
Absolute Stealing

Alexander Hartman was an avid Marvel fan. He knew all of the Marvel knowledge from the comic version to the MCU version. He always amazed by the classic hero portrayed by Captain America and a supervillain like Thanos. Even though he was an avid Marvel fan, he never thought or also want to transmigrate there! As an avid Marvel fan himself, Alexander knew how dangerous was the Marvel Universe. Various villains lurked in the dark plotting to destroy the world every day. Just an ordinary superhero fight would ruin at least a city district with much civilian death. Not just that, the fact that various Cosmic Entities existed already too much for him to handle. Alexander never felt so much despair. Luckily, it seems Goddess of Luck shined her light upon him. He transmigrated into 1943 where World War 2 was ongoing.

Hartman · Others
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35 Chs

German Spy

15 minute later, the Super Soldier Physique card finally extracted. But due to the transformation effect brought by it, Alexander chooses to accept it when no one is around.

Another 20 minutes, all the card from Erskine finally extracted. The same reason as before, due to many knowledge contained on it, Alexander chooses to accept it later.

Alexander looked at Erskine in a mixture of a complex emotion. He saved Erskine because he needed him to be alive to be extracted for his knowledge.

But if Erskine continued to be alive, the future would be extremely distorted. Imagine if the US Army can continue to produce Super Soldier like Captain America in batches, Alexander didn't even want to think about it.

Alexander never want to act as a Hero or some Saint completely. He didn't want to be a complete Villain, either. Of course, since he transmigrated to Marvel Universe, Alexander always thinks that he can do whatever he wishes to especially with the cheat.

Alexander is ultimately a human being with a desire, and that desire magnified by the cheat he has. So if you want to ask what Alexander disposition is, he was more the like of a selfish person.

Alexander exhaled a breath heavily after a struggle inside himself. He already decided that Erskine couldn't continue to be alive. Even if it makes him more like a hypocrite Villain, Alexander already decided to do it.

"Are you okay, Alex? Is there anything hurt from earlier ?" Peggy approached Alexander after she finished her duty as the Agent. She saw Alexander sighed quite often earlier, so she asked it.

"Nah, I'm ok. I am just thinking about the war just now. Are you finished your job ?" Alexander asked.

Peggy frowned as she didn't believe Alexander answer. But since he was ok, she then sat beside him.

"Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? I may have to go to the frontline tomorrow, so I think maybe we…" Before Alexander can finish his sentence, Peggy interrupted him.

"Frontline? Why would you go to frontline this soon ?" Peggy was so upset when she heard Alexander sudden decision.

"I heard that the frontline is in a critical situation right now. So I think maybe I could offer some help…" Alexander sighed as he honestly didn't want to go. But he must go as this is a necessity for him.

Peggy just silent as a response to Alexander invitation. Alexander thought maybe she was angry with him, so he quickly said, "I'm sorry, okay. But I truly must go."

"7 pm, fondue restaurant at 4th Street. I will wait for you there." Then Peggy left.

Alexander smiled like a fool as this can count as their first date. Of course, there's still a little bit of guilty feeling inside him. But soon that feeling overwhelmed by the myriad of emotion that came through.

Alexander soon falls into deep contemplation for how to remove Erskine without causing suspicion toward him. After thinking for a while, he didn't find any plan that perfect. So he just randomly scanned of all the person in the room.

Alexander's eyes locked on one of the janitors that cleaned the mess from earlier.

[Sneak Up - Master]

[Acting - Master]

[Pistol Marksman - Advanced]

[Germanic Language - Advanced]

Alexander noticed that basically, the card consist of what an Agent should have. He suddenly smiled as he already knew that janitor was a Germany spy. But he didn't plan to expose him. Instead, he has another plan for him.

Alexander quickly extracted the Germanic Language from the janitor. A series of information about Germanic Language immediately appeared inside his head. After waited for a while, the janitor finished his job and left.

Alexander quietly wore a mask and followed the janitor into a particular room for all of the janitor to rest. The janitor quickly noticed that he was being followed.

"Excuse me, what can I help you, Sir ?" The janitor asked politely.

"Kruger has failed to assassinated Erskine. Führer just informed me to remove Erskine at all cost immediately. Do you want this honor, soldier ?" Alexander said in Germanic with his heavy voice while took out the Colt M1991A1 from the card space.

The janitor jolted out a little bit from this sudden encounter. But he immediately relaxed as his eyes turned into fanatical.

"Heil, mein Führer!" The janitor took the pistol and hid it under his sleeves.

"Beware of the person that stopped Kruger earlier, he was strong. Immediately remove Erskine when there is a chance." Then Alexander left the room.

Alexander immediately bid his goodbye to Steve and go to the hotel across the street that already prepared for him. His heart was beating very fast from the thrill just now. Even though it's not himself, that would directly kill Erskine, but still, massive guilt flooded in.

Alexander tried to calm himself with a cold shower. It worked out a little bit as soon he thought the date tonight with Peggy.

You can rant all the way you want, but this is my fanfic so I would do as much as I like :)

Oh btw, I made a simple glossary in the auxiliary chp. You all need to check it out :)

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