
Alex journey to Multiverse

A story of romance, action, adventure, relationship and world travel? Current world: Twilight Next world : Attack of titan ---------------------------------------------------- If you're looking for big harem, poke girl catch, and many other in the same category you may skip this fanfic. The story is a bit slow pace. The cover is not mine, I found it on google

AmarHazlin · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Somewhere in Alaska

Inside a double story mansion on the second floor room there was a group of girl chilling on top of king size bed. All of these girl can be describe by one word, Beautiful.

Laying on the wall beside the bed, there was a girl with the appearance of 17-18 years old, long brown hair, beautiful oval shape face and a modest bult body chatting with a girl infront of her.

The girl infront of her was sitting crossleg while presenting the girl infront of her a laptop that display chart of the current stock market. She has brown hair that only reach to the neck, a beautiful round shape face and a petite body. From her appearance she seem to around the same age as the girl before.

" Hehehe, I told you Edy this time our money will triple the amount"

"Urgh…. its no use telling me Alice, you have done it multiple time already. I'm already getting you bored watching you trade"

The two pair of was now identify as Edy and Alice was having a chat about the stock their buy.

"no no no, now its different edy. Right now I have invest 30 million on apple and Samsung stock, and only about 1 years the market price has been triple, hehehehe. I cant wait for another 3-4 to see how much it will raise" Alice his index finger and shake it side to side and denied her friend argument.

"tch, whatever" Edythe clicked her tongue in annoyance and start to read some title 'how to drive' that was on the bed.

"hey hey rose what are you reading?" Alice ask the other person that was laying on the bedframe.

If outsider was suddenly enter the room the first one they will notice was the girl that was laying on the bedframe. Why you might ask? It's because among the 3 girl in the room she was the eye catching. Don't get me wrong, all the girl here is beautiful but the one that was laying on the bedframe was the most atteractive.

She has shiny pale blonde hair that reach her back, a beautiful face that can make even the highest paid model feel like they were inferior. A modest size fit body with the right amount of size in the right place.

Her name was Rosalie hale, the one with long brown hair with lazy personality was Edythe Cullen and the one with short brown hair with hyper personality was Alice Cullen.

They were in the same family adopt by a pair of husband and wife name Carlisle and Esme Cullen respectively. Although they look like a normal young adult, in truth they were all 70++ age, since they were vampire they didn't age.

"Car of the year" Rosalie reply in calm tone. She only bother to respond since if she didn't Alice will continue to pester her.

"oh oh…" alice only nod her head. When she was about to reply she was suddenly having a vision. She didn't see much in this vision. The only thing she saw was her sister Rosalie was with a man around 20 years old with a black hair, she didn't get to see his face since his back were facing her.

And on the other side of the man, was another women with long black hair on ponytail, she also didn't get to see much since her back was facing Alice.

But that was not what shock alice. What shock alice was the surrounding area, the correct word is that this place was a living hell. Building was being turn into ruin , corpse was litter like a garbage and fire was everywhere.

And then the vision end.

During the process of Alice vision, Rosalie and Edyth glance at each other and decide to keep silent. It didn't take long before Alice gaze to focus back.

"What did you see Alice, is it good or bad?" Edyth inquire. She was also worry since from what she know about Alice she will immediately tell the whole family right away what she saw, either bad or good.

But this time was different she saw her frowning and keep silent as if to process what the information she got.

Rosalie keep silent and observe Alice.

After a while only then did Alice answer.

" …. I don't know if its's good or bad. But I see Rosalie an-" she didn't get to finish what she want to say before the door to the room got smash by a kick and a man rush in.

"GET OUT NOW!!!!! There som-" he didn't to finish his word before the wall on the other side glow brightly.

The ball of light didn't waste it time and immedietly rush toward Rosalie in the speed of light.

No one has time to do anything before Rosalie was engulf by the 'light'.

"""ROSALIE/ROOOSSSSEEEE"" the three of them exclaim at the same time.

The commotion inside immediately attract all the other inside the mansion to rush there. In the blink of eye 4 figure arrive on the room.

The 4 figure compose of 3 guy and 1 woman.

The man that rush to the earlier is Carlisle Cullen, the head of family to all the adopted children. He has blonde wavy hair, above average look.

The woman that has just arrive just now is Esme Cullen. She was the wives of Carlisle. She has dark brown hair that reach her hips and a pretty and gentle face.

The second that arrive here was a guy with light brown hair. His name was jasper hale, the twin brother of Rosalie. After he arrive he immediately rush toward Alice that was still on the bed.

"Alice!? What happen here? Where's Rose" after making sure she was fine he immediately ask what on his mind. He has bad feeling about this situason.

"Th-there " Alice point her finger at the light that was floating with trembling voice. only now did everyone that just arrive seems to 'realise' the anomaly

"Wh-what!? Nooo, Rosalie!!" he rush toward the source of light to pull Rosalie out of the light. He rush so fast that no one has time to react. He was the most worried about Rosalie, he has been with Rosalie since their were young and always treat her as his little sister

When he was only 1 meter away from the light. The light seem to consider jasper as enemy and start to glow up and then...


A small explosion occur smash the bed was smash to bits and make a large hole on the wall behind the bed while make jasper fly to the other side of the room



Jasper was seen lying on the hole he create from the impact and gasp for air.

""""JASPER"""" all of them call out, worry about his condition.

"i-im o-okay" he struggle to said those word. Alice rush to his side check his condition and help him up.

The house was death silent

They all observe the light that was still floating there uncaringly about the surrounding.

"What happen here babe?" after silent for awhile a bulky muscular man beside Edyth ask the questions that everyone want to know.

"…. I don't know either, I think Carlisle might know something" Edyth answer with solemn expression which is quite rare since she usually spot a lazy expression.

After hearing Edyth answer everyone in the room focus their eye on Carlisle.

"I don't know either, while I was outside I notice that light heading toward Rosalie room . so I rush there to warn them but was to late. I Originally thought that it some kind of missile but it seem not the case." Carlisle told them.

Everyone was once again fell silent.

" I think it was not harming Rosalie. Look " the last person that arrive on the room said. His name was Edward Cullen.

Everyone once again focus their attention and see what happening inside the light.

Rosalie seems to has gone some kind of transformation. From hair, face, body and skin complexsion. Her skin although is still white was not pale like before her body muscle seem to been more refine, compact, and contain a lot of power. Her hair start to grow longer until it reach the floor

"Wh-what the hell. What happen here?" Emmet said, everyone was silent since no one know the answer. It's common sense to all vampire that that they can't grow, what its mean was, you cannot grow old, muscle, teeth, hair and not even nail. And now that this happen its shock them

After about 10 minute of waiting, the transformation seem to have complete.

When everyone was about to breath a sigh of relive something that no one can anticipate happen and completely baffle, shock and afraid them.

Because.... They heard a sound of…. Heartbeat?







[NEXT CHAPTER!!! AWAKENING... thanks for reading guys. i try keep update atleast 1 in 2 days. if you like this story so far please add it to your library. anyway hope you have a nice day!!!!! ]