
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

News Of The Hulk

Walking through city whilst everybody looked liked they weren't moving at all, Clark found where the cry for help originated from.

Standing in front of a random door inside an apartment complex, Clark grabbed the door from either side and pulled it from the hinges.

Unfortunately for the door as Clark opened it and doing it so quickly relatively. The door simply couldn't handle the torque and crumpled it into an odd shape.

Throwing it to the side Clark was left standing there in fascination as everything as little shards of the door floating in the air, moving so slowly it did take him a while to remember what he was here for.

Anyway after ignoring the splinters Clark took a step in as the little splinter moved out of his way.

Excusing himself Clark entered into the room and caught 4 different pears of shoes, and by the looked of it a family of 4 lives within this apartment.

Taking calm strides in he a quick glance about before he spotted three man standing over a beaten man whilst another was pulling a women away by her hair.

Each of whom where holding a gun in each of their heads, with smile on each if their faces.

Clark walked over to one of the men and quite simple placed his thumbs on the left and right collarbone, and gently pressed in.

It didn't take long before Clarks thumbs broke the bones with an crunch under his thumb quickly rendering the unlucky man unable to work his arms probably for the coming months.

And without missing a beat Clark did the same to the other two and once he was done he rummaged through the house looking for a pen and paper.

Smoothly writing in an odd sort of cursive he wrote "call the cops" on the small piece of paper.

Dropping the paper on the floor infront of beaten up man he left, hoping they would call the cops.


After leaving the apartment Clark started heading towards his house whilst he thought about a few things.

Clark actually noticed he, was slowly growing annoyed at the fact he had to run around hiding his identity as the blur.

But at this moment there was really nothing he could do, because of the immature body that was still a few years away from actually maturity.

And even though he had dreamt of flying around as Superman those thoughts were quickly smothered because of his body's energy reservoir, which where nowhere near big enough to sustain him at greater flight speeds.

He found out, that his body couldn't get him past mach 1, let alone sustain it for 10 minutes before he would run out of energy and plummet, towards the ground.

So he only option for getting around quickly enough without being spotted was superspeed. Which made him feel quite inadequate.

He slowly came to understand that each of his cells almost had a limiter on all of them.

His body constantly took in the sun's energy but he never actually kept any of it, which quite frankly started to piss him off.

... 1 Year Later ...

Within the small couple of months the after he started his second year of highschool, news about a large green monster terrorizing a large city within mexico started to circulate the news.

But almost as quickly as it appeared the news of the Hulk completely vanished from the limelight.

Clark chalked up to general Ross trying to hide his blunder.

Nevertheless Clark at least knew if nothing changes, Bruce should be heading towards Betty but how was this any different from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

What did Void mean be he would have a challenge if he knew what was coming, but that was only a thought for Clark.

If anything this was a good thing knowing what to expect and it was probably some of the best news he heard all year.

However on a side note that wasn't the only good news to happen because, Clark didn't know what it was, maybe his constant complaining or something else but, he soon noticed his ability to absorb solar energy had increased.

And after much thinking he noticed his cells had become far more active, almost like they where more hungry for the sun.

Clark was also happy to find out his speed at which he recharged his energy reservoir hand also greatly increased.

Allowing him to fly almost indefinitely if he was under the sun, even if he was pushing himself to the max.

Unfortunately he was soon pulled out of his thoughts when the teacher at the head of the class spoke.

"Alright students, as you know tomorrow will be the last day before you can put your application through before the class trip" he said

"And for those who still need help or can't make it for whatever reason, please consult me at the end of the class, and I'll see what I can do"

Clark watched him finish his speech, which was when the class finally started.

From his left a sweet voice whispered into his ear "Hey Clark, you going?" Gwen said hiding her mouth from the teacher.

"Ya, I handed in the money 2 weeks ago" Clark said ignoring the teachers lesson and focused on keeping his hand in the sun's rays that shone on his desk.

"That's, good because I should be able to go as well" Gwen said with a smile as she spoke to Clark.

However Clark just happened to think about something and looked at Gwen "If I'm not mistaken isn't the trip also on you ballet practice"

Gwen gazed at Clark with a soft expression as it surprised her that he remembered an off handed comment and said "Well, that's why I should be able to make it, I'm just waiting for my dad to approve"

Clark smirk thinking of something funny "Make sure he says yes, I don't want Peter going into nerd mode" Clark said with a slight chuckle.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'll make sure" Gwen said looking back down at her school work.

Seeing she wasn't going to say anything else, Clark thought about the next few weeks, and as such he knew sooner or later the Hulk was going to pop up.

And thinking about it, he thought it would be a good time to appear before the world as the hero who fought the Hulk.

For him it was probably one of his much needed plans, the only grip he had with this plan, was going to be the Hulk.

He just hope he wasn't jumping in the deep end too soon.

At least even if he fought the Hulk and lost his capabilities would still be shown and he would still have left a good impression making himself stand out as a good asset for Shield to look into.

All in all, Clark just wanted Shield to give him access to front row seats to any Marvel plots.