
A Superman of a different kind

A guy from our world dies, he becomes the God of his own universe, so he decides to create his own superhero universe and even his own version of the man of steel. disclaimer, I only own the plot, and maybe one or two OC's nothing more, this is purely a fanfic

bookwormjohnny2 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

***Chris pov***

Chris, Peter, and Steve had worked together on their project, and they were making some serious headway. But Chris always had a bad feeling about Steve, his gut just told him that something was off about him, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Now it was Thursday and Chris was going to audition to the drama club, and he kept asking himself how he had gotten himself into that situation, but when he has gotten there he remembered.

Ashley was there wearing a cute orange top, skinny jeans, and a jean vest. There were other guys in line with him to audition. Some of them actually looked like they knew how to act, and others… not so much, if he was honest with himself.

Then he had heard the teacher call out to one of the auditions, "Thank you! We will let you know our verdict, NEXT!"

The student who came out was tall, jock like and blond. He was wearing a broncos sport jacket, indicating he was playing on the football team.

He looked at everyone ells ether, scuffed, and said, "good luck to you losers, I so have got this in the bag!" and he walked off.

Next up was Chris, he held the script in his hand and read it quickly, it was for a play they were making for, funny enough, the new Superman movie that came out, the one with Henry Cavil in the lead role.

He entered and the teacher/director asked him, "and you are…?"

"I-I'm Christopher Reeve Johnson, auditioning for the part of Superman."

The teacher looked at him in disbelief and told him, "Not funny young man, now what is your real name?"

"That is my real name sir, my dad was a big fan of his and named me after him, I can prove it if you want." He reached his hand inside his pocket and pulled out his I.D.

He showed it to the teacher, whose eyebrows rose up and he looked at it in shock muttering, "well I'll be…"

He then returned the card to Chris and said, "sorry about that, well, you now have the floor young man, you will be reading your part with Ashley, our resident Lois Lane, the scene is her finding out Clark Kent is superman, now action!"

Ashley had come up to the stage and read her part in a very convincing way, Chris automatically reacted.

"Clark! How could you not tell me? You have been superman this whole time?"

"I-I'm sorry A-Lois, I never meant to hide it from you, I was going to tell you eventually, but the time was never right…"

"News flash Smallville, the time is never right to tell someone something like that! And when were you going to tell me you were an alien?"

"I was going to tell you months ago, but I never found the right time to tell you, and by then I have become afraid of what will happen if I tell you."

"What could have happened Clark?!"

"This! You're being angry with me and breaking up with me over it, and honestly, I can't blame you…"

"AND cut!" the teacher announced while clapping his hands and saying, "we have found our superman!" he then turned towards Chris and said, "Oh my god! You are such a natural! It's like you were born to play that role! You are making your name's sake proud!"

Clark was standing there, red as a tomato from the teacher's praise, after that Ashley was getting Closer to him, she tucked one of her hairs behind her ear and said, "Wow, you were really good, where did you learn to act like that?"

If Chris was being honest, he wasn't acting, he was reacting naturally to what at the moment he felt was his secret being exposed, especially to a girl he likes.

"no one if I'm being honest, I sort of… just acted on reflex I guess…"

"Wait… you never acted before? but you acted so well in this, especially for your first time."

Chris made up a half-lie, "as I was growing up, I used to read a lot of comic books of superman, and watched his movies and TV shows, I guess you could say it imprinted on me his characteristics."

"Wow, you're amazing you know that?"

Chris blushed and said, "Not really. At least I-I don't think so…"

She smiled at him and put her hand on his shoulder, then she gave a gentle squeeze before returning to talk to the teacher.

Chris had called his parents that night to tell them that he had gotten himself into the superman play, his father had laughed his ass off at hearing that, while his mother, only asked him one thing.

"who's the girl Chris?"

Chris was a bit taken aback at that, so he tried denying it by asking, "G-Girl? What girl? I don't know what- "

"Christopher Reeve Johnson! I am your mother, you can't fool me. Now… who is it?"

Chris sighed in defeat, then said, "Her name is Ashley Freeman, I sort of ran into her on the dorms, one thing led to another, and I joined the drama club…"

"He could hear his father laughing in the background and saying, "whipped." Then he heard him being smacked by his mother, and giving her an indignant, "hey!"

His mother then asked him, "well honey, tell us a little bit about her, how is she? How long have you two been dating? What does she study other than drama?"

Chris was a bit overwhelmed by his mother's questions, but quickly enough he recovered.

"She's really nice, we haven't dated yet, but we are going out on a date next Wednesday, and I'll let you know as soon as I get that information myself." He said the last part laughing a little to himself.

"Okay son, oh I am so happy for you! Oh, and by the way… when is the play? We want to be there for your first play."

"Again, when I'll find out I'll let you know that myself, oh and by the way, how does David do on his second year in west point so far?"

"He does well, In fact really well, his teachers and commanders keep calling us with praises, they say he is one of the most dedicated students they had ever seen, if he keeps this up I think he might graduate early if that is even possible."

"Wow, ma! That is so great! Tell Dave I said hi and congratulations, but now I have to go, have my project to work on in the morning and rehearsals in the afternoon."

"Oh, ok son, good luck, and I love you."

"Love you to ma. Good night."

"Night sweaty."

And then had hung up the call, just then Pete had looked at him from his own bed with a weird look on his face, to which Chris had asked him, "what?"

"Oh nothing, I was just realizing how much like superman you really are."

Chris was nervous a little bit at that but covered it up by saying, "Oh shot up web-head."

"No, I mean dude, you even talk like him in a lot of movies I watched of him as a kid. Hell, you even called your mom Ma."

"that's just how we talk in Kansas, have you thought about that?"

"Fair enough, but still dude, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if you told me, you were really an alien from a far extinct race of supermen."

"Okay, now I know you are pulling my leg."

Pete snickering at that, and Chris just said, "well dude, tomorrow we have a lot of work ahead of us, good night."

"Good night, bro."

The next morning Chris was with Pete and Steve, working on their project. Chris had noticed that several of the spiders were behaving a little… erratic than the rest of them. He also noticed that some of the spiders were missing as well, so he questioned Steve about it.

"Oh, those? Don't worry about it, these are new breeds of spiders, and therefore, new behavioral patterns. The ones that are missing unfortunately were not successfully crossbred, and well…" he didn't finish the sentence, but he didn't have to, what he implied was crystal clear.

Chris had looked at both Peter who slightly paled, and Steve who didn't look too sorry for what he just said.

Something just didn't smell right to him.

But, for the sake of finishing their project, he had pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, for now.

Then he had secretly scanned the room with his X-ray vision to examine the room for anything out of the ordinary or straight-up suspicious. His gaze landed on the nightstand of all places, it had inside of it a vile filled with some blue liquid of some kind, but Chris had a snicking suspicion of what it was. Steve was injecting these spiders some kind of steroid and was breeding them, or the other way around.

But Chris could not confront him about it at this right now, else he'll expose himself as well in the process. So, he reluctantly decided to bide his time for the right moment to get his hands on that vile, and then to examine it for himself before going to the dean to report about him.

So, he would wait until he gets his opening, but it was not easy, since Steve was mostly in his room, but Chris was a patient person.

After they were finished, Chris had run to the theater for his first official rehearsal with the rest of the cast, he of course had the main role as the titular man of steel, Ashley of course was Lois Lane in this play.

Then there were the others, those who were supposed to be his parents, Lex Luther, general Zod, etcetera.

The director had given them all scripts, with each actor's characters written on their script, all in all, the first day went as you would expect, there were a few hiccups here and there, but other than that it went fine enough.

After they were done, Chris had suggested they would go out for pizza and that they'll all get better acquainted, everyone agreed to that, and they left their campus grounds.

Now when they sat down, everyone was a bit tense, so Chris had opened up first to defuse the tension.

"Hi everyone, as you all know I'm Chris Johnson, from Pikesville Kansas. It is nice to meet you all."

Everyone was a bit shocked at hearing that, and Chris couldn't blame them, after all, this was one hell of a coincidence that their superman for the play would actually be from Kansas.

The next one to open up was Ashley, she was from Chicago, and she actually majored in political science, and minored in sociology, but her real passion was drama.

Another one to open up was a student by the name of Michael Reap, he was of Caucasian descent, he had green eyes and auburn hair, he was the one to play Lex Luthor.

He was from New York, but from buffalo, he was from a wealthy family, but always wanted to be an actor himself.

And so on and so forth the night went on.

All of them had a great time hanging out, but soon enough they had needed to get back to the campus.

While everyone had gotten back to their rooms, Chris and Ashley had stayed out a little longer, they walked a little and Chris had looked her in the eyes, and before he could say anything, Ashley said, "so… I had a good time with you tonight, even though it wasn't just the two of us…"

Chris chuckled nervously and said, "yeah, but it's not like it was the day we had set for our date, and I thought it could help the cast to get to know each other a little better…"

Ashley had nodded her head saying, "fair enough, but still…"

"Well, we still have Wednesday all to ourselves, so there's that…"

She smiled at him and said, "that is true… well I guess I'll have to wait until then…"

Then they had reached her the girl dorms and she said, "well, this is me, see you on Sunday?"

Chris smiled at her and said, "of course." And they both leaned in closer kissed.

It felt amazing for Chris, her lips touching his, his heart had skipped a few bits, he felt her arms wrapping around his neck, and then she slowly broke contact with him.

She smiled at him and said, "wow… well goodnight!"

"Goodnight!" he said back with a wide grin on his face, as she turned back towards the dorms, Chris slowly walked away.

He was ecstatic, so he quickly had made his way to a vacant spot, and when he had gotten there, he blasted off to the sky. As soon as he had reached the stratosphere, he had shouted at the top of his lungs, "WOOO HOOOO!"

***third-person pov***

unbeknownst to Chris, he was being watched taking off to the air at unmatchable speeds.

From his room, at the campus, using a pair of goggles, was Steve O'Connor. All the while he muttered to himself, "I guess I'm not the only one who's got some secrets now do I, Chris?"

He then turned back to his nightstand, and opened up the top drawer, he pulled out the vile full of blue liquid and had gotten closer to the spiders and took out a syringe, he also had taken out his phone and started to record, "data loge number 432, this is Steve O'Conner, about to test the super-soldier formula on specially bred spiders, experimentation number 54."

He then filled the syringe with the liquid and gotten closer to the spiders, who some of them tried to escape in vain.

"Last test had borne mixed results, with some of the spiders exploding after injections, while others had survived to process, but had gotten more erratic in behavior, as an equivalent to a human condition commonly known as 'roid-rage', it is my belief that adjusting the formula would bare much more… favorable results." He puts on a pair of rubber gloves and continues.

"I'm about to insert the syringe into the chosen spider, my strongest one yet, this spider spices I had nicknamed 'the German Steeler'." He then takes a pause and says, "let the record show that I am doing this for the next step of human evolution, this is our future." Then he injected the serum at the spider he was grabbing, he ignored the hisses of pain that had come from the arachnid in his hand.

No one will stop him from achieving his dream of supremacy, no one.

***Chris pov***

He had made his way back to earth and back to his dorm room, as soon as he has gotten inside, he saw Pete was just finishing a video call with his girlfriend from home, he was from California, San Francisco to be exact.

He saw Chris getting inside the room and told his girlfriend, "Talk to you later babe, Chris just got here… and he looks like he has some big news to tell me."

"Oh, ok babe, tell him I said hi, talk to you later, I love you."

"I love you too babe."

And with that, Peter hung up the video call. He then turned his attention back to Chris, and Chris asked him, "was that Jen?"

Pete nodded his head and said, "yeah, she says hi by the way."

"Oh nice, tell her I said hi back next time you two talk."

"Okay, I will know what is it that you wanted to-" but then he stopped and looked at Chris closely, then his eyebrows shot up and exclaimed, "no way! Dude, you kissed her already?"

Chris was a bit surprised at hearing that, so he asked, "how in the hell, could you have known that already?!"

"Dude it's written all over your face, you have got a big stupid grin on it, your hands' shiver, and not to mention, your pupils are wide like you are high on some drug, and you aren't really the type to do those kinds of things, so in conclusion… and to quote Katy Perry 'you kissed a girl, and you liked it." He said the last part with a smirk on his face.

"Dude, that is scary how you know all those things, and you are right!"

Peter gave him a high five and said, "Dude! That is so awesome, I am so happy for you!"

Chris then said, "one of these days you're gonna have to tell me your secret you know that right?"

Peter just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Dude, I minor in psychology remember? Reading people's tells is what we are taught in that class."

Then Chris had nodded his head, now remembering it and how it made sense. Then he had looked at Peter and asked him, "was I interrupting something important between you and Jen?"

Peter just waved his hands dismissively and said, "nothing that should bother you dude, just that… my parents have separated…"

Chris immediately lost his enthusiasm and said, "oh… bro… I-I am so sorry to hear that."

"it's fine man, really, I mean it."

"Well buddy, if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you man." He said the last part putting his hand on his shoulder.

Peter nodded his head and said, "I appreciate it, man." Then he gave him a quick one-armed hug and went to the showers.


The days had come and gone, and soon enough, Wednesday had arrived, he had put on his best-looking cloth, which if he was honest, weren't much. He waited for Ashley near the girls' dorms, he was tapping his foot nervously and stopped when he noticed he was making small tremors.

'This is stupid' he thought to himself, 'why am I so nervous? We kissed already, she likes me, so that is already clear.'

He was brought out from his musings when he saw Ashley coming towards him, she wore a nice yellow top, black skinny jeans, and a black leather jacket that had fit her like a glove, and on her ears, she wore a pair of large round golden earrings.

All in all, she was beautiful in his eyes, he had a giant Guffey grin plastered all over his face. She noticed and smiled and asked him with a playful seductive tone, "See something you like?"

Chris just realized what he was doing, and his face turned redder than a tomato, his words stumbled when he said, "I- I'm sorry, it's just that-" he was stopped when he heard Ashley laugh at his reaction and said, "oh you are so cute, I had to tease you a little."

She then got closer to him and planted a soft kiss on his lips asking, "better?" he had an even goofier grin and just mumbled something incoherent. Which again caused her to laugh and intertwine her arm in his.

They had made their way to Harlem, in there, they were entering a restaurant that served what Ashley had called, soul food, it was Chris's first time trying it.

They had ordered, and Chris kind of noticed the ugly looks he was getting from several of the customers, he was one of a few white guys in this place, but he was the only one on a date with a black girl currently.

Ashley noticed he was looking around nervously and saw the stink looks he was getting from some customers, she had put her hand on his and said, "hey… don't worry about them… right now all that matters is you and I, no one will hurt you."

He almost laughed at that notion but held it in, he just said, "it's not that, I just don't understand why people care what ethnicity a person is when it comes to dating, isn't what important is that the both of them would share the same or at least a very similar belief system?"

She nodded her head and said, "that is true, but… it's more complicated than that… certain people will always be against that sort of thing, no matter what you or I think of the matter…":

Hearing her pained voice, Chris quickly held her hand and said, "I'm sorry, I had ruined the mood for our date, didn't I?"

"No, it's fine, you didn't say or do anything wrong it's just that… oh never mind, I came here to have fun with a cute guy from Kansas." She said in a much cheerier tone, although Chris could tell it was forced, but he didn't say a thing about it and went on with their date.

They had gotten to know each other a whole lot better, and Chris had gathered some more information about her.

Her dad was a former marine, while her older brother is a navy seal. So, he told her about his older brother being at West Point at the moment, about his family, and about growing up on the Johnson ranch.

She laughed at some of his stories, and he laughed at some of hers, then he asked her why she studied her major and minor, and she told him this, "when was a kid, I had a friend who went through some tough times, eventually her family was taken from her by social services, so I wanted to help her but couldn't, so I decided to help others like my friend."

After they were done with their meal and ordered the check, Chris of course paid for it, like the gentleman he was taught to be, and they had left the restaurant with Ashley hanging on his arm.

They had seen some dirty looks but also some supportive whistles showing that not everybody was against this kind of pairing, so Chris had put that in the back of his mind.

They were going through an alley when two guys appeared out of nowhere. They were wearing several bandanas on, and they had clothes that looked way too big for their size (A/N keep in mind this is around the time man of steel came out.). all in all, they were your stereotypical thugs.

One of them had given Chris a dirty look while saying to Ashley, "Hey girl! Why don't come with us and we'll show you what real men are like?"

Chris could tell Ashley was disgusted by the thought, but all she said was, "no thanks, I think I'll pass thank you very much."

"Oh, come on… what this white nigga can do that we can't do better? Leave this loser, he ain't shit next to a real man." Then they started to get closer to them, and Chris could feel Ashley clinging to him, so he mustered all of his midwestern charm and spoke.

"I do believe, the lady said no. now I don't know about you gentlemen, but where I'm from, when a lady says no, it means NO." he said the last part with a finality that anyone with a bit of common sense would step back, especially when it comes out from someone as tall and broad as Chris. But those two were not those people, they flinched of course, but then, in order to regain some dignity, the other guy then turned to his friend and said, "shit homie, you gonna let this white nigga talk to you like that? He be trippin', He ain't shit!" then he pulls out a switchblade, while his friend took a Glock out of his pants, he pointed out to them, to her credit, Ashley tensed up but didn't make a sound, but Chris immediately stood protectively Infront of her, his eyes started to glow a faint red, he looked at the two of them and said, "you two really do not want to do this."

One of them just looked at each other, then they burst out laughing, one of them says, "ooohhh scary contacts, what are you supposed to be? Superman?"

"Nah homie, this nigga is a Sith lord, he's going to use the 'force' to chock us like Darth Vader."

Chris was about to act and shot them up, but to his surprise, it was Ashley who took action, she firstly kicked the guy with the gun in the nuts, immediately putting him on the ground groaning in pain and hiving, she was about to kick his gun away but didn't get the chance as his friend, seeing this, tried to slash at her but she grabbed him by the arm, twisted it, and judo flipped him, he tried to get back up but Chris, with great restraint, punched him lightly on the face.

It still knocked him out cold, and when he looked at her, he said, "as much as I would like to see you take them all down, I think I should at least contribute a little."

She laughed a little and clung to his arm, he asked her, "by the way, where did you learn to hit like that?"

"I grew up with a father who is a former marine, and I'm from Chicago, a girl got to be able to defend herself."

"Duly noted." Chris said with a smirk, but just then, his super-hearing had picked up the unmistakable sound on a gun being cocked, then the groaning guy that Ashley took out saying, "Bitch… I'mma gonna show you to disrespect the 'black dragons'!" then Chris pointed his head to the side ever so slightly, and with a move he practiced, his eyes glowed red, while the thug's gun glowed red hot as well and he dropped it, screaming in pain.

They walked out of the alley and Ashley asked Chris, "By the way Chris… why would he say all those stuff about your eyes?"

Chris, nervously came up with a quick answer, "I don't know Ashley, people see all kinds of weird stuff in dark alleys." She seemed willing to accept that, but Chris knew he needed to be more careful from now on.

After taking a cab, they had made their way back to the dorms, and it was on the steps of the girls' dorms where he looked her in the eyes and said, "I had a great time with you tonight, minus of course what had happened in the alley."

Ashley smiled at him and said, "I had a great time as well, and yeah I kind of want to forget what happened there if you don't mind."

"Why? I mean I just learned you can kick ass, which is awesome!"

She laughed at that a little and said, "really? You don't mind? Some guys find it emasculating that their girlfriends can defend themselves."

"Oh, is that what we are now?" Chris asked her teasingly.

"Oh, you know what I-" she was cut off when Chris had put his lips squarely on hers, soliciting a moan of pleasure from her as she kissed him back.

He broke from the kiss, looked her in the eyes, and said, "I don't mind it one bit." And then he kissed her again.

After they broke from the kiss to breathe, Ashley said, "for what it's worth, I do appreciate you standing up for me against those thugs, thank you."

"It was nothing special, soo… would you like to do this again?"

"She gave him a bright smile and said, "I would love to, superman." She added the last part jokingly, but to Chris, it sounded like the biggest compliment coming from her lips.

He kissed her again before he went back to his dorms, he was tired from that evening out, both physically, and mentally and he needed his sleep, bad.


It has been several months since Chris and Ashley started dating, and Chris thought life couldn't get any better, when he sanded his folks a picture of Ashley, they were shocked at how pretty she was, and his mom even told him that she couldn't wait to meet her when the play would play that very week.

But more importantly, he was close to exposing Steve unethical experiments, by clowning Pete on what he found out (and obviously leaving out how he did.), they managed to gather enough evidence to bring to the dean, although he did ask for one significant evidence against him, his notes.

And those, he suspected he kept on his phone. He saw how he was protective of it, he wouldn't let anyone touch it.

Chris and Peter were in their room, going through everything they had gathered so far on their partner, and Peter said, "I can't believe that with everything that we had gathered on the guy, the dean still needs more evidence to expel him. I mean, if one of those spiders breaks free and bites someone, that would be catastrophic, and it would be on the dean's head."

"I agree with you man, I don't like it either, but apparently, according to the dean, he is well connected, so we will need something concrete on him if we want him out."

It the sad truth, as it turns out, Steve was connected to a conglomerate by the name of Hannibal Pine, not much was known about him, not even how he looked, only that he had his hand in just about every kind of business there is out there. From supermarkets all the way up to high tech industry.

And Steve was somehow connected to him.

It was at that moment that they heard a knock on the door, they quickly had put everything that they had gone through. After that Chris had opened the door, in there stood, a girl of Asian descent, bleached blonde hair, a cute round face, and hazel brown eyes.

This was Jennifer Tran, Peter's long-distance girlfriend, granted Chris only saw her in photos and talked to her on video once but he could still recognize her.

He gave her a wide smile, tilted his head back, and said, "Pete? I think it's for you." He didn't need super-hearing to hear him come up behind him to check who it is.

Chris stepped aside and let him see who it was, as soon as he did though, he gave her a big hug. It was a sweet moment, one which Chris hated to interrupt and said, "well you two have a lot to catch up on, and oh look at the time I have to get to rehearsals for the play… Jen, it's nice to finally meet you." He added awkwardly before he walked off.

In truth he did have rehearsals that night, but only for two hours, so he had made his way to the girls' dorms, he found himself Infront of Ashley's door and knocked on it.

However, it wasn't her that opened it, it was her roommate, a Hispanic girl by the name of Alex Rodriguez, as soon as she saw Chris, she turned her head back and said, "Ashley! Your boyfriend is here!" and then she made her way back inside to the room, it took maybe five seconds before Ashley's figure to appear Infront of him and asked, "Hey babe what's up? They didn't reschedule the rehearsals again, did they?"

"Oh no, nothing like that." He was quick to answer, "it's just that… Peter's long-distance girlfriend decided to surprise him, and well… I didn't want to be there while they were "celebrating"."

"Why didn't you want? - ohhh… never mind."

Chris awkwardly chuckled at that, "yeah, didn't need that image in my head, so… I thought if you didn't have anything going on at the moment, that maybe you and I could hang out a little before rehearsal? Of course, if this is a bad time I could always-"

"Oh no, this is not a bad time." She quickly said, "in fact, this is a great time, since both our parents will be here for the play, this is as good as time as any to prepare each other for what is probably about to come."

"OH MY GOD! I totally forgot about that." Chris exclaimed, but calmed himself down and said, "you're right, now is as good a time as any." And they had left the dorms.

They had made their way to a little coffee shop on campus grounds (A/N I have never been to N.Y.U so correct me if I'm wrong, I want to be as accurate to the real-world equivalent as possible.) after they both had ordered coffee, then Chris started to talk, "if I know my folks, they would probably come to New York like two days earlier, so they would have a better chance of getting to know you better, ma already said that you're pretty but she wants to have some time with you, and pa… well… he will get the information out of Ma later. But don't worry, I'm sure they are going to love you… just like I do." He added quickly seeing her frightened expression.

Hearing his words though, made her calmer and she sighed in relief and gave him a big smile, then she told him, "ok my turn, now my folks only found out two weeks ago that we were dating, so they would probably have a lot of questions for you, now they will make their way all the way from Chicago, so I don't think they will stay in New York for too long, daddy will probably want someone on one with you, to check you out."

"I figured as much."

"And if both of our folks are going to be here, they will probably be going to check the families out as well."

Now Chris was a bit nervous, he wanted to be approved by her father, but the whole situation had given him a different mental image in his head.

"Ashley, is it just me? Or is it feel like we are planning on getting married a bit too soon?"

"Oh, shut up!" she said while playfully punching his arm and laughing a bit, she was now more relaxed, and they were holding their hands to make the other person relax.

He leaned his head against hers and said, "It's going to be just fine, my folks are going to love you, and I can get along with just about anyone, so I'm sure your dad and I are going to be ok with each other."

Her muscles relaxed a little more, but she looked at him kind of wearily and said, "Ok, if you're sure…"

The rest of the day went on pretty uneventful, after their rehearsal, Chris and Ashley had gone out with Peter and Jen for a double date, it was a bit awkward at first, but they quickly got over it and had a great night out.

But as one thing led to another, Chris had noticed something was off. Using his enhanced senses, he found out that they were being followed, the follower was wearing all blacks, but by using his X-ray vision, Chris found out who it was, and that sent a chill down his spine.

It was Steve O'Connor, he was following them for some reason, and when he focused he could tell from all of them, it was himself that Steve was following.

And that had just made things a whole lot more complicated.

A/N hi guys, sorry I didn't update sooner, I have been a little sick this weekend so I couldn't really write, as always please review this story, it lets me know that you guys love it, and gives me the energy to keep on writing, and if any of you has any ideas for the rest of the plot, please let me know, I can't believe the amount of love this story immediately gotten, love you guys, stay safe and until next time.

Bookwormjohnny2 out!