
A Multiverse With Outer God Zhynns'i

I died as I lived, a nobody but I wasn't mad or anything. But somebody, get a new architect because the afterlife sucks! Where's the imagination!? Who made this shit I'm staying in? Welp at least I got the attention of a ROB turning me into an Outer god. Now which side of the multiverse should I mess with. Overpowered SI/OC

StoryCraft · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

When A deity gets crazy

Disclaimer: I don't own any kind of anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Beta-reader: Gorillafromspace,

{} - Pov/Demon/ Events/ Organizations.

** - Sound effects

[] -flashbacks/ Songs/music/phone calls.


{Zhynnsy'i POV}

As I went back to Hueco Mundo, my mind was in turmoil. What caused me to go out of control? If it wasn't for those visions, then it would've been game over. As I was mulling over this, there was a sudden feeling at the back of my mind. Someone was calling me, someone familiar.

With {All-knowing} I found where the call was coming from. Strangely, it was where I found myself before going to bleach. Taking precaution, I conjured an eldritch spear. Eyes and tentacles included. It was like a spear version of Soul Calibur, but more alien than demonic.

Tearing into the fabric of time and space, I entered the rift and came face to face with the man in the white suit.

"I see you have been enjoying your current state. You stirred quite a ruckus in the multiverse. Not bad."

"Um... thank you?"

We stared at each other for a while. I wasn't sure if I can take this guy down considering he turned me into an outer god. What's stopping him from turning me back into a human?

"Now your reckless episode back there nearly awakened Azathoth. Luckily, it's still asleep, but take care not to cause another incident like this again."

I can't help but flinch at what I heard. "So multiverse is safe, right?" I asked.

"For now, it is. I'm here for a personal reason. I'm sure you are curious about how I turned you into an eldritch, yes?"

It did bother me, to turn one into an outer god would require an entity above it or something of equal power. And since I wished to be equal to Azathoth, that means this man was a powerhouse.

"First, let me ask you a simple question: what is the difference between the Omni-verses and Out-verses?"

The question surprised me, but I still answered. "If I was still human, I would say the Omni-verse is the be-all and end-all while the out-verse is simply something that exists within the Omni-verse. However, the truth is it's more complex and yet so simple. The out-verse is more like the 'background' of the Omni-verse. Some might say it's the reverse of the Omni-verse. The Out-verse is neither a part of the Omni-verse or something separate. It is both."

The stranger raised an eyebrow akin to an impressed look but also mocking like I was missing something. "Well, you got half of right." The stranger conjured a sofa and sat down as a teacup appeared. "The Out-verse is indeed the 'background' but in another perspective, it acts as a pillar for the 'bridges'."

By bridges, he meant portals to another dimension. Ever since my 'ascension', I've been learning new things. For example, the so-called 'crossovers'. To humans, it's simply combining two different stories into one, but to a multiversal being, it's another story. It's not just some simple combination, it's too complex to describe through mere words alone.

To give an example, picture DC and Marvel. Both franchises have their multiverse but those 'multiverse' are nothing more than just a parallel verse. Why? Isn't it an alternate dimension? Yes and no, while it is an alternate world, for the multiverse, there's no significant difference other than just appearance, names, and circumstances. So long as one 'character' or 'object' exists, it will always fall under 'false' and not 'true'. If 'Superman' 'Goku' 'Naruto' exists, even if you reduce it to a figment of imagination, it will always be 'false', therefore nothing is truly different about it.

Then there are the two different sections. The 'minor' and 'major' sections. This isn't the Micro and Macro-verse. The 'Minor' section deals only with one 'character' 'system' or 'object' crossing over to where it shouldn't exist. Let's say Naruto going to One piece or Goku going to Bleach. 'Major' sections are where both dimensions collide, creating a unique blend of reality.

And this wasn't the accurate explanation, nor the tip of the things I learned. I was over-simplifying the knowledge I gained. In short, the multiverse was never a bitch. It's one crazy son of a bitch.

"Heh, Multiverse of Madness seems more accurate now." I thought.

The stranger gave a stoic expression. "Now then, as you know, the out-verse is home to the Outer-Gods, but it's not only them that live there." He said.

"There's more?"

"As many as the Multiverse. The Outer-god is just currently one of the top, but even they have some competition. Azathoth may have dreamt the world, but he is not the only one dreaming. There are others like him."

"Lovecraft never mentioned that in his books."

"No one ever said Azathoth is the only one who can make a universe in his sleep, either."

Can't argue with that logic. Wait, does that mean there's something that can beat the nuclear chaos? Still, what has to do with him?

"Now we go to the part where you come in. Ya see, when the multiverse was entering its early adulthood, Azathoth had a dream. Two beings that can rival him and this dream birthed two entities. They were Zhynnsy'i, the 'Crowned Clown' and M'mei, the 'Silent Tyrant'. Zhynnsy'i took the form of an Outer God, while M'mei became an Elder God. Zhynnsy'i inherited Azathoth's Id while M'mei inherited his ego."

"And these two started some shit since I'm currently inside the former "

"Correct, naturally these two cause too much destruction that they had to be taken out of the picture. Zhynnsy'i was uncontrollable, everything was collapsing under his presence until the Elder Gods tricked him and lost his mind, while hundreds of Outer Gods worked together to destroy M'mei's body. The Elder Gods sealed Zhynnsy'i body somewhere only beings like I can enter, while the Outer Gods imprisoned M'mei's mind at the gap between the Outer and Omni-verse."

"When you made your wish to become an Outer God. Zhynnsy'i failsafe activated and turned your soul into a suitable vessel."

"Son of a bitch!"

"Unfortunately, I wasn't aware that Zhynnsy'i was smart enough to put a fail-safe. That episode you had was Zhynnsy'i will, manifesting into the physical realm, twisting your desires to match his. M'mei escaped from his prison during that fiasco."

Well fuck, that means I started a war with both sides. Not to mention this M'mei is coming for me, eventually.

"One final warning: be wary of the stones like this." The stranger reveals a strange stone. "This is a star stone, something the Elder and Local Gods used against the Great old ones and some weaker outer gods."

"Outer Gods don't have any weakness."

"Your body is an Outer God, but your soul is not. It kept some human traits, allowing it to blend with the traits of an Outer God. If those get sealed, then 'Shensei' will cease to exist under the will of Zhynnsy'i; Crowned Clown of Nuclear Chaos. Quite fitting, considering you've taken the role of a jester.

That was harsh, and it fractured my ego a bit, but he was right. I'm not a natural-born, so that means I'm still vulnerable in certain areas.

Clown of Nuclear Chaos sounds like something a five-year-old can come up with. The same goes with the clowns of fate.

"Do take care not to be separated from that body. It's quite problematic that a child is wielding such a dangerous weapon and stay away from any star stones. After all, it's powerful enough to seal Great old one." The stranger opens a portal and left.

What the fuck is a Star-stone!? Is that a cosmic version of sea stones from one piece? Still, if that guy said it's bad, then I better stay safe from it. If I remember correctly, the soul king had a jewel beside him. I was that close to fucking up!? Damn, if I hadn't snapped out of it, I might have got sealed inside that stone.

Why didn't my {All-knowing} predict this probable outcome? There shouldn't be a limit, is it because of my human soul? No, that wasn't it. I saw it, but I ignored that outcome. Looks like I have to use Warhammer reference. Maybe I can use a star stone to prevent my human soul from being taken away. Heck, maybe I can even use it to block Zhynnsy'i will.

Hm... maybe pull off Ultron's tactic while I'm at it. If I can find one, I might create a body that can counter the rest of the star stones. Unfortunately, this world doesn't have one except for the one I found beside the soul king and the other with Yhwach.

Wait... Oh crap, I forgot about Yhwach! Shit, I've been so focused on making Ichigo into the new Soul King and Aizen, I forgot about the other guy. It was tempting to use {All-seeing} but the threat looming over my head made me change my mind and leave the man for another time. There's also the Eldar God M'mei.

Honestly, I don't have any interest in fighting the deity, but if it attacks me, then I'm fighting back. Now, how am I going to find those star stones without alerting the rest of 'them'? The good news is that not everyone can use it.

Heading back to Hueco Mundo, I stumbled into Harribel, who was on her patrol. We both stared at each other before I raised my hand. "Wanna eat some Shawarma with me?" I offered. It took a moment before she accepted my offer.

We ate at the top of a sandhill, tall enough to see our entire camp. "You seem tense," Harribel said. "Well, it's not every day you're facing a three-way war," I replied. "Three-way?" Harribel said. Taking a deep breath, I started explaining the entire bleach storyline.

The shark was not happy by the time I finished, but she kept herself from releasing her Reiatsu. "This Yhwach... where is he right now?" She asked. "He's waiting until we start the war against Soul Society. Right now, he's weak, and as long as we don't kill all the quinces, he can't regain his full power."

"What are you planning?" Harribel gazed at the moon.

"For now, nothing. I'll let him and Aizen play their little game. Once they make their move, I'm wiping Yhwach out of the picture." I answered while turning our trashes into flowers.

"And Aizen?"

"Eh... I'll probably keep him around to keep Bitchigo from doing something dumb, like blowing up hell." I lied down and closed my eyes and allowed the concept of [sleep] takeover.


A few weeks passed by and I was now in a universe graveyard. Don't worry, it's not a universe filled with dead planets. It's only a universe filled with asteroids. This place was a good start for me to build my reality.

First the standards, a sun here, a moon there, earth over here, mars over there... a star background. You know what... I'm going creative mode. As I conjured nine MilkyWay with infinite life forms I could think of. I, however, restricted the mortals' free will a bit. Installing a drive to keep building for something. Next was making sure time was faster here, compared to whatever dimension I was inside. Finally, making my version of the famous 9 Primarchs, but I only made seven, and instead of calling these seven Primarchs, I call them the 'Untamed'.

The first Untamed, Doughnut. His powers are like the new 52 Superman with Escanor's Sunshine. Second Untamed, Dorito, his powers were like Golden Experience Requiem and King Crimson. Third Untamed, Monkee, I gave him the powers of Alex Mercer and Agent Smith. The Fourth Untamed, Burge, I gave the power of Accelerator and Ghost rider. Fifth Untamed, Wack, has the power of Undo button and Math. Sixth Untamed, Crack, his power is Kamijou's imagine-breaker, Estarossa's commandment, and Ban's theft skills. Finally, the Seventh Untamed, Smack, his power is Memes.

I made sure that these seven are the most loyal to my creations even with having free will. This was just in case some assholes would use them against me. I didn't magically make them into adults, though.

I remember that some of my followers were hoping to get pregnant. I dare even say obsessed. Manifesting myself into Tohru's dimension, I summoned some of my priests to call of my followers for my announcement.

It took an hour to gather them all, but I can see their excitement. So I announced I would choose seven brides to bear my children. Yeesh, just saying it made me want to punch myself for sounding like an ass.

Everyone cheered after my announcement. I spot some parents giving support to their daughters, hoping for a chance to receive my gift. Widows made themselves look more erotic while doing the same with their daughters.

I wasn't in a hurry, so I gave everyone the time to prepare while I went to look for Elma, but she wasn't around. Well, whatever, I'll find her later. Heading back to my temple, I saw all the females wearing different clothing. Some were arousing, some presentable, while most were normal.

My smile spreads as my eyes shift to something close to my actual Outer God form. Choosing my seven brides with the first one bride being the one to summon here. Everyone cheered as each bride approached me.

They bid their goodbyes before we teleported back to my pocket universe. Once we arrived, I gave them time to adjust to their new life. Despite most of the Outer God's will tainting my nature, I went all out in taking care of my brides.

Spending enough time with each during their pregnancy. Making sure that the infant inside them wouldn't kill them. I pulled off Whis' move during their birth, but when I gave their names, my brides requested to change it. So I made a compromise. Now my kids have two names. Oh well.

Hi guys, sorry for the late update. I've been busy since my house got flooded.

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