
Always Her.

He wants her. I get that, but it hurts. It hurts how he left for her. hurts how I caught them together. His friend, Vin, was the only one there for me in time of need and, Bryce hated that. Mason Rhoades was raised by gay dads. She had a rough life with people bullying her for it. Until she met Bryce. Bryce was always there for her until the new year when Bella joined halfway through our sophomore year. She gorgeous, kind and funny but its to a point where it was suspicious. if you see this book anywhere else (wp), it because it's on my wattpad: @zeriosiifan

WannabeWriterAri · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Fess up.

"Con I hab more backon?" Vin asks with his mouth full.

"You literally had 7 slices of bacon, I only had 2."

"Theres another left," he glances at me, pleading eyes for the bacon.

"Go ahead you bottomless pit," I roll my eyes playfully.

"Yay!" he exclaims, takes the bacon and runs over to me chanting, "Mae is the best! Mae is the best!"

"Yeah, yeah I know," I sigh, rubbing my temples.

"What's wrong?" He questions my damp mood with worried eyes.

How the hell am I, supposed to tell my bestfriend who's going through  a rough patch, he's the reason I barely got sleep and I'm tired.

"I think I'm just tired," I try to inform him gently.

"Oh, okay. I mean I have to go to the hospital to see my dad so, I'll just go and you can..." he trails off with a guilty look scratching his wrist.

"Vin. Wasn't your fault. We did go to bed late anyway," I say trying to lighten the blow.

"Then an hour later I woke you, then 2 hours later I woke you again. then another hour I woke you. then when I woke you again an hour later and you decided to stay up, I know it is my fault."

I frown at his words and stand. he immediately wraps his arms around me and I wrap my around him. I run a hand up and down the length of his back trying to sooth him.

"Tell Kieran I said 'hi'."

He nods and goes upstairs to retrieve his things. he comes down in his clothes from yesterday and one of my oversized hoodies.

"Bye Mae."

"Bye Vincent!"

"Ew, to formal," he says with a fake shudder and disgusted eyes.

I laugh, and walk over to him, "Well which do you prefer? There's Vincent, Vince, Vinnie and Vin." I remind him of his nicknames as I tap of the names on each of my left hands fingers.

"Whichever you prefer."

"Hmm, I really like Vincent."

"We aren't friends," he plainly says and opens the front door.

"Okay! Okay! I prefer Vin!"

"Good," he steps out the house and I follow behind. He hugs me, holding me for a few moments.

Over his shoulder I see Bryce jogging. He looks at my house then looks at me and Vin. His face scrunches up at the sight. As we pull apart I see him take out his phone.

"Love you," I call out as he walks down the path.

"Love you too," he calls out, throwing a peace sign over his shoulder.

I reach up at the mailbox planted on the brickwall by the door and take out its contents.

I walk in put the mail on a table and go upstairs for some much needed sleep.


I decided to sleep for this entire beautiful Saturday.

Until Satan himself came knocking on my door.

No, that's an insult to him, Satan is much hotter than this person.

And this person, was you probably guessed it, was Bryce.

When I opened the door, and the only reason I did was because his knocking was making me want to rip my hair out and ear it with some ketchup.

Haha.. anyways.

I opened the door, and sternly said "What?"

Bryce stood there looking me up in down in my black leggings and a tank.

I snapped and said "Eyes on my eyes, not my body."

He rolled his eyes and spat "Stop talking to my friends, Mason."

"Why would I, talk to such stuck up people, who couldn't tell what was kindness was if went up their asses, through their intestines and out their mouth, slapped them and said "Hi I'm kindness! something you don't have."

"Mason, I'm being serious. Vince is my friend and it's obvious you want to get into his pants, so leave him alone," he snaps.

"Get this through you crusty earwax filled ears. Vin is also my friend. And he's loyal and honest, more then you ever will be. And I'm not trying to fuck him, have no intention doing so. Isn't it also funny how he had a hard time last night and came to me instead of you?" I snarl back, intentions to hurt his puny, pathetic heart.

"So get the hell out of here and never come back or I'll put my foot so far up your ass, you'll need surgery to remove it," I punctuate my words with the slam of my door.

"Fucking asshole," I whisper to myself.


I'm out at the store when I get  a call. I answer without look at the called ID.

"Hello?" I answer grabbing a gallon of milk.

"Mace, I'm boredd," Amber's voice comes through the line.

"Amber, I'm at the store what the hell am I gonna do?" I ask pushing the cart to the frozen selections isle.

"You could finish and then come pick me up then take me to the fair," she says nonchalantly.

"How about, I finish take this stuff home, then I can finish history homework."

"Okay! See you in an hour! Bye," and she hangs up without another word.

I sigh and stop in the middle of an isle, rubbing my hands up and down my face.

I love Amber, but she's like a newborn puppy, so exhausting. So I'll take her and tire her out.


"Cotton candy!"

"No, Amber. We have 3 bags," I try steering her away time the stand.

Instead, she goes towards the booth and buys more.

I let out a dry chuckle and follow her to the stands line. "How about I buy this one, I don't want your mom mad about you wasting money on cotton candy," I pull out my wallet and she shoot me a thankful glance.

As soon as we step in front of the cashier, he says, "Hi gorgeous," and winks at me. Amber raises her brow at him but he doesnt seem to notice.

"Can we have the 3 layer bag?" I ask of him, wanting to leave.

"Can I have your number?" he replies with a question.

then before I respond, Amber glances at something behind us, "Hey! Vin!"

I turn around and see Vin look right at us, then his face splits into a full shit-eating grin.

"Hey guys!"

I hand the cashier the money, "3 layer bag, please."

"Just give me your number and you can have it," he requests with an arrogant smile.

Vin sidles up next to me and throws his arm around me. "What's taking so long? he asks.

I rip the 3 layer bag of the hook and mutter to him, "Creep."

I walk away with Amber and Vin at my side.

"Time to fess up, Mae."

I look at Vin, confused. "Fess up about what?"

"Bryce called me after I left your house today," he starts, glancing down at me, "said he was gonna talk to you about us hanging out."

I shove my hands into my hoodie pocket and sigh, "He said to stop hanging out with his friends. And! He claimed I was trying to get into your pants!"

"What a douche," Amber chimes in, rolling her eyes.

"Biggest douche," Vin mumbles, rubbing his hand up and down my back as we walk. Amber squeezes my left arm.

"So, let's ride the cyclone, then g-force, okay?" I glance back and forth between them looking for confirmation. They both just nod eagerly.

I take my hands out of my packets grab their hands and drag them towards the rides.


The rest of the weekend passes by as a blur.

Dad made steak last night and it was *chefs kiss*.

I'm walking into the school and I greet some people as I walk by.

I walk up to my locker, and unlock it, then that's when I hear a familiar voice.

"Well this is fate if you ask me."

I turn at the voice and see the flirty cashier from the other night.

"Fate just another bullshit excuse for lonely people," I retort, looking at him with disgust.

He let's out a deep chuckle, "I don't believe I've introduced myself,"

"And I believe I don't care."

"I'm Damien," he informs me.

"Mhmm," I hum in response fiddling inside my locker with some stuff.

Then, he grabs a folder and opens it up, "'Mason Rhoades' interesting name for a girl," he continues to skim through my folder that has all my school info.

I rip the folder out of his hands, stuff it in my locker, grab my essentials and slam it closed. "Just fuck off, dude," I tell him and walk away.

I meet Vin at ELA our first period.

We place our stuff down and decide to walk around the school for a few minutes before class starts.

as we walk past the jocks I hear Bryce say "Hey, cous," me being genuinely curious about him going to school with his cousin I take a quick glance at him.

Bryce giving Damien a bro hug.

Well my life is a never ending drama series.



Felt proud of myself for writing this chapter, dunno why though.

Hope it's good enough!

Lots of love
