
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Growing and Learning

Void leaned back into his chair in a now empty room and sighed after seeing the boy go. He stood up and vanished from the room as he headed back to his house.

Arriving Void heard a calm and gentle voice call to him "Honey, did you save that poor soul?"

"Yes dear" he said quite nervously.

"I, can't believe you just forget, about a poor soul in there for so long" she said with some venom, to her words.

"No, dear, I needed to-"

"You, need-ed, to" the women said slowing down her words...

"What do you mean, you left a soul to wonder within the End, for over 5 cycles" she said clenching her kitchen knife, whilst she seathed----- in anger.

"No,no,no honey, calm down, you won't believe who it was" Void said quickly as he walked up to his angry wife to give her a hug from behind.

"Oh... And who was it" she said sarcastically, because she thought her husband was just trying to calm her down.

"Just listen, and let me tell you" he said kissing her on the cheek...


In a galaxy far far away, in one of the infinite universes a planet was cracking open and falling apart.

A mother and farther where running towards a pod holding their baby.

"Quickly get him inside" the farther said whilst he opened the pod.

The woman listened intently and did what her husband said quickly jumping at the opened pod and placed her son inside.

Both mother and farther gave their son one last touch before putting a blanket inside that held a large 'S' symbol on it, in the hopes their son would have a safe journey.

Unfortunately the screen closed before the both of them, putting a wall up between their child, in their last moments.

They both moved towards the launch botton and in the next moment watch their only child born between their love leave them forever.

The husband quickly threw away a tear and pulled his wife to the side, where another larger pod stood stationery and said "Get in"...


A small pod, shot across the stars, with a cute infant inside, that was oblivious to what was going on around it.

Which was a good thing, because after shooting deep into space, light years away from it's home planet, a small rip in space appeared out of nowhere.

Swallowing the pod whole...


The same rip in space, showed up within the milky way, inside a completely different universe, and spat out the pod. In almost the same trajectory...

Towards earth.


A couple days go by, and on the far outskirts of a major city, a pod was cutting through the air, without so much as a sound, causing the many to not notice it.

However a small family quickly noticed, because within their crop field, dirt and wheat, was being thrown everywhere.

The husband, quickly jumped off his tracker and running a short ways through the tall filed arriving at a long stretch, of smoking chard, scared ground.

Following the path he came to a silver in color pod with it's screen open, and to his surprise a small baby sat inside, and it even looked like it was having the time of it's life.

Astonishment was written across the man's face, but he quickly picked up the little thing, that was covered in a red blanket that had a large red 'S' that sat within a yellow diamond, which was complemented by a red border.

Gazing at the strange blanket, he gave the pod a quick look over before he gently carried the baby to his wife...

...6 Years Later...

"Clark. It's dinner time" the woman said siting at a dinner table waiting for her son.

Another five minutes go by and the lady, sighed and gave her husband the death stare "Go, get you son"

The husband looked up at her, in confusion as he just filled his mouth full of food, but seeing those eyes he simply, shock his head and stood up from the table.

Standing in front of Clarks bedroom door, he gave it a soft knock and said "Son, you ok in there" without an answer he slowly opened the door, and to his surprise he saw his son's eyes glowing red.

In one quick motion he came to his son "Son is everything ok" he said with great concern as he placed his hand on his boys shoulder.

"Don't, worry dad, I'm just trying to control it" Clark said as he gradually came to understand how, heat vision worked, and calmed it down.

And with the red glow disappearing form his closed eyelids the father heaved a sigh of relief, even though he had know idea, as to what was going on.

Clark opened his eyes and he looked at his father with big beady eyes "Is mommy going to be angry at me for being late to dinner"

"Oh, no, not at all, if anything, she would be worried knowing our boy did something dangerous without us" he commented with a soft smile.

The dad, knew his son was different, after all catching him lifing up the tracker at the age of 3 and then catching him, talking about a birthday present that was supposed to be a surprise for his 4th birthday.

And it didn't help whenever theynsaw him being excited for a present before he even opened it.

So as parents they had to ask and to their surprise they where told he could see through anything. However Clark quickly promised them he wouldn't peak anymore.

And to top it all off there was a time he pulled the a front door off the wall because he didn't notice it was a push not a pull.

So seeing another strange ability wasn't all to surprising, he was just hurt as a father when his boy didn't talk about it.

... Another 6 Years Later ...

Clark now being 12 had fully grasped his Kryptonian powers, however the only down side to all this was, his body, that hadn't fully matured and was still a long way from that.

Nevertheless he was still far stronger the any human at the moment, but if he went up against any of the mutants of this world, he felt it would be his lose.

But thanks to the abilities he has had, he began studying in the art of science for he had a civilisation to build at some point.

And as a by product of that he was at the top of all his classes, not because he wanted to, it was just really hard to fack being dumb.

Anyway because of his achievements, he was put into a few academic competitions. It was rather annoying bit his mother made him do it, and no matter how much he protested, he lost that battle.

however luck was on his side because at one of these competitions he saw Gwen and Peter sitting next to each other, talking about the something.

Clark not wanting to ease drop on their conversation focused on the competition, and in the end won for his middle school.

Clark being interested in the duo, ended up walking over Gwen and Peter and introducing himself "That was a good game. By the way, my name is Clark Kendrick" he said holding out his hand.

The timed Parker looked up to a tall, tower, of a man and softly grabbed his hand whilst saying "H-hi, I'm Peter, nice to meet you" he finished by quickly retracting his hand.

Clark then reached out again but to Gwen who stood next to Peter and said "Hello, and who might you be?"

Gwen, however was looking at this strong, broad blue eyed giant that currently had a soft welcoming smile attached to his face.

Taking his hand she said with a plane smile "Hello, I'm Gwen Stacy, it's a pleasure to meet you"

Letting go of one another's hand Clark said holding his smile "You guys came up with interesting answers to the question I couldn't. I'm impressed and thank you for the good game"

Gwen looked at Clark like an idiot "Ya, sure, you won in the end" she said.

"Yes, it's true I won, but I gave out me answers because of text books and lectures I went to. In other words I have no practical understanding of what I answered"

Gwen and Peter where quite intrigued with what he said which lead Gwen to ask "Oh so you won only because you had good memory"

Clark nodded "To be honest my mom forced me to be here, so this would have been your win if I wasn't here" he said as he finished the sentence with a soft chuckle.

"What you looking down on us" Gwen said balling her hand into a cute fist, after all she was still only 12 years old.

"No not at all, I just need to win this one to prove to government, that they could give me financial benefits" Clark said

Peter this time took the initiative to ask "Why's that?" and Clark seeing Gwen's face knew she was about to ask the same question.

"Well I live, on a farm and my parents don't have the budget to, spend on bus fare, to get me to highschool" Clark said

Interest was quickly rising within Gwen's heart forcing her to ask "Oh what highschool you thinking of going to?"

"Midtown High" Clark said looking at both of them with a smile that hid a lot of meaning.

Gwen grabbed Peter and pulled him closer, causing him to blush whilst she said "That's where me and Peet are going"

"Well I can't wait to see you there" Clark finished but saw his teacher calling him so he quickly said "It was nice meeting you but I have to go"

Clark didn't say anything else and began walking away when he heard Gwen shout "Bye Clark, me and Peet will win next year!"

He continued walking but slightly twisted to wave goodbye...