
Aizen: God Of Destruction

Sosuke Aizen was chosen to be Universe 6's God of Destruction. But he won't be content with the power of a simple god. He will never let anyone rule above him. He will aim for the very top, for the Omni King himself.

HiroKoya · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Mortal and Destruction

"Before we start, I have something to ask you." Vados asked her Master as he was taking a bath to cleanse himself.

"Which is?" He replied, not bothered by the invasion of privacy.

"You are unmistakably a mortal. But from exactly which species are you? You don't seem to require any type of nutrients to stay at full strength." She spoke with excitement and curiosity.

"Ah, I do need to eat and drink, but I tend to forget about insignificant details." He replied nonchalantly, ignoring the question about his species.

'W-What? He forgot about eating and drinking...? Is that even possible?' Vados was needless to say, bewildered. "I'll go prepare some dishes then. You should take a day to relax before learning the technique." 

Replying her with a nod, he got back to enjoying the pleasant sensation of a bath. 

'I stopped counting at some point...but it sure is nice to have a bath after so many years. I wonder how eating will feel.'  As he was contemplating, he had a realization. 'Dear me, I am like a child experiencing simple necessities for the first time.'

The next day, the duo were standing in the field and the male was staring at a purple sphere in his hands.

"So, this is destruction. A wonderful technique." Even though he could spot several flaws in it, he wasn't disappointed at all.

"This is just the beginner phase. Once you become accustomed, you can erase someone's existence without even sparing a thought." Vados explained. "You remember the lesson about Mortal level and Twin universes, yes?"

"Of course, my dear servant. You said that my Universe is among the lowest." 

'There's something in his speech...the way he presents himself, that unnerves me. It's probably because of that bastard Champa. I need to forget about him, now that I've got a much better God.'  Vados monologued. "We will go on patrol now. In other words, we will travel your Universe, answer prayers and maybe destroy some planets." 

'I will not allow my Universe to stay at the bottom. Destroying the weaker planets might be one way to raise it but...' 

"Vados, is there a way to raise Mortal level that is commonly used?" he asked.

"Hmm...you are able to bestow blessings on someone in order to make them stronger. Although that goes against the premise of a God of Destruction, its a practice that was used often in the early days of creation." A fact that Vados hid, was that newer Gods don't even know how to use this 'feature'.

"Splendid, let's go." Aizen stepped near Vados as she took them into space. 

Looking around for a second, she blitzes them to a planet from where prayers have been coming for over a month. 

"The Universe was informed of the change in its governing God almost immediately. To earn the favor of the new God, so that they are not destroyed, many planets are doing the same even as the one before your eyes."

Aizen gazed upon the planet and quickly discerned what Vados had meant, "It's an offering festival."

"That's right. Right now, they don't know what your preference is, so they're just praying that you accept what they have offered and tell them what to offer in the future. Every God asks for different commodities. Some ask for food, clothes, buildings and land. Perhaps energy to make themselves stronger. A few Gods ask for virgins for pleasure. A certain God even refuses any type of offering, but spares the planet regardless. Another destroys the planet even after taking everything."

"Tell me more about the blessing we talked about earlier." 

"The way it works is that you share a part of your energy with one individual of the race, and then that individual's duty is to spread his knowledge and power to raise the whole planet's power level." Vados took a pause before continuing. "However, that energy comes from a God's divinity."

"Oh?" He perked his eyebrows at that remark.

"When I conjured those clothes on you, a process started. A process to merge your existence with the divinity of the Gods. Normally that process takes several hundred years, but your body is adapting extremely fast. It shouldn't be more than a year before you're fully assimilated." 

"That's a shame." He realized he can't just burst through the barriers this world has set upon himself. 

They descended on the festival, and the population fell to their knees in reverence. It was a weird race. Their upper body was pink, but lower body was purple, with their eyes sticking out of their sockets. They were missing ears and noses. 

Aizen looked around with a bored expression. This was a peaceful race with very few fighters. 

'They have nothing they could offer me that I want.' 

He asked Vados what this planet's Mortal level was. 

"Hmm...I would say its 0.1 or less." 

"Pathetic. Tell them they have a year to raise it to 1, and get me out of here. You can take the food and items they offered back to our planet."

"As you wish, Master." Naturally, it was impossible for them to accomplish this task. But Vados didn't argue with his wishes and simply did what he asked. 

This continued for ten more planets. Vados had informed Aizen of the names of both the planets and the species, but he had pushed them to the back of his mind as none were worth mentioning.

"If I may ask, you have been giving everyone impossible tasks. Of course, I have no complaints. But I wonder if you're doing it on purpose?" 

"I'll consider where they're at in a year. If they made a visible effort towards my command, then they get to live and gain my blessing. If not, then I will destroy them." 

"I see." Vados was surprised. 'I don't think anyone else has ever spared an actual thought to raising their Universe's Mortal level, especially not in this manner.'

Next, they arrived at Namek planet. 

"It appears this planet is different." Aizen remarked. 

"It truly is. I thought I'd let you experience it for yourself, rather than me explaining everything." Vados said with a smirk. This planet was supposed to be further down the list, but she really wanted to watch Aizen get surprised or lose his cool. 

As they descended, everyone was prostrating themselves except for one person who was on one knee.

"When we were taking a food break, I had informed them of your preferences until now." The angel told the God. She had realized in what way she had to take care of her new Master. Of course, she had to train him, for a few years. But more than that, she had to make sure that each one of his needs were taken care of. 

Ironically, she had read about this in a book a few years ago. Since Aizen was aloof about his sustenance, she had to be the one to take care of it. Hence, she had packed food and water for their trip. Her final goal? To brag at the Angel's meeting.

Anyway, back to the topic. 

The one who was only on one knee was the strongest fighter on this planet. 

"We greet the God of Destruction with an offering of our dragon balls."

"Dragon balls?" True to Vados' expectations, Aizen was perplexed, but since he didn't show it on his face, she clicked her tongue.

"Yes, Lord Aizen. We, the Namekians have a unique ability where we can create Dragon balls. These objects are able to grant any wish, as long as its within their power." 

"Interesting..." Aizen smiled at the prospect. 

"There are Super Dragon Balls, which are the only dragon balls that can grant ANY wish. The ones he is speaking of are a much weaker version of those." Vados explained further. Aizen made a mental note to inquire more about them, but not now. 

"So, where are these 'dragon balls?'" 

They were escorted to a vast open field nearby, where only a few elders including the warrior remained. 

Wasting no time, one of them chanted a few words in their language and the two balls glowed as a huge eastern dragon arose out of them.

The sky turned dark and thunder struck the planet. The dragon roared before settling down and finally gazed upon them. 

But when its sight fell on Vados and Aizen, it got startled.

"G-G-God of Destruction! W-What can I do for you today?" He asked in a polite manner, which left Aizen disappointed but amused. 

"Hmm, is it possible to create multiple of the dragon balls?" He inquired.

"Yes, Lord Aizen. But for that, we will need to send one of ours to another planet. The dragon balls can only be made by the planet's ruler Namekian or 'kami' as we call it."

Aizen thought for a good minute, while the dragon stood there with its mouth shut and skin sweating buckets. Vados was trying to peek into Aizen's insight but failed miserably. 

'This wish system is useful, but I can already tell that it can't grant me what I want from it. For that, I'll need the Super Dragon Balls.'

"Tell the dragon to increase my spiritual pressure reserves as much as it can." Aizen spoke his wish. The dragon hurried with the execution. And as Aizen expected, his reserves barely increased at all. 

He didn't even sigh as he prepared to leave the planet with Vados. But before that, he did pause and make another 'wish'.

"Give me 15 Namekians who can create dragon balls."