
A New Era of Villain (DC/Marvel)

Previous Title: In DC as The Strongest Anti-Villain (DC/Marvel) "The moment you hit me, you lose." The MC has obtained the ability of an Overpowered Character from the Marvel Comic Universe to "infinitely copy and infinitely stack," but accidentally crossed into the DC world. In this case, let us imagine being a free and turbulent villain. Not my Web Novel, but it is my only favorite Chinese novel. The Real author Name is Marvel King. I am just translating it. Cover photo is not mine.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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172 Chs

Chapter 98 Different Use for Super Speed

Although Stephen has more than just two abilities, as mentioned by Caitlin Snow and his fighting skills, he has also copied the divinity of Diana during her Demigod period, and the power of Donna Troy. He has also copied the abilities of the female version of Firestorm and Element Woman, as well as a supernatural power that I'm not sure if it's related to hatred or destruction.

Copying abilities does not change one's DNA, whether it's due to being a Protégé or crossing over from another world. The copied abilities do not affect the structure of one's DNA, even if the abilities copied are at a higher level. So there's no need to worry about copying too much and its impact on the body.

Stephen's mindset is now relaxed as he looks at Caitlin Snow, who is bent over in front of him, and chuckles. "Don't worry about it, come over and have a drink with me."

"Well, this is very serious scientific research. How can I give up just because I haven't figured out the reason yet? Moreover, who can guarantee that you won't cause trouble in the future?" Caitlin Snow says seriously.

"I'll be staying in Central City for a while, so as long as you keep it a secret, you can study my body as much as you want and get more detailed. It's another thing..." Stephen pauses.

Curiously, Caitlin Snow turns around and asks, "What is it?"


Stephen instantly appears in front of Caitlin Snow, and the close proximity makes her instinctively want to retreat, but Stephen grabs her arm. Their eyes meet, especially as they're both dressed in casual clothes. Caitlin Snow feels her heart rate instantly accelerate, as if it's about to jump out of her chest. She tries to lower her head to avoid his gaze, but as soon as she does, she catches sight of Stephen's shorts and immediately raises her head again.

"Caitlin Snow, can I trust you?"

"Yes, definitely, I'll keep your secret," Caitlin Snow whispers.

"Okay, then I believe you!"

Stephen lets go of her with a chuckle and continues, "Barry Allen and I both possess Super Speed, which is actually derived from the Speed Force. The energy of the Speed Force can be consumed or replenished by the user, so I want you to help me determine if Barry Allen's Speed Force is the same as mine."

"How can you be sure of that?" Caitlin Snow asks, puzzled.

"It's very simple. If you inform me when he's about to use the Speed Force, I can judge it based on the changes in my own Speed Force," Stephen explains with a smile.

"You want me to monitor Barry for you?"

"That's right."

"But, is that really necessary?" Caitlin Snow hesitates.

"He's not my opponent. If I wanted to harm him, I wouldn't need to go through the trouble of monitoring his actions. If you don't help me, I'll have to resort to more direct methods, such as contacting his adoptive father, Joe West, or Iris West."

"I'll help you," Caitlin Snow says immediately. "Give me your phone number."

"I'll call you tomorrow," Stephen says. "And then we can meet at the bar? I bought this bottle of wine during my travels to several cities."

Stephen took Caitlin Snow to the sofa and sat down, helping her pour a glass of wine. Caitlin Snow was still a little confused but drank with him. After a few drinks, they chatted more relaxingly. At that moment, Caitlin Snow curiously asked Stephen about his super abilities and shared some stories about what happened at S.T.A.R. Labs during that time. She even mentioned the last time she was kidnapped by a huntress and spoke a few words about Stephen. Unknowingly, her cheeks gradually turned rosy.

"It's almost twelve o'clock? I should leave," Stephen glanced at the time and smiled at Caitlin Snow.

Caitlin Snow was stunned. "Is it really that late?"

"Sometimes time flies!" Stephen remarked.

Caitlin Snow saw Stephen put on his clothes and realized that they had been talking for a long time while she was in her underwear, but it felt natural.

"See you tomorrow?"

"Ah, see you tomorrow!" Caitlin Snow responded and saw Stephen politely bow his head and kiss her cheek.

She didn't even avoid it.

"Good night." Stephen waved his hand, and in an instant, the red lightning burst out, and he disappeared.

It took Caitlin Snow a long time to realize that he was gone.


When Stephen stopped, he had appeared in the master bedroom of a certain villa.

Lilah and Valentina were talking about something while wrapped in bath towels, and they were shocked to see Stephen suddenly appear.

"Master, when did you come in?" Lilah asked in surprise.

"Before you even asked," Stephen said with a smile.

This villa was the place they were looking for. All the furniture and facilities were readily available. Initially, they had rented it out because they didn't have enough money. However, when they returned to the disciple account, Stephen bought a few gold drink bottles, which were enough for them to buy the villa.

"I'm heading back to the room!" Valentina said, getting up and leaving.

"Wait!" Stephen pulled Valentina into his arms casually, and Valentina snorted. "What are you doing? You are Lilah's master, not mine!"

"Is there a difference?" Stephen smiled lightly.

Valentina sneered. "Why? Afraid you'll be too busy with the two of us together?"

"It's not a coincidence! I am full of speed now, and even if there were two more, I wouldn't let you have time to rest!" The red lightning flashed, and before Valentina and Lilah could react, Stephen neatly put them together, and then...they understood what Stephen meant.

It was truly non-stop time, and the whole process seemed like they had never left. It would be incredible for one person to do this, let alone both of them at the same time. It was like Stephen was doing the same thing to both of them simultaneously. How was this even possible?

Afterward, Valentina turned tiredly, her face cherry red, and faced away from Stephen, who seemed dissatisfied, while Lilah lay on Stephen and curiously asked him how he did it.





Marvel King: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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