
Arcana and Spirits

| The series have been dropped for now | The wall between the physical world and the spiritual world has weakened, spirits like angels and demons are using the physical world as their battle ground. The people in the physical world has finally managed to use Arcana, an energy that was used by spiritual beings and fought back to defend themselves. Peace was then declared to stop the bloodshed, but damages and occasional conflicts still remains.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 13: Irregular

"I don't have to pay for the crack right?" Perseus asked



Everyone else were screaming in shock as they seen the sight that they would've never ever expected to see.

"No, of course not" Anthony managed to calm down "Though we will need to replace it immediately, you also might have to run, you family might not be able keep the scouts and representatives from getting their hands on you, here's the map for a VIP room for your privacy"

"On it" Elliot didn't waste a second and pulled him away as he saw the representatives rushed to them, Nova grabbed the map and joined them in the run

They then ran away as they headed for the VIP room.


They then arrived into the VIP and locked the keys behind them

"That...was awesome..." Elliot panted before letting Perseus go

"My little brother is a prodigy, hahaha" Nova laughed "He even cracked the orb, his talents surpasses even that of Andrius Thames"

"Well now they probably will have to delay it a bit since our brother just cracked their orb, probably even delaying the familiar summoning ritual in the process" Dabria responded "Though I must say, I know we joked about you getting your talent in the black stage, but I never really expected it to happen"

They then heard a knock on their door.

"We are currently not accepting any visitors!" John shouted

"It's me, Williams" Williams replied on the other side of the door "The Steels are here too"

John then opened the door and let them in.

"I must say that as your instructor, I am very proud of you, young Perseus" Williams chuckled "I'm sure father Jake would be too if he sees this"

"When I saw the result of our daughter's future talent, I was already shocked but to think that you would beat your own sibling's talent too, well that was sure a shocker" Lauren exclaimed

"Yeah and they were supposed to be geniuses among geniuses too, even breaking many records when they were at the academy, you kid, are an arcana prodigy" Craig added

"Well that orb isn't always accurate, with my hard work, I will surpass everyone in this room soon" Emma argued

"Doesn't Perseus practice longer than you?" Siege asked "His skills in weaponry and melee combat is also better than you"

"Yeah, and unlike you, he also read books and study in his free time" Ace added

"Well that was before, from now on, I promise to become the world's best adventurer" she declared "Not just that, I will also get a familiar after this to prove my point"

"Confidence is one thing, but overconfidence is another, remember this during your time as an adventurer, it will surely help you" Williams advised

"I forgot to ask, familiars are spiritual beings from the spirit world right? Like those angels and demons, why would they come here and be willing to serve you? Even though we have peace now, don't they usually think that they're our superiors?" Perseus asked

"That's why they are rare," Craig replied "And no they do not serve you, you will be bounded by a life contract where they will help fight alongside you as your equal till your old age"

"And yes, they do think of themselves as more superior than us, that's why spiritual beings look down on the ones who choose to become familiars" Williams added

"Why would they choose to be familiars then?" Ace asked

"Well like us, their world isn't a utopia, poverty exists and injustice too, most come here to seek a better life" Williams answered "That's why you shouldn't be discouraged when you cannot get one or get a weak one since they are very rare. Not just that, once you fail to summon a familiar 2 times, you will never be able to summon one no matter how many times you try"

"Yeah, just like us" Nova shrugged "We got our second chance after graduation, but none"

"You guys are ruining my mood, you'll see that I'll get one and surpass all of you here" Emma said proudly

"Of course you will, we have always had faith in you" Lauren comforted her


The day continue on as usual after the delay, they were lining up again for the familiar summoning ritual. They were to stand on a hand drawn rune circle, and let a small portion of their blood drip onto it as it glows up to the color of their arcana, if the glow goes away with no familiar coming out of it, that means you have failed.

If the glow got brighter, it means that a spiritual being has agreed to be your familiar, electrical energy would surge and there would be people on the side measuring the energy, the stronger the energy, the stronger the familiar. From tier 1 to tier 10 which is the rarest and strongest.

It was Emma's turn as she then walk into the middle of the rune circle with her parents watching nearby. She opened her hand as a guard then slashed her palm and let her blood dripped onto the rune circle as the guard then backed away when it lit up green.

The rune circle then started sparking green electricity and glowed much brighter.

"It's a tier 7!" A person who held the energy measuring device shouted

A white glowing horse then emerges from the rune circle and stepped onto the physical world.

"Ask for its name and establish your life contract, or name it if it doesn't have one" Craig shouted

Emma then placed her bloodied hand onto the pegasus and closed her eyes alongside the pegasus to concentrate

"I shall call you Wilson" She said as she then opened her eyes and laughed with joy

Her parents then came onto the stage to congratulate her and got the overjoyed Emma off the circle for Perseus' turn.

< My luck probably already ran out for the day since I got a strong talent, I'm not looking for much" Perseus thought as a guard slashed his palm and let it dripped onto the rune circle which glowed up blue

Electricity started surging and the ground shook as it confirmed that his summoning is a success. The energy measuring device started to spark and break as the person knock it a couple of times.

"These readings...the energy...it's unmeasurable!" the person shouted

The rune circle glowed and blinded everyone in the area, Perseus closed his eyes and held himself steady in order to not fall. He only opened it when he no longer felt the ground shaking.

In front of him was not just one, but 2 humanoid familiars in a kneeling position. One was about 185cm tall, looked to be in his early 20s, had the same pure white hair like him, with cyan colored eyes, nice handsome face and is dressed in a light armor. The other was a female about about 170cm tall, also looks to be in her early 20s, pitch black hair, dark purple eyes and is in a beautiful casual black and purple gown.

Those who came from my previous novel will already know what their names are

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts