
Always Her.

He wants her. I get that, but it hurts. It hurts how he left for her. hurts how I caught them together. His friend, Vin, was the only one there for me in time of need and, Bryce hated that. Mason Rhoades was raised by gay dads. She had a rough life with people bullying her for it. Until she met Bryce. Bryce was always there for her until the new year when Bella joined halfway through our sophomore year. She gorgeous, kind and funny but its to a point where it was suspicious. if you see this book anywhere else (wp), it because it's on my wattpad: @zeriosiifan

WannabeWriterAri · Teen
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Chapter 2: Bruises Like a Peach!

His puffy, bloodshot eyes looks at me with sorrow.

He gets out of the car and I immediately throw my arms around his neck and he shakes his arms around my waist, clutching me to him as if I'm his life source.

We must look like giant kids hugging, considering I'm 5'10 and he's 6'1.

"I- " his voice cracks and I feel him slightly shake and it silently tells me he's crying.

I stroke his hair, giving him the time he needs. I hear him sniffling and his breathing slows to a calm.

I pull back and look at him.

His pretty green eyes are still red and puffy his nose a tad red and his cheeks pink. He gives me a small, sheepish smile.

"Sorry," he says, voice hoarse.

"Whatever for?" I ask tapping his nose, getting a small smile from him.

His pulls away and gestures to himself, "for breaking down and acting like this, I'm never like this," he murmurs.

"Vin," I begin, moving his shaggy mop out of his face, "you have nothing to apologize for. Now lets go in my house, talk whatever problem you have over then eat dinner with my crazy fathers then binge eat while watching The Walking Dead, okay?"

"But, what about your plans with Bla-" before he finishes I cut him off, "He had to babysit Ryan."


We walk into the house and I call out, "Dad, Pops? We're home!"

"Who the hell is 'we'! you finally got a reboun-"


Me and Vin glance at eachother, trying not to burst out laughing.

My father's rush down the stairs, looking at Vin, while Dad looks happy, Pops looks sorta... disappointed.

"Vinnie! Hey kid," Dad walks over and gives him a brief hug. He notices his puffy eyes and red face, glances at me and smile softly.

"Well, sorry we can't stay, me and Todd have a date night," dad say walking to the counter grabbing his keys and wallet.

"We do?" Pop asks but dad drags him out of the door.

"Bye kids!"

And the door shuts.


We're currently sitting on the couch, watching movies pigging out.

Vin still hasn't told me what happened.

"No, I can fit 13 in there,"

Vins jaw slacks at my words, "Why the hell would you hurt your jaw like that? Who the hell puts such absurd amount of marshmallows in their mouth?" he asks popping a m&m in his mouth.

"Me?" I say in a obviously tone.

"You're such a hamster." he simply states, pointing at me. And I gape at him, startled by his statement.

"W-what!? No! No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."





I show him my magical finger and smile. And he bites it. Literally he bites my finger.

"Ow! Shitbird," I exclaim and smack him. He laughs at me and I pout at him.

"I love you, Vin," I tell him as i lay my head on his shoulder. "Whenever you want, you can tell me what happened earlier, I'm here."

"I love you too, Mason."


I jolt awake because the bed shook. I look over beside me in my bed and there's Vin, laying there shirtless and back to me.

I look at the clock, 1:17am.

I reposition my head on my pillow, that's until I hear a sniffle. I turn towards Vin and poke his lean back.

He stills for a moment, the turn towards me. His pretty face had sadness etched on it.

"Talk to me," I quietly demand.

"Dad- my dad- he-," his breath hitches, more tears flow out of his eyes.

He and his dad had a toxic relationship and I could see how he wants that to change. His dad slept around and drank a lot but all Vin wanted was his dad. The bond that comes from father and son love. That's all he wants.

"He was driving, drunk and angry."

I sit up gesturing for him to follow, I wrap my arms around him.

"Vin, you could have told me. you're my best friend, I feel like I'm with a brother around you."

He smiles and my heart swells for him. he hasn't always a easy life. I'm glad I can make him happy and feel at home around me.


I lie on the bed, trying to.fall asleep after Vin woke me a few time again after our chat. I stretch my arm out, and all I hear is a 'son of a-' then a large thud.

I sir up quickly, noticing Vin is missing.

"Vin?" I call out his name, confused.

"Down here," he responds, raising his arm off the floor.

I look over the edge of the bed and see him laying on his stomach, face into my carpet.

"Hey, sunshine," I say with a smack on his ass. He quickly rolls onto his back, gasps and gapes at me.

"You groped me," Vin accuses me.

"I've been falsely accused!"

He stands in my Dads 'Moo!' pajama pants and pins me onto my mattress. Then his eyes light up with an idea.

Realization Don's on me about what he's gonna do,"No- Vin-," I squirm and try to get free but he tickles me to death. I laugh and laugh, until I push Vin off of me and onto the floor, him pulling me down with him. My elbow lands weirdly and sorta elbows him in the stomach.

I pant heavily, then I hear the "Ouch, that's... that's going to bruise. Todd! Mae bruised me!"

"Not my fault he bruises like a peach!"

"Go back to sleep," Pops yells out.


Has anyone ever heard that saying before? (bruises like a peach) I used to use it a ton.

My baby Vin, is based off my bestfriend, Vinnie, who has actual problems with his father and he let me base the character off him so s/o to my bestie.

Lemme know whatcha think even tho this chapter was kinda short

lots of my undying love,
