
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Confronting Emotions.

....Inside a dimly lit room, General Ross sat at a steel table, his jaw clenched. Looking at the two men standing.

Fury, a man carved from granite and single-eyed purpose, tossed a stack of photos onto the table. "Take a look, General," he said, his voice devoid of warmth.

Each picture was a punch to the gut, classified secrets laid bare.

Ross's own R&D projects, Super Soldier knock-offs bubbling in beakers, all laid out like trophies of war. He scanned them, his face crinkling like a crumpled napkin. "Where did you get these?" he growled, a tremor in his voice.

Fury didn't blink. "Not important now. What's important is this." He tapped a file on the table. "I want in on your little serum project."

Ross stared, surprised. "And who are you, exactly?"

Fury gave a wry smile. "Can't tell you that, not yet. But let's just say we deal with the shadows, the things that go bump in the night."

Ross, despite his anger, understood. This guy was government, spooky-shadows division. He narrowed his eyes. "Why you interested?"

Fury put his up, and Clouson put a document in his hand, which he then slid a a across the table. "Keeping America safe, General. And if your Franken-serum can help, I'm happy to keep it under wraps."

Ross hesitated, then grabbed a pen. He scribbled his signature, the ink drying like a closing fist. "Sign here," Fury said, watching him intently. "Transfer's finalized in a week. Welcome to the club, General."

As they rose to leave, Coulson leaned in, face etched with worry. "Sir, the Hulk, he's escaped from our men."

Fury just buttoned his jacket, a cold glint in his eye. "Wouldn't be the first time Coulson, and don't worry, Ross With chase him like he always does"

With that, they vanished into the college shadows, leaving Ross alone with his secrets and a growing sense of unease.


The sun cracked through the trees, painting the forest floor in stripes of light and shadows.

Clark stirred, a groan escaping his lips as he sat up.

His head throbbed like a drum, a souvenir from his encounter with the green rage monster. He flexed his fist, surprised to find it fully healed, quite surprised his hand knit back together under the sun's watchful gaze so quickly.

Clark's clothes, however, were another story. Ripped and dusty, they hung on him like sad flags of defeat.

A sigh escaped him. He might have the power of Superman, but right now, it felt like a flickering candle in a hurricane. Young and raw, he still had miles to go before he could truly hang with the big guys.

He winced at his current self, shame gnawing at him. The way he'd handled Hulk... pathetic, even for a newbie like him.

But dwelling on what-ifs wouldn't mend his bruised ego.

He shook his head, a flicker of determination flickered across his face.

Time to face a monster far worse then Hulk. His parents would be worried sick, their faces etched with lines of concern. He couldn't keep them waiting.

Pushing himself to his feet, he surveyed the battlefield. Shattered trees lay like fallen giants, the earth scarred by their impact. A grim reminder of the chaos he'd unleashed.

Clark was again said to himself, he needed to get better. This fight, this pathetic was display against the Hulk, was a wake-up call, a big bright neon sign flashing "Not ready!".

Taking a deep breath to clear his mind somewhat, he launched himself into the sky.

The wind whipped through his hair as he soared, the world ever shrinking beneath him. He brushed past cotton-candy clouds, feeling the sun's warmth seep into his bones.

This was his haven, the sky his playground. Up here, he was free, and clear of all burdens, that hassled him on the ground.

But he couldn't stay up hear forever. And right now his parents needed answers.


The wind rushed past Clark's ears as he dipped low, gliding over the familiar fields until he touched down softly beside the farmhouse porch. Taking in the smell of the dinner that was probably still cocking, he smiled.

Home. With the porch swing that creaked in the breeze, and the scent of his mama's apple pie drifted from the kitchen window.

It was a simple picture, a simpl life but it filled him with a fierce tenderness.

He knew he had to face his parents.

The thought of turning away, leaving their concern unanswered, stuck in his throat.

They deserved better. He took a deep breath, a resolve hardening in his jaw. He'd explain. He'd face their fear with his own truth, making sure qual their fears.

They'd know something was wrong, could probably hear it in his voice if he was lieing to them.

But how could he tell them? How could he explain a green monster and a fight that left him feeling weak, even with his powers?

Of course he knew the answer to that, he had to wait.

But how does he get them to not worry, how does he tell them, without telling them.

He paced nervously, hands clenched, unable to bring himself to knock.

Suddenly, a window on the second floor flew open, and then his mother's head popped out.

Her eyes widened, relief flooding her face like sunshine. "Clark! Oh my god, you're okay!" she cried, her voice thick with emotion.

Before he could even answer, she was out the door, a whirlwind of blue apron and tears. She wrapped him in a bear hug that practically squeezed the air out of his lungs, her scent of cinnamon and laundry soap enveloping him.

He held her back, burying his face in her shoulder, finally letting those stupid thoughts wash away.

A voice boomed from behind them. "Martha, let the boy breathe!" Pa, emerged from the barn, his weathered face softened by relief. He clapped Clark on the back, a silent message of reassurance passing between them.

Then, a small figure darted out, squealing with excitement. "Clark! You're back!" Amy, the little ball of energy quickly stopped when she saw what he was wearing "eww, what are you wearing, mommy said you should never go outside naked"

But of course that did stop her from bouncing around him, eyes sparkling with childish joy.

The sight of her innocent excitement made his heart clench. But he had to play it off "What! Nooo. I'm not naked you cheeky sausage. Where did you learn such words" he said grabbing her, then tickling her.

After all how could he explain this to her?

He knelt down, ruffling her hair. "Hey, Ames," he managed, forcing a smile. "Tell you what, how about we all sit down, and I'll tell you the biggest story ever."

As they all re-enter the house he left and went to get changed, throwing away his tattered clothes.

Walking down the stairs he arrived at the dining table.and after they where done, just as the sun sank below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues.

Clark finally sat down with his parents, recounting his encounter with the Hulk.

He of course left out the gory parts but nevertheless he explained most of it and to their horror, they were stuck stiff.

It took his parent a while to calm down from their shock but they understood his reasoning.

Clark only gave them a half truth the rest of it was so he could also test out his strength.

Anyway whilst the big problem had been somewhat settled, he picked up Amy.

Who was playing with some of her Barbies.