
Arcana and Spirits

| The series have been dropped for now | The wall between the physical world and the spiritual world has weakened, spirits like angels and demons are using the physical world as their battle ground. The people in the physical world has finally managed to use Arcana, an energy that was used by spiritual beings and fought back to defend themselves. Peace was then declared to stop the bloodshed, but damages and occasional conflicts still remains.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 14: Familiars

They got up and and looked at Perseus.

"Well we gotta establish the contract quick, I can't stay here long without it" The guy said as he then got out his hand for a shake.

Perseus then use his bloodied and hands and shook it as he then closed his eyes and concentrate, there was then a weird feeling that he was experiencing in his body, like something clicked before he opened his eyes. He felt different as the blood seeped into the familiar's hand and establishing the life contract.

"Nice to meet you, Damon" Perseus then turned to the girl and did the same thing, he shook her hand and the blood seeped into her hand as his contract was established

"You too, Diana, It'll be great to have you 2 by my side" Perseus smiled

"Well call us when you need us or if you just want to talk, bye now" Damon said as they both sunk into Perseus' shadow.

"So we're done for today, right?" he asked his family who just ran up to him to congratulate him


They were on their carriage home celebrating.

"Can you call them out here? I wanna meet them" Elliot asked

"Let's do that at home" Dabria chimed in "This carriage is as cramped as it is, to think that I would be surprised twice today"

"Yeah I heard the our parents plan on making all our favorite foods for tonight, so better save your stomach and tell your familiars to do it too, because we will have a feast tonight" Nova laughed

"Oh don't worry, my familiars can hear and see everything that's going on since they're inside me" Perseus replied "So you can just talk directly to them"


"You might have 2 familiars, but I have Wilson a tier 7 familiar, and he is much stronger than yours" Emma boasts

"You can't lie even if you want to because his familiars power levels couldn't even be measured" Siege argued

"Well that's because there are 2 instead of one so it measure them both as one, I bet that if they were to be measured individually, Wilson will beat them both" Emma pouted

"Call them out, I want to meet them" Ace tugging on Perseus' clothes

"Well you heard them, come out guys" Perseus said as Damon and Diana appeared.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ace, Perseus' number 1," Ace greeted "And this wolf pal of ours is Siege, his number 2"

"I don't think the rankings are necessary, considering that you both are just as precious to me" Perseus scratched his head "So I gotta ask, how did you both become my familiar at the same time? Usually like Emma's case over there, only one will appear, and I don't see any similar cases in the books I read"

"Well we both decided to come at the same time, we did not like our days living in the spirit world, and as siblings, we did not want to be separated" Diana answered "And we chose to come with you, your energy was much more different from the others"

"Why did you 2 hate it there?" Perseus asked

"We are both orphans, and if you have notice, my younger sister here is a demon, a demon phoenix to be exact" Damon explained "And I'm from the angel race, I'm an angelic dragon, even though our race are technically at peace, us getting along is still looked down upon, so we won't be losing anything by becoming a familiar"

"Well welcome to our chaotic family" Nova greeted "You guys and our little brother already have a lot in common, he was also an orphan, but I'm sure he'll fill you in later"

"You 3 look similar, if you and Perseus were to grow any bigger, you 3 would be confused for triplets" Dabria commented

"You and Diana also look similar, your only difference is your...you know" Perseus replied and hesitated for what he shout say

"Yeah your chest is bigger than Diana over there who's as fla-" Elliot said as he then gets electrocuted by Dabria

"Thank you" Diana said as she then joined in to electrocute Elliot

"I'll let you off since you didn't actually say it like Elliot over here" Dabria said to Perseus who gulped in fear

"Scary" Ace shivered as he remembered how he was also woken up that morning


They were in Perseus' bedroom after the celebration as Perseus and his new familiars talked about their pasts to each other in order to understand each other more.

"You guys have it rough too, huh" Siege shook his head

"Yeah, we have a lot in common, and we're very happy to have you join us" Ace added

"So this is his armor?" Diana asked as she observed the armor and sword in his room

"Yeah, he entrusted some money and a few more things to us too," Perseus answered "You guys sure that you don't want your own room? We got a few spares"

"It's fine, thank you" Damon replied "For now, we'll be fine to stay within you, I feel like that we will get along just fine and it wasn't wrong to pick you"


They were having breakfast as usual and then the Silver family broke the news to Perseus.

"Father Jake has entrusted very important materials for us to keep for you, he knew that you would become an adventurer someday, so today, we'll be heading to a close friend of ours and get you a new high tiered equipments" Axel announced

"And he's one of the ones that knows about our secret and where you really come from, so feel free to talk to him like you talk with us" Olivia added

"Cool! Thanks guys" Perseus responded happily


"He was really interesting" Anthony smiled as he looked out the window of his office "The Silver family really have a talent for giving birth to very talented children, too bad that he chose to become an adventurer instead, I would have loved to personally teach him"

"How far would the color go if he hadn't taken his hand off?" Anthony chuckled "Not just that, his familiars were strong as well, for them both to be able to individually have powers that are unmeasurable, he might really be on the road to become the strongest this world have to offer"