
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Spider Plan...

In the week's leading up to the school trip, Clark spent his time making sure, that his job as a hero was at least within the headline of most papers.

As he was waiting for the Hulk to appear, giving him the opportunity to step out into the light as Superman.

Unfortunately his waiting was unanswered because it turned out the school trip was today so he could only make preparations in the hopes he might appear.


Being the first to step on the bus Clark made his way to the back, wanting to stay away from any school gossip.

And having full view of his classmates coming in Clark noticed something peculiar with the way Peter and Gwen looked at each other.

Be that as it may, the second Gwen spotted Clark she almost gained a spring to her step, but she soon lost it and went to sit next to him.

Clark with a raised brow said "You, good?" hoping it is wasn't what he thought it was.

Gwen turned to him with a slight frown on her face "Ya... Actually no, I heard from Peter, that you said, you told him to ask me out"

"Yes I did"

"Why?" she said getting angrier.

"Because I could see that he liked you" Clark said in an almost obvious tone.

"Why. You know I don't like him, and I can tell he only likes me because M.J doesn't talk to him any more" she said almost yelling.

"What you don't like Peter, but you too hung out together almost all the time" Clark said faking surprise.

"Are you stupid Clark I hang out with him because of clubs and not because I like him"

"Damn, Gwen it would look like I really got the wrong end of the stick" Clark said looking all embarrassed by the news.

"Damn and here I thought I was helping Peter" Clark said looking into Gwen's eyes.

Unfortunately for Clark that wasn't going to be a good enough answer for her.

"Helping Peter... Helping... Are you build or something don't you know I like-" Gwen's anger almost caused her to say something embarrassing.

Gwen pausing in that brief moment got him to say "Gwen... I can see I stepped on a nerve that I shouldn't have, so I'm going to say it now..."

After a short sigh he continued " I apologies, for any sort of boundaries I may have walked into. And I hope you can forgive me" he finished off in a soft tone.

With a cute "hmph" from Gwen as she sat looking away she said "Fine, but don't do it again"

Clark putting his hand on her thigh and waited for her to look his way before he nodded and said "Thank you"


Shortly after they arrived at Oscorp, Clark took his bag from the holding compartment, helping Gwen along the way.

With a brief introduction from the tour guide they, went on in the almost magical building that stood as the pinnacle of science and engineering.

Walking around the facilities with the tour guide showing, and telling them all the interesting facts about the technology, as well as the interesting creatures they had breed.

Peeking around Clark noticed Peter took up the job of the photographer for this trip, whilst Gwen was pulling Clark around.

With a small smirk, he saw Peter, pull a smooth one as he asked M,J for a photo, under the guise of a school photo.

Nevertheless it wasn't long before the tour guide took the class to the area where they had the different kinds of spiders on display, in little see through boxes.

Be that as it may Clark had an inkling as to what was going to happen today.

So in that moment Clark used his x-ray vision and spotted that not only was one of the spiders missing but, there was also a secret lab that was far below the building and it looked to be under lockdown.

After searching around he noticed one of the labs had lost another spider, and using his telescopic vision he zoomed in, to read the experiment that they had been conducting.

Coming to understand that one of the spiders from the underground lab had been a far superior specimen to the ones that where on display in front of him and the class.

Being curious he began looking around the building and to his satisfaction he found both of the spiders funnily enough on opposite sides of the large open room.

And that left him to wonder, whether fate would still take its course and grant Peter his spidey abilities or if because he was here a change would occur.

Clark then spent most of the school trip watching the 2 spiders from the ground, and came to the conclusion that he was correct.

These spiders seemed to be uninterested in the people below and seeing that they haven't moved whatsoever, over the past 4 hours that the group had been here.


Fortunately for the class it soon turned into lunch time and Clark was rather happy as his mom had packed him a hefty meal for the day.

Regrettably, it would have to wait, for Clark had noticed one of the spiders, was on the move. Putting his food down he watched it crawl across the ceiling.

Clark hooked his sight onto the other one, wondering if it to had moved, and to his relief it hadn't.

The one that was currently on the move was as Clark would put it destined for Peter.

However the other one, Clark wanted to give it to Gwen. The spider that had escaped from the lad was going to be captured and infect Gwen.

At least that was his plan for this kind of odd situation.

Honestly he didn't really care if Peter did not get bitten, However Clark at least wanted to make sure that some, random person within this building, didn't just get powers because Peter didn't.

Peter after all was by far the better choice nevertheless, he just wanted to let the stronger spider infect Gwen.

Standing from the table he watched the spider almost aim for Peter, which got Clark thinking, that perhaps it was always under 'her' control.

But just to make sure he watched from across the room, and with a sigh he caught the spider with his own eyes biting into Peter's skin.

Peter quickly out of fright, slapped his wrist, killing the spider. Despite his efforts Peter soon noticed two holes on his wrist.

Turning away, Clark no longer had any reason to watch, but soon moved onto his next step, of getting the other spider down, inorder to give Gwen her spider abilities.