
An ork in a dream. 40k epic3

Having OCD before, i'd died from epylepsy just posing my eyes on that..

It doesnt even stand still and move with the wind.

He's approach only won him some look, but weirdly, they all shrugged and got back to their own job.

Damnit, never seen a lost Ork? And why are those guyz so big? Shit.why do I hurt..

I'll ask that one.

"Hey Brodaaa, where me get squig and scraps and sleep?!"

"Uhh? New here? Scraps in the old city ! Under here. Squiglot' of them run everywhere just grab one. You ..what Ork are you? Me never eyed one like you Big head"

"Me normal mechboys ?i think."


Cuping my head...yeah.it was big..and I thaugh it was my gretchin that grew but..i went shorter? The hell happened,,,,

"chwinks broda, me go now"

Lost in my though, I went ahead to the center of the city.

Yish Yesh and Yash where a bit lost in though too.

They survived by following the big head. Too smart ! Not going to fight? What a new way...

They were excited. Some new though they didnt recognize came and went at the speed of light.

"yish; i'll go squiget!"

"yesh; ill go scaping!"

"yosh, ill go with boss!"

Without a command they went.

Surreal. But our big head didnt see anything. He found a space to recuparate a bit, but was lost in a dream. He saw himself discussing thing with...beings? The feel was orkish. The power was divine.

The atmosphere was primal, ancient.

When he woke up he didnt remember anything but a single sentences, something that sounded way too great to be said to only him.

"Yes you can do it, just put your mind to it, so Good morning!"

His headeach was gone. His eyes gained a clarity that wasnt there before.

He at least now understood what happened.

Being recognised as very smart, judging himself a coward. I coulnt stay the same.

But I knew now, I was something that may have never been.

And something that may explode at every action.

What a fun game. Guess it will all be fine.

Before was Mecha knowledge.

Now, Ork magic. Something lost in the times.

Eyes open, he finaly saw what was called a waagh field.

An éthéréal green mist surrounding everywhere Ork where, thread linking all of them going.

He wanted to learn how to use it. There was a feeling he could do what he wanted, but there was a sense of danger too.

Remembering how Psycher's head tend to go boom here, he though something was more urgent.

First eat, second sleep. third ? let's meet the warboss...The Tau worry him.

When he wanted to stand up, he saw Yosh, who stayed with him without doing anything but watching his glorious boss, opening his eyes flashing with green energy.

The thread connecting them was very active.

He liked them and found them smart and usefull...so...?

"Yosh, what you think of me?"

"Boss? you Smart, you great ! with you no dying easy,no dying stupid !"

Damn, who knew evolution worked like that.

It seem his body was a bit bigger too. He still had some hard time to accept the ork transformative ability. IT was so cheap and somehow easy. Then again the other race got cheat too.I need more time.

Just in time, Yish and Yesh came back with some food and the other with an excited expression.

"Boss Boss ! Scrap treasure everywhere down here !! Warboss too stoopid !"

Guess his balls got bigger on that one.

"Boss, here food ! Tell me when hungry to get more ! Here come, the squiglot filled with rootbear on a bed of gretchin melted in stomach !"

What kind of dark...but hungry and busy as he was, no way to reject.

"Whooo, Yesh, you little..this is too good ! make some for you too !!" "Yesh boss!"

I was really happy with those guyz. I need to take care of those.

Well, can't really see the warboss looking like a refugee, i need at least new armor for my new heigh.

"Let's go scraping my boyz !" "Yish/Yesh/Yosh Boss!"

Ten minutes later, and i was in paradise. It must have been an old battlefield. Everything but spaceship was in here.

Just like that some hours passed and i finished adjusting gears.

i made myself an imposing métallic magic staf, an ork skull that can shoot plasma beam for head, the bottom was a spear with an activable vibration blade.

Remade my armor..well more like the helmet to fit my new "image", made things a bit more shamanic, with some kinda wodden horn and Gork and Morks symbols, i wanted to add my own symbol on it but didnt. And i added about 50cm of heigh to the legs so i dont appear as a gretchin. Warboss are petty.

Made some for my boyz too, full headgear with an old motorbike feel to it. They looked...funny ? too weird. how was he called that guy on tv..Chips?

They asked me for weapons too. A lazgun that "can shoot shoot shoot !" a spear that can "poke shoot poke" and a special for Yesh...vibration spatula and butcher knife. Don't ask. How would i know.

Some limb armor, and ready to go.

Asking for direction, and about an hour or so we where in front of the Warboss. His name was Strong eye.

He was about the same as the previous one but his lonely eye was brighter. Should be a good thing?

"You dah weird bighead boyz talked?" without turning his back that was overwatching the city.

"Yes Warboss ! Me Mechboyz. My Waagh went to fight the Tau and was destroyed."

<Sort> "And you still alive? Coward no Ork !" this time he turn to face me.

Weirdly, even if he was moquing me, there was interest, no judgement in his eyes. This one was different.

"Yes Boss, i ran ! Betta ting to do. Not dying today to fight an other day Boss. !"

Wow. A simple proverb like that and i swear i could hear gear turning in his head.

He turned back, what he was thinking a mystery.

"Listen we'll, Big head! Me the Warboss ! Me the strong here ! you obey?"

"I OBEY BOSS !" Why is this voice so charismatic.. I'm so pumped i made a fist. My 3 stooge did too. Cute.

"GO ! Prepare for war. We will Waagh the Tau soon !"

The green myst trembled. Animated by the will of the horde. Blood lust surged everywhere, green skin like flood of insect doing whatever they were doing faster and faster.

Then someone heard it. A cry from origine.



The gutural word that meant the world for the Orks reverbarated on the planet.

Tau Command center :

"Commander Shas'Ona'ris, an unknown energy flux is detected spreading on the planet. The seer predicted a waagh."

'This damned plannet. We should have burned it right at the start, now those shrooms are everywhere'.

"Prepare for emergency, call nearby spaceship. This time we try to exterminate them"

"For the greater good !"

The Tau too, felt the nervousness of the battlefield brewing.

2days later. Orkish city.

I was up there near the guard of the Warboss. For two days, i build more weaponry.

Mine where the best after all. I wanted to explore more about magic power and experimented a bit with it, when Strong Eye didnt come to ask me some weird question like:

"The waagh before, half my boyz died before the fight. The ennemies where half of us. Why?"

So i answer what i could. I just don't understand why he felt less and less like an Ork.

What i found was that i could easily push the green myst into form of energy, like a wave blast, change some of the flux or push the myst into a green skin body to buff them. I really had to be carefull tho, the flux in the waaagh was too eratic.

My first blast nearly blew my arm so i use my staff to channel it, it's easier. Maybe if i could find some psycher or ancient relic...And i bursted the first poor soul to be my experiment to blood rain. Oops.

But i think there is far more to it. Still need time that i don't have...

And so the horde was here, ready for the Warboss annoncement, all were jumpy.


Cool greetings.

"My BOYZ, The WAAAGH this time is strong ! this time, we kill everything for real !"


Short answer.

"NOW ! Listen and Obey Well my boyz. Something Big head said : Try to kill, try not to die, so you can kill more after you come back !"

On that point all Orks, and me, where dumbfounded. Some yelled thats not how orks do it, some said smart, some laughed...

Bang. The one who yelled the hardest was shot in the mouth. Not lethal but he may never speak again. Crazy aim.

My eyes found the shooter. Yosh, with a new sniper rifle who was instructed by me before.

Nice shot. I threw a thumb up. He sent it back..haha.

"SHUUUUUT UPP ! I'm THE BOSS HERE ! WHO NOT HAPPY COME !" he said, Banging his chest.

And that my friend closed the mouth of everysingle one.

I'm pretty sure i saw him grow about a head taller. Good guy, even his gear gained some spiky badass decorations.

A race of people that change entirely by how others and yourself see themselves.

This is so preposterous...No.. is it really? What was i before?

A weeb and a lazy bum? or was i always a phylosopher and a dreamer, searching for his way?

Well now wasnt time for that. The speech was finished.


BANGBANGBANG, everyone aknowledge the command by shooting in the air and jumped on any prepared vehicule. The green flood is coming.

Tau center :

"Commander Commander, scouts told us the Waaagh started early, and they made a front line !"

"This is not natural...'what happened?' Send emergency signal to the fleet, our army is ready so field it right now, i'm going to take command ! For the greater good" He left.

"Yes ! Commander ! For the greater good" was heard behind.

As both army were marching toward each other, in space, the Tau Patrol fleet received the message.

Thing is, by chance or not, they were already engaged to an Ork pirate fleet.

They had to choose to either finish here fast, or run there with a tail.

"Head Command ! Continue engaging but by moving toward Planet Sables. Bring the fleet down on the way and help the ground !"


"Arrival time in 34hours.

The thing they didnt know is that..as their opponents approached the planet, they started to feel a stir in their soul. They smelled it.

The captain who was yelling ordre every second before was now looking in the planet direction.

"Boyz...WE GOT WAAAAGH ! Go there !! Finish those on the way !!"

And the yell reverbarated through space. An unknown force pushing the small fleet faster than before to a direct path of collision with the Tau. This day was a Waaghy day for the galaxy.


Translator message : The chapter was short but i was thinking of something else so i couldnt continue.(and i dont think i'll be able to keep a 5k~ word chapter format)

Well you know guyz. I see few words but seeing some view here,collection there..it mean a world for me today, right here.

it gives me a lot of energie i didnt know i have, courage i thaugh never had.

I think we are a lot of lost people out here daydreaming,searching,waiting for "it".

Dont stop. I geeked my whole life and i mean it, wasnt rich but went it went just nice to be smooth sailing for most part. Man, if you CAN geek your whole life, working a minimum, its either real skill ,or someone cover for you. Maybe even both.

Find your burning soul somewhere and just do it. Live as you feel.

Dont fear, for there is at least 1 person out there that think about YOU everyday, just as you think of them, that will believe in you when you decide to believe in yourself, and appear right on your way, as was predestined. I dont even know that person but i feel loved everyday.i get new ideas everyday.

I may have received critical judgement, but i judged myself even more. Go easy on yourself.

At 37 i see a purpose to everything i did, did not, went by, went throu, passed by,stopped by.

Every decisions you have made, every actions, unconsioulsy direct you toward one purpose. Your likes and dislikes, new and old relationship. Being the greater you and doing wtf you really want deep inside. Because what makes you happy irradiate around you.

You will fall hard for that because people are jealous by nature, and seeing people being mentally different than them disturb them. And what we perceive often as judging gaze are hard to fight. Well, in fact you don't give 2shit about them, you just dont like the way you see yourself.

But don't give up.

Even when i though i was at the bottom, i never wanted anything the "normal people" had. Simply because i'm not normal ,as normality doesnt mean shit. The word is conformity. Even they are not happy, why would i want that. Same old same mold.

Why be big if you empty ?! whats the point, being a deceiving instagram influencer?

Some peops said money made the world go round.

They lies to you. ITs love. Today is love for money,sure.but it still love. Hate is still love. jealousy is still love. love is so real it can be scary when you are not ready, because everything is dictated by it. Hazard?chance? this a chimera too, it doesnt exist. Luck?neither. Even the way the wind blows have nothing random, leaves fly, falling rain.

So love guyz. Love everything, love yourself. You have a universe inside of you. Fill it well so you can grow with it.

and Feel. I really hope for you guyz to be able to feel.

What i just wrote, i read about it for years,though about, sang about it for years, played it, watched it for years, still not really getting the real message of those things.

i just understood a bit of it. You cannot feel love by hearing about it, you cannot see it, you cannot touch it. You can only Feel it and interact with what you think represent it. But just like your guardian, in whatever form it has, its always here for you.

So what you really seek, without even thinking or knowing yet about it, you are already working toward it. So be as mystic, as eccentric you want in this life. You never know where the spark that will light you will come from but the real one can only come when you start being real.

I hope everyone can be 100% themselves, i'm on the way to it i hope for my part. Like writing mushy things. i love them what can i do.

(i'll try to keep it minimum, but...i want to help people like i was helped too.)

i though this story was too big for me to finish.I won't promise, but i'll give my best to strike when inspiration comes. I want this story written after all xD

Thanks, cya later.

Love and strengh to all !

Well you know guyz.

You send energy my way, i cant not reciproquate.

On a "good morning" from Yaa ponoo,

yes you too can do it, just put your mind thru it ;o


Good morning

Dd_Bcreators' thoughts