
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


Clark, was sitting on a chair within his room slouched over a desk, designing costumes and writing up plans.

Clark went through a few things and decided he didn't want to live the same way the DC universes Clark lived, acting like a buffoon, just to hide himself, he just couldn't handle that sort of life.

So he came up with a few plans, one involved him having a mask, or something that hid his face, as Superman similar to the way batman did, but he quickly scratched that off knowing it would be uncomfortable.

Or another way was to try and make as much money as possible, so he didn't have to get a job which for him seemed like a far better idea.

But of course this was the bare bones of his ideas, he would like to wait at least a couple more years, before these where put in motion.

However, it was better to start now with trying to hide his identity, so unfortunately he began changing his hair style, and started wearing a pair of glasses whenever he went out as Clark.

Of course his family, found it weird he started wearing these things but he quickly told them it was for when he was outside.

He said he had saved a few people in passing and didn't want his identity to be known. But that was a lie for now to get them off his back...


Knock knock.

Spinning on his chair Clark looked to his door and said "Hello, who is it?" as a soft smile married his face.

"It's me, can I come in" a cute voice called out from behind the wooden door.

"No, what's the password" Clark said smirking.

Without any hesitation the voice said back "I Love you, I love you"

"Yes come in pumpkin" he said whilst he waited for the door to open.

And when it did Clark immediately picked up his little sister.

Bopping her cute nose "You know I love you times infinity, right" he said carrying her to the dinner table.

Pouting, whilst she folded her arms "No that's cheating, because I love you more" she said looking away from him with her cheeks still puffed.

"Haha, I bet I love you more, and there's nothing you can say about it" Clark said with a smile as he put her down on her chair.

Clarks mother saw her daughters pouting face and said "Clark what did you do to Amy?"

"Nothing mommy, she just believes she loves me more, then I love her" Clark said sitting in his chair.

Amy was the new addition to the house hold, and tomorrow was going to be her 5th birthday, so as a present they where going out to a fun fair.

... 2 Years Later ...

Clark was easily put into Midtown High, and thanks to his superspeed he didn't have to spend the councils tax money on bus fares, instead he gave it to his parents.

Clark in the past few months had gotten closer to Gwen and Peter, but because those to where more academically orientated he would get pestered to go into those competitions like before.

"Come on Clark, why can't you" Gwen said over the cafeteria table as she pointed at him with the fork.

"Gwen, it's so boring, and what's the fun in knowing your going to win" Clark said with a smug look, that quickly turned into a laugh.

Gwen looked gobsmacked "What, an, egotistical thing to say" Gwen said stabbing her fork into her food.

"Besides I'm busy trying out for football practice so I can't do the competitions anyway, and you know that" he said looking, at Gwen calmly in the eyes.

"And why, don't you two always win anyways without me" Clark said taking a bite out of his homemade food.

Gwen grew a slight blush at Clarks poking but unfortunately it was hidden by the light makeup she would ware.

Soon they sate in silence, Clark didn't mind because it gave him the chance to finish the food, however Gwen was trying to come up with why's to start a new conversation, where as Peter just sat there.

Unfortunately for Clark he heard, an annoying voice call out "Hey, piss Parker" Flash said wrapping his arm around Peters neck.

Clark frowned, as his silence had been broken due to a rather poor excuse for a bully "Hey, Flash can you go away" Clark said with a rather indifferent tone.

Flashed looked up at Clark and smirked "Hey four eyes your that new trainee, don't worry, me an Parker here, have known each other for years"

Clark stood up causing a racket due to the table hitting him on the way up, causing the entire table to shake.

Clark move to Peter, and pulled Flash off him quite easily and said to him "Peter, you really shouldn't allow people like him to dirty you"

The whole cafeteria went silent under the spoken words, Clark just said and only one person within the large room was busy fuming.

But what could he do after Clark pulled him off Peter, he felt some unreal strength that he couldn't resist no matter how hard he tried.

So Flash could only look at Clark with flames in his eyes and said "Clark, my..." Flash unfortunately couldn't finish before Clark turned around with cold eyes, forcing him to swallow his words.

Clark having quieted down Flash, put his hand on his shoulder and said quite mockingly "See Flash, isn't a better if your quiet, no?"

Flash feeling absolutely humiliated couldn't take it anymore and clenched his fist, twisted his body and throw a punch towards Clarks face.

Clark sighed seeing all of what was coming towards him but, he simple pushed Flash with the hand that was still on his shoulder.

That slight nudge caused Flash to fall backwards and unfortunately for him his was sent fist far off trajectory.

Flash stumbling backwards onto his ass, and Clark now towered over him, burned the image of fear into him.

"I'm going, Flash and I'm leaving with my friends, since you ruined my appetite" Clark said looking at Gwen and Peter to see what they would do.

Luckily they both stood up as well because that would have been awkward if they hadn't left with him.

Outside Gwen quickly clung to Clark in her excitement "Wow, Clark I never knew you were so good at fighting"

Clark shock his head and replied "Gwen, that wasn't even a fight, if anything I diffused the situation" he said finishing off that sentence and looked at Peter.

Clark could tell at this moment, Peter hadn't been bitten by the spider yet and thought at this rate it would most likely happen next year.

Clark infact new it was next year as most schools take their second years on school trips.

But as of right now Clark was looking at how jealous Peter was, looking at Gwen holding onto him at this moment.

Clark didn't want to make Peter feel bad so he said to Gwen in a whisper "Gwen, don't you think you should let go of me"

Gwen instinctively tensed up at his words but she quickly looking down and saw, she had wrapped her arms around his. Swiftly letting go she said "Sorry, my bad, I didn't realize"

Clark and Peter both watched her scurry off, to which Clark said "Peter, I know you like her, so why don't you ask her out"

This time it was Peter's turn to get flustered "W-hat are you talking about"

Clark looked at him and said "Don't play dumb" and walked off. Clark at this moment didn't like Gwen in any romantic sense, only because, she was still to young.

And for the next couple of years until she turns 18 he wasn't going to pursue her and he wasn't going to allow her feelings for him, get to him.

However it did piss him off that, that he just couldn't have her but it farther pissed him off knowing a guy was walking around wanting her.

So in that moment he didn't want to deal with him and left Peter standing alone.

Clark didn't like this feeling of anger he felt, so he hoped in letting Peter take Gwen from him, he would no longer want her.

As the thought of used goods wasn't that appealing to him.