
An ork in a dream. 40k epic2


Two days went by, fast, and we moved. How do i know two days past ? i count a day when the sun change for the other one. A yellow and a dark red one, and as the red one illumination is pretty weak, i count it a night.

That small tribe went up in numbers, from about 15? to at least a hundred.

I really wanted to be the chief, but a big bastard destroyed too much noze while i was busy.

I can't win against him anymore, and i feel compelled to obey that bastard.

Goregutter Nozebreaker. Dirty pig.

Well, i have done some good with the "materials" i got from my little followers.

i got more of them by the way, but they stopped following me after Gorgy won his spot.

That guy is over 2 heads bigger than me already.

What was i busy for? well, got my workshop, wood, a little bit of metal, and some paint based on squig juice. Funny thing is, if enough orks believe, then it is.

The reality, and the immaterial. Two side of a coin.

The immaterial.

An Ethereal parrallel reality, a mirage, the nest of demons, a higher dimention ?

Yes, and much more. Time is not linear in there. As an exemple, Slannesh, demon god of lust, existed since primordial time. But her birth cry (wich started a cataclysm by itself) resonnated when some Eldars, that got too bored, with no oponnent anymore and their immortality, started to dégenerate into their now dark eldar cousins. A dirty story this one.

Now, why would i babled all that you ask ?

It is to explain that when enough orks are together, they create a field in the immaterial. And with that field, the rules are, if enough orks belive, then it is. Simple right ? But the application ? i painted a wooden rocket-like thingy with some red square and flamme, and a wood stick on it, put it in the middle of the "camp". What do you think could happen right...orks came, discussed a bit about this object when an exited one jumped on it like you would ride when he roared "Goooo" while craking the stick. The guy became meatpast, blasting, of to other universe and beyond, at incredible speed right into a tree some fifty meter farther. For the greatest pleasures of others thrill seakers who came to me to get theirs. Weirdest is, it didnt feel strange even for me. I have to admit, i love it.

So i did my job ! I crafted ! After asking the littles ones to get me some foil of metal, like alluminium you have at home, and who knows how they made it. I made them futuristics looking. Woodden axes, stones one, Armors and put them out for who wants them. i heard fighting there...should have known better. Damn Gorgutter ! Havnt seen them for a day and those guyz were already wearing energy melee weapon and energy armor. It blow my mind when thinking about it now. I do the basics, and the owner will custom them. And orks have a deadly aesthetics that would make OCD and science oriented people alike completly crazy, for sure. Plus they love their stuff. Well, as more intimidating looking thing become more powerfull, it is understandable. You start with a thin alloy cover on some wooden plaque and you come back with the ork version of a terminator armor (for both the oponnents and themselves). i Did make five of those but they werent as impressiv as what i could do with better material.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Two days went by, fast, and we moved. How do i know two days past ? i count a day when the sun change for the other one. A yellow and a dark red one, and as the red one illumination is pretty weak, i count it a night.

That small tribe went up in numbers, from about 15? to at least a hundred.

I really wanted to be the chief, but a big bastard destroyed too much noze while i was busy.

I can't win against him anymore, and i feel compelled to obey that bastard.

Goregutter Nozebreaker. Dirty pig.

Well, i have done some good with the "materials" i got from my little followers.

i got more of them by the way, but they stopped following me after Gorgy won his spot.

That guy is over 2 heads bigger than me already.

What was i busy for? well, got my workshop, wood, a little bit of metal, and some paint based on squig juice. Funny thing is, if enough orks believe, then it is.

The reality, and the immaterial. Two side of a coin.

The immaterial.

An Ethereal parrallel reality, a mirage, the nest of demons, a higher dimention ?

Yes, and much more. Time is not linear in there. As an exemple, Slannesh, demon god of lust, existed since primordial time. But her birth cry (wich started a cataclysm by itself) resonnated when some Eldars, that got too bored, with no oponnent anymore and their immortality, started to dégenerate into their now dark eldar cousins. A dirty story this one.

Now, why would i babled all that you ask ?

It is to explain that when enough orks are together, they create a field in the immaterial. And with that field, the rules are, if enough orks belive, then it is. Simple right ? But the application ? i painted a wooden rocket-like thingy with some red square and flamme, and a wood stick on it, put it in the middle of the "camp". What do you think could happen right...orks came, discussed a bit about this object when an exited one jumped on it like you would ride when he roared "Goooo" while craking the stick. The guy became meatpast, blasting, of to other universe and beyond, at incredible speed right into a tree some fifty meter farther. For the greatest pleasures of others thrill seakers who came to me to get theirs. Weirdest is, it didnt feel strange even for me. I have to admit, i love it.

So i did my job ! I crafted ! After asking the littles ones to get me some foil of metal, like alluminium you have at home, and who knows how they made it. I made them futuristics looking. Woodden axes, stones one, Armors and put them out for who wants them. i heard fighting there...should have known better. Damn Gorgutter ! Havnt seen them for a day and those guyz were already wearing energy melee weapon and energy armor. It blow my mind when thinking about it now. I do the basics, and the owner will custom them. And orks have a deadly aesthetics that would make OCD and science oriented people alike completly crazy, for sure. Plus they love their stuff. Well, as more intimidating looking thing become more powerfull, it is understandable. You start with a thin alloy cover on some wooden plaque and you come back with the ork version of a terminator armor (for both the oponnents and themselves) The one that pain me is actually the really big ass energy claw that formed from a small gauntlet i made to shield an arm. That thing got to the chief, and that thing is what really intimidated me... ah regret, nevermind.

So i made myself and my boyz some equip's too.

Mine is a red light armor, from the torso to my knees, small helmet with mad scientist googles, heavy boots with thruster, you never know when a moonlike could save your life right? and rocket-pack is..a gamble, dangerous more often than not, a splat of blood for a landing isnt what i find interest into if you know what i mean...It didnt diminish at all the new speed freaks of the tribe deligh with those things, good for them i guess.

Then sculted myself 2 nice looking arms, attached to the back of my armor. Less flexible and numerous than our dear Doc octupussy, but bigger and meanier looking. As weapon i made myself two choppa, those were not axes but chain sword, for my new arms, a power claw for my fleshy left, and two shoota, that are the equivalent of auto or semi auto rifle. mine are semi auto. i dont really think i can aim as a pro...and our technology..well, you know...orks, right, but having long range fighting capacity is a bit more appropriate for a mechanics right?

For the little one, i didnt have a lot left but they got themselves a chopa and a slugga each. the slugga is the pistol equivalent. I don't see them being usefull in battle but i promised after all. They stayed with me because i was generous after all. I even made them small garments, they really loved it...well i may have abused for that because i made outfit ressembling a sheep, a pig and a wolf. They were so exited i tryed to maintain composure. So hilarous, it was no jokes...i fucked myself up with that shit, it hurt everytime i see them and their respect for me. How can i afford to laugh after that.

And so we left. The chief, maybe because he is stronger, felt a fight up north, a pretty big one judging from his expression. As we didnt have enough vehicule, appart from a handfull of bikes, for the whole tribe -i need more material to make a transport or something- we marched on for some hours, before the chief stopped to say that he didnt feel the fight anymore. He was really sad to have missed it. Damn me too. But i still asked him to follow where he sensed it, told him maybe someone won the fight and we can defeat the stronger of the two, if we could see their traces. He instantly yelled "DAGRIT SMART ! FIND WINNER, DEFEAT WINNER, BECOME BIGGER WINNER !!" and started his bike again. And as it is an imparable logic, The march evidently redoubled. I just hope it wasnt a total anyhilation andthe winner still there, and that there is hopefully some loot.

So after some hours again, the "night" pointing its nose, we arrived in the middle of a battlefield. And it was empty, for my greatest pleasure. Empty as in no hostile troops ready for a fight. Hundreds of orks bodies, and fuming war machine. Guess we got our tribe transport fleet, yay, more work for me. Opposing them were even more bodies, that i could recognise as the lesser race of the T'au, those beast looking humanoid, Kroots? and a lot of flyers too, vesp..something?vespid!

After assessing the battlefield, i went around to fixe some of the orks one, well, patched holes, repainted and say "now it works" and the deed was done. Hail my genius ! We got 2 big truks looking transport that could contain the the whole tribe and more, with lot of guns on top. I got bothered by the boss who wanted to follow the visible movement of the winner in the middle but, this was clearly an annihilation, as i found no T'au bodies or machinery in the dead and destroyed appart from their lesser . Bad omen that. So i wanted to strenghter the tribe more.

Just before i started my work again to make some tanks or killa can, at least, we received a barrage of laser cannon.

Turning my head to big boom, i saw one of my truck being blasted to smithering.

Those bastards, who dares to blast my creation like that ! turning my head again i saw it.

A detachment of T'au at least two time our scale in real forces, not counting the kroots and vespid.


------------ 1hours earlier earlier---------------

T'au command Center of T'au colony, Planet Sables8 of the sables system.

"Commander Shas'Ona'ris, Urgent Report !"

"Go ahead"

"We detected new sign of life on the previous battlefield, fives minutes ago. The signal is less numerous than previous encounter with the patrol, Commander !"

"...the detachment should still be near them, send them back, just make sure they stay on guard, we lost too much allies the previous battle. For the greater good !"

"Yes, Commander ! For the greater Good !"

-----------1 min later---------

"Green skins. Really a tumor of the universe. After a great devourer, this sector is problematic".

"Commander, why don't we launch a full attack, we have the means"

"Never underestimate them, Shas'vre Savs. We will wait for the patrol fleet of the sector to come in five days, then we will destroy their colony. Their number should be greater than us by now, we would have too much loss by attaking. We should reinforce the surveillance of the perimeter still, if only we came earlier..."

" Yes, Commander, i will pass the words"

"it's not urgent, come, let's do some simulation"


<ZooM ZooM ZooM>


"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh ! Boyz, Kill Those little Blue !!"



<BOOoom BoomBoom>


Total mayhem. A bunch of disorganised orks, unprepared and outnumbered, rushing joyously right at their ennemies, or more like right at death itself. And i nearly followed. What made me stop was that small voice that whispered <you must survive, you will die> fighting with <No cowering, me orks!> and the unusual calm of my tree stooges, that were seemingly waiting for me. I recovered from my bloodlust just as i saw Gorgutter being atomized by a concentred fire with his escort of poor version of meganobz and their bikes in a single salvo. He didnt last 1min after yelling and rushing first. i Certainly wanted to stop more of my crazy fellows, as we lost our strike force in the first salvo, but they were all red eyes, and already too far away from my yelling to even hear.

"Come" is all i said, after realising it was a lost cause, to my stoodge before jumping on my personnal bikes and got the fuck out of there in the opposite direction of the T'au, as we followed the tracks of the fallen unknown brothers.

yeshh, the sheep, certainly asked me why we didnt waagh with the others and ran like cowards, to wich i responded simply.

"Find boyz to win ! Me want to win"

To wich the tree, with a spark flashing in the eyes, responded :

"""Yesh yosh yish""". Damn, I love those guyz.

Running away and wishing for the best, the tree of them on the passenger "sidecar".

i'm pretty sure at that point that we would be followed, we didnt have much time i guessed. I still had some hope, because even if the fallen were more numerous and better armed, i didnt see any big boss or even nobz. Even our tribe had one, so how come they wouldnt ?!

But i couldnt confirm when we would be taken down, even hours latter there was no sign behind. We passed by an expense of water that we had to dodge. When i saw it i really thaugh it was the end. It still wasnt.

Fear. A semi forgotten feeling. My first battle and i must run away. Me no like it. Fear is for weak ummies, not for orks...ouch, damn headache.

That's when i saw it. And again a semi forgotten feeling...relief. Weird.

From far away, black smoke rising. A strange industrial...city, for lack of better words. Damn that's a big tribe ! hehehehe...i'll get that revenge. i'll Return that fear, ten fold. The one that pain me is actually the really big ass energy claw that formed from a small gauntlet i made to shield an arm. That thing got to the chief, and that thing is what really intimidated me... ah regret, nevermind.

So i made myself and my boyz some equip's too.

Mine is a red light armor, from the torso to my knees, small helmet with mad scientist googles, heavy boots with thruster, you never know when a moonlike could save your life right? and rocket-pack is..a gamble, dangerous more often than not, a splat of blood for a landing isnt what i find interest into if you know what i mean...It didnt diminish at all the new speed freaks of the tribe deligh with those things, good for them i guess.

Then sculted myself 2 nice looking arms, attached to the back of my armor. Less flexible and numerous than our dear Doc octupussy, but bigger and meanier looking. As weapon i made myself two choppa, those were not axes but chain sword, for my new arms, a power claw for my fleshy left, and two shoota, that are the equivalent of auto or semi auto rifle. mine are semi auto. i dont really think i can aim as a pro...and our technology..well, you know...orks, right, but having long range fighting capacity is a bit more appropriate for a mechanics right?

For the little one, i didnt have a lot left but they got themselves a chopa and a slugga each. the slugga is the pistol equivalent. I don't see them being usefull in battle but i promised after all. They stayed with me because i was generous after all. I even made them small garments, they really loved it...well i may have abused for that because i made outfit ressembling a sheep, a pig and a wolf. They were so exited i tryed to maintain composure. So hilarous, it was no jokes...i fucked myself up with that shit, it hurt everytime i see them and their respect for me. How can i afford to laugh after that.

And so we left. The chief, maybe because he is stronger, felt a fight up north, a pretty big one judging from his expression. As we didnt have enough vehicule for the whole tribe, i need more material to make a transport or something, we marched on for some hours, before the chief stopped to say that he didnt feel the fight anymore. He was really sad to have missed it. Damn me too. But i still asked him to follow where he sensed it, told him maybe someone won the fight and we can defeat the stronger of the two, if we could see their traces. He instantly yelled "DAGRIT SMART ! FIND WINNER, DEFEAT WINNER, BECOME BIGGER WINNER !!" and started his bike again. And as it is an imparable logic, The march evidently redoubled. I just hope it wasnt a total anyhilation andthe winner still there, and that there is hopefully some loot.

So after some hours again, the "night" pointing its nose, we arrived in the middle of a battlefield. And it was empty, for my greatest pleasure. Empty as in no hostile troops ready for a fight. Hundreds of orks bodies, and fuming war machine. Guess we got our tribe transport fleet, yay, more work for me. Opposing them were even more bodies, that i could recognise as the lesser race of the T'au, those beast looking humanoid, Kroots? and a lot of flyers too, vesp..something?vespid!

After assessing the battlefield, i went around to fixe some of the orks one, well, patched holes, repainted and say "now it works" and the deed was done. Hail my genius ! We got 2 big truks looking transport that could contain the the whole tribe and more, with lot of guns on top. I got bothered by the boss who wanted to follow the visible movement of the winner in the middle but, this was clearly an annihilation, as i found no T'au bodies or machinery in the dead and destroyed appart from their lesser . Bad omen that. So i wanted to strenghter the tribe more.

Just before i started my work again to make some tanks or killa can, at least, we received a barrage of laser cannon.

Turning my head to big boom, i saw one of my truck being blasted to smithering.

Those bastards, who dares to blast my creation like that ! turning my head again i saw it.

A detachment of T'au at least two time our scale in real forces, not counting the kroots and vespid.


------------ 1hours earlier earlier---------------

T'au command Center of T'au colony, Planet Sables8 of the sables system.

"Commander Shas'Ona'ris, Urgent Report !"

"Go ahead"

"We detected new sign of life on the previous battlefield, fives minutes ago. The signal is less numerous than previous encounter with the patrol, Commander !"

"...the detachment should still be near them, send them back, just make sure they stay on guard, we lost too much allies the previous battle. For the greater good !"

"Yes, Commander ! For the greater Good !"

-----------1 min later---------

"Green skins. Really a tumor of the universe. After a great devourer, this sector is problematic".

"Commander, why don't we launch a full attack, we have the means"

"Never underestimate them, Shas'vre Savs. We will wait for the patrol fleet of the sector to come in five days, then we will destroy their colony. Their number should be greater than us by now, we would have too much loss by attaking. We should reinforce the surveillance of the perimeter still, if only we came earlier..."

" Yes, Commander, i will pass the words"

"it's not urgent, come, let's do some simulation"


<ZooM ZooM ZooM>


"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh ! Boyz, Kill Those little Blue !!"



<BOOoom BoomBoom>


Total mayhem. A bunch of disorganised orks, unprepared and outnumbered, rushing joyously right at their ennemies, or more like right at death itself. And i nearly followed. What made me stop was that small voice that whispered <you must survive, you will die> fighting with <No cowering, me orks!> and the unusual calm of my tree stooges, that were seemingly waiting for me. I recovered from my bloodlust just as i saw Gorgutter being atomized by a concentred fire with his escort of poor version of pseudo meganobz(weaker version of the real one, that are equivalent to the space marines terminator) and their bikes in a single salvo. He didnt last 1min after yelling and rushing first. i Certainly wanted to stop more of my crazy fellows, as we lost our strike force in the first salvo, but they were all red eyes, and already too far away from my yelling to even hear.

"Come" is all i said, after realising it was a lost cause, to my stoodge before jumping on my personnal bikes and got the fuck out of there in the opposite direction of the T'au, as we followed the tracks of the fallen unknown brothers.

yeshh, the sheep, certainly asked me why we didnt waagh with the others and ran like cowards, to wich i responded simply.

"Find boyz to win ! Me want to win"

To wich the tree, with a spark flashing in the eyes, responded :

"""Yesh yosh yish""". Damn, I love those guyz.

Running away and wishing for the best, the tree of them on the passenger "sidecar".

i'm pretty sure at that point that we would be followed, we didnt have much time i guessed. I still had some hope, because even if the fallen were more numerous and better armed, i didnt see any big boss or even nobz. Even our tribe had one, so how come they wouldnt ?!

But i couldnt confirm when we would be taken down, even hours latter there was no sign behind. We passed by an expense of water that we had to dodge. When i saw it i really thaugh it was the end. It still wasnt.

Fear. A semi forgotten feeling. My first battle and i must run away. Me no like it. Fear is for weak ummies, not for orks...ouch, damn headache.

That's when i saw it. And again a semi forgotten feeling...relief. Weird.

From far away, black smoke rising. A strange industrial...city, for lack of better words. Damn that's a big tribe ! hehehehe...i'll get that revenge. i'll Return that fear, ten fold.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bye, thanks.

11 collection. guyz its cool.

I wrote this one and wasnt happy with it so i kinda gave up.

But maybe its better than nothing ?.here it goes.

(i don't remember about it in detail so xD)

Dd_Bcreators' thoughts