
Arcana and Spirits

| The series have been dropped for now | The wall between the physical world and the spiritual world has weakened, spirits like angels and demons are using the physical world as their battle ground. The people in the physical world has finally managed to use Arcana, an energy that was used by spiritual beings and fought back to defend themselves. Peace was then declared to stop the bloodshed, but damages and occasional conflicts still remains.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 10: The promise

Their carriages arrived, and they hopped in. Perseus got in with his spirit beasts, The twins and Elliot.

"Will Williams and the Steels be there?" Elliot asked

"Williams said that he would be busy that day, but the Steels definitely would be" Perseus answered "Can't believe I have to dance and you guys don't"

"Well we did it too back then" Dabria responded "At least you got those classes while we were studying at the academy, hopefully it will help you out"

"Well we all know why they're doing this gathering, they would try and bully the adopted ones, we all shouldn't jump and defend them, we don't want any more targets on our back" Nova said "Especially when it's so close to our graduation"

"What will you guys do after graduation?" Perseus asked

"We thought about helping with paper works for a while, and afterwards become an adventurer" Nova answered

"Just like our parents huh?" Elliot smiled "Wait for me then, cuz I plan on doing the same thing"

"I would've bet that you would have joined the military or enforcers instead" Dabria responded

"There might be conflicts with those angels and demons right now, but I don't think that we'll have any war in our lifetime, and you heard the what Perseus experienced from them, I ain't joining the enforcers" Elliot replied

"Can I join you guys?" Perseus asked "I don't want to join the academy, and exploring as an adventurer sounds like more fun to me"

"To be even qualify to become one, you need to be 10 and participate in the coming of age ceremony first" Dabria answered "And since you would be only 10, you have to at least have a party of 3 experienced adventurers accompany you"

"Well we have the other 3 right here" Nova smiled "He has 2 years till then, we have 2 years and Elliot will have 1 year as a head start, we can create a party of just us four and become the best adventurers out there"

"I like this plan" Elliot grinned "You in, little buddy?"

"Don't forget about us" Siege joined in "We go wherever he goes"

"Yeah, we are strong too" Ace added

"Well better make it a promise then" Dabria smiled "The Silver family will have to take the top spot again like we always do"


They arrived at the gathering, it was held at a huge mansion belonging to the Noblesse family, there were dozens of carriages on site, with people getting out of them wearing dresses that more costs more than what people can earn in their lifetime.

They got out of their carriage and headed in to join in the gathering.

"You guys head in first" John instructed "We need to talk to some our business partners here"

The children then entered the hall first, but as soon as they entered, whispers started to float around.

"Hey that's the Silver family isn't it?"

"Yeah, those 3 are geniuses among geniuses, though I don't know who that small one is"

"He was apparently bedridden with some disease, so this is his first time appearing in public with the others"

"Yeah, the family doesn't usually mention him because they want to keep their internal problems a secret, though he's cured now so that's why he's allowed outside the house"

"Poor thing, but with their blood, he might as well just be as talented when his arcana gets awakened"

"It probably got awakened already, who knows"

"You guys are more famous than I thought" Perseus whispered

"Well that's how it is, I don't really like it," Elliot snorted "It usually attracts leeches"

"Or suitors" Dabria added "They're the most annoying, tch"

"Well that's because you're beautiful" Perseus responded as Dabria then blushed at his compliments

"Still weak to compliments, I see" Nova chuckled

The room was bustling, bright and beautiful and filled with chatter and laughter.

<If only the people from the buries can experience something like this too> Perseus thought sadly

Perseus then see Emma, Craig and a woman whom he assume is Craig's wife. She is about 172 cm tall, brown hair, blue eyes and dressed in a yellow gown. Craig is dressed in a dark blue suit and Emma wore a green gown.

<She's beautiful> Perseus thought to himself <No, she's Emma's mom and your instructor's wife, bad Perseus>

"There they are!" he exclaimed as they headed towards them

"Long time no see kid" Craig greeted "I believe that this is the first time you 2 meet, this is my wife, Lauren Steel"

"It's a pleasure to meet you" She said as she did a curtsy "I've heard a lot of good things about you from Emma"

"More like a lot of complaints" Emma grumbled

"Wow, even though I was so nice to you" Perseus responded

"Only Ace and Siege are nice to me" She huffed "You are always mean, I now can use arcana too, it won't be long till I surpass you"

"Heh, we both know that I beat you in everything, so I guess that you'll need all the practice you can get" Perseus smirked

"Why you white hair meanie" Emma replied angrily

"They really do like to argue just like you said they would" Lauren giggled

Perseus then something odd, as the room that was bustling earlier was now quiet, he then observed them glared at several families that just walked in will eyes filled with disgust.


"To take in someone from the buries, the family is also filth for doing so"

"And it's not just one family too, they're all equally disgusting"

"Those families are probably traitors too, I wouldn't be surprised if we found out that they are currently colluding with the angels or demons"

<Bare with it for now, when we get stronger, we'll change this whole darn system and make the old man proud> Perseus cursed to himself

The head of the Noblesse family then started his announcement, from the tall stairway. He was a guy looked to be in his late 50s, 170cm tall, fat, has grey hair, brown eyes and a grey beard.

"I must thank all of you for coming here to this gathering today" He announced "I have gathered here some of the best family that this kingdom have to offer all in one room, I have arranged some spectacular performances planned and many more, but not just that, I have heard that some families have also gathered young talents in this room, so what do you say that we have them show off their abilities"

Everyone then applauded at his statement.

"He's planning to have those guys perform in front of everyone and humiliate them" Perseus whispered

"We know" Ace replied "Why don't you join in? You can be the Silver family's 4th genius"

"Great idea" Elliot joined in "It'll be easier to erase any doubts and show everyone that you're really one of us"

<They might not know that I'm from the buries, but I will show them that we are not to be trifled with and take those words lying down> Perseus thought