
A Mutant Collector Quest

Lucas Watson, once an ordinary soul from Earth, now finds himself reincarnated in a heavily AU (Alternate Universe) Marvel world as the elder brother of Mary Jane Watson. Armed with meta-knowledge and a stroke of divine luck, he has ascended to billionaire status. Lucas plans to leverage his wealth and technology to navigate this perilous world, but destiny has other plans. As his latent mutation awakens, a new chapter of his life begins, thrusting him into unforeseen challenges and adventures. *** This is an ongoing SI Quest of mine on Fiction live site. So if you want to join me in the quest or read ahead you can find me there. *** The story is quite slow paced as it is a Quest and not a regular webnovel. But there is tons of smut and Harem here. *** Warning: The Story contains Incest, Grooming, Netori, Harem and many more hard core themes. You have been warned from the start *** There are 10 advanced chaps on Patreon and all the chapters with NSFW images are also there! There are [EX] Extra/Exclusive chapters for my supporters on Discord and Pa-treon. *** Support me if you can!! The Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/avi2112 The Pa-treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Avi2112 The Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/Rbja9sKV8Y *** A/N: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters other than my OC.

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Chapter 24: Patricia Walker

"Never doubt your worth," you assure her, your gaze unwavering. "I'll choose you over your mother every time!"

"Are you telling the truth?" whispers Patricia, her voice tinged with hope. "Do you really find me attractive?" she asks, her eyes searching yours for sincerity.

You take her right hand and bring it down over your dick, which was in full attention.

Patricia gasps as her hand touches the wet, hot thing. She looks down, her entire face turning crimson as she realises that Luke has been naked all along.

"Do you believe me now?" you ask, your voice dripping with sensuality, as you whisper into her reddened ears.

Feeling the long, monstrous thing with her own hand, the same one she saw making her mother scream, reminded her of her initial reason for crying.

Tears, which had stopped, were threatening to return as she looked away from you. "I-I'm a very bad girl, you wouldn't like me at all," she spoke with an ashamed face.

"Why don't you tell me what you're so ashamed of? Let me be the judge of that," you ask her softly, already aware of the reason.

"While you were … doing that with mom, I-I kinda … pleasured myself watching you" She says in an embarrassed tone, hiding her face in your chest refusing to look at you.

"Well that is nothing to be ashamed of," you say, lifting her chin gently to meet your gaze. "In fact, I find it incredibly Hot," you add with desire evident in your eyes.

"Pervert," she responds softly, a happy smile playing on her lips.

"Okay, let's get your face washed up. I don't like seeing such a pretty face covered in tears," you say, holding her face tenderly with a smile.

"Alright," she replies, returning your smile happily.

You bend down and effortlessly lift her up in a princess carry, one hand supporting her legs and the other under her back.

"Ah, I could have walked on my own!" she exclaims, a shy look crossing her face as she averts her gaze.

"I know," you reply simply, making your way towards the washroom.

Patricia gazes at you with eyes filled with love as her hands trace your abs, her cheeks tinted with a blush.

You bring her to the bathroom and wash her face tenderly, noticing the happy smile that graces her lips throughout your care.

While doing so, you find yourself reflecting on your earlier words. It wasn't just a coincidence that you met her in that audition room; you had orchestrated the encounter as she was in your Index too. However, you had truly found her attractive then, so that part was the truth.

In a way, you're amazed at how effortlessly you were able to charm your way out with a bunch of half truths and lies. It wasn't always like this—no one used to believe your lies or stories before, and it often caused you trouble. Perhaps you've improved over time?

"I've taken care of your troubles. Your mother will not force you anymore," you reassure her as you finish wiping away the tears and snot from her face.

"I don't want to talk about her right now," Patricia responds, giving you an annoyed look.

"She doesn't hate you, Patsy. She loves you a lot, and she genuinely thought that she was doing it for your better future," you explain gently.

"Anyway, you're my future now!" Patricia declares, wrapping her arms around you with a silly smile.

You kiss her head in silent agreement.

She notices your erect dick poking her belly and blushes a bit. "Let me wash this for you," she says as she gently gets out of your embrace and leads you to the shower head.

Using the hand shower, she carefully washes your dick, her curious gaze lingering on it.

It was a bit ironic to see the daughter wash away her mother's juices from your cock!

"Alright, let me find my clothes now," you say once she's finished.

"Wait," she stops you as you try to leave, and you look at her puzzled.

"Fuck me," she says, looking at you with a serious expression but with a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"What?" You raise your eyebrows in surprise.

"I can't stop thinking about you having sex with Mother! I want to replace that memory with a new, more pleasant one," she says, moving closer to you and grabbing your big dick.

In reality, Patricia was still afraid that Luke would leave her for her Mother, especially considering how experienced her Mother seemed when they were doing it and how impressive her assets were in comparison. She lacked confidence that she could win Luke back if he were to leave her.

So, although Luke's imposing dick intimidated her, witnessing her Mother handle it made her feel that she could manage it too.

Well, you weren't about to refuse when such a beautiful girl was asking for sex.

You embrace her delicate frame, kissing her passionately as your hand moves toward her breasts, caressing them over her clothes.

"Not here," she breathes out, stopping you and leading you toward her room.

Once inside, you close the door and begin kissing her slowly. Her hands wander over your chest, exploring your well-defined body.

As you kiss her, you lay her down on her bed and begin to undress her.

"Haa Haaaa," Patricia pants heavily, clearly excited.

Gazing at her stunning naked form, you have to physically restrain yourself from pouncing on her.

"Luke!" she exclaims as you start kissing her breasts and licking her nipples.

You trail kisses from her breasts to her stomach, back up to her lips, and then down to her legs, exploring and kissing every inch of her body.

When you reach her vagina, she's already overflowing with juices. You take a long lick of her pussy.


Patricia seems to orgasm from just that, but you don't stop. Her taste is fresh, like a ripe fruit.

Your hands play with her breasts, occasionally teasing her clit, making her whole body shudder.

"Haaa Haa Luukee," Patricia pants, having already experienced multiple small orgasms.

You taste her with relish and when you have had enough you stand and coat your dick in those juices, by rubbing it on her vagina.

"Luke … Haa please, do it g-gently!" Patricia says looking at your dick in fear.

"Don't worry baby, it will just hurt for a bit" You reassure her leaning down and kissing her pink lips.

You take your dick forward and start inserting it in her pussy. It is so tight and so hot, it is like night and day compared to her mother.

You are kissing her constantly as you encounter the resistance. You push through and break her hymen, as red blood mixes with her pussy juice.

"AH!!" Patricia knits her brows in pain as there are tears in her eyes.

You use your hands to tease her nipples and try to ease her pain.

"I-I am yours now, Luke. I gave you my virginity! You can't abandon me now!" Patricia says, hugging your neck tightly and giving you a fierce kiss.

You kiss her back with similar passion as your dick starts digging into her pussy.

"I am woman now mother, you can't control me!" Patricia yells aloud with a pained expression.

"Yes you are my woman now!" You say grabbing her breasts and sucking her nipples.

"I love you Luke!" Patricia said looking at you with a flushed face.

"I love you too Patsy!" You tell her as you bring your cock out and thrust it back in.

"AAAAAAH!" Patricia yells aloud, in pain and pleasure.

"Lukee, Lukeee, its so bigg luke, so soo big" Patricia starts moaning as her body shudders in orgasms.

You look down and hardly One-fourth of your cock had gotten in, but you are patient, a young girls first time is always difficult.

You pick up the pace as her vagina starts to loosen up a bit, her pained expression is gone now as she starts french kissing you.

"Lueeeeke, I-I amm … feeling lighht headed" Patrica speaks drunkenly as her eyes are out of focus.

You were worried this might happen as it has barely been 10 minutes and Patricia has had multiple orgasms.

You go even faster and release your cum that you were holding in.

"Ughh take it!" You exclaim as it pours into her vagina.

"Hooottt!, Lukeee!, Luvvv!! uuu!!" Patricia yells as her body convulses in her biggest orgasm yet.

After a full minute of ejaculating inside her, you look at her content sleeping face and your still erect cock, shaking your head in defeat.

You adjust her posture slightly, clean up some of the cum on her with a few paper napkins, and then tenderly cover her with a blanket. Kissing her forehead softly, you exit the room.

Returning to Dorothy's room, you find her still asleep, her body covered in semen.

You ignore her for now and retrieve your mobile phone from the ground where your pants were thrown.

"D.A.I.S.Y., show me where Jessica is," you whisper to your phone, as you suspect that she is not inside the house right now.

The screen lights up, revealing a top-down view of a girl in a hoodie walking through some alleys. This is Jessica, who, since moving in with the Walker family, has taken to patrolling the neighbourhood.

She did the same today when she returned to her room. There's a fire escape right by her window, which she often uses to slip down to the alleys below.

Your speculation is that she doesn't enjoy staying in this house much and is gradually discovering her powers.

Until now she had mostly beaten up some small time hoodlums, or some out of line beggars. She is still very afraid of her own powers, so she holds back a lot, and had just broken one hoodlums hand when he was threatening her with a knife.

Your plan is to have a talk with her at some poi-

"Masterr!" your thought is interrupted by Dorothy's moan.

You look back and see her calling you out in her sleep.

Sighing softly, you close the video for the time being. Your concern lies less with Jessica's safety and more with those unfortunate enough to provoke her.

With ease, you lift Dorothy from the bed and carry her to the bathroom. Setting her gently in the tub, you switch on the hand shower and begin washing her up.

"Masterr … Dickkk inside!" She seems to be half asleep as she presents her wet ass towards you inside the tub.

You look at that wet fat ass, the water cascading down her curves, and your dick instantly gets hard.

Unable to resist, you step into the tub, closing the distance between you and her. With a firm grip on her waist you insert your dick inside her pussy!

"Ahh! Yesss … Soo bigg!" Dorothy moans aloud.

It's all because Cass asked you to have another round with the women after some time had passed from the first sex session. At least, that's the reason you convinced yourself of, nothing to do with the sexy wet fatt ass.

Dorothy passed out while you were fucking her, but you still took your time, fucking her properly. After finishing inside her, you tenderly cleaned her up and carefully placed her on the bed. Prior to that, you replaced the wet bedsheets and tucked her in with a blanket taken from her cupboard.

You retrieve a credit card from your wallet and, with pen and paper in hand, jot down its PIN. Placing both items on Dorothy's bedside table, you ensure they're within reach. 

You leave the mother's room and go towards her daughters.

Ughhh the NSFW pics of this chapter are also going to be shadow banned!


If you want to see them you can go to Fiction Live site or you can join my Patreon and become my supporter, I can upload the full NSFW chapters with pics and also upload 5-10 advanced chapters if there are some webnovel supporters of mine!


If you haven't caught on he is better with his words now becuase his charm is 10 rn from the previous 4!


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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