
Arcana and Spirits

| The series have been dropped for now | The wall between the physical world and the spiritual world has weakened, spirits like angels and demons are using the physical world as their battle ground. The people in the physical world has finally managed to use Arcana, an energy that was used by spiritual beings and fought back to defend themselves. Peace was then declared to stop the bloodshed, but damages and occasional conflicts still remains.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 11: Humiliation

The party then went on as usual after the announcement, the families with the adopted children from the buries kept getting ridiculed, taunted into a fight, but shows no sign of retaliation, in fact they ignored the taunts all together and talked with each other on how their lives have been.

Even the servants 'accidently' split the drinks on them, a few couldn't take it and left the hall, people laughed as they did. Perseus was then approached by people congratulating him for finally being 'cured' of his disease.

The dance came along, him and Emma danced, a few of the children from the buries had to join in too in order to not look bad, but then people tried to purposefully tripped them while they do so.

It didn't take long till dance ended, and lights started to shine on a stage where the head of the Noblesse family accompanied by whom Perseus assumed to be his son. The boy is 130cm tall brown eyes and brown hair, and on his face was an arrogant smile.

"This is my son, Reynolds Noblesse" the head introduced the boy "He will be one of the finishing acts of today's young talents performances, he is 10 this year and his arcana was awakened at 9 years old with his talent recently discovered at the light blue stage, I'm sure that his performances will be magnificent"

The crowd then applauded.

"I shall now call on young talents who have volunteered to show off their abilities as the beginning act" he continued "Reynolds will then begin his performance, if any young talent also wishes to perform, please inform the management team, they will arrange a slot for you"

People then start showing off their skills, summoning fire, lights and a couple doing multiple of them at once to which it seems to please the crowd. Finally it was Reynolds turn.

"I would like to show off my abilities in a duel, and I would need to pick a volunteer" he grinned as he then pointed at one of the kids from the buries

The kid then refused his request which was then laughed at by the others, another kid couldn't take it any longer and took his place.

"Need any tools?" Reynolds laughed as he held a wooden sword "Because from the looks of it, I don't think you can even use arcana yet"

The kid then requested for a shield and a sword which was scoffed at, but the servants brought it anyway.

"I'll give you the first move" Reynolds taunted

The kid charged in, Reynolds then used his arcana to summon a basic barrier to block the oncoming hit. He then use his arcana to blast out water to make his opponent slip, he then used his wooden sword to beat the kid up and use arcana to electrocute his opponent till he passed out.

The crowd applauded at his performance as the kid's family rush to him and took him with them as they left the gathering, not waiting for a medic.

"Anymore volunteers?" the Noblesse's head asked coyly

"Me, I'll do it" Perseus announced as he raised his hands


"Are you sure? I heard that you just recently recovered from a severe illness" the head asked concerned

<He wasn't concerned about the boy just now, but when it's my turn, he instantly switches, this world really is unfair> Perseus thought

"I'll be fine, I've been properly trained after I was cured, but please go easy on me" Perseus replied with a fake smile

"You heard him boy, please go easy on him" The head instructed

"Yes father" Reynolds nodded "I am also curious about the talent of the youngest of the Silver family"

Perseus then got out 2 tasers, since a gun wouldn't be allowed. The crowd then started whispering

"Dual wielding? That's strange"

"Yeah, even if you use it at close combat, it surely wouldn't be as fast as a sword if you factor in the speed of it charging"

"Well he's from the Silver family, the previous generation isn't that much to talk about, but their kids are geniuses, maybe he is one too"

"Didn't he just recover from an illness? Even if he is good, he surely won't be a genius like the other 3"

"If you are right about his abilities, he should have no problem against Reynolds" Lauren whispered

"Heh, I'd be surprised if he lost" Craig chuckled

< I'm now going to take revenge for that kid and humiliate this guy > Perseus said as he then charged his tasers and rune circles appeared at his eyes

"Do you mind if I have the first move?" Reynolds asked

"Go ahead" Perseus answered

Reynolds charged in, Perseus then shot one of the tasers, Reynolds dodged to the side but was then hit by the other shot, Perseus then use his arcana to summon up a run circle under Reynolds, then lightning burst upwards and shocked him whole as he screamed in pain.

"Oops, I can't really control my arcana really well" Perseus pretended to run towards Reynolds "I should get more training"

<That's what he gets for electrocuting that guy> Perseus thought

"That's...alright, you really are good" Reynolds got up as the medics then run up to treat his wounds

"The reputation of the Silver family precedes you" The head complimented "Despite just being 8 if I'm correct, you can beet my son, we look forward to your future accomplishments"

The crowd then applauded at his performance, as Perseus left the stage.

"Can't control your arcana really well, huh?" Nova chuckled

"Yeah, might as well just say that you can't use arcana at all, cuz that sounds more believable" Elliot added

"You at least gave him a taste of his own medicine" Dabria smiled "Too bad that it couldn't last any longer"

"Your kids are really something" Craig whispered to Axel

"Well let's hope your daughter haven't rubbed off of them too much" Axel replied "Otherwise, I don't think that we can handle those lawsuits or paper works"