
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

New Costume...

Entering his room, Clark sat down on his bed, with a sigh, he had this Saturday and Sunday to come up with a few things before his school holiday was up.

As much as he wanted to take the crystal to the Antarctica and throw it down to see if it sprouted the fortress of solitude.

He was simply for to slow, flight whys, that by the time he got back home after testing his hypothesis, Amy might have woken up, and become truly frightened knowing he had disappeared.

And running across the ocean was also out of the question only because it would be far to much effort for him to constantly dodging around the waves and besides he might even run out of energy considering the sun had just about set.

So after brainstorming for a bit he thought he should with the extra time he had, might as well come up with a better looking costume, then just a hoodie with a superman symbol spray painted onto the front of it.

Even if people weren't able to see it.


Late into the night Clark, finally came to a simple conclusion. He needed the "New" costume to be simple in design so he instead of constantly repairing it, he could simple put on a new pear. Or at least until until he had better material.

What he was left with, was an almost matt black top with a red superman symbol painted onto it.

Clark honestly felt quite embarrassed that it took him this long to do what seemed like a simple, project, but on the other hand it he did know this would be his image to the people of Marvel.

Packing it all away he slumped onto the bed for a nice relaxing sleep...


Soon, Monday rolls around and after Clark spent his weekend taking care of Amy, who by the way started to enjoyed the feeling of flying above the trees and around the house.

But for Clark, it was still an enjoyable weekend, even if whenever Amy ran to him, begging him to take her on another fly around.

He was just happy that was all he had to do and nothing else popped up. Whereas the most difficult part of it all was getting the little girl to bed.

But nevertheless, it was school time and another day where he had to pretend to care about each lesson.

Making his way, from the farm after saying goodbye to his parents he set off in a slow jog. Not really caring if he was late or not.

Why, you might ask. Well in truth Clark himself found the whole school thing boring not because of how intelligent he was but instead it was all to do with his age.

Clark had spent far to much time in the darkness, and from what he could sort of put together his mental age was far above everyone.

And that always seemed to bring about some discomfort for him when he thought about it.

Mostly in the sense he hated acting young or pretending to fit in, but he unfortunately just had to deal with it.

Because the alternative was him jumping up some grades and leave school early, which he didn't really want, as that would most likely have him winding up on somebody's raider.

So he spent his days costing through classes and having fun. Clark decided to try almost everything inside of high school.

Going to some science fares, making some cheesy science project about the earth and how it worked which got him to 3rd place.

But of course his little family loved it as they took as many photos as possible with him holding up a 3D model of the earth made out of paper mashãy.

Quickly dropping that he tried out for sports, first was football (Soccer [ <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> ] ) but he pushed that to the side finding, that when he tried to fake that he was exhausted people always questioned why he wasn't sweating.

So he found another sport, one in where he could cover himself up more, and American football was just perfect for it.

Clark quickly became an essential player as the coach found him unbelievably potent on the field.

And because of that Clark was a little star within the highschool, making his already very appealing build, even more so.

Sitting inside the cafeteria Clark was happily sitting down eating his mom's home cooked meal when a girl walked past him.

"Hi Clark~" the girl said into his ear as she walked off giggling with her friends.

"See, Clark... Now that's unfair" the boy said to Clark who was sitting across from him.

"What, do you mean Harry?" Clark said, not looking from his food.

Harry pointing with his fork and said to Clark "You, could literally have any girl, but yet, you choose to ignore them"

Looking up at Harry "And why should I cater to them... You of all people should understand, if they are coming to me, then they want nothing more then my fame"

"Clark, the point is it's free" Harry said pinching the bridge of his nose.

Seeing his friends annoyance Clark said "Harry, I do see your point, but I don't like knowing they might be free to everybody else"

Finally Harry couldn't argue any farther on the topic as Gwen and Peter finally finish their extra curriculum and came to sit by them.

And Peter noticing that Harry wasn't as talkative as usual said "Hey, what's going on" as he sat next to Gwen.

Gwen sitting next to Clark heard Harry say "Well, Clarks quite the catch with the girls, but it's a shame he won't give them the light of day"

"Harry, I thought this conversation ended" Clark said not meaning much by it, he just didn't want to have to repeat everything back to the two who just got here.

"Sorry, but they wanted to know, I mean come on, nerd Clark attracting girls, it's unheard of" Harry said looking at Clark.

Unfortunately it seemed that their little conversation kick started Clark having to tell them everything anyway.

And whilst Gwen listened intently to what Clark said, Harry would, interjected. And as that went on Peter continued to eat his lunch and occasionally sneaked peeks at Gwen.

With the end of day school Clark heard was saying goodbye to Gwen "See, you tomorrow, Gwen and say goodbye to Peter for me"

Looking over to him she said "Yes, have a good day and see you tom-"

~~Help, sombody, please!~~

Unfortunately for Gwen Clark stopped paying attention to her and sifted his head.

Trying to locate the direction the scream calling for help had come from.

Closing his eyes briefly a 3D map of the city appeared within his mind helping him to deduce where the scream had originated from.

With a sigh he left Gwen standing there and walked a couple of blocks away and into an alley, to then disappear...