
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Not the movies.

A crimson blur tore through the clouds, leaving vapor trails like comet tails in its wake.

Clark, a rocket fueled by the sun, sliced through the sky, his telescopic vision scanning the land below like an eagle hunting prey.

As he chased the echoes of Hulk's roar across America.

He spotted Hulk, a green rage monster being peppered by a rain of bullets tearing up the filed.

And Clark then watched the helicopters shot off rockets soon engulfing the filed and Hulk.

He smirked remembering something like this wouldn't be an issue for the Hulk, when he was right.

And that got him thinking, if he fought the Hulk around the soldiers and the civilians, it would be a pretty big blood both.

So he needed space, somewhere to unleash their battle without civilians getting caught in the crossfire.

Clark floating above the clouds, spied an abandoned filed, a lake of grass and rock perfect for a brawl, surrounded by a city of trees.

With a final stretch, Clark plummeted towards Hulk's back, a silent meteor of black and red.

The green giant barely saw the streak before the earth broke apart swallowing them, bones crunching under the impact like squeezed dry wood.

Clark grinned standing over the beast. This was just the beginning. He knew Hulk wouldn't stay down.

But at least Clark had destroyed the Hulk's spine so grabbing the behemoth's limp leg, with a steel grip that threatened to crush bone, feeling the muscle strain beneath his grip.

Then, with a grunt, he launched into the air with Hulk in hand.

Suspended in the air, the Hulk clawed at the empty space, his limp legs reaching for purchase.

Clark grinned, a flicker of steel in his eyes. He spun the Hulk, a green blur against the blue canvas of the sky, building momentum.

Whilst the air crackled with anticipation.

Then, with a flick of his wrist, Clark sent the Hulk hurtling towards the horizon.

The giant broke the sound barrier, a green sonic boom echoing across the land. Clark watched, a solitary figure against the setting sun.

But Clark wasn't done. He chased after his own flying projectile, catching up in a blur of speed.

Just as the Hulk began to pull to realise he was on a dive towards the earth, Clark unleashed a punch that felt like a freight train colliding with a boulder.

The sound was a whooshing roar, the impact throwing the Hulk off course like a ragdoll. He tumbled through the air, spinning into a green corkscrew before finally disappearing into the hazy blue distance.


The Hulk's crash sent shockwaves through the field.

Dust settled, revealing a green mountain of fury on shaky legs.

But before he could react, a blur slammed into him.

Clark's fist, a comet of Kryptonian steel, sent the Hulk flying across the ground.

Cracks spiderwebbed across the earth like a broken plate, and dirt rained down like a miniature storm.

Clark, eyes narrowed, focused his X-ray vision. He found no broken bones, just raw, pulsing rage.

But the moment he relaxed, a giant green hand snatched him. Hulk squeezed, the air crackling with Clark's struggle.

He twisted, a blur, escaping the crushing grip. Not fast enough. The Hulk, a torrent of instinct, grabbed his ankle and swung him like a ragdoll.

The ground met Clark's face with a bone-jarring thud. He saw stars, tasted dirt. But before he could blink, another fist hammered down.

He rolled, dodging the blow, but the Hulk's roar echoed through his skull.

He stood,.looking at the Hulk, it finally dawned on him, this wasn't the movie monster he'd expected.

This was pure, unfiltered rage, growing stronger with each passing minute the battle continued.

The Hulk stepped forward, throwing a fist, raw with power.

Clark countered with a swift blow to the chest, sending the Hulk staggering.

But the green giant shrugged it off, fury fueling his every step. He roared, towering over Clark, a monstrous silhouette against the fading light.

"Damn," Clark muttered, realizing he was only fanning the flames.

Dodging another haymaker, he unleashed a punch to the Hulk's ribs.

The blow landed with a sickening crunch, but the Hulk barely flinched. Clark's heart sank.

Every hit felt hot, useless, even making the Hulk angrier. He knew it was just a matter of time before he became the punching bag.

Desperate, he shot forward, aiming for the Hulk's chest. His fist met unexpected resistance, a wall of muscle and bone.

He pivoted, a blur, and slammed his fist into the Hulk's kneecap. A sickening crack echoed, the leg buckling under the force.

But before Clark could celebrate, the Hulk roared, the broken bone already mending.

Hulk punched the ground, dust swirled, obscuring the his form. When it cleared, he stood tall, his eyes burning with hate.

Clark gritted his teeth. "Alright, big guy," he said, his voice tight. "Let's see what you can really do."

With a primal scream, the Hulk charged. Clark met him head-on, a human bullet against a green rage machine.

Their clash shook the earth, sending tremors through the trees.

The ground shuddered, leaves raining down like confetti in a brutal battle.


Inside a room, with the curtains closed off a vide was busy being played.

Fury swiveled in his chair, eyes glued to the flickering screen

Fury squinted at the data, the words blurring slightly through the haze of his cigar smoke. "Hulk, huh?" he muttered, his voice a gravelly rasp.

Strong enough to toss a Humvee like a beach ball, yet tripped up by a girl screaming. But also in an instant seemed to give him a boost.

He flicked the video on, watching with a mix of amusement and annoyance as Blonsky, juiced up like a hopped-up chimp, bounced around the Hulk like a pinball.

He could practically hear the man's ego inflating with each dodge, until one good smack sent him flying across the field like a ragdoll.

Stupidity, plain and simple.

But Ross, bless his stubborn heart, had obviously been playing chemist with some super soldier serum knockoff.

It was like watching a toddler play with fireworks, except with enough firepower to level a city.

Then, right at the end, a blur of black amid the dust cloud. A man in a hoodie, an S spray painted on his chest. Lifted the Hulk, tossed him like a sack of potatoes, and disappeared.

Fury rubbed his temples, exasperation etching lines on his face. "Coulson," he barked, "where's the intel on this mystery man?"

"We don't know exactly, sir," came Coulson's voice from behind Fury. "But we have managed to track them down, but it'll take a couple of hours to reach them."

"And where are they?" Fury pressed.

"Canadian soil, sir. Looks like they hopped the border. And are busy fighting"

Fury stared at the pixelated face on the screen, the red S a beacon in the static. "Who are you, mystery man? And why'd you join in?"

Fury knew one thing for sure – things just got a whole lot more complicated. This wasn't just about a rampaging monster anymore.

There was a new player on the field, one with power and an unknown agenda. And in the tangled web of superhuman secrets, Nick Fury always liked to know who held the strings.