
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


Clark had spent a lot of time staring at the crystal and the codex which where both laid out, over his desk.

Not matter how much he looked at both he just couldn't understand how they worked.

Lifting up the crystal, the only object he know that could make the fortress of solitude, but then again also the only thing he did not expect to find here on earth.

Let alone, him having any idea of activating it, but for whatever reason, now that he was holding it within his hands, he ever so desperately needed to find a way to and get the information inside, out.

His lust for the information inside could be what he needed and just maybe, buried inside the crystal their could be a way to streamline, a way to get the codex open and begin creating a new Krypton.

Puting down the crystal he gazed over to the codex.

One of the things he asked for and the piece that could give him some target to head towards in this world, apart from just growing his stronger.

Be that as it may Clark still had no idea how it worked. And after bringing the pod home he still couldn't find anywhere on it to insert the codex.

He even thought he missed it and went to look multiple times but when his mother walked in seeing him waving the codex all around the pod she was left with major questions.

Which left him to explain that he just thought is was a key and wondered if the pod would start, like a car.

Which unfortunately lead to his mother breaking down in tear's thinking he wanted to leave, which he quickly smothered, saying he couldn't fit in the pod anyway, to go anywhere.

Finally getting her to calm down his mother and father looked a him with quite the angry expressions and Clark having love in his heart for them asked something he shouldn't of.

"Is there anyway I can make it up to you?"Clark said watching both of them light up like Christmas trees.

"Yes, you can babysit Amy, whilst me and your mom go take the weekend off" the father said hugging his wife.

Clark just shook his head seeing that he had been played. But nevertheless he couldn't help but agree as their anniversary was coming up, so he couldn't really say no.


Today was the day, and Clark held Amy in his arms as he watched the parents leave, whilst he and her both waved them goodbye.

Clark walking back into the house said with a smile "Is there anything you would like to do now mom and dad aren't here?"

immediately she screamed "Ice cream, ice cream" as she wriggled her way out of Clarks arms, running towards the freezer.

Clark just chuckled, watching her place the stepping stool, below the cutlery draw.

Walking over he picked her up again, and then pick out a spoon making sure to hand it over to her. Before he walked into the lounge.

Turning on the TV, he found that across multiple news channels they spoke about an 'Iron Man' fighting a strange much larger iron man armour.

And because it all took place over one of Tony Stark's buildings, plus the fact Obadiah Stane was found to be the man within the larger Iron man Armor.

It put Stark industries at jeopardy, they very quickly tried to resolve some things, which lead to a press conference being held, which Clark was all to eager to watch.

1 hour goes by most of it is catch up before the live event and thankful everything went the same as in the movie.

Tony announced to the world that he was Iron Man, which of course got no reaction out of Clark but little Amy who had just finished her second tube of ice cream looked at him with confused eyes.

"What's an iron man?" she said giving the spoon it's finale licks.

"Hmm... An iron man you say, well little monkey I don't know. However that man you see on the TV, has clothes he can put on that are made from Iron, which protects him form guns" he said hoping that would be a good enough explanation.

"Wow, it can protect him from guns" Amy said looking at a picture on the screen showing Tony wearing the Iron Man suite, from his battle with Iron Monger.

With a soft smirk Clark said "Yes, Iron is one of the strongest metals" he said knowing full well that it was probably one of the most average metals, if you where to compare it to Vibranium or Uru.

Anyway the sun was still out, and Clark knew she was going to have her suger rush soon. He quickly fixed any mess she made and throw away the empty ice cream tubes.

Picking her up he said "You wanna see a magic trick, Amy?" as he walked outside.

Quickly nodding her head "Yes, yes, I want to see" she said getting comfortable within his arms.

Without a second thought whilst he held held onto her, and whilst Amy looked at Clark waiting for the magic trick to begin he looked down at her and smiled.

"What, what's funny?" Amy said and waited for her brothers reply, but because it never came she looked away with a pout.

However in that moment as she looked away from her brother, the tree line that surrounded the farm was far below her feet.

Looking down in utter shock, she gripped onto Clarks clothes and glued herself to his body as they hovered way above the trees.

Clark could feel how scared she was so to try and mellow out the situation he flu with his back to the ground.

"Amy don't worry I'm here" he said rubbing her back, slowly and constantly making sure she knew he was there.

Giving Amy the time she needed to feel comfortable, it wouldn't be long before she peeled herself from his body, and looked around.

Clark hadn't gone far from the farm, in fact he was just circling it at a slow, calm speed, making sure Amy was nice and comfortable whilst she sat on his belly.

Seeing he big eyes entranced by what she could see he spoke softly "Do you like it Amy?" he said with a calm smile.

"Yes" Amy said never taking her eyes off the horizon.


2 or so hours go by as he flu around at a altitude safe enough for Amy to breath in as they both watched the sun set over the horizon.

And by that time she had fallen softly to sleep letting Clark know it was time to get her into her bed.

He floated down with Amy soundly asleep during which he tactfully never touched the wooden flooring within the house, as he didn't want to set them off.

Pulling the blanket over her he went back to his room, as quietly as he could...