
Arcana and Spirits

| The series have been dropped for now | The wall between the physical world and the spiritual world has weakened, spirits like angels and demons are using the physical world as their battle ground. The people in the physical world has finally managed to use Arcana, an energy that was used by spiritual beings and fought back to defend themselves. Peace was then declared to stop the bloodshed, but damages and occasional conflicts still remains.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 12: Talent

2 years later...

"Wake up!" Emma shouted trying to wake Perseus up "We're going to be late!"

"Not now Dabria, I'm studying..." Perseus groaned as he pulled his blanket over his head

"Told you, he wakes up early every other day, but he usually sleep in on his day off, when he's like this, I can't wake him up" Dabria sighs "Even Ace and Siege copy his sleeping habit"

"Today isn't a day off, it's the coming of age ceremony, why is he so strong when he's asleep?!" Emma tried to pull Perseus' blanket off him but it was no use since it won't budge.

"Well he's pretty strong for a 10 year old, but please let me" Dabria then use her arcana to shock him and the beasts awake

"AH my favorite sibling is definitel...why did you have to electrocute me to wake me up?!" Perseus looked around to see Dabria and Emma in his room

"Yeah, I was having a good dream too" Ace rubbed his head

"You could've at least just shock Perseus and leave us alone" Siege added

"You're going to be late!" Emma scolded "The ceremony is in 3 hour and it takes an hour just to get there if our ride goes smoothly"

"So who was your favorite sibling again?" Dabria had an ominous smile

"It's you, definitely you" Perseus answered quickly

"That was a bit too quick, so I'm guessing that I'm not your favorite after all, maybe I should jolt your mind into remembering all the good times we had" Dabria hand started to be surrounded by electricity "I even came all the way to join your ceremony too"

"You're definitely my favorite, Nova is a close second" Perseus nervously backed away "Elliot isn't even on the list"

"Wow, that kinda hurts" Elliot popped in

"Yeah, I didn't think that you even had a number or ranking for us" Nova added

"Well she was about to shock me again, what was I supposed to say?!" Perseus retorted

"Oh the answer was forced now, was it? So I really am not your favorite, bummer" Dabria then shocked him again

"Let him shower and eat breakfast first" Nova stopped her "You can shock him afterwards in the carriage"


Perseus got into his carriage before being joined by his spirit beasts, siblings and cousin, the adults got their own carriage and Emma got her own carriage with her family.

"Well thank you guys for coming despite your busy schedule, I don't see you guys much these days" Perseus said

"Don't say that, we usually come home between missions and besides, we won't miss such an important event" Nova chuckled

"Yeah, and you won't need to miss us much, since afterwards, you will join us in our party, and with you on board, we can finally go on harder missions" Elliot added

"You're only a tier 3 adventurer, I don't think that you should be that confident unlike us Tier 4s" Dabria scolded "Besides, since Emma also plans to join us, at least now, I won't have to be surrounded by you boys all the time"


They arrived at the capital where the streets were even busier than the ones near where they lived, they then arrived at their destination. It is Artia's academy, the academy ground alone was large enough to hold more than 2000 students.

"I feel like it was so long since we at this academy" Dabria said

"Well this year, our headmaster is hosting this year's coming of age ceremony, I didn't even think that he would have the time to do so since he's also part of the council" Nova responded "And Perseus, please refrain yourself from talking bad things about the council in front of him, he has a lot of power that none of us would dare go against"

"I know, you guys warned me about that a lot already" Perseus waved him off "Besides I probably won't even get to talk to him, not unless I get some high tiered familiars where he would personally come in and congratulate me, which I'll be honest, it will most definitely not happen"

"Well have some faith would you, you won't get anything with that attitude" Dabria responded "If your talent is good enough, you will be approached by several representatives with offers to join the enforcers, military or the academy, we'll be there to protect you from it"

"Though we will only be with you during the familiar summoning ritual and when you get your talents measured" Elliot joined in "Till then, you're with your beast and your girlfriend"

"I'm not old enough to have a girlfriend and even if I was, Emma won't be the one" Perseus replied


"Why do I have to wait through this?" Perseus groaned as people were getting their arcana awakened

"Well unlike us, some people aren't as gifted, so be grateful" Emma responded "I seriously don't understand how your family stand your constant nagging"

"With your attitude, you probably won't be finding a lover soon, so tone it down will you?" Perseus retorted

"Well when it's time for my wedding, just know that you won't be invited, hmph" she pouted

People were gathered into a several different groups, and they take turns standing on this hand drawn rune circle on the ground, to which the headmaster would personally activate it, it shines and it would synchronize with the arcana within the people in the circle and awaken it. And if that doesn't awaken the arcana within them...

<They will use a sacrifice from the buries> Perseus clicked his tongue in distaste


It was time for people to measure their talents, people were lined up in front of this giant orb, when it was their turn, they would approach it and place their hands on it, as the orb would then show the color of their talents. The headmaster stood by the orb, surrounded by a few guards as he oversees the talent measuring personally. His name is Anthony Magus, a direct descendant of Artia Magus, the founder of Artia, he is 177cm tall, looked to be in his late 60s, grey hair, blue eyes and dressed in an expensive white robe.

It was Emma's turn, her parents was also standing by orb when it was her turn. She placed her hand on the orb and the orb then turned pure white as the crowd then gasped at the sight and the headmaster applauded.

Representatives tried to approach her, but Craig got in their way and pulled Emma away. Emma turned to my direction and stick her tongue at me.

"Beat that" she mouthed

"Just watch" he mouthed back

It was Perseus turn, he then approached it.

"I've heard so much about you" Anthony said "I hope that your talents will not lose out to your siblings"

He got up to the orb, his family also got to stand by him as he placed then placed his hand on the orb.

The orb started to turn white before being slowly consumed by black to which shocked everyone on the academy's ground, the orb then cracked and Perseus took his hand away before the damage got any worse as the color slowly dissipated.

"Dayum" Elliot exclaimed in the silent and shocked atmosphere