
Amalgam Universe Beast Boy

This book will be LOOSELY based on Amalgam Comics. An old combination of DC and Marvel with a few more things added for my enjoyment. A 36 year old Garfield Logan is a military veteran working a Museum security job. A robbery goes wrong and our story begins. He finds himself in a different body and wouldn’t you know it he doesn't just have to worry about a big purple nut chinned simp that wants to kill 50% of all living things to impress his crush, Death (Balance my A&&). But he also has to worry about an Anti Lifer whose look really can kill. Seriously Darkseid, take up a hobby, learn to paint with more than the blood of the innocent. Set up an adoption agency for abused space animals and retired Paradeamon’s. Something, just leave Earth alone. This is my first time writing and I am doing it for my enjoyment. Will look forward to comments and constructive criticism but complaints will have a better chance of getting to me of you scream them out your window and I happen to be walking by at that time. My greatest hope is that this story will inspire someone else to write a story I will enjoy. Going to shoot for daily release but I have to work to do the things I enjoy so we will see. I don’t own the Pic’s or the Original Characters concepts. Also I accidently placed this in Novel instead of FanFic so moved it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Malamber · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Arthur and Mera

The sun was going down and Arthur, in a normal pair of shorts stood on some rocks at the base of the lighthouse watching it. He picked up this habit from his father who walked out here every evening in hopes of one day seeing his beloved wife return to him. Again, a memory overtook him.

Young teen Arthur "Why do we live in a light house dad? They don't mean as much as they used to."

Thomas Curry, "Well son it may be true that new technology stops the need for a lighthouse but what if that tech fails? Also, the lighthouse is a beacon to all those at sea not just ships, it brought your mother to me. I hope that in the future it will be seen as a thing both of the sea and of the land. A connection for both sides water and rock and maybe it will be a beacon of hope between the people of both worlds." He couldn't say that he had the same hopes for his son. He was far too young to worry about his birthright and the dangers he would face.

Arthur's thoughts were interrupted by a smell he would recognize in the deepest ocean or the darkest forest. A pair of hands encircled him from behind and he felt the gentle weight lean into his back. She kissed his neck and enclosed him in an embrace. Placing her chin on his shoulder she asked "What troubles you today my love. What causes you to look out on the ocean's surface with such soft eyes?"

The wind was pushing her hair from behind her three-pronged tiara to float beside his face. The fragrance was intoxicating to the young and virile Arthur stirring a longing in him he put away for later use. Letting his lungs rumble his chest as he breathed out, and said "Thoughts of family, duty." Pulling Mara from the rock she stood on and around him to hold her to his chest "Desire, and the world. I am questioning my place in it all my love."

"For me, this lighthouse is enough, for you I would conquer the world. No palace seems opulent enough to claim it as the home I wish to make for you." Arthur said calmly.

"At times it seems the people of both my birthrights loath me simply for living. For myself I can ignore, but for you or any children we have in the future I would conquer it all to make them give you the respect you deserve and shield our children from even the softest of hash words."

Mera, "What useless children I would bear you if we didn't allow them to overcome the trials and tribulations this universe offers. No king brought up in splendor would ever recognize the worth of a hard day's labor nor the appreciation of strength gained through effort."

Arthur almost forgot that Mera was raised and trained as an assassin with all the risk that entails, even as the princess of her kingdom. He felt a moment of pity for his future children. A soft easy-going mother they would not have.

Mera "A ruler should think what is the best for his people, not be one of them, it's too easy to get lost in their perceived needs and overlook the kingdom's needs. I know you hate the separation from your mother, but I think it created a wonderful opportunity to grow and be a truly great ruler, Arthur. Love our people but help them become better, not stagnant like so many of the surface dwellers. We still haven't become what we were before Atlantis fell into the Sea. Still relying on technologies, we can barely fix and no new innovations in thousands of years."

Leaning her head back from Arthurs broad chest, Mera looks at Arthur, "Enough of such honeyed words, you mother spoke of a device that can capture moments in time and put them to paper. I wish to see them. Your father also told me he took many to embarrass you with when you grew older. I made him tell me where they were so you could not hide such treasures from me."

Arthur (Damn you old man, I'll get you back for this!) "Let's head inside my love. I will make you a cup of hot chocolate and we will relax and speak of only us."

Mera, "What is Chocolate?"

Later that evening Arthur was on the couch with Mera between his legs laying back on his chest. In her lap was a photo album and in her hand was Arthur's cup of hot chocolate, Mera's cup was empty and sat on a stack of photo albums that they had gone through. There remained 3 more books and suspiciously he didn't recognize one of them. He assumed that one held the photos his dad spoke of too Mera.

Looking at a picture of 10 year old him on a skiing trip to Colorado, "So you would strap your feet to long wooden planks and free slide down a mountain of this snow you spoke of. Snow being frozen moisture falling from the sky that would pile up in feet at a time. You could not see any rocks it covered, and you had only two sticks to direct you outside of your own motion to avoid hitting obstacles?"

Arthur, "Yes that's the basics of it."

Mera, "It would be a wonderful training experience for those that live through such a risky venture."

"It is much safer than you think love, we can go this winter and I will show you." Arthur said as he undid her outfits zipper along her spine, sliding his hand around to her toned belly and rested them there.

Mera turned the page and took a sip of the hot chocolate. "This is a wonderful flavor. I can't wait to taste more of it."

Mera then pointed to a picture and asked, "What is this?"

Arthur looked and saw a snowmobile, so he started to describe its function and entertainment value as he started to rub her belly softly at times and then with more force at others. Seeing her neck and ears start to turn red he was emboldened and continued.

A page of pictures later he ran a hand across her left breast and cupped it. Not moving or doing anything further. Seeing Mera had finished that book Arthur removed his hands and she leaned forward to get another. Taking this chance Arthur adjusted his dick to a neutral position so any stiffening wouldn't be uncomfortable later on.

When Mera leaned back into him, he again cupped her breast with his left hand and then his right began its work on the other breast. Just light rubbing under her outfit at this point, as he answered her questions from the pictures.

After a few more photos and light rubbing of Mera's breasts, Arthur started pinching her nipples softly and occasionally pulling gently on them in rhythm. Then with no warning he pulled both nipples up with a bit more force than he had been using and he was rewarded by the sound of Mera moaning in soft delight.

Placing some kisses and nibbles on her neck got him a few more sultry sounds from Mera's lovely mouth. Letting go of her left breast he slowly slid his hand down her outfit to her crotch and was rewarded with a very damp cavern. Knowing she didn't wear any underwear in this outfit Arthur wasted no time in finding the hole between her legs and using two fingers to separate the lips he slowly slid the third into her pussy and just stopped as he doubled the attention his right hand was giving to both her breasts now alternating between the two.

Hooking the finger in her pussy he gently moved it around and explored with this digit. Slowly flexing his finger straight and the hooked again he could tell she was getting close to a climax, so he slowed down a bit and let it build as he got firmer with her breasts and added more biting to her neck muscles.

Looking at Mera's face he saw she had her eyes closed and her tongue was moistening her lips, he could hear some soft whining and he felt the shallow breaths she was taking. Deciding he teased her enough he dropped another finger into her pussy and began pistoning them in and out until she screamed out her release. That's right, Mera was a true screamer and the louder she got the better Arthur knew he had done.

Before Mera could gather herself, Arthur sat up and placed her on all fours on the couch. Not taking her jumpsuit off her but lowering it enough to see her dripping wet snatch, Arthur removed his shorts and straight rammed into her still twitching pussy. She screamed out in excitement as his length hit her just right and caused her to climax yet again.

Arthur waited until he was adjusted to the warmth of her body and her twitching had ceased. He then began to pull out and shove back in about half of his length only to pull back again, he continued this until he had a good rhythm going and Mera moaned and whimpered with each thrust. When he started to feel her pussy tighten again, he finally shoved his full length into Mera and she screamed out so loud, you would have thought she was a banshee. As she screamed, Arthur waited and when she paused to breath in to catch her breath, he started pounding his full length into her again and she tried screaming again but it came out in small segments as she couldn't take a big enough breath to get a full scream out.

Arthur was now holding Mera's waist up with both his hands as she had lost all control over her muscles and lay face down on the couch breathing like she was hyperventilating. Showing no mercy to the semi-conscious woman Arthur rammed her pussy through climax after climax until Arthurs own started to build. As if waiting for this moment Mera gained enough clarity to tighten her pussy like it was the only thing that kept her from falling down a 100-foot cliff and Arthur unloaded into her with deep low primordial growl, his strength forcing her farther into the couch.

After about 5 minutes of rest Arthur picked Mera up from the couch in a princess carry and they dribbled juices all the way to the bedroom where they continued for much of the night.

Needed to try my hand at some lite Smut writing for the first time and this made more sence than forcing Logan and some random girl to bed. Logan returns to the story next chapter. As always, thanks for reading.

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