
Alex journey to Multiverse

A story of romance, action, adventure, relationship and world travel? Current world: Twilight Next world : Attack of titan ---------------------------------------------------- If you're looking for big harem, poke girl catch, and many other in the same category you may skip this fanfic. The story is a bit slow pace. The cover is not mine, I found it on google

AmarHazlin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
27 Chs






They all hear a sound of a heartbeat that was unnessesary loud. But that was not the part that shook them.

But it was their survival instinct that told them to run far away and hide from whatever monster that was about to be awaken.

If it was not for they care and love for her they will all flee from this scene faster than you can blink.

" D-Do you all feel the type way I feel right now?" Esme ask her family member.

"Y-yeah, I feel like I should r-run far away from here and hide" Edward answer to which they all nod their head.

" More importantly where is the heartbeat come from? It can't be!?" Edyth ask but at the end of her sentence she cant finish her word because what she was about to mention was something unthinkable in their 'world'.


They all sucked in cold air.

The sound of the heartbeat gradually quite down. The light that was covering Rosalie also gradually become dimmer and dimmer and eventually disappear.

" Edyth go get some cloth NOW" Esme break the silent and order Edyth. Everyone was confuse about why Esme order that but they question was answer when they saw a silhouette of a figure gradually floating down to the floor.

The men quickly turn their head and the women rush toward Rosalie that was still slightly glowing.

Edyth came back with a blanket, hoodie and a baggy pant that was enough to cover Rosalie. They quickly dress Rosalie and cover her with the blanket. The mans has already arrive at where rosalie was, Carlisle crouch down and start to check on Rosalie condition.

" How is she?" jasper ask worriedly seeing that Carlisle was taking his time checking on his twin.

On Carlisle side he was diagnose Rosalie and was making a shocking discovery. The once cold skin of vampire was now is on normal human temperature, the heart that was supposedly stop beating was now beating vigorously it was as if she was turning back to human

'But the was biogically imposible. Was it the light just now? What is it? Where is it come from? And why did it choose Rosalie?" he has to many question but no one to answer.

Hearing Jasper question he was silent for a moment and reveal to the worried and curious family member.

" She is fine. Abnormally fine, her breathing is normal, her temperature is normal and her heartbeat was also normal" Carlisle answer the condition of Rosalie was absolutely 'normal'.

"haa… ouh I'm gl- Wait what? Heartbeat? Temperature? Normal? You mean like 'normal' human?" after hearing Carlisle answer he was relief but after processing the information he suddenly exclaim in shock. That was because no normal vampire or any of that can have that kind of normal reading.

" You mean that Rosalie is now turn back to being a human?" Emmet ask while hugging Edyth waist. Not only was Jasper the only that shock but all of the Cullen were.

"Yes and no" Carlisle answer simply, seemingly was thinking about something.

"What do you mean by that?" Esme furrow her eyebrow at that vague answer

"Is rose going to be alright?" Alice ask. She was the closest to Rosalie in the Cullen and has treat her like a real sister. Jasper feeling Alice emotion begin to hug her into his embrace.

"... She going to be alright, Yes because she has all the basic function that can make her be called human. No because…. She has retain everything from when she was a vampire and seems to be stronger than before." He take depth breath to readjust his mind and answer both of them.


Everyone in the room getting numb of the shock by today event and just accept it is what it is, except for Carlisle ofcourse he still think of any theory and possibility of how this happen.

" Damn .... Not only she was now technicaly a human but also has the ability of vampire and stronger at that? I hope she get nerf somehow for being to overpowered" Emmet jokingly said to liven up the mood, although it was a success but he earn a glare from the Cullen's and an elbow from edyth that was quite hard making him bend sightly


" Anyway, since we don't get any answer lets wait until Rosalie to wake up to ask how she feel and thought. Alice dear~ can we borrow your room for awhile? Until Rosalie room will be fix." Esme took this chance to let Rosalie rest on a bed rather than just staying on the ground

"oh okay~ no problem stay as long as you need. I will just go and sleep with jasper" Alice was back to her bubbly personality and hugging Jasper arm while answering esme.

"Sure. As long as you don't interrupt me and Emmet game time" Jasper answer with a smile

"hmph" alice give him a snort




After they put down Rosalie in Alice room, they all went downstair

"Btw Alice, aren't you having a vision before? What was that about?" Edyth question attract everyone attention.

They were now on the living room where they usually gather downstair. There was a fireplace at the center and around it was accompany by sofa and bean bag, this was the place where they will usually have a family meeting or just relaxing and chilling.

They were still discussing about today matter when Edyth ask the questions.

"I don't see nothing much, but from what the tiny bit's of thing I saw…" Alice say and while speaking she suddenly shiver. The feeling of dead lingering around the air at that place was something on a new level, if she said she has not afraid she will be lying to herself. She has never seen a massacre that large before. Jasper feeing Alice emotion quickly hug her from the side to reassure her.

Feeling her mate hug her, she give him a sweet smile in return before continue where she left... "The thing I saw there was like I'm in hell myself.*Breath in* *Breath out* the building around me was turning into ruin, Coprse was everywhere like garbage , there was fire everywhere, the ground was shaking like there was an earthquake. A-and the most importantly, at the center of everything, Rosalie stood there with two unknown individual, I cant see they face because they was not facing me….. that was all. I don't if its a good thing or bad thing b-but that scene was chilling for me." Alice finish what she envision to them

The Cullen's were all shock, they cant even imagine where that can be took place.

" let's stop thinking for now. If it was Rosalie that take action, It must mean that someone offend her to truly piss her off or something is happen to us that she goes pyscho" Esme said not wanting to think about it for today.

" Yeah… Rosalie is not someone to commit genocide for no reason" Edward express his thought

Everyone nod in agreement. If they cant even trust their own family member then who else should they trust? It also count that they has been living together more than 70+ years.

After another round of discussion everyone return to their respective room. Alice and jasper share the same room, Although Edyth has her own room she sleep at emmet room tonight, even Carlisle and Esme share the same room tonight. Only Edward the virgin emoboy is in his room alone.






3 day has past .

During this 3 day nothing unusual happen. But on the third day something unexpected happen on the two side of the world.


Today was just like any normal day, the sun is bright, the road is busy , people minding they own business until suddenly the sky start to darken, and it start to rain.

At first the rain was now normal, until it eventually start to go hard. Accompany by the heavy wind, all the pedestrian was taking cover from the harsh rain. Lighting was rumbling as if they god of thunder was angered.

If that was not enough, suddenly the ground start to shake. Although it was not hard enough to collapse a mountain and split the ocean it was still manage to instill fear and panic to the mass.

At the same time at Alaska .

The Cullen was living their day as normal went suddenly outside the mansion Emmet notice something unusual. He was chopping wood outside when he suddenly realize that the snow on his left side start to melt at rapid speed while the snow on the his right side seem to increase .

" Hey guys!! Get out now !!" Emmet scream to everyone on the mansion.




They all arrive one by one and also start to notice the change to the surrounding.

It was not just they who notice it, but everybody all across Alaska feel the change. On one side the air is getting warmer and on the other side was getting colder. Eventually the air was getting hotter/colder and people start to sweat/shiver because of the sudden change.

"it was as if the heaven is split two … is Rosalie the one that cause this?" Edward said, the other nod absentmindly.

" The house will not hold long if this keep going. We need to get out of here before anyone come here, otherwise if those people connect it to us thing will get troublesome" as if Edyth word came true, the house left wing start to melt and on the right side start to freeze. It was side to behold to if not for the fact that the extreme temperature also reach them.


They all start to suck in cold breath, if not for the fact that their were quite far from the house they will be on the same condition like the house.

This phenomenon last another 30 minutes, the left was completely expose it has been melt completely to the bits. You can see the 'bed that Rosalie was lying on if you can still say that was still bed because half of it was missing while the other side was frozen.

The situasion gradually look like it was about to gradually calm down until .....




A womanly voice was heard all around the Cullen's house and on Miyuki mountain.

The voice will be enjoy by many if not for the fact that the screaming voice carry a tone of greivence, desperate and loneliness in it.

The two woman that was just sleeping peacefully for nearly 3 day woke up as if they were having a DREAM, but not a good dream, but the worse of the worst dream...… A NIGHTMARE.





[ AU: next chapter !!!!!!! THE "DREAM".. I will not be posting any chapter for the next two days... Soo enjoy, and thanks for reading my book. Will appreciate it if you leave some review, okay that's all have a nice day]