
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Final beat down.

.... With a bone crunching blow, Clark felt his mind wobble as he shot off to the side, whilst the Hulk, had no hesitation following after.

The Hulk looking at Clark getting smaller omg the distance, and with a cruel smile grabbed a tree trunk like a stick.

And with minimal effort he dislodged it, routes and all.

Then he bend at the knees and jumped.

Clark far away finally come to a stand still almost on the other side of the field, noticing he had stopped softly grabbing his sore jaw.

He whinst in pain, but soon a maniac smile appeared on his face, at the taste of his own blood.

Propping his hand on his knee to stand up, he was then pummeled back to the ground.

As the tree splintered into tiny tooth picks.

Clark coughed, at all the wind leaving his chest against such a blow, but he never lost the smile.

Honestly Clark for the past 15 years spent most of his days wondering if all of this was but a dream, he had made up to sooth himself whilst he survived within the darkness.

The grin he held upon his face, was recognition for this life, a life he was willing to accept...

And the weight of those stupid thoughts finally leaving him.

With his new felt weightlessness Clark stood from the hole deflecting a heavy fist that parted the air as it passed him.

Disappearing from the Hulk's vision he turned his fist into a spearhead and dug it in-between Hulk's rib cage.

With a growl of agony Hulk grabbed ahold of Clarks wrist and pulled upon it hard, trying to evict the hand that was threatening his lung.

But Clark, fueled by anew find tenacity, held on. Even with a crunch, as the bones in Clarks wrist shattered under the force of the Hulk's grip.

He didn't budge from the wound he inflicted apon the Hulk.

However the Hulk didn't care and just pulled harder, then with a bone-scraping tug, Hulk unknowingly had ripped free his own jagged rib, sending himself reeling.

Both however roared in pain, and under the excruciating amount of pain Hulk took a knee as a clutched the side of his chest, as their eyes locked.

They both took rest never leave eachothers glare but they both need to assess the situation.

Hulk went first looking at the rib in his grasp, he found a hand with it's fingers cracking into the white of the bones.

Uninterested in the thing he tossed it aside and stood up. Unknowingly Clark's hand started to fizzle under the sun until it disappears in a cloud of smoke.

Clark unfortunately had other priorities since had been holding onto the stump, that under the sun's light had stopped bleeding.

Clark didn't grown once but found it very hard to consintrate with the pain of a missing hand.

They both took their time to stare one other down in anger and in hate; for they had both pushed each other farther then ever before.

However as much as Clark hated to admit it, he was losing and badly at that.

No moment since the beginning did Clark think he could win after their first bought. And now having to look the large, towering green guy in the eye after making him rip out his own bone.

He could practically feel Hulk's rage. And with a sigh of regret he watched Hulk regenerat, the torn flesh knitting back together sealing the wound, the missing bone probably now mere phantom limb.

Clark stood straight, on guard, but it didn't help with a gutrile Roar form Hulk, Clark tried dodgeing but was slammed to the ground.

He quickly tried to stabilise himself and when he did he looked at where the Hulk used to be.

Surprised he tried finding him, until he heard a roar come from above.

There he was, Hulk falling from the sky and as Clark tried in his exhaustion it was allready to late.

Because Hulk had found his mark, landing directly ontop of him crushing Clark into the ground.

And soon when the hulk stabilised, he started throwing hit after hit that shock the ground and drove Clark deeper into its soft embrace.

Clark put his arm up to absorb the blows whilst all along a soft smile hung on his face.

Even though blood was leaking from his lips and as his teeth where painted red.

He never falterd, only because the sun was out healing him just enough before one of the Hulk's punches would land, ruining it's hard work.

After a while the Hulk seemed to get bored, grabbed Clark by the leg and tossed him across the field.

He slammed through a tree, ribs screaming in protest as splinters flu into the sky.

Clark, despite the searing agony of his missing hand, and his body stood up again.

He locked eyes, with the beast bathed in the blood and sweat of war.

Both had pushed their limits, and lived to tell the tail.

But Clark knew, with a chilling certainty, that he had lost, the Hulk just had to finish the job.

One final, earth-shattering blow sent Clark flying, his body a ragdoll flung through the air and into a nearby forest.

Skidding along the forest floor and bouncing against the tall trees, his vision blurring with pain.

But even as his consciousness wanted to fade, a flicker of hope remained.

Through the canopy, a single shaft of sunlight pierced the gloom, a beacon in the darkness.

He dragged his broken body towards it, each agonizing crawl fueled by an instinct older than time.

The warmth, when it touched him, was a life-giving balm.

Basking in it, he gathered the sun's energy into his battered form.

When the Hulk appeared, a monstrous silhouette against the threshold of the forest and the bright light of the grass behind him, Clark was ready.

He channeled every last drop of solar power, every shard of his shattered will, into his one remaining fist.

Then, with a roar that echoed through the forest, he unleashed the sun itself upon the Hulk's jaw.

The impact detonated like a miniature supernova, ripping through the forest canopy, sending shockwaves in all directions.

The forest splintered, trees uprooted, and a shockwave rippled through the air.

The Hulk, being caught in the blast, was sent hurtling skyward, a green meteor screaming into the blue sky.

Popping open a hole through the forest's roof.

Unfortunately, that was the last of his energy and his will to stay standing.

Clark's vision danced at the edge of oblivion, catching a fleeting glimpse at the Hulk, a fading speck against the his darkening vision.

Then, darkness claimed him, the sun-kissed forest floor his cradle.


A helicopter flu across the mountains and over seas of trees looking for Hulk and the strange man.

One of them in the back looked out with binoculars and said over comms "Negative over here"

When suddenly a green blur flu across the sky one of the men spotted it "Head due east now!"


Dressed in a very nice suit Coulson leened in to Fury's ear to whisper "Sir they found Hulk, unconscious"

Fury nodded, and whispered back "Was, the other guy there"

"No, should we go look for him" Coulson said

Shacking his head Fury said back "No he's most likely long gone."

Fury turned away signalling for Coulson to step back and then said to the man Infront of him "General Ross, you should have been more careful"