
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Some Nostalgia...

Seeing the beautifully, clean silver pod that was slightly bigger then an average baby cot, that really looked out of place with this small unkept shed.

Stepping over he saw written upon the pod intricately engraved, across it's side the kryptonian language.

Clark sighed as an almost deep seeded understand of the language came forth allowing him to understand as he ran his fingers over, the language of krypton.

Without looking away from the pod, he began to read the words to himself.

"To a child I hope to see"

"May the sun's in my stead, watch over you"

"For I will try"

"Even tho I might never see"

"I just hope my love reaches thee"

Clark in that moment felt quite alien knowing these words were meant for him, but the another child these parents thought it should have been for.

But as much as he put himself down, there was nothing he could do, he was the one standing here reading it.

And nothing was going to take away the fact that he was the one living this life, even if it was a little lie, he wasn't going to change anything.

Having let that thought pass Clark looked over to his family and smiled calmly, for they where the one's he had lived with and was glade because of it.

Moving on Clark made his way to the front searching along it's side for any button to open it the pods screen.

And without any luck, he went to the front and after a while of searching he couldn't find any kind of button to open from that side either.

Taking a step back and once he actually started thinking about Krypton and how advanced their civilization once was, he shrugged thinking of an idea.

Reaching forward he placed his entire hand flat against the black smooth screen, hoping that this would work.

And before a few seconds could go by the panel opened with a soft 'shuck' sound, as a rush of air made it's way in.

The family not expecting anything to happened jumped with fright, causing Clark to chuckle as he quickly said "Don't worry" whilst he lifted the screen to get a better look inside.

And what he saw, to him seemed quite nostalgic, with a red blanket his father carried him in, all folded neatly, on the center seat.

Moving on he looked around the pod and Clark wasn't surprised to find the small USB sized Kryptonian Codex, that looked similar to the one from 'The Man Of Steel'.

Yet, on the other hand, there was something else he had not expected to see nor did he have any recollection of any other house from Krypton having.

Picking up to Hold in his hand, right now was a crystal, no in fact it was the Fortress of Solitude in it's seed form crystal.

And his family seeing him hold onto it with such passion could only help but ask "Clark what is that?"

"This... Don't worry one day I will show you" Clark said and really did intend to tell them but for now he stored both the crystal and codex away within his pocket.

Soon pulling out the pod Clark picked it up and said "Give me a bit I'll take it to the farm"

Before their very eyes Clark vanished leaving the faintest of afterimages.

And before they could do anything else, Clark appeared before them again.

This time holding nothing, which caused the the mother and father to sigh, but Clark soon gestured for them to head towards the car "Ok, let's go home now"

Before Clark could make his way over to the car little Amy run up to him, with reached out arm.

Amy, in Clarks arms, leaned into whisper "Don't, worry brubru I'll kept your secret safe?" she said with a little giggle.

To which Clark replied "Oh and what secret would that be?"

She put her little finger on her lips and she said with a sense of seriousness "That your the blur"

"Oh, ya you can't tell mommy and daddy ok" he said whispering into her ears as he walked back to the car.

Arriving home Amy ran up the stairs to her room whilst Clark and his parents went into the lounge to talk.

Clark having placed the crystal and the codex onto the little coffee table, so that both of them could see what Clark had gotten from the pod.

The dad out of interest picked up the white sparkling crystal and put it up to the light whilst he rubbed his chin and said "What an interesting thing"

Calmly placing it back down onto the table he continued "Do you know what it does?"

"Honestly, no..." he said looking at it, but of course he knew what it was, but in this instance he had no clue on how to get it to work.

And that was the part he leveraged so that he could tell his lie and thankfully they didn't ask for what it was used for.

"But that little stick, is a codex, I know that because it was written on the inside where I found it, but I also have no clue how it works" Clark said picking it up, hoping that excuse was enough.

Nevertheless this thing honestly intrigued him, due to every time he touched, he would feel a strange connection, almost pulling at him from within it.

Clark spent his time discussing things with his parents, most of the discussions where centered around his superpowers and how he could read the strange symbols as they said.

He would explain some of his capabilities and the only reason he spoke of these things was to try and suppress their worries about him being in danger.

After they both sighed in relief, his mother went to get dinner ready whilst Clark went to his room.

Standing in his room Clark looked at the red Krypton blanket his got from the pod which he held in his hand.

He knew his body was different from most Kryptonians and not having the energy field to protect his clothes, meant it was going to be harder to not accidentally go nude during a fight.

So he hoped that however this blanket was woven it would be made out of some fancy durable material only Krypton, could make.

Lifting up the red blanket, that had the same qualities as soft silk, but that aside he used his microscopic vision to get a better view at it's makeup.

With a bit of investigation he came to a conclusion, that with they way it was woven and the compounds used to make the material, it would at most survive a low grade nuke.

However it only 'con' was the fact it was extremely flexible, any bullet up to missile would just simply slip past it, almost like it wasn't even there due to its flexibility.

Anyway this was far above what he had hoped for, knowing now at least that would survive any skirmish he was involved in the future.