
Aizen: God Of Destruction

Sosuke Aizen was chosen to be Universe 6's God of Destruction. But he won't be content with the power of a simple god. He will never let anyone rule above him. He will aim for the very top, for the Omni King himself.

HiroKoya · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


Aizen was soaking in a humongous bath while Vados was standing nearby with a shield to repel the steam.

"So the way you define Ki is different than my spiritual pressure but similar to 'Reiryoku'. You focus on energy potential that the Ki represents, but I focus purely on the 'power' that I possess. When I absorb 'Ki' I can turn it into something that's more suited to be used as a weapon."

"I am more interested in the sword that you can pull out of nowhere. Only angels have the ability to store things in a different dimension which they can access from anywhere." Vados conjectured.

"That sword is my Zanpakto, Kyoka Suigetsu. It has a spirit/living being inside of it and can act freely. But I have formed a connection where it has completely become subservient to me, therefore allowing me to access its powers as my own. The reason I can make it appear and disappear is because it has also fused with my body. I doubt it has its 'free will' anymore." The only thing Aizen was going to keep a secret was the Hogyoku and Kyoka Suigetsu's real power.

"And what are these extra powers that you obtained from this zanpakto?" Vados was brimming with excitement.

The last time, he told Gin the truth about his powers so he could have someone by his side that was capable of ending him at any moment. That allowed even Aizen to retain a slight fear, which in turn enabled his initial evolution. However, this time, there are plenty of powerful beings that can serve that purpose. 

"It helps me focus my power into a condensed form through which I can access other powers which would otherwise be too difficult to perform without meditation." He said whatever came to his mind. A few steps needed to be taken before revealing his inescapable Complete Hypnosis.

"I see. By the way, are you truly immortal?" She had been told that before Aizen started his explaining.

"That's right." 

"But if that's the case then why didn't we find you sooner?" Vados asked a valid question.

"I was in a prison for a long time. But now I am free." He spoke and relaxed in the water.

"A long time..." Vados speculated on how long he was talking about. She summoned a book in her hands and began reading. 

In all sincerity, it was a book written by a drunken old man but had somehow found its way into the Grand Library. Vados had no one to tell her that that book wasn't supposed to be believed. But alas, she had spent too much time with Champa to remember basic mortal morals. 

She snapped away the shield along with her staff and clothes. Aizen heard that and turned to look at her naked body.

"What do you think you're doing?" He had been told that she would not enter the water. 

Vados walked towards him and slowly descended into the water. "No fluster? That's weird, but not a problem. I read that mortals can get frustrated and suffer from a drop in productivity if they're deprived of relief for too long. And since you were imprisoned, I thought I should help you." Her left hand brushed against his chest as the right one made its way down slowly.

Meanwhile, someone that completely escaped Vados' radar walked out from the bath into the gardens. 

"Now then, let's see what I can do." Aizen spoke as he ignored the poor angel caressing whatever her imagination had conjured through Kyoka Suigetsu's power.

His body floated into the air as he raised his hand. "Destruction." A purple ball surrounded by particles appeared in his hand. "Expand." His chants were useless, but he made them anyway. After it reached the size of a giant beach ball, he made it shrink without losing any of its power. 

But when he tried to mix it with his spiritual pressure, it exploded, taking most of his arm with it. 

"So the technique works well with just my divinity, but its hard to make a variant that utilizes my innate power." He tried again and a few minutes went by.

"How did you get here so fast?" Vados spoke as she rushed to his side. 

Aizen didn't answer. Her 'dance' had ended sooner than he expected. 

"By the way, I think the 15 Namekians you ordered have been prepared, should we go pick them up?"

After a nod, the duo made its way to Namek within a minute.

"So, these are your best warriors?" Aizen asked the nameless person who had greeted him the last time he came here.

"Not quite, milord. A few of these are average in fighting prowess but can create Dragon Balls that would be stronger than the rest."

"I see, good. I will send each of you to a different planet. There you will create these Dragon Balls and use whatever methods including the wish to raise the planet's mortal level. In addition, you will each gather 10 of the strongest fighters you can find to serve me." The people shouted 'Understood'. They didn't seemed to be bothered by the fact that Aizen was giving them orders without even asking their name.

Getting the signal, Vados enclosed them all in a separate cube and ascended.

After completing their distribution, she asked Aizen if they could visit a particular planet.

"Does that planet have a trait something similar to Namek?" He asked.

"Something like that. The planet is called Sadala."