
Alex journey to Multiverse

A story of romance, action, adventure, relationship and world travel? Current world: Twilight Next world : Attack of titan ---------------------------------------------------- If you're looking for big harem, poke girl catch, and many other in the same category you may skip this fanfic. The story is a bit slow pace. The cover is not mine, I found it on google

AmarHazlin · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 9 – THE ‘DREAM’

Chapter 9 – THE 'DREAM'

[2484 word. a bit long chapter for today. If you enjoy the story add it to your library and if you have any question just ask me in the comment section]

(Rosalie dream)

In a village far away from the center of the continent called ISHGAR, this place is called GUROU. This place is what people from the modern world called a peaceful place. The air was clean, the village was surround by forest, and there was even a river on the outskirt of the village nearby. Overall this is a place where the old people stay and the kid grow up.

Meanwhile outside the village you can see a boy around 9 years old was sitting alone beside the river, his left hand was holding some type of cigarette, his left hand was playing with flower he was manipulating, while his gaze was on the river seemingly unfocus.

" Old tian said that compassion and benevolence is a basic of humanity, but why is those people is the opposite side of it? Why did they all isolated, ignored and abandon me? Is it my fault?" The boy said, he was raised in the village when they found him lost in the forest when he was 4. Since then it has been 5 year since e came to this place, he doesn't even know where he came from, he just know that one he suddenly appear.

On the first years although everything was not perfect it was still fine, it was not until the second year everyone attitude toward him was change drastically when they found out that he does not have a 'meridian'. After that destined day everyone start calling him with many name, the kid will just openly mock him by calling him a cripple , useless while the adult just keep silent and turning blind eye.

All because he doesn't have a meridian and therefore cant cultivated. They don't need to put a kind face for a kid who doesn't even have any future in this world of strength, well except for two people. The man he called old tian and another one is...….

"Alex?" he heard his name was being called. He doesn't even need to turn his head to know who call him.

" Hey r-" he doesn't get to finish his sentence when he suddenly feel someone hug him from behind.

" What are you doing here?" she said and look at his hand " Why did you smoke again? Didn't I tell you don't make that roll again? Its not healthy you know?" she said scolding him.

" Sorry Rose" Alex smile weakly and flick his finger and the cigarette fell to the river.

" Hmph. You have such a weak body and you don't take care of it. How about you make use of your abilities to make me garden instead of make that cigar of yours." Rose or better known as Rosalie said. She is also an orphan same as Alex and was raise in the same orphan house. Since she was young she always close to Alex who was 2 years younger than. Even when everyone was ignoring and abandon him, she was the that was always by his side.

She was a genius once in century with fire attune body, meaning she can generate fire and controlling them at her wish. She also has been scout by 'Yin Sect' one of the 3 most powerful sect in the world and the only female discliple. She will enter at the age 12 and cultivate there for 6 years, and if by then if she was powerful enough she will enough authority and power to do anything she want.

And by then she will be capable enough to take care of him. She has long fallen for him since the day they spend time together, his naivety, gentle, and spoil behavior has her hook by day one. She still remember the first year they spend together was hard for her to control herself from killing those brat that want to get close to him because of his look.

And then the second years come, when all the kid from age 5-25 years old within the continent will be evaluate for their talent. When she was being evaluate the crystal sphere of the exam glow in bright red color implying that her talent was outstanding even from someone form the royal families. She has both happy and overjoyed that she was considered a genius, but it quikly died down when it was Alex turn. But unluckly for Alex and her, Alex doesn't even pass the firsts test of having a meridian.

While she was once in century genius, Alex was once in century failure. How ironic is it, it was like fate was playing trick on them.

But he still show that carefree smile and congrats her. it warm her hearth and at same time pain her because at this moment she know that they will be on two different world. But that didn't deter her, she will try her best to keep her little darling by her side.

Then she discover that Alex has awoken some weird abilities to control plants and wood, but she just dismiss it to use for gardening. There was also a problem, Alex has a very weak body than average, but the strange thing is his injuries recover really fast, like blink of an eye fast.

And now back to the conversation.

" hn, okay" Alex just nod his head and comply. He lower his hand to touch the ground mutter ' flower emergence' in a low voice. Suddenly a bed of colourfull flower emerge from the ground, it cover a whole 3 meter in diameter, enough for the to lay down.

Rose just smile happily, get up and led Alex weak body to the center to lay down. She put Alex head on her lap and start to stroke his head, she enjoy the feeling of Alex soft hair between her finger. They stay silent for long time enjoying each other warm. Until Rosalie said.

"… Tomorrow I will turn 12" while her gaze was on the river.

" un " Alex nod his head closing his eye.

"…. I will go to the sect tomorrow, they said we will depart tomorrow afternoon." She pause and turn her gaze toward his face. At this time Alex already open his eye, their gaze meet each other. She continued " Will you see me off??" she ask hopefully.

Ever since old tian died two years ago Alex rarely come back to the village, he has no where else to stay in the village, the previous house of old tian is being own by a young couple in the village. Since then he is living in the forest. They built together a tree house near the river using his wood manipulation. They always meet everyday in the morning and spend the rest of the day together, until she need to comeback to her adopted family at evening.

". . . un, I will." He smile at her. Those smile always manage to melt her heart. He slowly turn around and suddenly hug her waist, he raise his head and ask " When will you come back?"

" Maybe around 6-7 years from now." Rosalie said. After she finish speaking she fell that the arm that was tighten around her waist tremble slightly and lose slightly. But it was only a couple of second but it turn to normal.

She look down and see that Alex was burying his head on her waist. She smile slightly, this was her typical spoil Alex. She pat his head and said.

" How about we made a promise?" she smile at the slow raise head Alex

" what promise?" he ask her while she wipe the tear that was about to come out.

" 6 years from now we will meet again at our tree house, and by then….." 'we will live together again' she said those word in her head. She know that he didn't have the same feeling that she have for him, so she will wait a little longer for her to said that and by that time even if he still doesn't get it, she will just force herself at him ' hehehehe' she laugh inside her head.

" Un, promise " he beam a smile at her.

"hehehe" they spend some time together and when it almost dark she return home.

What Rosalie didn't notice however when she was reaching the village, Alex suddenly collapse on the on the ground and breathing heavily. His right hand was clenching his heart while the other was holding his head.

He slowly put down one hand on the ground and summon a plant that was blue in color and a shape of a rose. This plant was called soul calming herb. It was the highest rank of herb in this world that is use for treating soul injuries that is badly wounded or curse.

After living in this place for some time Alex start to discover something odd. His soul is incomplete, he doesn't even know why and how it happen. It just happen, he search for many solution but didn't come with anything. The only solution to somewhat calm his trembling soul is to use this plant, and the effective way to use it is to smoke it directly, that was why he start smoking at the tender age of 5.

He slowly start to willed the soul calming herb to tabacco and wrap it up with another leave put it on his mouth and light it.





" I need to find a solution hurry. Or I will left Rosalie in this world alone" Alex said.





Next day at the gate of the village, many villager gather together at the gate to said farewell to the genius of their village. You can see 15 people around the age of 12-20 years old is being escort by a group of people of 3 different group.

In the front leading the group was a woman wearing a blue rob leading a group of girls behind her. Rosalie was on this group, on the way to their carriage, she keep looking left and right as if searching for someone. She was disappoint when she see that he was not here.

" Humph. When I come back I will make sure to scold you for not sending me off" Rosalie pout and enter the carriage.






7 years later

In the one of the highest courtyard in Yin sect, there was a woman sitting crossleg in a room cultivate. If someone were to suddenly come to this room they will most likely die from just the heat on the air. But the woman that was mediating was as if not bothered by it and just sit there.

3 hours later the woman open her eye, the atmosphere in the gradually cooled down, the woman has a long pale blonde hair that reaching her waist, a paired of arched eye brow, thin but sweet lips and a Amazonian figure. This woman was Rosalie, it has been 7 years since she left her hometown, and was now 19 years old. Her life in the was rather simple eat, cultivate and sleep, sometime she will join monthly meeting of the inner disciple, no one in this sect disturb her in her daily lfe.

She was to the sect as cold beauty, many young genius from different sect want to pursue her but it all for naught since they didn't even get to meet.

She has always been cultivating in her house that was given by the sect. Two years ago she was promote to an Elder, making her the youngest Elder in the history of Yin sect. And now after two she finally leaving the room.

" I have enough strength now, tomorrow I will go back to the village. Hehehe its finally time for us to live together Alex~. The sect cant interfere with my choice since they will need my strength" she said with smile while heading outside to the courtyard.

" I wonder how he is. Hopefully he's okay and nobody trick him for doing anything, he can be idiot sometime." She chuckle a little remembering the time they spend together.

Reaching the courtyard she sat on the chair under the tree and gazing at the general direction Alex was.

"Yan'er" she called slowly, not even a minute later a woman with black hair appear form behind her. She was hire by Rosalie as a maid 4 years ago when she found her fail as outer disciple .

" Yes, madam" Yan'er answer

" Tell me any important news that happening outside in this 2 years" Rosalie order. Yan'er told her about the detail of the thing that happen in this 2 years , the sect leader birthday, the junior competition and many 'unimportant' thing to her.

After she finish speaking, she was silent for a second seemingly hesitate to said the last news. Of course it didn't escape from Rosalie eye, she order coldly without even looking at her.

"Y-yes, there is now a war at the outside world involving the other two sect, they seem to have a war at t-the direction of madam hometown." After she finish speaking Rosalie body stiffen, her face has the look of horrow in it.

She turn around and her gaze land on Yan'er. This made yan'er panicking inside, this is the first time she see her madam with such a look. An expression of utter anger.

"What about the villagers?" Rosalie ask, this was what she concern the most, not about the villager but about Alex.

" The villager has evacuate 6 month ago since the fight start" Yan'er answer immedietly, she assume that her madam was worry about the village so she answer immedietly.

And you can see, Rosalie body visibly relax after hearing that. As long as Alex was save everything was okay She then ask calmly.

" Why did they decide to have a war against each other? Although they always on each other neck they cant be going on all out war."

" No madam, this time they did not fought each other, but join hand to destroy the enemy, it said that the enemy is very strong and can self healing making the enemy practically invicible. But they should settle it by now, the two sect has gather 1000 outer disciple, 500 inner disciple an 30 elder to fight the enemy, we don't know what the conflict is about but from the hearsay is that the enemy has a garden of Holy herb and the two sect covet it and join force to take it since the enemy is to strong for a 1 sect to face." Yan'er speak in one breath. After hearing about the detail of the story Rosalie suddenly had a bad feeling.

" How many enemy did they face to bring such a number?" Rosalie ask, she really really hope she is wrong in her guess. Her heart was beating wildly right now because of the anxiety

"... Only one person"