
A Superman of a different kind

A guy from our world dies, he becomes the God of his own universe, so he decides to create his own superhero universe and even his own version of the man of steel. disclaimer, I only own the plot, and maybe one or two OC's nothing more, this is purely a fanfic

bookwormjohnny2 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

***Third person pov***

In a different solar system away from earth, a battle was raging on, the hawks and their alliance were pushing the Quarth back, all thanks to the power rings the turta-sapiens had made them.

A weapon only limited by the user's imagination, a truly formidable battle it was.

Kanjelius had led them, he was soring high up, killing foes left and right, he was a sight to behold.

His son Mandulian was also fighting, but was now on an enemy ship, using his energy mace, he proceeded to bash every enemy skull he encountered, and with great strength, for their bones were even tougher than steel.

After he had killed the last man, he had put on his power ring, and flew off of the ship, to meet up with his father. then he heard it through his ring, his father calling him to his side, "squad leader to lieutenant, are you there?"

He had put his ring next to his beak and said, "lieutenant Mandulian is here squad leader, just took down an enemy ship, what's your status?" he asked as he folded his wings while flipping between enemy fighters, even though he didn't have to do this since he was in the empty vacuum of space, as an avian creature, it was pure instinct that made him do so.

"I could use your help here, I've got two destroyers on my tail."

"Frag, I'm on my way!" he said as he had wielded his ring to speed up, on his way passing next to some ships, who in the confusion had tried to shoot him down but resulted in a friendly fire to their forces.

He had gotten to his father just in time, and then he used an energy shield to protect his father, while his father had used his ring to create several massive energy cannons, completely eviscerating the destroyers to dust.

Then, the father and son, seeing the rest of the enemy forces fleeing, had gone back to their ship for a well-earned rest.

They had returned to their ship with the remaining force they had with them, as soon as they went past the energy shields of the docking ports, they had turned off their rings.

Then the two hawks had stood up straight and proud, it has been 4 years since they had received their rings, and now, both father and son were standing at about the same Hight.

Mandulian had taken off his helmet, revealing a face the most females on their Homeworld of Volatilianus would swoon over.

Kanjelius had taken his helmet off as well, his once golden feathery crown was now tinted with graying feathers, a sign of his advanced age, although he had plenty of fighting left in him, he was far from near death, just a bit past his prime.

He raised an arm and said to all the warriors gathered, "Today, we had struck a major blow in the enemy's forces, one that they won't soon forget, they are getting weaker with each fight, while we get stronger with each planet we liberate under their rule," he then took a goblet, filled it with a drink, and lifted up the air shouting, "to the alliance!"

Everyone else in the room shouted, "to the alliance!" and they proceeded to take a drink, when he was done, he slammed his goblet on the table and shouted, "and now, we celebrate!" and the room burst out with massive cheers, and the celebration started.

It was after the first round of drinks that Mandulian had noticed a strange cloaked figure making its way towards his father, so he turned to the Turta-sapien female he was talking to and said, "excuse me." As he hastily made his way through the crewed to reach his father.

Kanjelius was busy talking to several alliance officers when he heard a gravelly voice asks, "Kanjelius?" he turned around and saw a medium-sized figure, so he asked, "That depends… who wants to know?" perhaps it was the drink in his head that he didn't reach for his ring that was now resting on his neck.

The figure then had pulled a blaster, and aimed it to his head saying, the Quarth sends their regards." But before he could pull the trigger, a mass of feathers tackled it to the ground, but in the process, a shot was fired from the blaster, alerting everyone present to what had happened.

When the figure touched the ground, its form began to shimmer, and then it changed, and in its place was now a large, bipedal yellow alien, with armor plating on its body, and four pairs of eyes.

"the Quarth is here!" someone yelled, as suddenly, more and more of them began to teleport inside of the base, Mandulian had looked at his father, and saw him clutching his now bleeding shoulder, ~the blast most have hit his shoulder.~ Mandulian concluded.

As he ran towards his father, he screamed over the noise, "everyone! Proceed with protocol omega! I repeat, proceed with protocol omega! This base is now compromised!"

He used his power ring, and proceeded to shield them while finding an escape pod, he soon found one, and when his father entered, blaster fire had hit the panel, and it began to close.

With his father in this stage, he couldn't pull another stunt, so he quickly entered, and told the ship as it began to exit to space, "computer! What is the closest alliance base to our location?" it took the ship two seconds to answer, "the closest one, is on the planet Thakeno, about 30 or some light year away."

He was to answer, but they had begun to take fire, and looking at his father's worsening injury, he said, "that would take too long! Do you have another planet that is nearby?"

The computer was scanning, and now Mandulian could hear his father's breath becoming strained, he was losing a lot of blood.

And then the ship had said, "according to the archives, there is a planet not too far from here, a small blue planet named earth by its inhabitants."

At hearing that, the hawk didn't argue and said, "set an immediate course there! Use the wormhole generator!"

"understood." The computer said, as the ship began positioning itself, and then the engine hitting up could be heard, as a wormhole was opened up, and the pod had flown straight through.

***Chris pov***

Chris was waking up, as he did, he saw the beautiful face of his fiancé Ashley laying next to him, breathing smoothly.

He smiled and kissed her chick, which had stirred her up from her sleep, and she started to stretch out on their bed, she slowly opened up her eyes and saw Chris smiling at her.

Then Chris said, "good morning Beautiful." He said to her as he gave her another kiss.

"Humm… good morning to you too handsome." She said to him, slowly shaking the sleep away, he then gave her a hug, he was now sporting additional muscles, thanks to his special training at the fortress.


After what had happened to Peter, he had taken his spaceship to the north pole, he had put it there and asked the ship if she could reconfigure itself to become more like a fortress.

It said that it could, but since it was small, it had on hand a matter transformer, which means she could take any material and by breaking it apart to the atomic level, remake it to whatever material it needed, one of the many perks of Viltronian technology.

But when it asked Chris if he wanted it to convert the ice in order to achieve this, he looked around and, seeing the state of the ice caps, decided against it.

However, hearing that it can convert any material given to whatever is needed, Chris had quickly flew to the nearest fishing settlement, when no one was looking, he 'borrowed' one of the fishing nets, and flew to the most plastic contaminated parts of the ocean.

Using the nets, he quickly collected a large amount of plastic waste, then he went back to the ship, pored it all Infront of it, and the ship started its work on reconfiguring it and it also started to change.

Chris had repeated the process about 10 times before the fortress was built, which at this point, he had gone inside of it, he had gone to the computer panel and instructed the computer to send out drones to gather nothing but plastic and none biodegradable waste to the fortress so it will reconfigure the material for whatever needed.

In his new fortress, he had learned more about himself, about his house's lineage, and about his powers, as it turns out, to his surprise, he didn't draw them from earth's yellow sun, as he thought at first, but rather they were naturally present in each and every Viltronian.

He also learned that his powers were like muscles, the more he used them, the better control he had on them, and the stronger they'd become.

So with that, he started a routine of going to train there once a week.

And after peter had been stomped on how he had gotten all the spider powers of the Sam Raimi's spiderman, spider-sense included, he had taken him to the fortress for further diagnostics.

And as it turns out, after a lengthy diagnostic, it had turned out, that the antidote Chris had given him, was rashly made, so it did the only thing it could, save Peter, and it did by binding the spider's D.N.A. to Peter's body, and to adapt to that, his body had subconscious ideas on how his spider powers should work, that it rewrote his genome to make it a reality.

Peter was not that excited at first, but then he started to train, and he started to realize he did like having these powers.

***end flashback***

Chris was now getting ready for work, he and Ashley were now living together in a New York apartment, on the upper east side, it was two months ago that he finally proposed to Ashley, after of course he had gone to her father, and asked her hand in marriage.

Of course, her dad, seeing how he was respectful to him and his daughter, gave his blessing, and when they went on a trip to the Rocky Mountains when they had reached one of its peeks, he bend one knee and asked her if she would marry him.

She of course said yes, both their families were thrilled as soon as they heard the news, and of course, the mothers had started to devise the celebration as soon as they had heard.

As they were getting ready, he heard Ashley saying through the bathroom door, "babe, do you remember your brother is supposed to come over tonight?"

"I remember, I already had set up the guest room for him!" he called out so she could hear him.

His brother was now in the navy, and as it turns out, Ashley's older brother Markus was actually his commanding officer, so when they found out, it was a funny conversation between the families.

Of Course, Markus had nothing but great things to say about his brother Dave, he said he was the best soldier he had under his command so far, and they worked well together.

He was making them both coffee when he heard his phone getting a message, he looked at it and said, "Oh shoot BABE?" he called out for her to hear.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I just had gotten a text from the station, I need to go examine a crime scene."

"Right now?" she asked as she exited the shower, wrapped in a towel.

"Yeah, I know, lousy timing, I'm sorry." He said as he made his coffee-to-go and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

He Then said as he exited, "I love you! Hopefully, I'll be home by 18:30."

"ok babe, I love you too." And he closed the door.

Chris, after his experience in college with Steve O'Conner, had decided to change from Biology to forensic science, and with his grades, he had secured himself a job at the N.Y.P.D. as a C.S.I.

He was now putting on a pair of cosmetic glasses, slouched his shoulders, and made his way to the crime scene. one other thing he learned from his experience with Steve was that he needed to learn to conceal himself better, so, with the help of the drama club, he had learned how to act, and one major thing he learned, and also through usage of the comics, was how to make people think he was someone else.

he now walked through the cop in uniform, after showing him his badge, and then he saw his colleague, an African American by the name of Jerry butler, he then greeted him, "good morning, Jerry."

"Good morning, Chris, how's your morning so far?" he said as they started to go inside the house to see the crime scene.

"Well, considering that not too long after I had woken up, I received a call to get here, I would have to say… eh so and so." He answered in a light conversational manner, they then saw the dead body, he was about 5 ft tall, with a well-built body, but the thing that had caught Chris off guard was the blood that had come out of his eyes, mouth, nose, and ears.

"Christ!" he muttered under his breath as he put on a pair of rubber gloves while the body was taken away, he then started to check the Scene.

"Did the corner detect the cause of death?"

"They think poisoning, but we can't tell for sure until we get blood work." Chris nodded at that.

He looked at the pattern of the blood splatter, and using his enhanced vision he scanned the room for any other evidence, then his gaze had landed something behind one of the walls.

A box labeled 'Hannibal Corp' that when he focused, even more, could see empty viles inside of it. He went to the wall and started to look for the lever until finally, he found it, and when he pressed it, it opened to reveal a dark space, then he said, "found something!" and a cop in uniform that was there had heard him, came close, looked at him as said, "I got it." As he turned on his flashlight and went inside.

He soon came back out with the box, and he then Chris called the lead detective on the scene, "detective Fillion! We found something!" he said as he saw the detective now making his way towards them.

"ok what do we have here?" he asked as they showed him the box, he opened it slowly, saw its content, and asked, "what does a veteran soldier have to do with a box full of empty viles From Hannibal Corp?" he asked out loud.

"he was a soldier?" asked Chris, his face betraying his emotion, the detective looked at him, then remembered his brother said sorrowfully, "Y-yeah, his name was Charles Logan, former green beret, did two tours in Afghanistan, rest of his file in classified, sorry."

"it's ok." Chris said, then he added to the detective in an attempt to be helpful, "maybe there was something he did in Afghanistan that came back after him?"

"I was thinking the same thing, I'll have Julio look at it, in the meantime, I need you to look at everything, then catalog it all." He then had poot his hand on Chris's shoulder, "I'll come back later to the labs to check up on the results, ok?"

Chris nodded his head, and the detective had turned around to make a phone call.

Chris then turned to Jerry and said, "I can't believe someone would do such a thing to a soldier."

Jerry looked at him, and then said, "yeah I know, but there are some truly evil people in this world." He said to Chris, then said, "speaking of soldiers, isn't your brother supposed to come over for the weekend?"

"Yeah, he is coming tonight, Ashley is making her famous chilly for tonight as well."

"Dude, you got lucky, that girl can make better chilly better than my mama." He said as he then looked at Chris and added, "which by the way, if you'll tell her I said that I'll strongly deny." Chris laughed hard at that and said, "you got it man, not a word."

They then continued going through the crime scene.

After they had finished cataloging all the evidence, Chris and Jerry were now making their way inside the station, after they got inside, Chris was greeted by his favorite cop, officer Lucy Castle, who recently graduated from the rookie program.

"Chris!" she said as she ran to him.

He gave her a smile and said, "Officer Castle, how can I help you today?"

She proceeded to show him today's newspaper and said, "dis you see this? He's back?" he held the already open paper on the fourth page, it read 'plane mysteriously saved after engine lose'.

Jerry scuffed at that and said, "who? The mysterious figure they claimed to have swooped down from the sky and save the day like superman? What a load of crap, I even heard some of them claim it was actually Superman, in his blue tights and the red underwear."

Chris suppressed a smirk, the truth was it was him.

It all started a year ago when he went to a Halloween party with Ashley, they went as wonder woman and Superman, him using the costume his mother made him for his show.

They were with Peter and Allison, his current girlfriend, his relationship with Jen didn't work out, but they had broken up on friendly terms, although after the incident he had, his parents, had started to see a therapist, and ended up not getting a divorce.

But back to the topic.

It was when he was at the party that his super-hearing had picked up the sound of engine failure above them.

Excusing himself, he left outside, and without anyone noticing, he vanished, living behind him a dust trail.

After he saved that plane, he found that it made him feel good, playing the part of superman that way, so from then on, he did his super-heroics from the shadows, and it's not like anyone would believe any witness claims of superman arriving to help.

Case in point, "you can't believe everything you're reading online!" Jerry said to lucy as they made their way to the labs.

"Seriously? This coming from the guy who saw the spider lord himself?" she asked Jerry incredulous.

"The spider lord is real, Superman is not!" he repeated himself, frustrated from this debate, it wasn't the first time they argued about this.

Another thing that had happened was that Stave's mutation during their incident had him also gain some abilities, he now adopted the moniker 'the spider lord', as he now possessed the ability to control all arachnid in his vicinity, and it changed his appearance, now sporting eight eyes, having four spider legs sprouting from his back, and the ability to shoot webs from his mouth and fingertips, he wouldn't be out of place in a Lovecraftian horror story.

And the worst part was that he was free, and was in hiding so deep underground, that even Chris had a hard time finding any leads on him. The closest they had gotten to catch him was when Jerry was there when they first brought him in before he ran.

Then lucy said, "Chris, help me out here."

He was quick to lift his hands and, "I'm not getting in the middle of this."

"But you must have your own thoughts on this, right?"

"Look, as a C.S.I. I must look at the evidence before me, if you show a hard piece of evidence that proves this so-called Superman is real, then I would believe you, and the same goes the other way around, right now, I'm just keeping an open mind.

None of them could have argued against that logic, so they relented, and went back to work, then Jerry asked after lucy had left the labs, "so, what are you and your brother got planned for this weekend?"

"Well, we are going with a college friend of mine to New York comic con this Sunday." Jerry shook his head and said, "I still can't believe how much of a geek your brother really is, I mean I figured since he was a soldier he wouldn't be into those kinds of things."

"And why wouldn't he? The two terms aren't mutually exclusive, my dad, a Cattle farmer, was the one who had gotten me and my brother into comic books and superheroes."

"Fair enough I guess." Jerry relented, and they went on with the examination.

***third person pov***

At around the same time, deep under the sea, in the Bermuda triangle, a race was going on. Between four rowdy kids, to test who is the best swimmer of the bunch, the looser would have to swim around the city with his gills showing for a day.

For in the Atlantean society, the act of showing one's gills in public was a great tabu for boys after a certain age, for it was a social convention that they are only to be shown to one's spouse.

Such was their way after the great catastrophe that had sunk their city, and following their transformation, they had followed their king's example and saw that he was not showing his gills in public, and when asked why, he replied that in his eyes, it is only something you show to your most precious person in the world.

So naturally, the people of Atlantis had taken this to heart, and so they had decreed it to be so.

The kids had now passed what was named the trident's pass by the locals, it was right in the outskirts of the city, and was named as such for the three-way cracks, the size of a whale that was carved next to it.

"Ha Ha! You're losing, your royal highness!" one of the kids called out to the kid who was straggling behind.

It was young prince Ormanor, third in line for the Atlantean throne.

The prince then said, "oh just you wait, I am gonna-" but he was cut off when he hit the kid Infront of him when he floated in place.

"Hey why did you…?" he didn't have to finish his questioning, as he saw Infront of him his older brother, Prince Kalthor, first in line to the throne, with a few of his honor guards with him, he crossed his arms and scowled at him, and then said, "Ormanor…"

"B-brother1 T-this is not what it looks like!"

"Really? Cause it looks like you were racing with those kids, and betting that the loser would have to go around showing everyone his gills."

"H-how did you…?"

"Pingy told me, she overheard you."

"that snitch of a dolphin…" the young prince muttered under his breath.

"don't blame her, she was worried about you, she considers you a member of her pod you know."

He sighed in defeat and said, "yeah, I know." Then he looked at his brother, and asked, "are you going to tell father?"

The first in line was scowling for a moment before his features softened, and he said, "I will not, but under one condition."

"What is it?" the prince asked, suspicion in his voice.

"that you won't be repeating this sort of thing ever again if you do, I will have no choice but to tell him, understood?"

The price's shoulders sagged in defeat, and he said, "yeah ok." As he swam to be by his brother's side.

He looked at his friends and said, "I'm sorry guys but I have to go." And he turned around and proceeded to swim with his brother and guards.

"Wait!" one of the kids called out to him, "we didn't finish the race! Is that what you royals teach each other? To go back on your word?"

At that, they stopped abruptly, one of the guards turned his spear on the child and began to yell, "You insolent little brat! You will show respect to the prince, or face the-" but he was cut off by prince Kalthor raising his hand.

He then turned to the child and said, "Oh? Is that so? Well then… perhaps I should take my little brother's place? since you're so eager to race a royal in this bet…"

The kid quickly understood his mistake, the first in line for the throne was known as the fastest swimmer in all of Atlantis. so, with nothing to say, he lowered his gaze to the ground and said nothing.

"that's what I thought." He said as he turned around and began swimming away.

He then said to his little brother, "I don't want you seeing those kids again."

"But brother! They are my friends!"

"No, they are not, they only invited you to that race to try and humiliate you."

"B-but why? I had done nothing wrong to any of them."

"It does not matter, those kids are from the lower plains of the city, humiliating you would have made them feel better about themselves."

The young prince was shocked at this, but quickly added, "you must be mistaken, they would never-"

"Pingy had told me she overheard them planning to exhaust you earlier in activities, and then beat you in the race to humiliate you."

Now the young prince was speechless, he felt betrayed and was saddened by the news, but then he felt his brother's hand on his shoulder, the prince looked at his brother his black heir tied to a ponytail and fluttering under the water, he looked into his blue eyes and his brother said to him with a comforting tone, "it would be ok, little brother, you just need to learn from this experience, you are too kind-hearted and trusting, but you will soon learn."

The prince did not respond to that, and they made their way back to the city, and into the royal palace.

They soon had found themselves in the throne room, Infront of the king, their father king Theseusion was now wearing his royal robes instead of the royal armor king Atlan had received and was now a royal heirloom, but in his right hand, he held a bronze trident, known as the trident of Poseidon, passed down to the royal family, and protected by magic that only members of the royal family could wield it.

Both princes and their honor guard had bowed respectfully Infront of their king, and then the older prince had spoken, "father, we have returned."

The king, face stern and regal, had nodded his head and said, "good, now we can start the meeting."

Then, several generals had come to him and one of them opened up a hologram with a least on it, then he spoke, "my liege, it seems that the surface dwellers had taken action on correcting their pollution of our oceans, there's seem to be a massive decrease in the last four years with their waste in our waters."

"Maybe the air breathers had finally received some sense about their pollution." One other general had commented.

"There is more, a spy on the surface had reported that a mysterious figure had now appeared and is now helping them, though he works in the shadows, he had taken upon him the mantle of one of their fictional heroes."

Then the hologram changed to that of a man wearing a blue suit with a red cape and boots, red trunks and a yellow belt, and a big diamond-shaped shield on his chest, with a big, stylized letter 'S' on it with a yellow background.

"What do we know of this being so far?" the second in line, prince Maximus, current second in command of the Atlantean military had asked the general in front of him.

"So far, not much, if at all, all their knowledge of him comes from works of fiction, but, if one element is to be believed, he does not originate from this world, but from one far out in the stars, and long dead by now."

The king, scratched his beard that was black with strikes of white hair, in contemplation before finally saying, "does he pose any threat to Atlantis?"

"At the moment, he is not a threat my liege."

"Then let us leave him be, to antagonize such a being with now reason would be folly, but if he starts working against us, then we would need to work against him."

"Yes, your highness!" all the generals in the room said, then the king said, "now if there isn't anything else, I would ask you all to leave me with my sons."

They all bowed in respect to their king, and quickly had left the room, after they did, the king had turned towards his youngest and spoke, "I hear you've been racing with those children from the lower plains again."

"It won't happen again, father." The prince quickly said to his father.

The king, in return, looked at him sternly before sighing and asked, "do you know what would have happened if you would have lost in that bet?" revealing that he knew what the bet entailed, as all members of the royal family, all of them had the ability to talk to the creatures of the sea, so when Pingy had come to call his eldest son, he was there in the room, and heard it all.

"T-they would have made me swim around the city with my gills showing." He said, voice almost breaking, still recovering from the betrayal of his supposed friends.

The king had put his hand on his youngest's shoulder, sighed, and asked, "do you know what is a mark of a good leader?"

That had caught the young prince of guard, but he quickly tried to answer, "A-a good leader leads his people by example, but I-I am only third in line to the throne, I wouldn't have to lead the Atlanteans."

"True, but, as a member of the royal family, even third in line, you will have to take on certain responsibilities in the future, perhaps military ones like your brother Maximus, or a different thing altogether that would better suit your skills, whatever they may be in the future, but when that time will come, if you would have followed through with that bet, you wouldn't be taken seriously by your subordinates, and would be treated as a joke, or even worse."

At his son's downcast expression, the king had moved his hand to be under his chin and gently lifted his head towards him and said," a friendly bet once in a while is all well and good, but you must think before agreeing to that and make sure it is in actuality a friendly bet, and a good leader must also know who his friends really are, not what he wishes them to be. Now, do you understand Ormanor?"

"Yes, father."

"Good, now go to your room, and continue your studies, Gonlo has been waiting for you."

The prince didn't argue and went to his room to his tutor.

When the prince had left, the king had sighed and looked at his remaining two sons and said, "I wish he would understand I am not trying to belittle him, and only has his best interest at heart."

Kalthor then spoke, "he's still only a boy father, no more of 10, he will understand one day, like we eventually did."

"but he also needs help to reach those conclusions, while we help provide him with this information, he is still incredibly naïve about the ways of the world." Added Maximus.

The king straightened his posture and said, "well, I can only hope that this naivety won't be the death of him." Said the king as he went back to his throne, the weight of leadership taking its toll on him, and as he sat there, he could only wonder how king Atlan and queen Giana had managed the throne after the catastrophe.

***Chris pov***

Chris was now making his way back home, he was about to open the door when he heard voices inside.

Focusing his superheating, he recognized the two voices, and he smiled as he opened the door and entered his apartment while saying, "now I know you're not going to come to my place without saying hello!" he called out as he entered the kitchen area and saw his fiancé sitting with his Brother, still in uniforms.

When he saw him, his brother jumped to his feet, and went to him and called out, "wasn't planning on it!" as he embraced his little brother.

Dave was now sporting a cut muscular build, standing at an impressive 5'1 feet Hight, his honey-blond hair turned a little dirtier during the years.

Then he broke from the hug, and locked Chris in a noogie, Chris of course played along with his brother, as he could've easily brake out if he wanted.

Then when he was done, he gave his brother another hug and Chris said, "it's so good to see you, Dave, when did you arrive here?"

Then Ashley had spoken, "he arrived about an hour ago, we were waiting for you to arrive before dinner, so we had coffee in the meantime."

She then went over to him and kissed him lightly on the lips and then gave him a hug, then they had heard the unmistakable sound of a growling stomach, they both turned their head to the source of the sound, Dave, who was blushing red.

Chris had laughed at that and said, "well babe, I think our visiting soldier still needs a proper home-cooked meal, don't you?"

She laughed as well and said, "I think so too, care to help me set the table?"

"oh, I'll do it." Dave quickly volunteered for the task."

"oh, that won't be necessary, you just got back and-" Ashley was cut off by Dave who said, "it's ok, I don't mind, besides, ma would kick my ass if she knew I didn't lift a finger to help in a house I am a guest at."

Chris could not argue with that, one of the things their mother had taught them was that no matter where they were, even if they were simply guests, was that they always needed to help out as best they could.

So with that, all three of them had set up dinner.

After dinner, it was evident that Dave had been hungry, with all the seconds and thirds he kept on taking from Ashley's cooking, the put of chilly was almost empty.

"dang, that Chilly sure hit the spot, thank you for the meal, Ashley." Dave said as he had put a hand on his belly.

"you're welcome, Dave," Ashley said, a smile on her face at seeing he loved her cooking that much.

Dave then turned to his brother and said, "so tell me, how's everything going? With the wedding planning? With your job? Is it all good?"

"well… about the wedding part, you would have to ask Ashley about it, I am not really sure how it goes, and as for the job part… today was a tough one…" he finished a bit solemnly.

At hearing that, Ashley had grabbed his hand and asked, "what happened?"

Chris sighed, and then said, "we had stumbled on

a D.B today, seemed he was poisoned, not gonna go into too much detail, but turns out the guy was an army veteran, a former green beret by the name of Charles Logan."

After he said that name, Chris saw his brother stiffen, and he asked him, "are you sure it was him? 100%?"

"yeah… why? Did you know him?"

Dave was quiet for a moment before nodding his head and said, "yeah… he was a friend I met in Afghanistan."

A.N Hey guys! It's me again!

So to tackle a few things.

For those of you who didn't understand it, the 'Turta-sapiens' are basically the alien species modeled after the teenage mutant ninja turtles, and the hawks as I nicknamed them, are the stand-in for thanagarians in this universe.

And those of you who want to imagine how the Quarth is looking like, I have a drawing I made as a kid, and it is on my deviantart page, look for Bookwormjohnny and you can find them there.

Thirdly, the Atlanteans, it made sense to have them not showing off their gills, since the Deep was so self-conscious about them, and was so ridiculed regarding them, that it had left some deep psychological scars, that even surrounded with other people that had them, he would choose not to show them, only feeling somewhat comfortable showing them to his spouse. And so, it became a social aspect of this Atlantean society.

And finally, regarding this version of the fortress of solitude, it made sense to me to have his ship become it, by enlarging itself, but there is the matter of perversion of mass and matter to consider, so, I decided to have a matter transforming machine, much like how firestorm has the ability to change matter on the atomic level, so the ship has it as well, and it uses it to increase it's size and have material for future plot points.

And again, if you liked this story, please follow, and review, especially you Fanfiction readers, simply favoriting and following isn't enough, please review! I need to know what you guys think of this story.

Until next time, you guys are awesome!

Bookwormjohnny2 out!