
A New Era of Villain (DC/Marvel)

Previous Title: In DC as The Strongest Anti-Villain (DC/Marvel) "The moment you hit me, you lose." The MC has obtained the ability of an Overpowered Character from the Marvel Comic Universe to "infinitely copy and infinitely stack," but accidentally crossed into the DC world. In this case, let us imagine being a free and turbulent villain. Not my Web Novel, but it is my only favorite Chinese novel. The Real author Name is Marvel King. I am just translating it. Cover photo is not mine.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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172 Chs

Chapter 95 Barry Allen

Ignoring Stephen's joke, Caitlin Snow said while driving, "The S.T.A.R. Labs is not very convenient to visit right now, so I will take you to my home to do some routine checks."

By the way, if, I mean hypothetically, if someone is struck by lightning but does not die and falls into a coma, which lasts for nine months. When he was in a coma, his body functions were normal and there was no sign of degeneration and atrophy. Do you think it is possible?"

Caitlin also glanced at Stephen with some hesitation.

"You mean Barry Allen?" Stephen said casually.


The car stopped suddenly, and Caitlin Snow looked at Stephen in surprise. "How did you know?"

"Dear, I know a lot. Just drive," Stephen urged. Caitlin Snow started the car again with doubts and curiosity.

"Is he awake?" Stephen asked with a chuckle.

Caitlin Snow nodded. "Yeah, he woke up. I wanted to do a more detailed examination on him. After all, he was struck by lightning and was in a coma for nine months. Some changes must have taken place in his body, but unfortunately he left."

"Don't worry, he will be back soon." Stephen's purpose this time is to replicate the super speed of The Flash.

The Speed Force is simply OP. The super speed provided by the Speed Force allows a person not only to travel through time and space, but also to perform a series of abilities. The members of The Flash family used their speed to engage in other things, and Barry Allen, also known as The Flash, created a 'flashpoint' event, which happened because he saved his mother and restarted the timeline many times.

A perfect ability to make trouble!

But who made him the chosen one of the Speed Force? At the moment when he possessed the Speed Force and became The Flash, the Speed Force extended to different times and spaces, creating a series of Speedsters. Only by using the Speed Force for running, does the Speed Force produce energy.

For example, Dr. Harrison Wells, the head of the current S.T.A.R. Labs, is actually the Reverse Flash who came from the future. He wanted to kill The Flash but ended up killing The Flash's mother instead.

As a result, a series of changes caused him to lose his speed energy and he had to stay in this era. He had to find a way to turn Barry Allen into The Flash again, so he had to become a mentor to his enemy. He used the identity of Harry Wells and taught Barry Allen to run faster. Only in this way can the Speed Force generate more energy to allow him to go back home through time.

So Stephen suddenly thought of a question.

If he copies Barry Allen's ability of super speed provided by the Speed Force, will he be subject to Barry Allen's Speed Force like the Reverse Flash, or will he have his own independent Speed Force? Although he said that his purpose of wanting the Speed Force is to travel through time more easily, he still hates being subject to other people.

He can't travel through time and be trapped in a certain era like the Reverse Flash. Wouldn't that be boring and then lead to death?

"If it's an independent speed force, it's fine. If not, then I should throw him into the speed force as a battery. After all, it's better than being beaten up, right?" At the beginning of each episode, Barry Allen always says that he is the fastest man in the world. But later in the episode, a new speedster actually comes and beats him like a punching bag. Every time, he is just slower than the other speedster. Sometimes he can't even catch up to a car. And if he encounters a non-speedster villain, he gets abused first and then somehow saves the day. Do you think you're Saint Seiya or something?

"It's not the speed that gets you the fastest, but the slap in the face, am I right or what?"

"Ring... Ring..." Caitlin's phone suddenly rang.

Caitlin Snow slowly stopped the car, turned around, and picked up her bag from the back. After checking her phone, she found out who was calling.

"Cisco? Is something wrong?" Caitlin Snow asked, looking somewhat surprised. "I see, I'll come back now."

Putting away the phone, Caitlin Snow looked at Stephen with an apologetic look. "Barry is back at the lab, I need to go back right away."

"I guess it's not convenient to take me with you, right?" Stephen asked with a chuckle.

Caitlin Snow smiled apologetically.

"Just drop me off near the laboratory, and then tell me the address of your home. I'll look for you after you're done at the lab," Stephen said indifferently.

Caitlin Snow mentioned her address and turned back to the laboratory.

After getting off at the place where he had just boarded, Stephen watched Caitlin Snow return to the laboratory but did not leave. If he guessed correctly, Barry Allen should have found out that he has acquired Meta-Ability, and there is nothing to do anyway. Stephen intends to wait for him to come out and replicate his superpower.

After about an hour or so, a thin, tall, gentle, and seemingly innocent man walked out from the other side of the road opposite S.T.A.R. Labs.

Barry Allen!

"It's my turn to give him a slap for being beaten by every villain." Stephen raised the corners of his mouth and walked towards him.

Seeing Barry Allen's bewildered expression, Stephen quickly took his arm out of his pocket and pushed him into the nearby alley.

Barry Allen nearly fell in surprise, and turned around angrily after regaining his balance.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Barry Allen asked displeased.

"This is a robbery!" Stephen said solemnly.

"Robbery? Wait, wait, wait... You said you want to rob? You... rob me?" Barry Allen was first dumbfounded and then pointed at himself as if he had won five million dollars. "Are you sure? You're going to rob me? Oh God, out of so many people, you chose me!"

"Are you happy?" Stephen asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Definitely! I mean, your choice to rob me really makes me happy. This... this is incredible. What about your weapon? Knife? Or gun? How are you going to rob me?" Barry Allen looked expectantly at Stephen.

"How about with my fist?" Stephen raised his hand.

"Fist? Hey, do you know kung fu or something? Come on, hit me! Hit me!" Barry Allen pointed at himself happily.

Just having super speed, Barry Allen seemed extremely excited to encounter a robbery, and his eyes were fixed on Stephen's fist.

He moved!

At that moment, the world seemed to stand still, and the movement of Stephen's fist seemed to have slowed down hundreds of times.

Barry Allen walked up to Stephen and threw a fist at him, smiling triumphantly. He began to look forward to the scene where he would defeat his opponent.





Marvel King: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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