
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The Pod...

A few months go by and spring break finally happened, giving Clark the much needed time to begin some plans and to mell over a few thoughts.

In recent days Clark felt his emotions stray off what he wanted, he seemed to snap more when it came to things he wanted to protect.

At first everything felt normal but it was soon becoming a problem.

For instance when Clark took Amy to the shops and some guy bumped into her, and even after the man apologized, profusely.

Clark glared daggers, and he felt that deep down if he had the option, death was the only thing waiting for that man.

It took him almost all of his will power to hold himself back from finding that man and ripping him apart.

Having, spent the whole day like that Clark finally calmed down when got home from the outing.


And after a couple days he recently saw on the news they spoke about Tony Stark's kidnapping, which delighted Clark to know that they were following one of the Marvel plots.

Giving him a sigh of relief and leeway as he didn't have to trend so carefully because he could comfortable know of some future points and exploit them.

Nevertheless he needed to put himself out their, if he wanted to take advantage of it, so he shook his head knowing he had to play the hero, even though he had other plans, but for now, he wanted to try being a hero.

Heading to his room he opened his closet, and pulled out a box that was on the floor, inside was a jumper with a spray painted superman symbol on it.

Dressed up with a sigh, he could only hope people don't recognize him.


All across America, a blur was dashing through the streets saving people, from falls, or robberies. The media soon coined the strange hero 'The Blur' after a couple days after this mysterious hero showed up.

"Good morning, America and welcome to the daily news... Today we going to talk about 'The Blur'" The news presenter said as he turned to his co-star and continued "Stacey what do you think about this Blur"

"Well John, I think his been doing good so far don't you, after only a week after he appeared death rates of gone down by almost 34%" Stacy said with her big smile.

"Wow, 34% Stacy that's a huge decrease...."

A mother and father pear sat in the lounge whilst their small girl played with toys on the soft carpet. The farther glanced over to his wife who was doing the same to him.

And in their eyes it was like they where communicating with their minds alone, and finally when they came to a conclusion, the father stood up and walked to the fields round back.

Walking out the father called out to Clark "Son, your mother and I want to have a word with you"

Clark who was shirtless under the beautiful sun, picked up the rake, dropping it over his shoulder, and looked towards his dad who was on the other side by the house door.

Stepping inside, Clark put his top back on and walked over to the lounge, where his parents where sitting.

"Yes, what is it?" Clark said picking Amy up of the floor before sitting down in the chair,

"Dear, I hope you understand we are proud of you, and we love you, but why have you taken up being a hero?" his mother said.

Clark, wasn't planning on hiding anything but he didn't want to make them worry about anything he was going to be doing in the future.

So he sighed and decided to spill some of the beans "Well, these powers I have, I was hoping if anymore like me made it here" Clark said hoping that was a good enough answer.

The words that came out of his mouth stunned both of the parents and Amy looked up to him wondering what was going on.

"What do you mean-" before the father could finish Clark interrupted.

Seeing that they had questions he "Before, I say anything more, could you please take me to the pod that brought me here, it will be easier to explain, I hope" Clark said

The father and mother both looked at Clark with shock written across their faces "How do you know about that pod"

"Please, don't worry everything will be explained when I get to the pod" Clark said standing up whilst Amy cuddled into his body.

His mother carried a worried expression not understanding how Clark could of known about the strange pod.

So she couldn't help but ask with worry etched into ever word she spoke "Clark, how do you know?"

And Clark picking up on the fluctuations in her voice answered calmly as he followed his dad "Well it began when the pods doors opened"

"Clark how does that make any sense, you where merely a babe" she said whilst her voice crackled scaring Amy.

"I have noticed, that my body absorbs sunlight and turns that into an energy within my body, which it then uses to power my abilities" Clark said stoping to look his mother in the eyes.

"And, one of my abilities, improves my cognitive abilities to process and store memories. Which is a fancy way of saying, I think faster and remember everything" Clark said looking at his mother with love.

Continuing to follow the father to the car he began talking "I remember, the first time you looked at me with love in your eyes, mother" Clark paused and shifted to the father he was busy driving.

"I remember the time father picked me up from the pod and carried me to you, wrapping me in that red blanket" Clark finished with a sigh when he saw the looks on their faces and continued.

"All, I'm trying to say is, that whatever is in that pod will help not only you understand, but it may also help me understand a bit about myself as well"

Clark for the past couple of years had tried to find the pod, he scoured every corner of the farm and even gave it a second look over but still couldn't find anything clue towards the pod.

He had wondered, how they had managed to hide it so far, but seeing that he was busy driving to wherever they had hid it made more sense as to way he couldn't find it.

After driving 15 minutes on a road that had trees crawling along it side, Clark watched his dad pull off the road and onto a little path that lead to a gate.

Opening it and continuing they found themselves at a small house hidden in the woods.

The father parked the car near the house and after everybody got out he said "Clark, I put the pod inside that shed over there"

Clark looked in the direction his father pointed to and nodded his head. His father began walking towards it whilst he followed behind him.

Reaching out his hand the father noticed the lock hand rusted closed, see he simply looked at Clark, who then stepped up to crush it with his bear hands.

The door to the shed opened revealing a round object sitting inside, covered over with a blank, his father stepped aside as Clark stepped up and grabbed ahold of the lose fabric.

And pulled it off...