with the game which are:

Level 1-5 (G-)

Level 6-10 (G)

Level 11-15 (G+)

Level 16-20 (F-)

Level 20-25 (F)

Level 26-30 (F+)

Level 31-35 (E-)

Level 36-40 (E)

Level 41-50 (E+)

<Mana Threshold Completion>

Level 1-5 (D-)

Level 5-10 (D)

Level 11-20 (D+)

Level 21-40 (C-)

Level 41-50 (C)

Level 51-60 (C+)

Level 61-70 (B-)

Level 71-75 (B)

Level 76-80 (B+)

Level 81-90 (A-)

Level 91-100 (A)

Level 101- 199 (A+)

Level 200-299 (S-)

Level 300-349 (S)

Level 350-399 (S+)

Level 400-499 (SS-)

Level 500-599 (SS)

Level 600-699 (SS+)

Level 700-799 (SSS-)

Level 800-999 (SSS)

Level 1000 - 1999 (SSS+)

Level 2000+ (EX)

The mana threshold completion also exists in the system calculation. To reach the threshold, people need to reach a certain level of mastery in the use of mana, which is being able to manifest pure mana outside the body.

In the game you need to complete the advancement quest which have the same requirements as this world to advance from <E+> rank and get to <D->, many people said that after passing the threshold is when the game really start.

In this world you need to take specialized test to estimate your current level, that mean if I exert Combat strength comparable to <B-> rank even though my mana rank <C+>, I will be Ranked <B->.

But If I showed combat power comparable to <D> rank although my mana measurement is ranked <B> I will be ranked <D> and leveled based on my performance.

Because of this people with high mana won't get rated high if they are unable to fight, I heard there are a human ranked <S> with only <C+> mana.

But I still think [System] measurement is more accurate for us because its able to measure our body statistic in more detail and judge our level without adding skill into the measurement.

As rankers in the game we are naturally way more skilled than the amount of strength we currently have.

While I'm recounting information in my head, a little girl suddenly jumped towards me.

"Ray! I'm back!!" (Laila)

"Gah!?" (Ray)

Looking at the girl on top of me, I let out a small sigh.

"Yeah.. yeah now please get of from me" (Ray)

"No! Hehe~" (Laila)

Staring at her bright smiling face, I couldn't help but admire how cute she were.

She had her original bright blue crystal eyes and silver hair which were the same from the previous world. Back then she was a beauty that even I who is ignorant of other's appearance can't help but praise.

But the young version of Laila right now really look like an angel, her appearance could mentally damage other without any use of magic. Everyday since we meet in this world she would keep clinging on me.

Because of the passive skill [Synchronize] I could roughly guess her intention on why she is doing this.

"I'm already your soulmate, you don't need to do this anymore" (Ray)

"I know! I'm just doing this because you look really cute~!" (Laila)

"Sigh..." (Ray)

Surrendering my self to Laila's embrace, I slowly closed my eyes. In the peaceful atmosphere my whole body relaxed and my consciousness slowly faded.


"Eh? He fell asleep?" (Laila)

Staring at the sleeping Ray a small smile bloom on her face.

"He seems so relaxed..." (Laila)

In the previous world, we met for the first time when we were 10 years old, back then we were in a party celebrating the launch of AO which was the first full-dive virtual game created in history.

I remembered that my family is a major sponsor on the development of AO, which was why as the heir to that family, I was invited to attend the party.

Back then I was surrounded by children from various family wanting to make connection, they mostly approach because of my appearance or background.

I really hated those kind of people.

Escaping from the venue, I walk towards the garden outside.

That's when I first met him, he has a really sharp and cold impression when we first meet.

Different from other he treated me without ulterior motive and is indifference with me, he didn't seems to care about my appearance and background which was a first for me.

It was at that time when I began to take an interest in him.

While remembering those nostalgic memories, a voice came from behind

"Lady Laila, it's already late in the night please go to sleep"

A woman with an elegant atmosphere appeared in to view, she had dark brown hair and bright golden eyes. Her name is Anna and she is Ray's personal maid that also act as an educator for both me and Ray.

"Yes Anna, I was planning to sleep when I came here" (Laila)

"Are going to sleep with the Prince again?" (Anna)

"C-Can't I?" (Laila)

"Sigh... Of course you can" (Anna)

"Hehe~" (Laila)

Seeing that cute smile, Anna involuntarily smiled. After a while she stared at the corner of the room and spoke

"Now why are you standing there Mina? You were supposed to tend after them, so why were you drooling like that in the corner?" (Anna)

Following that word, A petite woman with short pink hair and blue eyes appeared on the corner of the room.

"Ssp!** Ah..?" (Mina)

"Sigh... Can you not make such stupid face?" (Anna)

"Hey! I can't help it... They were too adorable!" (Mina)

"Okay now we should move out of the room now, the children need to sleep" (Anna)

After that Mina left the room pouting while Anna slightly laughing.

Watching the two maids left, Laila let out a small laugh while moving the blanket to my self and Ray beside me.

Moving her body towards Ray, she start to absorb mana from the air and circulate them in Ray's body. Ray also started to unconsciously refine the mana gain then circulate them to back to her, this was done continuously while sleeping.

This was a method to increase mana created by Ray to implement and combine both of our trait strong point efficiently. This results in our stat that improved tremendously and as a side effect our mana became mixed, which actually enable us to use each other traits.


Name: Rayford Zyavn Aquinox

Race: Human

Class: Void Swordsman (Weakened)

Level: 22 (C-)

Title: None

[Combat Stat]

Str: (F+)

Mana: (C+)

Void/Ice Aura: (C+)

Agi: (E)

Vit: (F)

Perception: (S+)



Name: Laila Snow Callestio

Race: Human

Class: Absolute Zero (Weaken)

Level: 21 (C-)

Title: None

[Combat Stat]

Str: (F)

Mana: (B+)

Void/Ice Aura: (D+)

Agi: (E)

Vit: (F-)

Perception: (S)

Looking at their stat, Laila smiled in satisfaction.

At first I questioned why our perception stat are weirdly high, Ray explained that <Perception> is basically measured by the amount of detail in which our brain can perceive something.

Because of our past memories, we could efficiently use our brain to process object at a faster rate since we were used to it in the game. But because of the limitation in mana and body, our perception are slightly reduced compared to what it used to.

Still, because of the high perceptions stat, we are immune to most optical illusion and stealth technique. Mina the maid from before and Anna which were able to sense here are both <SS+> ranked combatant, because of that we failed to sense them even with our high perception.

If they were a player in the game, they would certainly be ranked in the top 20 players.

Our level also seemed to increase based on our combat power unlike in the game in which we need to kill monster.

Looking at Ray sleeping peacefully, I decided to also rest.

With that the two slept while doing the mana method.