
Always Her.

He wants her. I get that, but it hurts. It hurts how he left for her. hurts how I caught them together. His friend, Vin, was the only one there for me in time of need and, Bryce hated that. Mason Rhoades was raised by gay dads. She had a rough life with people bullying her for it. Until she met Bryce. Bryce was always there for her until the new year when Bella joined halfway through our sophomore year. She gorgeous, kind and funny but its to a point where it was suspicious. if you see this book anywhere else (wp), it because it's on my wattpad: @zeriosiifan

WannabeWriterAri · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: All Things Considered.

"Mason," my Dad knocks on my door. "can we come in?"

I put the rest of my pictures of me and Bryce in my trash before opening the door. "Hey Dad. Pops."

Since I have two fathers, I call them Dad and Pops. Todd, my stepfather I call Pops. Jared, my biological father I call Dad.

My mother is still in my life, she's with my other stepfather, Ray. He's cool, I guess. My mother? She's awesome, she gets along fine with my Dad and Pops.

Pops, Dad and Ray? Bad combo.

My parents divorced when my Dad said the marriage didn't feel right, said he felt like something wasn't right and my mother agreed.

Problem was simple, he was gay.

Not that it's a problem, though.

Anyways, let's continue this cliche story. Peep this cliche line.

"Mason, you doing okay? Ms. Potts said you got into an argument at school," Pops looks at me, worry in his eyes.

"Just fine," I reply trying to hold his gaze.

"Mhmm, that's why your pictures of you and Bryce are in this trash, huh? Because you're 'just fine', right?"

"Pops, not the time for your Sherlock Holmes act," I reply rolling my eyes.

"Hey, just because were both super duper smart," he whispers "unlike Jared," he raises his voice "doesn't mean I'm acting like him, hun."

"Wow, I just got insulted by my own husband," Dad interjects, fake pout on his lips.

I laughed, "You guys, I really am fine, I just broke up with bryce last night, that's it," I add with a shrug.

"Oh thank goodness!"

"Praise the lord," Dad and Pops shout simultaneously.

"We aren't- we- are we becoming religious?" I ask with a glance to Pops.

"Ugh, kids," he says as he walks out of the room.

"Haha, get ready for school kiddo," Dad punctuates with a hand on my shoulder then he leaves.

I have an hour to get ready which  is nice, I get to take my time.

I shower, when I get out I put on a white shirt, red flannel for some flair then Jean's and Nikes.

It's school, not a military base or ballroom.

I go downstairs brushing out my brown hair as I pound down the steps.

I steal my Dads waffle and grab my bag. "Bye! Love you," I shout making my way to the door.

"Bye, hunny!"

"Bye, basic bitch!"

they shout back simultaneously.

Dad gasps and scolds Pops. "Todd!"


I laugh as I go to my car, a black Honda Civic, my baby girl.


"Alright class, settle down," Mrs. Kamryn says, as the bell rings.

"I know y'all have lunch soon and you're hungry, but please, pay attention."

We're in geometry, this class is actually bearable with Vin and Amber with me.

"So today, were taking the 2M quiz, to tell where you are in my class," students boo at her statement.

"Please hush, uhh, Amber. Tell us what 2M means please."

2M is the quiz we take every 2 months simple. Literally do this every year.

"It means 2 months, we literally do them in every class you guys," she says looking around at the angry and confused kids.

"Thanks Amber," The teacher says as she pulls out her packets.

"You will have until lunch to complete these," she glances at the clock "that's 87 minutes."

She hands out all the packets and retreats to her desk.



"My brain hurts,"  Amber complains as she drops in front of me at our new lunch table.

"You didn't even do anything," Vin adds as he sits next to me.

"Yeah, you stared at the first question like it was trying to make you play dnd," I add.

"Hey! dnd is stupid!"

"Because you don't understand it, duh," I say with a bored tone.

"Whatever, beside that, how are you doing Mae?" she asked with a quizzical glance to me.

"Fine, with all things considered, he isnt on my mind right now,"

"Oh yeah, how's Ray?" Vin asks.

"He's okay, I get to see him after school. You guys want to come?" I ask them.

Ray is actually pretty chill with them and we all have fun together.

"Sure, what about you Vin?" Amber questions.

"Not sure, Bryce wants to hang."

"Oh, then go hang with Bryce, shouldn't have to not see your bestfriend because of me," I say.

Just because we broke up doesn't mean he and Bryce can't hang out anymore. They were friends before we were even aware of each other. I'm not that much of a bitch. Am I?

Vin smiles, "Thanks, Mae, but we're bestfriends too," he nudges my shoulder with his and adds a soft smile. I smile back at him.

Lunch was going great until..

"Hey guys," an annoying voice comes up behind me.

"Bella," Amber plainly says as she sits next to her.

"Why aren't you guys at our table?" she looks between Vin and Amber.

"Because that table is full of fake people, I'm worried that table isn't even white wood anymore just caked foundation over plastic, like some people I know" I add with a uninterested tone.

"And because of the assholes there," Vin adds knowing how his now ex friends cheered Bryce on for and I quote 'Hitting that thick jello'.

Amber fake coughs "and back-stabbing bitches," making me choke of my fry with a laugh.

She rolls her eyes "Keep rolling your eyes maybe you'll fine a brain," Blake adds as he walks by, first bumping Vin.

"Or a conscience." I whisper making Amber snicker.

"Wasn't talking to you, Mason, go complain to your dads," she says with a condescending tone.

"Hey, maybe I will they got better gossip then you, boo. And they're in they're 30s" I say.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes and leaves our table strutting over to the others.

"Bitch," I add under my breath, making Amber and Vin laugh.


"Hey, Mason!"

I turn around and see Blake.

He's amazing, sweet and can put someone in their place.

"Heard you were over with Bryce the shit Pie, can I come over this afternoon, we can-"

"Blake..." I say in a warning tone.

He stares at me for a moment then gives me a what-the-fuck-are-you-thinking look.

"I was wondering if you want to eat a bunch if ice cream and watch marvel movies," he says as if it were obvious.

"Oh, well, sure but it depends when, I'm visiting my stepfather." I inform him, rubbing my neck.

"Why? I thought you only did that every other weekend?" he asks, running a hand through his shaggy hair.

"He was in a car accident, snapped his fibia," I inform him. "Want to come?"


"Meet me in the parking lot, you can follow my car, I'll have Amber with me, Vin's also coming."

We wave bye to each other and head our separate ways to last period.

I truck to my last period, on my way, I see Bella kissing Bryce against her locker. My heart shrinks at the sight, but I'm glad things are over.


"Ray Ray Stingy Ray! What's up?" I greet my stepfather reaching a fist out towards him.

"Hey, Mase," he greets back, bumping my fist with his.

He sits in the recliner of his living room.

"You look like... 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag," Vin says stepping up behind me.

"Watching the walking dead again, huh Vin?" He adds with a dry laugh.

"Got me hooked on it, Ray," Vin says as he grins at him.

"Good. Great show," Ray replies, smirking. He loves that show like he owns it, he gets so smug when he gets people to watch it.

Ray has bruises on his face and small cuts on his arm. On his left, there's a sling. He doesn't look the greatest but he'll bounce back.

"So, how about some Sorry?" he asks, nodding towards the board game rack.

"Prepare to lose, Shitbirds," I say in a competitive tone.

"Its on," Amber and Blake say simultaneously.


"Thanks for the ride, Babe," Amber says and she gets out of the car.

"Anytime, Carter."

"We using last names now? Alright, Rhoades." she as she slams the door closed.

"Cya tomorrow! Love ya!"

"Byeee, Love you too!" she shouts making her way toward her apartment complex, waving.

On my way home, there's Vin sitting in his car.

What could he possibly want?

Then from where I am, I see him swipe the corner of his face.

Oh shit, Vin never cries.

Well there was that time at chucky cheese- wait never mind.

I park and get out of my car, making my way towards him.

I knock on his window and he looks to me with puffy, bloodshot eyes.

Shit shit shit.



bitches this took me 2 days to write.

theres more dialogue then actions so I'm working on that.

I hope you enjoy, I am a slow typer so i believe I will update every Sunday! Possibly 2x per week.

lemme know whatcha think!

the cover is also temp so don't be judging.

lots of love <3
