
Arcana and Spirits

| The series have been dropped for now | The wall between the physical world and the spiritual world has weakened, spirits like angels and demons are using the physical world as their battle ground. The people in the physical world has finally managed to use Arcana, an energy that was used by spiritual beings and fought back to defend themselves. Peace was then declared to stop the bloodshed, but damages and occasional conflicts still remains.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 9: A proper family

Perseus and his spirit beasts were brought out of the house on a wonderful sunny day to a cemetery.

"So why did you guys bring us to this cemetery?" Perseus asked

"Just wait and see" John replied

They then walked till they saw a gravestone with the name 'Jake Walker' on it.

"We had it move here so that we can come and visit at anytime" John scratched his head "We thought that we'll give him a proper burial and the respect that he deserved after the recent attack"

"Yeah, the church you stayed at is a rubble now" Axel added "Fortunately they didn't do anything to his remains, so we moved it here, it's the least that we can do for a great man like him"

"What do you think?" John asked

"Thank you...thank you so much" Perseus then cried for the second time after Jake's death because he couldn't hold in his emotions, the man who took him in when he was abandoned "I wanted to go back...but I was scared, I didn't want him to see me like this. I'm sorry for abandoning you."

"I'm sorry" Perseus apologized as he wiped his tears

Ace and Siege also had tears in their eyes seeing the gravestone

"You can cry your heart out son, no one else is here today apart from us" Axel put his hands on Perseus' shoulder "We'll be here for you"


"So John and Olivia had a son?" Perseus asked he kept shooting fireballs at the wall for his practice joined by his 2 spirit beasts.

"Has a son" Dabria corrected "He's not dead, he's a year younger than us, he's currently out for his training camp and should be returning later, he'll join us for dinner"

"How strong is he?" Perseus asked

"When he tested with the orb, it was pure white, meaning that his talent is slightly inferior to ours" Nova answered "He's strong but not as strong as us. Let's focus now on your training first, afterwards we'll help you control your arcana better since you're ours for the afternoon anyway"


I followed Nova's instruction and use my arcana to created an orb made of arcana

"Yeah put more arcana into that orb" Nova instructed "It's fine for it to not be a perfect sphere for now"

"I am, it feels like it's about to burst" Perseus responded

"Then hold it like that for as long as you can, and make sure it doesn't burst" Nova smiled "While you're at it, try to make your orb a bit more spherical, now sister, it's your tur to explain it to him."

"When there was a rune circle when you tried to shoot the gun is similar to when your hand glows when you deactivate a barrier," Dabria explained "Your arcana is leaking and the rune circle is there to help, if you can control it perfectly, then your arcana will no longer leak and be wasted and you'll be able to adjust your energy output at will"

"After you can do that, we'll make you do control several orbs simultaneously" Nova added

"Alright" Perseus said as he struggled


"Mom! Dad! I'm back!" Elliot announced as he opened the door, dropping his bag on the floor

Elliot is 174cm tall, has black hair, amber eyes and light brown skin like Axel and John.

John and Olivia then greeted him.

"Why are you back so early?" John asked

"Practice ended early" Elliot answered

"How was your training camp?" Olivia asked as she hugged him

"It was great, so where's the the rest? And where's the new guy?" he asked

"Axel and Mary are cooking our dinner, the rest including Perseus are in the training room" Olivia answered

"Just wash up, Elliot" John said "You can meet your new cousin at dinner"


"Nice to finally meet you" Elliot greeted over dinner "It feels great that I'm no longer the youngest one in the house"

"Yeah, uh, likewise" Perseus replied awkwardly

"I'll help you with your training tomorrow, I may not be as smart and great as the twins, but I can help you a lot" Elliot said "Since you're already talented, we have to make you the best like us and get the number 1 position like us and make it 3 times in a row for our family or 4 if you count the twins separately"

"Please count us separately" Dabria responded as she ate "We're still 2 different people, not 1 entity"

"Do you have a familiar?" Perseus asked

"Nah, I want one though" Elliot shrugged "But at least I know that I'll get another chance, but I already prepared my mind since I know that I probably won't get one, why? You want one?"

"I already got Ace and Siege, I don't think that I would need anymore" Perseus answered

Ace then stood up proudly and put his paw to his chest with a smug look on his face.

"Yes after all, we are the best!" Ace declared

"Familiars are beings coming directly from the spiritual world stronger than you beasts, so I doubt that you still have the title as his favorite if Perseus does get a familiar" Elliot responded

"Wow, harsh" Nova said as he finished his plate


1 year later...

"These clothes are really uncomfortable" Perseus said "I can't believe you guys actually force me into this"

"Stand still as I tie your bow tie for you" Nova instructed which Perseus followed

The Silver family was in the living room doing their last minute preparation and checking on their formal attire before going to the gathering.

"It will look bad if you don't" Dabria responded in her purple dress "Make sure to give them a good impression since this is going to be your first time in public"

"Looking good!" Elliot joined in "You would probably be as popular as Nova now since you're not that scrawny"

"Why do we have wear a bow tie too?" Siege asked as him and Ace got a bow tie on their neck

"Yeah, shouldn't wearing these things be for you guys?" Ace chimed in

"Well it's because they make you look cuter" Olivia giggled

"Remember your story and lines" Axel reminded "You are our child who was sick and recently got cured, and in this event, some kids like you are going to be bullied, just hold in your anger and get revenge some other day"

"Yeah, we don't want you exposed, you can release your anger back home" Mary joined in

"I know...mom and dad" Perseus replied which Axel and Mary were so happy that they hugged him

"I'm still not used to calling you that, so don't get comfortable" Perseus said between the hug "Please let me go"

"Sorry, it's just that even after a year, you still don't call us that often" Mary wiped a tear from her eye

"We never really got a proper family group picture, why don't we get one right now?" John suggested "I'll go get the camera"

"I got it" Perseus said as he took out Jake's camera which he took before leaving the church "We just need a camera stand and get ourselves into position"

"Atta boy" John laughed "Then I'll go get the stand"

The Silver family then took their first ever family photo, a picture that was filled with wonderful smiles.

I'll be changing the term from spiritual beasts to spirit beast now

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts