
A Mutant Collector Quest

Lucas Watson, once an ordinary soul from Earth, now finds himself reincarnated in a heavily AU (Alternate Universe) Marvel world as the elder brother of Mary Jane Watson. Armed with meta-knowledge and a stroke of divine luck, he has ascended to billionaire status. Lucas plans to leverage his wealth and technology to navigate this perilous world, but destiny has other plans. As his latent mutation awakens, a new chapter of his life begins, thrusting him into unforeseen challenges and adventures. *** This is an ongoing SI Quest of mine on Fiction live site. So if you want to join me in the quest or read ahead you can find me there. *** The story is quite slow paced as it is a Quest and not a regular webnovel. But there is tons of smut and Harem here. *** Warning: The Story contains Incest, Grooming, Netori, Harem and many more hard core themes. You have been warned from the start *** There are 10 advanced chaps on Patreon and all the chapters with NSFW images are also there! There are [EX] Extra/Exclusive chapters for my supporters on Discord and Pa-treon. *** Support me if you can!! The Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/avi2112 The Pa-treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Avi2112 The Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/Rbja9sKV8Y *** A/N: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters other than my OC.

Avi2112 · Movies
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54 Chs

Chapter 25: Chop-Chop!

Once done, you gather your clothes and make your way back to Patricia's room. As you approach, the door swings open, revealing Patricia stepping out from within.

"Luke, where were you gone?" Patricia exclaims and hugs you tight.

She was now wearing a t-shirt covering her breasts.

"I just went to grab my clothes back baby," you reassure her with a gentle kiss planted atop her head.

"You had sex with Dorothy again, didn't you?" She asks looking up at you with narrowed eyes.

Before you can reply, she continues, "It's because I fainted and you remained unsatisfied, right?"

"Not at all, you were amazing, Patsy," you speak with a sincere smile, leading her back into the room with you.

"It … It's just because it's my first time. I'll get better at it," she says, looking at you with a determined face.

"Just take your time; we have all of our lives ahead of us," you reassure her, rubbing her back with care.

"No, I-I still can do it; let's do it one more time," she says as she lies down on her back and spreads her pussy at you.

You notice that she really has regained her stamina. Normally, a girl would have difficulty even walking after her first time, especially if she had taken your dick, but Patricia is still mostly fine.

Remembering Cass's words, which you'll follow as much as you can from now on, you don't deny her request.

Your ever hard Dick finds itself back in the young and tight pussy, when just some minutes ago it was in her mother's pussy!

"AAAH, Lukee! You're inside again!" Patricia moans aloud.

You undo her shirt buttons and grab her breasts, feeling her warmth and softness against your hands. She just looks so sexy, so hot!

Patricia's body shudders, revealing her lingering weakness despite her earlier bravado. Yet, as you observe her determined gaze, you refrain from pointing it out.

You find this side of her very cute. Instead of just ravishing her, you take it slow this time. Slow steady pumps, as you kiss her juicy lips and suck her tasty boobs, you savour every moment.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Luke Ah! I-I am … cumminggg" Patricia moans aloud, this time her orgasm lasting a long time, and her pussy getting so tight that you too started cumming inside her.

After a satisfying slow sex which lasted almost half an hour, Patricia was exhausted and was trying her best to not sleep.

"Sexx umm is soo goodd Lucasss, I Luv it! I love you!!" Patricia exclaims, kissing your chest in a daze.

"I love you too, Patsy," you reply with a smile, charmed by her adorable antics.

Before she can fall asleep, you instruct her about a few things, mainly regarding the card you left with her mother, her own card which you are going to leave in her room, and the most important thing: if she notices any changes in her body, she should contact you or come directly to Watson Tower.

You're not sure how much of it she will remember, but you still send her a message on WhatsApp, writing all of this down so she can read it again after waking up.

You would love to stay with her for the night, but you still have work to do.

You kiss her goodbye and leave her room, noticing the still-off lights of Jessica's room, you frown and take out your mobile phone.

Seeing what was happening in the video, you raise an eyebrow in amusement.

There were about 10 people looking ferocious, all with a knife or a bat in their hands, surrounding a girl in a Black hoodie.

You sigh at their misfortune but still think that this could get a bit dangerous.

You go into Jessica's room and see the opened window, which is connected to the fire escape. First, you activate your power: Invisibility, as your whole body vanishes from the room.

Then you step out through the window, but instead of following the fire escape down, you place a foot in the air and activate your power: Personal Anti-force.

You put your other foot out, and you're standing there just floating in the air.

By the name and the feeling you got, you've theorised that what this power grants you, at least for now, is an Anti-Gravity Force, which nullifies the gravitational force on you, granting you the ability to float. This means you have a very bright future as a Magician!

Jokes aside, even in such a crude form, it's still quite useful. You turn your power on and off three times, and were able to reach the alley downstairs from the 10th floor in seconds.

It was a bit scary as you deactivate your Anti-force power, but your other power, Force Field Manipulation, was already active, so you could have just used your psionic shield to bring yourself down.

As you get down on the ground, you first take out your phone and instruct D.A.I.S.Y. to make sure any cameras around this place or the place where Jessica is doesn't see what you are going to do.

Then you use a power for the first time: Earth Portal Creation.

Right in front of you on the ground, a hole appears instantly. The street nearby appears undamaged, but the ground where the portal stood has vanished, and in its place is a hole.

The hole seems dark, as dark as it could get. If you had more time, you would have loved to do tests on this portal and its workings, but right now, you have somewhere to be.

You concentrate on the image of an empty street just beside the place where Jessica is, which you checked through your phone, and jump into the dark hole.

One moment, you're surrounded by darkness, and the next, you jump out of the second portal into a completely different environment. You glance around to confirm that you're indeed in a different street. Looking back, you see a portal that looks the same as the last one.

You deactivate your power, causing the portal to vanish, and swiftly make your way to the next street while remaining invisible.

There, you spot a girl dressed in a black hoodie, surrounded by eight individuals who were holding their weapons tightly, their nervousness palpable as there were two people lying on the ground beside the girl, clutching their chests in pain.

The girl picks up a metal bat from the ground, dropped by one of the men moaning in pain. As the guys surrounding her raise their guard even higher, the girl remains silent, simply clenching her fist slowly.


In the eyes of those around her, the metal bat unbelievably deforms under her palm.


She throws the metal bat at one guy's feet, causing him to flinch and back away. The thick metal bat, now moulded to the shape of her palm, prompts the man to swallow nervously.

"Freak!" One guy, who looks like the leader, yells, threatening her with his knife.

You've seen more than enough. You silently approach them and deliver a swift karate chop to the necks of two guys standing side by side.

Thud Thud

You aim to control your strength, striking their cervical spine just hard enough to render them unconscious. Striking too forcefully could result in paralysis or even death, well you hope that does not happen to them.

"Tommy! Jimmy!" Yells the leader, his shock evident as everyone's attention is drawn to where the two guys fell inexplicably.

Without hesitation, you swiftly move behind two others and repeat the process, causing them to drop to the ground as well.

"What is happening! Bitch, stop whatever you're doing!" He brandishes a gun from his jacket and points it menacingly at Jessica.

You notice Jessica, also observing the scene in confusion, backing away and instinctively raising both arms in front of her to shield herself from the gun.

Taking no chances, you quickly raise a psionic shield in front of Jessica before swiftly moving behind the armed man. With a precise karate chop, you render him unconscious.

The other three men, visibly frightened, hesitate, debating whether to run. But you make the choice for them as you swifty chop them unconscious.

Jessica was scanning her surroundings, her fists clenched in a fighting stance. You swiftly incapacitate the two injured men who were still moaning in pain.

"Well, fancy seeing you here!" you remark, deactivating your invisibility.

"Luke!" Jessica looks at you incredulously, you imagine that her expression inside her mask would be similar to a shocked Pikachu face.

"Lets get out of here first," you say, extending your hand. She takes it, and you use your power to render both of you invisible.

"How?" You can't see her, but you can tell that she is looking at your direction and herself in shock as both of you are invisible.

Before leaving, you take the metal bat with you, as you can't leave such an obvious clue to superhuman power behind.

Jessica follows behind you as you lead her by holding her hand to the alley you came from. There you undo both of your invisibility.

Jessica removes her hood and takes off her face-mask, revealing her face as she looks at you with a questioning expression.

Before she can ask anything, you raise your hand in front of both of you and activate the power: Earth Portal Creation. The same portal appears again in front of you.

"What the fuck!" Jessica swears, looking at the magical scene in disbelief.

"Lets go," you say, extending your hand towards her.

"Huh?" She unconsciously grabs your hand, and you jump into the portal, taking her with you.

The next second, you are both out of the portal, you notice that you are back in the first alley.

"What is happening?" Jessica looks around in confusion.

You deactivate your Power, and the portal vanishes.

"Seriously, Lucas, what is going on?" Jessica asks you, clearly flustered.

"Just follow me," you tell her, and start walking out of the alley.

"This is the alley behind my house!" Jessica exclaims. "Did we just?" She looks at you in shock, but seeing you walking further, she also trots up to you, following behind you.

You enter the basement of the apartment building and get into your car. Seeing the door open in front of her, Jessica hesitates, but she still sits inside your car.

"Is everything fine, D.A.I.S.Y.?" You ask aloud.

Jessica looks around inside the car, clearly intrigued as she had never sat in such an expensive car before, especially a Tesla.

"Everything is A-okay, Luke!" D.A.I.S.Y. replies.

You were sure that D.A.I.S.Y. could handle the cameras on any electronic equipment they have, but still, you had a habit of asking just to be sure.

"Show me the profiles of those people," you ask aloud.

The controls in the front vanish and a digital interface appears with 10 different faces, along with their names, ages, addresses, and their criminal cases, providing a complete profile.

"These are the people who attacked me," Jessica exclaims.

"Small-time criminals from a local gang. The gang wars in New York seem to be starting again," you speak up, taking a look at their profiles.

"Send an anonymous tip to the NYPD, and make sure that they are in jail for a long time," you say, waving those profiles away.

"Understood," D.A.I.S.Y. responds.

"Luke, I am so confused right now," Jessica said, looking at you with a thousand questions in her mind.

Just like the previous chaps NSFW images which I am uploading just go *poof* on this app!


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