
Aizen: God Of Destruction

Sosuke Aizen was chosen to be Universe 6's God of Destruction. But he won't be content with the power of a simple god. He will never let anyone rule above him. He will aim for the very top, for the Omni King himself.

HiroKoya · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Beerus and Illusion

After they had left the planet, Vados questioned Aizen.

"What is spiritual pressure?"

Glancing towards her, he answered, "Spiritual pressure is the physical form that my power takes when it is released outside my body."

"I see, I guess its similar to Ki."

"Ho, tell me more about this Ki." 

"How about we continue our conversation later on? We have arrived at the next planet."

Hearing her words, Aizen looked down and sure enough, they were hovering over a purple planet surrounded by pink gas.

"This planet has not only one of the weakest mortal levels, but also a very low intelligence level." 

"I see, I guess I should destroy this one then?" He framed it as a question.

"Yes, you should. Now, focus and create a ball of destruction." 

As he fed further and further energy into the technique, Vados realized something.

"This...I see."

"What's wrong, Vados?" 

"Looks like your spiritual pressure is in fact, not the same as ki. At this rate, it will take you several minutes to get the required energy. But your destruction is also more dense..." She appeared to be thinking while talking.

"Then, let's try something." Aizen said as he let the ball of destruction flew towards the planet. He aimed his index finger at the ball, and spoke "Hadō 1: Shō". Energy flew through his hand into the ball making it bigger and faster, pushing it straight into the core of the planet. In an instant, the planet obliterated into nothingness. 'Hmm, there's some debris left. So my technique wasn't perfect.'

"What was that...?" His servant asked.

"Where are we going next?" But Aizen ignored her question.

"Eh...well, we should go back home. That's enough planets for today."

"If you say so." He held back his sigh as Vados took them back.

'That...beam? It was something entirely different to say, a saiyan's attack. And the words he spoke...is it necessary to speak those before the attack? There are a lot of things I don't know about him.' Her mind was fairly occupied.

When they reached their destination, however, she was brought out of her trance by a familiar aura approaching.

"Lord Aizen, get ready. Someone is coming to visit you." 

Before the god of destruction could ask who was coming, two individuals crashed onto his planet, merely a few meters away from him. Well, one individual crashed, while the other was able to recover.

"Whis! Why didn't you slow down!?!"

"Your blabbering distracted me so I didn't notice we arrived, ha-ha-ha."

"Lie! That's a lie!" 

"Lord Beerus, are you sure you want to show such a pathetic sight to the new god?"

"Did you just call me pathetic!?!"

"The fall must've hurt your ears."

As Aizen listened to this conversation, he realized something. 'That angel...he's stronger than Vados. And that must be another God of Destruction, Beerus. He looks stronger than me.' He smiled brightly and slowly walked over to them with his angel.

"Lord Beerus, Whis, it has been a while. This is Lord Aizen, the new God of Destruction of Universe 6."

"Indeed, it has been a while, Vados. Since the tournament of power, if I had to guess. Now, lets get to why we are here. It's nice to meet you, Lord Aizen. This is Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction of Universe 7, your twin Universe. And I am Whis, his appointed angel."

Aizen and Beerus stared into each other's eyes before one of them decided to speak up.

"Hmph, I was wondering what kind of person you had to be to replace my brother, Champa so suddenly. But its just a weak mortal who can't even be called a God."

"Lord Beerus, that is-" Vados was interrupted, however, by the person she least expected.

"You're right, 'Beerus'. I can't even be called a God." Aizen had a smile that unnerved everyone present as he spoke. "But, I do have one technique worthy of being called that of a God's. Would you like to see it?"

"Hmph, let's see what pathetic technique you speak of-"

"Lord Beerus, a fight between fellow Gods of Destruction is strictly forbidden." Whis attempted to diffuse the situation.

"Ah, Whis was it, don't worry. It will be just a demonstration. I won't even lay my hands on Beerus. I just want my fellow God to realize I'm not that weak." Aizen expressed his point in a way that further arguing would be pointless. 

"Lord Aizen, are you sure?" Vados asked. She was the most nervous. Aizen couldn't, not yet, hold a candle against Beerus. And since she didn't know what technique Aizen was talking about, she wanted to prevent the 'demonstration' if possible.

"Don't worry, Vados. We won't even have to move for this." He opened his palm and his zanpakto was in his hand, surprising Whis and Beerus. But before they could raise their suspicion, he began. "Now, would you all be so kind as to look at this sword for a second." 

He made sure everyone, including Vados was gazing intently at the blade. And with a smirk that he hadn't made for a very long time, he spoke the following words.

"Shatter, Kyoka Suigetsu."


Then ensued a long silence.

But Aizen didn't, for a second, consider that his perfect hypnosis had failed.

And that would prove to be true.

"Ho, that is indeed a wonderful technique. I'll revisit my opinion on you, Aizen." Beerus spoke as he slowly clapped, with Whis nodding his head in approval. Vados tried not to show her shock at what she had just seen, since that would give away the fact that she didn't know much about her God.

What the three had just witnessed after Aizen's release command was a Dragon made of lightning emerge from the sky, attract three planets and eaten them up with ease. Naturally, none of that had actually happened in reality.

"Anyway, we just came by to say hi, you should do the same sometime. It's time to go, Lord Beerus." Whis gestured Beerus and they flew away, going back to where they came from.

"Lord Aizen, could you tell me more about that technique? And while we're at it, about any other powers you might possess?" 

Aizen turned away from her and slowly walked towards their castle. Had Vados seen his expression, she could've prevented what would come to be.

This day would be the start.

The day when Vados began falling in Aizen's web.

"Of course, Vados. I'll tell you everything."