
A Superman of a different kind

A guy from our world dies, he becomes the God of his own universe, so he decides to create his own superhero universe and even his own version of the man of steel. disclaimer, I only own the plot, and maybe one or two OC's nothing more, this is purely a fanfic

bookwormjohnny2 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 4

***Chris pov***

It was the night after the date, Chris had pulled Peter aside and let him know what he saw that night. And of course, his initial reaction was a total freak out, "what the hell?! Does that mean he knows what we had planned against him? OH MY GOD!"

"Pete, relax, we don't know why he followed us just yet, we must not jump to any conclusion."

"Why are you so damn calm about this?! Why aren't you freaking out?!"

"Because that would do none of us any good, now bro calm down, we need to be rational about it."

Peter had taken a moment to settle his breath, he then looked Chris in the eyes and said, "ok, ok, I'm calm… now, please tell me… what are we going to do about this situation?"

"Obviously we're going to be stealthier about our plans, and at the same time, try and get that piece of evidence faster than originally planned."

Pete seemed to grasp it, and said, "ok then, what do you need from me?"

Chris smiled, he looked at Peter and said, "ok then, this is what I need you to do…"

After that, they went back to their dates, Ashley then asked, "are you guys, ok? You've been there for quite a while…"

Chris quickly said, "yeah, it's all good, Pete and I just thought we saw something suspicious and went to check it out."

Peter nodded his head at that and added, "but it turned out to be nothing." He then went to Jen and gave her a one-arm hug, while Chris had done the same with Ashley.

They had made their way back to their dorms, Ashley and her roommate had agreed to take Jen in while she stayed there, and Jen, being the appreciative person that she was, had thanked her profusely.

Both couples had said goodbye to each other, and they went their separate ways.

Now Chris and Pete had gone on to their dorms as well, all the while pretending they didn't notice Steve following them.

Eventually, they went back to their room, and Chris immediately had closed the blinds, and Pete had let out a sigh of relief and said, "Oh thank god! I don't know how long I could have kept that up."

Chris nodded and said, "I know what you mean, now let's get our head in the game. We act, tonight."

Chris had used his X-ray vision to look outside of the window, and when he saw Steve had left his station and went back to his room, Chris had turned to Peter and said, "I think it's go time."

Peter nodded, and they both exited their room, and they had made their way outside of the dorms.

They had walked around until eventually, they had made it outside of his window.

Chris, not wanting to reveal himself to Peter, told him, "you'll be the lookout, I'll get in."

Pete, being the arachnophobe he was, didn't argue and turned his back towards Chris, who took the opportunity, and flew up to Steve's bedroom window.

Using his super-hearing, Chris made sure he was actually asleep, by listening to his heartbeat, then he was sure he was, he pried open his window, and had let himself in, not making a single sound.

He didn't even step on the floor, his feet floating an inch above the floor as he made his way to Steve's phone.

After he got his hands on it, he had looked in the files until finding the one designated 'notes'. He proceeded to copy at all to his phone using the chats, and he deleted the relevant history from the sender's phone.

He was about to exit, when suddenly, Steve had tossed in his sleep and made Chris freeze in his place.

Chris almost let out a sigh of relief when he heard Steve's heartbeat return to sleeping mode, he slowly made his exit, closed the window behind him, and quickly had made his way down back to Pete.

Thankfully, Peter didn't look back at him, as he was too freaked out to look, so when Chris tapped him on the shoulder, he nearly screamed at first, before calming himself enough to whisper yell at Chris, "damn it, Chris! I nearly shit my pants!" at the smell that was coming from him, Chris was about to say that it was not, nearly, but decided against it.

And then Pete asked him, "well? Did you get it?"

Chris gave him a big smile and said while showing him his phone, "absolutely, now let's get back before anyone notices."

Chris never saw Pete move so fast in his life.

The next day, they were at the dean's office, and they had played Steve's notes to him, when they were done, the dean had a disturbed expression on his face.

Then Chris asked, "well? Is that enough of condemning evidence for you dean?"

The dean had his hand on his face and said, "yes, this is plenty. Thank you both, and the university would make sure your grades are not impacted by this, and of course, we would make sure none of this comes back to you."

Both Chris and Peter had said, "thank you." To the dean as they had gotten up from their seats.


Chris and Peter were in their dorm room with their girlfriends hanging out when they heard a knock on the door.

Chris had quickly used his X-ray to scan it, and to both his shock and relief, it wasn't Steve O'Connor.

He went to the door and opened it, and then exclaimed, "Ma! Pa!" as he saw his parents stand on the front door.

"Chris!" both of them called out, as the Johnsons had all huddled in a big hug.

Then he said, "I can't believe you came all this way! Come in!" he said as he gestured for them to enter his dorm room.

As soon as they enter, everyone who was seated had stood up, first Ashley came closer, excitement on her face as Chris said, "Ma, Pa… this is Ashley."

"it's very nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson." She said both shy and excited.

"Oh, dear enough of that! Come here!" she said as she pulled her to a hug, much to Ashley's surprise.

After they broke the hug, Angela had pulled away saying, "oh let me look at you!" as she looked her up and down, and then said, "Oh my…"

"What?" Ashley asked, afraid of what she had to say.

"you're even prettier than in your pictures!"

Ashley had put her hand on her chest in relief, and said, "Oh My God! I thought you were going to say something else!"

She then laughed in relief and said, "and Chris never said his mom was this beautiful as well!"

Angela had turned her head towards her son and said, "oh, I like her already!" soliciting laughs from everyone in the room.

And then Chris said, "and this is my Pa." as he presented his father, Samuel just extended his hand and said with a smile, "Hi! Just call me Samuel!" as Ashley eagerly took his hand and shook it.

And then Chris said, "and this is my roommate Pete, and his girlfriend Jen."

Both of his parents shook their hands while Peter had said, "it's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Johnson."

"Oh, Hush now dear, just call me Angela! And it's nice to finally meet you too!"

After they were all done with the introductions, Angela had said, "well, it's good you're both dressed, we've got dinner reservations in an hour."

She then turned towards Peter and Jen and said, "it was nice meeting the two of you."

"same here," Peter replied, and they had left the dorms.

It was then that Ashley had whispered in Chris' ear, "you know? Your parents are really sweet, especially your mom." Chris smiled at that and said, "yeah I know, she's the best." As they intertwined their hands and walked on.

They had gotten to a restaurant that had Kansas cuisine, and Chris, after smelling it, began to droll.

"Oh, you have no idea how much I had missed this." He said to them as they all sat at their table.

It was a nice dinner, they chat, they laughed, and Chris' parents had gotten to know Ashley and vice versa.

And then Chris' mom said, "oh! I almost forgot honey, this is for you." She said as she handed him a bag.

Chris quirked an eyebrow at that while he took it, he opened it up and looked inside, then he said, "no way… you didn't." as he pulled out what was inside of the bag.

Inside of it was a hand-stitched, superman suit, complete with the belt and red trunks, the boots had also seemed to be handmade, and were in the bag separately.

"Well, I'd thought that since you're in a play as Superman, maybe you should look the part."

"Thank you, Ma, but the costume department already has a Superman suit for me."

Ashley then added, "plus… he no longer wears the underwear on the outside… sorry."

Chris' parents seemed to deflate a little by the news, but then Chris added, "but I will keep this for good luck, thank you Ma." Chris said as he quickly put the suit back in the bag and went to hug his parents.

After that evening, Chris' Parents were going back to the hotel they were staying at, while Chris and Ashley were heading back to campus.

"it was great meeting you Ashley!" Angela said warmly and gave her a hug, and Ashley had said, "it was great meeting you too!" and then she gave a quick hug to Samuel, and said, "you too Samuel." He smiled and said, "don't think I won't try to get that family recipe of ribs next time I see you."

She laughed and said, "I'll be sure to remember!" then they both hugged Chris and said, "see tomorrow at the play, son, go- break a leg son!"

"Thank you! Good night!"

"Good night." And they had gone their separate ways.

On the cab back, Chris had asked Ashley, "well…? How was it for you?"

"OH MY GOD! Your parents are the cutest, now I understand where you get your charm."

Chris laughed at that, and said, "well, I can't wait to meet your family, if this time went so well."

"oh, they are going to love you! My mom especially."

"I'm more concerned about your dad, to be honest." He said as he scratched the back of his head.

"oh, I'm sure he's going to approve of you, you have nothing to worry about."

They soon had gotten to the dorms, and Chris had walked back to her dorms and kissed her goodnight.

As he went back to his dorms, he had looked in the bag where the suit his Ma made him was, and he couldn't help but wonder if there was another reason why she had made that for him.

He had reached his dorm room and opened the door, but what he saw had made him freeze in his place.

It was Steve O'Conner, holding one of his spiders above Peter's neck, while he was tied up to his chair. Jen was not in the room, probably back in the room with Ashly and Alex.

In his other hand, he held a syringe with the blue liquid inside of it.

Chris asked, "Steve? What the-"

"It was you two, I know it!" he said, half-mad and half angry at him.

"I'm not sure what you're-"

"don't play dumb with me! I know you two had rated me out to the dean, and now he kicked me out of the university," he cut him off and started to ramble, like a madman.

All the while, the spider looked tensely at Pete's neck, Chris had tried to calm Steve down and said, "I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm sure we could come to some-"

He was cut off yet again by Steve who now yelled, "don't you dare lie to me! I saw you the other night, talking, conspiring against me, wanting to prevent my genius to improve the world." And then he pointed his syringe at Chris and said, "well the joke is on you, cause I know a secret of yours Chris."

~what?!~ Chris thought as cold sweat began covering his forehead.

"oh yes, I saw you the other night, when you thought no one was looking, flying at top speed to the sky." At that, Pete had glanced towards Chris and started to laugh, but was quickly silenced by Steve, who got the spider closer to his face, and then Pete asked, "this is some kind of joke right? You know there is no such thing as superpowers right?"

"Tell him!" Steve yelled manically.

Chris tried to say, "Steve, you're sick, you need help-" he was cut off when the spider's mandibles were half an inch from Peter's neck, and Chris said, "you better tell the truth, I won't repeat myself again."

Chris looked at Peter's face and then said, "ok! Ok! You are right, I do have superpowers, happy now?"

"excellent! Tell me, how did you obtain them? Through some freak accident? Experimentation? Tell meeee!!!!!!"

"I was born this way! I come from a now long-destroyed planet of people with abilities much like my own."

Steve's eyes widen at that and he said, "you can't be serious… are you an alien? A… Kryptonian?"

Chris shook his head, and said, "not a Kryptonian, a Viltronians, or at least… that's how I figured they were called."

Pete's eyes widen and he then said, "Chris! Don't listen to this whack job-" "quiet!!!" Steve yelled at Peter and said to Chris, "show me!"


"show me you can fly."

"But you already did-"

Don't be smart with me! I said show me!" he yelled as the spider was now at Peter's face, but without Steve noticing, he now pointed the needle of the syringe straight at his own leg.

Chris noticed it, and so did Pete, if his eyes were any indication at that.

Chris sighed and said, "ok Steve…" as he slowly levitated himself out of the ground, to Peter's widening eyes, and to Steve's manic glee.

"I knew it HAHAHAHA!!!!! I knew superpowers were real!" just then Pete, who had his leg slowly move behind Steve's leg, had kicked it upwards, making him inject the syringe straight to his leg, but also drop the spider on top of Peter's face.

Peter, of course, screamed in terror, which caused the spider to bite him.

"PETE!" Chris shouted, as he dropped his bag and super sped towards him. He quickly flicked the spider off of him and it fell on Steve's neck.

Noticing it was on its tormentor, the German steeler proceeded to bite Steve's neck, injecting him with its venom.

"Pete! Stay with me, buddy!" Chris screamed as he quickly X-rayed him and saw that the venom was moving very quickly, while his body began to have an allergic reaction.

Thinking quickly, Chris grabbed Peter, and proceeded to fly them off to the nearest hospital, all the while leaving Steve on the floor twitching in pain as his body was beginning to change, and not in the way he'd thought it would….

***New York General***

Chris had reached the emergency room and burst in calling out, "Help! My friend needs Medical attention!"

A nurse came rushing towards him, and as soon as she saw his state she quickly asked, "what happened?"

Chris said, "he was bitten by this spider, but-"

"What kind?"

"I don't know, it's a new breed, but listen, he is

deathly allergic to them, and this spider was experimented on-"

The Dr. came and said, "don't worry, we got this." As he went with the nurse, while they tried to help Peter.

Seeing as he did what he could, Chris, flew back to his dorms and quickly called up the dorm police and informed them of what had happened.

Of course, the dorms were under lockdown until after they had found Steve's Spider.

Chris had to go to the girls' dorms and tell Jen what had happened, of course, she broke down after he had told her, and after she relaxed, she went to the hospital to see him.

From there, Chris had heard that she informed Peter's parents, who immediately boarded a plane after hearing what had happened to their son.

Chris was with Ashley and his parents in the hospital, and he kept blaming himself for what had happened to Peter.

To add more bad news, the Jock that was rejected for the role of Superman had burned the suit out of spite, now leaving the Superman play without a suit, since it was the only one they had.

"the teacher says that maybe we're going to have to cancel."

"but you kids had worked your buts off preparing for this," Angela said.

"I know, but what are we going to do?"

Hearing this, even though he was not in the mood, Chris knew that they had to do this, so he then said, "maybe we don't necessarily have to cancel the show."

Ashley seemed to have caught on to his line of thought and said, "you're right! I'll go tell the director!" as she ran off to tell him.

As soon as she had left, his mom asked him, "Chris honey? Are you sure about this?"

Then his father interfered and said, "the boy needs something else to focus on right now, this could be good for him."

"you sure? Honey, I don't think-"

"oh, good lord Angela! His friend is now at the hospital, he needs to focus on something else, for now, otherwise, it would kill him."

"Alright Sam, if you think so…"

***the next day***

Even though Peter was still in the hospital, Chris knew that Pete would kick his ass if he knew that he dropped off of the play on his account, so he did what he could to make himself not show the distress he was feeling.

He now was in the dressing room, as Ashley and her parents walked in, he had put a smile on his face as she said, "mom, dad, this is Chris."

Chris had extended his hand for them to shake and said, "Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Her mother was very welcoming of him, while her father looked him up and down, while at that moment, Chris wished he wasn't wearing tights, I meant if there was a bad time to be wearing them, now would be it.

Then when he had let go of her father's hand, he saw him massage it and say, "quite a grip you've got there, son, I see those muscles in your suit are not fake."

Chris had blushed a little at that, but only said, "N-no sir, they are not."

The rest of the conversation had gone smoothly enough until it was time for the play.

Chris had mange to do his part, and then it had ended, and he and the rest of the cast had stood there, bowing to the crewed, after that, he was congratulated by both his parents, and Ashley's, and of course, right after that, his parents went back to the hospital to check up on Peter's condition.

Ashley's parents also had to say goodbye, but for a different reason, and that had left Chris and Ashley alone.

So, they went to one of the empty roofs, and just sat there, while Chris and Ashley had talked, he was reminded Of what Steve had done to Peter and all because of him.

"Hey, Chris? Is everything ok?" Ashley had brought him out of his musings, he looked at her, then looked at himself, he was still in the superman suit his mother had made him.

He stood up, turned his back towards the ledge of the roof, looked at Ashley, and said, "Ashley… there is something you must know…" and then he started to walk backward.

"Chris? What are you...?" but she was cut off as he jumped backward, and she screamed.

But, to her surprise, Not only did he not fall down to his death, he actually started to slowly levitate upward, his red cape fluttering all the way.

He then landed in front of her and said, "you might want to sit for this."

He then proceeded to tell her everything he knew about himself, from his homeworld to his species, and lastly, his family.

"so… you are a superman? But of a different kind?" she asked at the end of his tale.

"I guess you could say that yes. And it's also why Peter is the emergency care right now."

At her questioning look, he quickly explained what had really happened, and at the end, she said, "that was not your fault! Steve was a crazy guy who did some really bad things on animals, you are not to blame, you did everything you could."

"but did I? I have all these powers, and yet, I couldn't do a thing to prevent Peter from getting bit by that spider."

Ashley had put her hand cupping his chick while saying, "Hey, this is not on you, it's not like you can heal him or whatever."

At that, an idea had sprouted to his head, and he said, "or maybe I can."

He turned to Ashley and said, "I need to get to the hospital, I'll talk to you later." He kissed her quickly on the lips, and before she could react, he flew off at top speed, still in his costume.

He had gotten to the hospital, where his parents were in the room with Peter and Jen, Was now hooked up to life support, and he had an oxygen mask on his face since he had trouble breathing.

when they saw him they asked, "Chris? What are you…?" but before they could finish, they saw him taking a blood sample from Peter, at their questioning looks, he said, "I'll be back." As he ran out of the room, when he saw that he was alone, he super sped out of the hospital and into the sky, flying as fast as he could without damaging the blood sample he had on him.

Soon enough, he was back home, he quickly made his way to the storm caller, he had grabbed the oval object and went closer to his ship.

As soon as he did, the ship had said in a mechanical voice, "hello Tal-Ar, how may I assist you?"

Chris proceeded to put the blood sample Infront of him while saying, "my friend got bitten by this new breed of spider that was injected with some chemicals, can you use this blood sample to help him?"

"scanning." The voice said, as a beam of light had shot out of the ship and scanned it, and it then said, "preliminary results indicate that while an antidote is possible to make, the side effects are on quantified at the momen-"

"Can you make it or not?!" Chris asked loudly, stress and fear evident In his voice.

"yes, but I must warn you, without proper time to research, we cannot tell what the side effects will be."

"do it," Chris said, and the ship had opened a small compartment and took the blood inside of it.

Five nerve-wracking minutes had gone by, and after Chris had paced around the room like a man possets, he was brought out of it when the ship had said, "antidote is now complete, ejecting it now." The compartment opened up again, but instead of the blood sample, a vile of glowing purple fluid came out.

Chris took it, and said to the ship, "thank you."

"you are welcome Tal-Ar." And then the ship had turned itself off.

Chris then had held the vile tightly in his hand, and while stretching his arms forward, flying at top speed.

He made it back to New York general, and then he went to normal human speed back to Peter's room.

His parents were still there, but Jen was not at the moment. When they saw him they exclaimed, "Chris! My God! We were worried!" then their gaze had landed on the vile of glowing purple liquid in his hands.

"What is that?" his father asked, to that Chris replied, "a cure." As he proceeded to take a needle, feel it with the liquid.

"wait! Are you 100% sure this is going to help your friend? If you're wrong you'll-"

"I have to try Ma! It's my fault he is in this situation." He said with despair in his voice.

At hearing that, his mother relented, "alright, but only if you're sure…"

"I am." He said as he plunged the needle into Peter's vein, and proceeded to inject it.

After he was done, something happened, Peter started to slowly move, but then he started to Convulse violently.

At that moment Jen appeared in the room, and when she saw what happened, she screamed for help, "HELP! Something is wrong with him!" at hearing that, several nurses began to run towards the room, and a Dr. came in.

When the Dr, saw what had happened he muttered, "shit! He's convulsing, hold him while I-" but before he could finish that sentence, Peter had stopped moving, at first, everyone had held their breath fearing the worst had happened, but then he started to breathe again.

And to everyone's shock, the rash and swelling began to dissipate fast, everyone was shocked, and then the Dr said, "well, it seems someone up there really wanted him to live." And then said to the nurse, "make sure that when he wakes up to let me know ok?"

"Does that mean he's ok?" Jen asked, hope evident in her voice.

"well I can't say for sure, but for now, he seemed to have left the worst of it behind him, but he is not out of the woods just yet."

They thanked him as he exited the room, just then Jen had gotten a text, and when she looked at her phone, she said, "talk about perfect timing, Mr. and Mrs. Park had just arrived at the hospital, I'm going to see them." She said as she exited the room and went o the lobby.

As soon as she did, Chris's parents had turned on him and said, "that was a close one! You should have doubled check that thing before injecting your friend with it!"

"I'm sorry, but I didn't really have much time, I had just gotten that antidote and wanted to save my friend."

His mother sighed and then said, "well, thank the lord nothing serious had happened, but when this is over, you are going to tell us how'd you made that antidote."

Chris just sighed and relented, "ok Ma that's fair I guess…"

Then at that moment, Jen walked back to the room, accompanied by Peter's parents.

As soon as they had seen Chris, his mother said, "you must be Chris, Peter had told us so much about you." As she extended her hand for him to shake.

He took it and then shook Peter's father's hand, and then Pete's parents had turned towards Chris's parents saying, "thank you for looking after our son while we weren't here for him."

Angela just said, "oh it was nothing, I'm sure you would have done the same if the situation was reversed." Peter's mom nodded her head and said, "you all must be tired, you can go, we will watch him now, thank you though."

Angela gave a quick hug to Pete's mother, and after that, she and Samuel had left to go back to their hotel.

Chris had gone to Pete's parents and said, "let me know if there is any development with his condition."

She smiled, nodded her head, and said to Chris, "Peter is very fortunate to have a friend like you, Chris." He just nodded and went back to his college.

He went to his room, and to his surprise he had found Ashley there, waiting for him.

"Ashley? What are you doing here?" he asked, puzzled.

"well… we never really finished our talk with you running, or should I say flying to save Pete."

"I'm guessing you heard huh?"

"Yeah, but listen, I wanted to say that I understand why you didn't tell me of your origins before, but I wanted to know… are you planning to take the part of Superman in real life as well? I just need to know what I'm getting myself Into…"

Chris sighed and said, "honestly? I don't know… sometimes I think the world would benefit greatly with me here to help, but then I always afraid that I would make enemies that would go after my loved ones, and sometimes I am afraid that I would lose sight of why I started out in the first place, so I don't really have an answer to give you Ashley." He finished with his shoulders slumped, and a downcast look.

She then comes to him and gives him a hug, and then says, "hey, I can tell you one thing, you being afraid of losing yourself to this, is a good indication of your Character, but whatever you decide, I'm here for you, and your secret is safe with me."

He was so moved by this, that without him noticing, he kissed her passionately, and one thing led to another, his clothes began to fall on the floor, and the next thing he knew, they were making their way to his bed.

***third person pov***

Steve was laying in the hospital bed, he was cuffed, but there was no need, his body was bandaged almost all over, the only part of him that wasn't was his face, which was severely disfigured, the skin had begun to pill off revealing red raw skin underneath.

He then had heard the sound of footsteps getting closer to him, then he heard the sound of a chair moving, and someone sitting on it.

He had turned his head aside, and to his surprise, he saw him, sitting there, in his Armani business suit, with auburn hair, well-trimmed beard, and blue eyes, was his benefactor, Mr. Hannibal Pine.

He was quiet for a moment before saying, "Steve, Steve, Steve. You had such promise in you, when you had came to me the first time and looked to work for me, I saw a promising young man, with a bright future in Hannibal Corp, but what I tell you? You had to make the impossible for me before I would hire you, but I took you under my wing, and you had delivered many astounding things to me and the company.

But when you came to me and told me you could make Captain America's super-soldier serum, you remember what I had told you?"

Steve didn't answer, so Hannibal continued, "I told you, come back to me with results before we start human experiments, and I must say, your notes, while disturbing to some, are pure genius, this is top tear science, and you can rest assured that Hannibal Corp would carry on where you had left off."

Then he stopped before continuing, "but… for reasons you probably understand, Hannibal Crop can no longer affiliate itself with you, seeing as your experiments had put a kid in the hospital, and did this to you."

He then stood up, turned his back to him, and while straightening his suit, and said, "I hope you know Steve, it's nothing personal, it's just business." And he started to walk away.

Then Steve finally spoke, and Hannibal paused, but didn't turn around, or else he would see that on Steve's face, where the red skin was showing, now six additional pairs of black eyes opened up, and Steve's human Eyes turned black as he said with a changing voice, "Not Steve, call me, the spider lord." And then Hannibal continued on his way out of the hospital room, ignoring the cop that had stood guard outside of the room.

Hannibal soon got Into his limousine, and the assistant that was sitting right Infront of him said, "what do you want to do with the other boys that were involved?"

"Nothing, they won't be a bother for us." Then he had received a tablet that had all of Steve's data on the serum, including his experiments, he then forward it to his assistant and said, "make sure the guys in the labs get this, I want them on it since yesterday."

"Understood sir." His assistant said and they drove off.

***Chris pov***

It has been two days since the incident with Steve, and Chris was now on his way to the hospital to watch Peter, his Parents needed to rest so he volunteered.

He sat next to Peter, he was wearing his usual Farmboy getup, as he sat up, Pete's mother thanked him before getting out of the hospital room.

It was two hours after he was there when he heard groans next to him, his head moved so fast to the side and saw Peter slowly opening his eyes, and then he looked at himself, then at Chris who smiled at him excitedly and said, "Peter! You're awake! Wait here I'll call the Dr."

He was about to go, but then heard Pete say with a very weak voice, "wait… Chris… I need to Know… was I imagining what had happened to you? Or the spider bite did more damage than I thought."

Chris could've lied, and say it was all his imagination, but instead he looked at him and asked, "you remember that huh?"

Peter just looked at him for a moment before sinking back to his bed and said, "so, I wasn't imagining it, and the part where you said you were an alien? Was that a bluff?"

Chris just shook his head and said, "sorry Pete, but no, it was all true, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier man."

Peter just shifted in his bed and said, "hey… don't sweat it, man, I get it, if I was in your situation, I wouldn't have revealed something like that to a guy I only knew for a couple of months."

"You sure you're ok with it?"

"Yeah man, we're good."

Then Chris said, "oh, I should probably inform your parents you had woken up."

"Wait my parents? They're here?"

"Yeah, a lot of things happened when you were under, we almost lost you their buddy."

Chris then pulled out his phone and called Peter's mom and let her know her son was awake. Of course, he heard her cry out of joy on the phone, then after hanging up, he went to call the Dr.

After the Dr. had left, and Pete was more awake, Chris looked at him, and then smirked.

"Why are you making that face?" Pete asked with trepidation.

"well, because… now you are a Peter park, that was bitten by a radioactive spider…" he let that hang in the air.

"oh no…" Peter said with dread, knowing what that meant. "oh yeah…" Chris said, smiling like a crazy person, "that means the spider jokes are being taken up a notch."

And they both laughed at this.

"but come on dude, let's see if you got anything…" Chris said jokingly, and Peter, still in a good mood played along and said, "what the hell." As he thrust his hand forward, in the classic spiderman motion.

What none of them was expecting, was the spider web that was shot next from his wrist and hit the wall, Peter had looked at Chris with a look of real dread, and Chris had lifted his hands defensively and said, "I soo swear I was kidding man."

A.N hey guys! It's me again!

So, I am aware that it has been a long while since a last updated this story, but life sort of got in the way, and I haven't written any fanfics in months, but I recently came back to it, so here I am.

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And if any of you liked it and want me to continue writing this, let me know in the comments section. Until next time

Bookwormjohnny2 out!