
A Mutant Collector Quest

Lucas Watson, once an ordinary soul from Earth, now finds himself reincarnated in a heavily AU (Alternate Universe) Marvel world as the elder brother of Mary Jane Watson. Armed with meta-knowledge and a stroke of divine luck, he has ascended to billionaire status. Lucas plans to leverage his wealth and technology to navigate this perilous world, but destiny has other plans. As his latent mutation awakens, a new chapter of his life begins, thrusting him into unforeseen challenges and adventures. *** This is an ongoing SI Quest of mine on Fiction live site. So if you want to join me in the quest or read ahead you can find me there. *** The story is quite slow paced as it is a Quest and not a regular webnovel. But there is tons of smut and Harem here. *** Warning: The Story contains Incest, Grooming, Netori, Harem and many more hard core themes. You have been warned from the start *** There are 10 advanced chaps on Patreon and all the chapters with NSFW images are also there! There are [EX] Extra/Exclusive chapters for my supporters on Discord and Pa-treon. *** Support me if you can!! The Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/avi2112 The Pa-treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Avi2112 The Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/Rbja9sKV8Y *** A/N: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters other than my OC.

Avi2112 · Movies
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52 Chs

Chapter 26: Voyeurism

"Luke, I am so confused right now," Jessica says, looking at you with a thousand questions in her mind.

"Let me ask the questions first," you say, looking at her directly. "Why did they attack you?"

"Three of the guys from that group were harassing a woman," Jessica explains with an angry face, "So I beat them up!" She says, making a fist. "This was yesterday, and today they came back with a bigger group," she answers with a sigh.

"Okay, I understand," you nod. "Now let's talk about this," you say, waving the metal bat, which was clearly crushed into a clenched palm shape.

"That... Luke..." Jessica says, looking down, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.

"I know about your powers, Jess" you speak softly, keeping the bat aside. "Remember what I told you in the hospital?"

"Yes, I do, clearly!" Jessica says, nodding her head. "Although this accident has taken a lot from me, it has also given me many more things," she repeated your sentence. "Did you know about my powers from the start then?" Jessica's eyes widened as she looked at you in question.

"Not exactly," you say, shaking your head.

"And what about those magical powers you have? Are you also like me?" Jessica asks impatiently.

"I will tell you everything, but not right now," you say with a mysterious smile.

"Why not?" Jessica asks, frustrated.

"Those are my very well-guarded secrets, Jess. I trust you a lot, but I still cannot just tell them to you, unless..." You speak with a troubled face.

"Unless what?" Jessica asks hastily.

"Unless you join my Watson Group," you reply with a smile.

"Watson Group? As an employee?" Jessica asks, puzzled.

"Something of that sort. You will even get a very generous package," you tell her with a soft smile. "So you decide if you want to join us. Take your time and think properly, and then come to Watson Tower. I will then tell you everything," you say reassuringly.

"What kind of jobs I would be doing?" Jessica asks looking at you curiously.

"Nothing dangerous. The main thing that we will be focusing on is improving your gifts to their full potential," you speak up in excitement.

"Gifts?" Jessica repeats absentmindedly.

"It's fine, take your time, as long as you need. I just hope that you will join us. I don't want you to reject me again," you say with an amused chuckle.

"I did not reject you before…" Jessica whispers with a shy face.

"I-I will have to think about it," Jessica speaks, looking away from you.

"It's perfectly alright, Jessica," you respond with a small smile. "For now, you should go home and rest up. Today was a stressful day, and you have school in the morning too," you remind her.

"Hmm," Jessica takes a breath. "Thank you for saving me today, Luke," she says with flushed cheeks, as she gets out of the car, and hurriedly walks away.

"Take care of yourself!" You yell at her retreating back.

The car door closes on its own.

You start the car, as finally you are able to go back to the Watson Tower.

Upon reaching the Watson Tower, you park your car and headed straight to Basement 3, your personal sanctuary for innovation.

This basement served as your Personal Workshop, a creative haven where prototypes of groundbreaking technology were born.

It was equipped with workbenches, advanced 3D printers, CNC machines, and an array of other tools essential for building and assembling prototypes—devices like your Psionic Shield were made come to life here.

But today, your destination within the basement was the Simulation area. This space was a technological marvel in itself, designed to breathe life into your ideas before they even reached the prototype stage.

The walls were outfitted with multiple large touchscreens, capable of displaying complex data and interactive models at the swipe of a hand.

The entire room could generate vivid holographic displays, thanks to an intricate setup of sensors and projectors strategically placed around the space. These projections could create a nearly tangible experience of your concepts, allowing for unparalleled levels of interaction and refinement.

At the heart of the room was a large holographic desk, a centerpiece for running dedicated simulations. This desk wasn't just a surface but an interactive tool, responsive to the slightest touch or gesture, capable of manipulating digital objects and environments in real-time.

Seeing this room always reminded you of Skye's workstation, where she insisted on using a physical keyboard despite the advanced technology available. She loved the tactile feel and the rhythmic click-clack sounds it produced, vowing never to abandon it.

You recalled how MJ mentioned that Skye looked very exhausted today. Settling into a chair, you decided to first try out one of the abilities you'd acquired from Cassandra: Astral Projection.

As soon as you activated the power, you felt an astonishing lightness, as if all your physical weight had vanished. The next moment, you were looking down at your own body seated in the chair.

Observing your 'astral' form, it appeared just like you, albeit naked, transparent and ethereal. Attempting to touch your physical self, your hand simply passed through, adding to the surreal experience.

The sensation was both weird and fascinating. Looking upwards, you found you could easily ascend toward the ceiling simply by willing it, experiencing a freedom distinct from anti-gravity floating—this felt like true flight.

Fuelled by excitement, you moved upward, your head effortlessly passing through the ceiling into the second basement. It was deserted, most likely the doctor trio must have gone home or stayed at some empty rooms in the tower.

Trying to speak yielded no sound, and attempts to activate your other powers proved fruitless; you couldn't even deactivate the astral projection. You returned to your body, and as soon as you made contact, you felt that you could now deactivate the power.

Following your initial thoughts, you glided towards your private elevator, passing through it as if it were mere air. Ascending swiftly, you head toward the second-highest floor. Ethereally entering it, you find yourself on Skye's floor, you then decided to check out her main work area first.

As you pass through the room doors, you're stunned to hear loud moans.

"Ah, ah, yes! Just like that!"

The sight in front of you leaves you momentarily speechless.

It was Skye your childhood friend, naked, fingering herself on her chair. And in a wide display in front of her, there was a video playing of you fucking Susan in your room.

"Yess! Fuck me, Harder, Fuck me Luke, take me!" Skye yells as she pinches her nipples and rubs her clit.

You look down and realise, astonishingly, that even your spiritual self is hard right now. You decide to come closer near her naked body.

You always knew that she was hot, but you didn't realise she was hiding such an amazing figure underneath her loose clothes.

Instinctively, your hand moves toward her breasts, but it passes through them harmlessly. You feel frustrated at not being able to touch them.

"I am Cumming!!" Skye yells aloud as she reaches the peak of her pleasure and squirts.

"Haa Haaa" she pants heavily with her eyes closed, and a blissful smile.

You gulp silently, it was such a hot scene seeing her squirt.

You then see her take out some tissue papers from the desk and clean herself with them before throwing them in a nearby bin.

Observing the bin, nearly filled with crumpled tissues, and noticing her tired demeanour, you realise that this wasn't the first time she had done this today.

Now that you've solved the mystery of Skye's exhaustion and witnessed a wonderful sexy scene, you return to your body.

This didn't come as much of a surprise to you. You were aware of the cameras in your room; it's a safety feature, and you trust Skye with them.

You've also known about Skye's feelings for you, but neither of you took a step forward, as you had Susan as your girlfriend. But that was a scenario before your mutation, now however, you feel those previous moral constraints silly.

Returning to your body, you deactivate the power and open your real eyes. That was definitely an interesting experience.

You can feel many new powers that you have gained, but you just make a mental note to explore them later. Right now, it's time to focus on the task at hand.

"D.A.I.S.Y., have you compiled all the data on the most advanced satellites and drones?" you ask aloud.

"Yes, here it is," D.A.I.S.Y. replies, and multiple interfaces on the walls display research papers, data, and schematics of various satellites and drones.

Skye was correct about one thing: with current technology, it would take months to find Toni. However, you feel confident that you can create something amazing that will drastically shorten the search time.

"Just wait for me, Toni. Soon, I will rescue you," you say with a determined look.


[80% increase in Patricia Walker's energy reserve: Gained a Mutation]

[50% increase (Straight crit) in Patricia Walker's energy reserve: No Tier Increase]

[CuckQueen applied to Patricia Walker]

[CuckQueen applied to Dorothy Walker]

[Gained Power: Trait: Psychic Immunity]

[Gained Power: Tier 1: Temporal Looping]

[Gained Power: Tier 1: Hair Weaponry]

[Gained SPower: Sisterhood of the Harem]


[Proficiency exceeded 100 of Power: Steel Construct]

[Attempting Evolution of Power with Tier Increase]

[Evolution Succesful (Lewd Crit)]

[Tier 2: Steel Constructs -> Tier 3: Metal Constructs]


From Patricia:

[Gained Power: Tier 1: Hell Cat Physiology]



Temporal Looping (from Gacha)

[Tier 1]: You can trap individuals or objects in a time loop lasting for short durations, such as a few minutes or hours. Applicable only on Tier 1 individuals.


Hair Weaponry (from Gacha)

[Tier 1]: Your Hair can turn into any sharp or blunt weapon. Such as needles, blades, sword, spears, club.


Metal Constructs (Evolved-1)

[Tier 3]: Make small Aircraft sized constructs from the available metal.


Hell Cat Physiology (from Patricia Walker)

[Tier 1]: Gain Cat like Ears and Tail, both red. And red hair.


Sisterhood of Harem (Selected SPower)

Applied after a sexual session, success depends on the rolls. The girl/women will be harmonious with non linked harem members. That does mean that the ones she has negative personal feelings for in the Harem, like animosity or jealousy will be dampened but will not be completely gone.


Psychic Immunity (Trait) (From Gacha)

You are immune to any Psychic force. You have an Impregnable mind.



Daisy's NSFW pic is so hot!! :P


I have decided that I will keep this NSFW pics which are not seen on the webnovel as a benefit for the webnovel patreon readers with the extra 5-10 chaps on discord and patreon just for my supporters!


This time I tried to just give you all the details of the new powers directly, tell me if you don't like it then I will go to the previous way.


Yes Patricia here is a mutant and not just a vigilante with the Hell Cat name lolz. She is the last normal woman who I have given powers against canon! From now onwards if you want to give a normie woman powers you will have to buy that from the shop!


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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