
A Multiverse With Outer God Zhynns'i

I died as I lived, a nobody but I wasn't mad or anything. But somebody, get a new architect because the afterlife sucks! Where's the imagination!? Who made this shit I'm staying in? Welp at least I got the attention of a ROB turning me into an Outer god. Now which side of the multiverse should I mess with. Overpowered SI/OC

StoryCraft · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Pounding a Kitty and saving a Mommy

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Beta-reader: Gorillafromspace,

{} - Pov/Demon/ Events/ Organizations.

** - Sound effects

[] -Thoughts/Telepath dialogues/ flashbacks/ Songs/music/phone calls.

AN: I forgot to put the "y" on Zhynnsy'i. Sorry for the confusion. That's how the name was, but I didn't realize the missing letter.

{Shensei/Zhynnsy'i P.O.V}

I yawned as I watched the humans walk on with their daily life. My eyes darted from one person to another before stopping.

There she is, Kurosaki Masaki, also Isshin Kurosaki. I also saw Ichigo along with his sisters. The plot is about to start, but the years I spent waiting gave me a reputation with the shinigami and quinces. They called me Joker now.

A wild card hollow with an abnormal personality. Many tried to kill me, but every attempt failed, even went far as sending some captains against me.

I chuckled, remembering the captain's faces when they saw me stealing their Zanpakutō.

The best part was when they realized I knew the names of their Zanpakutō and hid those swords all over the world. It took them years to find them since I sealed those swords and turned them into umbrellas before hiding them.

The Quincy did the same, so I made them unable to sleep for five days with my awful singing voice. The kids were left alone.

That didn't mean I allowed the Hollows to run rampant. If it's a newborn Hollow, I just beat them so hard, they run to Hueco Mundo. Those who have regained their minds but refused to leave, I whooped their asses so hard; they got isekai'd to my actual body.

Eh, I already ate a few souls, so what's a hundred more?

Of course, I got Aizen's attention, but since he's a smart and cautious guy, I can relax for a bit. I also made a few clones just in case he shows up.

Watching them leave the mall, I raised my finger and fired a cero. The energy beam pierces the Hollow, trying to eat a soul. Seconds later, a shinigami arrives before helping the soul pass on.

I sighed in disappointment. This shinigami is a freaking joke. I can tell that he's a newbie with how slow he is. Since I had nothing to do here, I went back to Hueco Mundo.

{Hueco Mundo}

As soon as I arrived at my home, Harribel greeted me. "Hey, Harribel. Anything happened while I was gone?" I asked.

"Barragan's men have been getting bolder. They've tried killing some hollows that seek refuge, we believe he's planning to wage war with you."

I just laughed, already knowing that the old coot was going to war.

Hueco Mundo had split into several factions during my stay. Some Hollows made factions to improve their chances of survival, but mine and Barragan are the biggest.

I glanced at Harribel's abdomen where her Hollow hole used to be. Yes, all the Hollows under me no longer have full masks or holes in their bodies. I know I'm fucking up the timeline, but I can't resist it.

They're still hollows and not arrancars, but I'm just curious what Hogyoku will do now that my Hollows are partially human now.

As we strolled across the desert, we met some hollows that greeted us. I just smiled and waved before asking how they were doing, a typical good leader tactic.

Voicing concerns about the coming conflict, I can't help but smile at how they offered themselves to aid me. I can tell they were afraid, but they were serious about joining the war.

Once they left, we went back to our stroll, patrolling the borders. Harribel also voiced her concerns. Barragan's army had the quality while I had quantity.

I reassured her, and if it turned for the worse, I would hold the army off.

While Harribel had the theme of 'sacrifice.' she didn't like the idea of me facing the army alone. She warns me that my death will affect the entire army's morale.

"Harribel, that's the reason you're my right hand. I can't always be here. So when I do kick the bucket, I can rest easy."I said.

Harribel glared at me with annoyance. I can tell she was angry about how lightly I see my death will affect everyone.

"If you fought Barragan, do you think you can win?" She knew I was stronger than anyone, but she couldn't help it.

"If we fought, it will be troublesome, but I'll win."

She raised an eyebrow at my words. Whenever I say 'troublesome.' It means I'm holding back not to destroy something.

Then another Hollow came to them. "Shensei-sama, there's a hollow that is causing trouble on the borders. He is demanding you to fight him."

I raised an eyebrow. Who the heck would do this kind of stunt?

"By any chance, is this hollow a mantis or a panther?" I asked, while using my 'restricted' omniscience.

"Panther-like my lord."

Grimmjow, I didn't need my omniscience to know his reason, but I need to make sure there isn't a mastermind behind this. I peeked behind the scenes and knew that Grimmjow had heard about me.

"Looks like he came here on his own." I thought. I glanced at Harribel and whispered to her to tell everyone not to engage the battle maniac.

As the blond left, I grinned. Now how am I going to punish the kitty cat?

With my omnipresence, I 'arrived' at his location.


Grimmjow was getting irritated on waiting for Shensei. Hearing his reputation made his blood boil. He wanted to see what made this Vasto Lorde so powerful.

He then noticed some Hollows coming towards him.

"So you're the naughty kitty cat?"

An annoying voice greeted his ears. The mocking tone of it had grated on his nerves. Who the fuck does this fucker think he is!?

Turning to the source, he glared at the Hollow he wanted to fight. Sitting on a dead tree, waving his hand in greeting with a mocking grin.

" 'ello how you doing kitty cat?"

Veins appeared on his skin. He knew the bastard was looking down on him.

"Are you Shensei?"

"I am, and you're Grimmjow, right? Hmm... Name's too long, I'll call you Gri-chan or maybe kitty-chan." Shensei said, ignoring Grimmjow.


{Jujutsu Kaisen Ost - Gojo Infinite potential}

"Don't you dare look down on me!" He roared.

"What? Speak up kitty-chan, can't hear you up here!"

The future sixth Espada rushed to his prey, ready to tear him to shreds.


Grimmjow's eyes went wide when he felt Shensei behind him. It wasn't Sonido or teleportation. It was like the man was already there. Illusion? Or some Mind-control?

"Sorry Kitty-chan, but since everyone is watching, I have to put on a good show." Shensei whispered before blowing his ear.

Grimmjow threw a bunch of punches, yet none of them landed. It became a cat-and-mouse game. Grimmjow chased the prey, and Shensei kept 'teleporting' on his blind spot.

Just as Shensei reappeared, Grimmjow threw his fist on his right. [I got you now!] the panther thought.

Shensei merely tilts his head while deflecting the blow. He delivered a powerful counter that sent Grimmjow spinning before following it up with another powerful punch that sent him flying across the desert.

Everyone watched as the punch their leader delivered reshaped the entire landscape. They knew he was powerful but in this magnitude. Seeing Grimmjow still alive after that made them worry.

"That punch just now, that would've killed me. No, that's not it..." Grimmjow gritted his teeth as he charged up a cero.

"You fucking piece of shit! You think you can win by holding back!" He roared as he fired the cero point-blank.

Dust and debris went everywhere Starrk, Lilinnyette, and Harribel were all tempted to step in to help.

"5!" Shensei's voice echoed as the cloud hiding him cleared. No injury, scratch-free. The debris floated around him as if his presence had distorted gravity.

Grimmjow growled and charged once more.

"4!" Shensei counted as his enemy was a half distance away. "3!" Grimmjow jumps into the air prepares another blow. "2!" Shensei looks up, looking like a kid in a candy store. "1..."

For a moment, Everyone felt like something occurred. Something ominous, frightening enough that everyone shook.


Eyes all went back to the fight. Grimmjow fell to the ground, eyes rolled back, foam coming out of his mouth, having seizure spasm.

Their eyes went back to their leader, who looked like they caught him cheating. "Haha... whoops, I went too far with it. My bad." He said.

Everyone wanted to know what he did, but something at the back of their head demanded not to ask that question.

{Shensei's/Zhynnsy'i P.O.V}

I was only planning to make Grimmjow a filtered version of my true form. I was curious about its effect, but apparently, even a filtered version of myself is still too much for 3rd-dimensional beings.

Looking towards my faction, I can tell they're affected. Damn, there goes my plan of a zanpakuto, back to the drawing board.

"Can someone take this kitty back to the healer?" I asked as a few brave hollows volunteered to take the panther. "Starrk mind watching the guy just in case he feels being unfriendly."

I got a nod from the man as he went with the group.


A few days went by with Grimmjow adding to the mix. It did not surprise me when he joined. The man had been hounding him for another fight. I accepted the challenge and always ended it with one punch.

Everyone had gotten used to it fast. Though, some respected Grimmjow's determination to land a single hit on me.

Yesterday was Grimmjow's 15th loss. He's still sporting the black eye and a lot of swelling I gave him. He wouldn't have this kind of injury during our fights. His last sneak attack turned my Harribel action figure into a speck of dust. That action figure was wearing a bikini set, damn it!

Never touch a person's merchandise!

I fixed it, but the knowledge that I failed to protect my treasure grates on my nerve. These hollows around me were insignificant. They had value, but I'm not a saint that held them high. My interest lies in future arrancars.

I would do my best to protect the rest of the hollows, but I won't warp reality to undo their deaths.

But if Harribel died, you bet, I will flip the entire reality to bring her back.

Anyway, I was out doing my stroll before coming across Starrk. I told him I'm going to the human realm. He gave me a nod but told me to bring some human food.

Unfortunately, Harribel caught me sneaking out. While she had no power to stop me, she made me a compromise.

So I took her with me. I also made sure that the Shinigamis couldn't detect her reiatsu. Also, we're both in our human disguise. Opening a tear to the human world, we both went in and found ourselves on top of Kararuka town.

"So, does this count as a date?" I teased, only to see a neutral look from my companion. Note to self: learn how to tease a Kuudere.

And we spent the next hours walking around, from malls to parks and restaurants. Some humans tried showing off, even trying to push me aside or scare me off.

Harribel ignored them but waited for me to act. So I made them cry like a bitch. I didn't kill them or use my power. I just pressed their pressure point hard and told them to buzz off.

Some tried to be brave, so I smashed a few walls, and that's enough to give them an idea want my fist does.

A few hours later, the rain came to the city.

Of course, we didn't get wet, though Harribel wouldn't mind, but I will. No one gets to see Harribel's boobs, but me only!

Jeez, I sound like a yandere.

I saw Masaki walking down the road with Ichigo. Wait a minute, rainy day, cheerful but sad atmosphere, a weird little girl near the river.


I rushed at a breaking speed as Ichigo went for the girl as Masaki ran to save her son.

/Thirdperson POV/

Masaki saw the girl and saw it a hollow, the grand-fisher. Her son had taken the bait in trying to save the girl. She rushed in and covered her son with her body. She waited for the coming claws. Her only regret was that this would be the last time she would see her family.

"What the hell is that?" Grand fisher spoke noticing an incoming object.

"SUPERMAN PUUUUNCH!!!" a voice roared with a sonic boom.


She felt intense pressure and the sound of two objects colliding. The wind nearly sent her flying. Once the strong wind stopped, she looked up and saw a silver-haired man with his fist out.

Smoke covered his fist. There were even flickers of embers.

"Shensei-sama, are you alright?" A blond, dark-skinned woman asked.

"Yep! Didn't feel a thing." He said while waving his hand.

The dark beauty sighed like she was dealing with a problem child.

"Please refrain from doing that kind of stunt." She said.

"Hahaha, Lighten up Harribel," Shensei said, his eyes slowly going to Masaki. "You okay Quincy-chan?"

Masaki blinked in surprise until she remembered her question. Her son had passed out, so she quickly placed him behind her.

"What are you?" She asked.


The answer only terrified her. Only one classification can fit the level of power this hollow possessed. "You're a Vasto Lorde. What are you doing in the human realm?" She noted their lack of holes and wondered if they made something similar to a gigai.

"Do I need a reason for shopping? I got bored with all the sand, so I went here since humans have more interesting stuff. I even had fun the last time I was here."

His answer only terrified Masaki. She already knew who this was. Her connection with Urahara Kisuke kept her up to date.

Harribel spots Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Isshin, rushing towards them and warns him about the new arrivals. Shensei nodded and opened the tear.

Harribel stepped in first. However, she glances back at Ichigo, who is still asleep. Shensei noticed this but said nothing.

As the blond vanished with the tear, the three arrived. "What are you doing here, Joker!?" Isshin demanded, ready to fight him.

Shensei raises his arms in a friendly. "Chill, brother, I'm not here to steal your wife. I was out shopping and saw your wife about to be hentai by a perv. So I saved her."

None of the adults understood some words but understood most of his explanation.

"Oya, this is the first time I've seen a hollow saving a Quincy." Kisuke said.

Shensei knew he was trying to get a read on him. "As the world says, there's a first time for everything. Besides, I owe Masaki-chan here."

It got everyone's attention. Masaki tried to remember anything but came blank. "What do you mean by you owe me?" She asked.

"You gave me an awesome baby, of course."


"Shit, that came out so wrong." Shensei said to himself, but everyone heard him. Isshin's faces became a mixture of rage, confusion, and outright murderous.

"Okay, hold your horses Isshin, I didn't bang your wife. I'm not a home-wrecker, even though I am a single MILF hunter. What I mean is she gave birth to once in a lifetime opportunity."

No one liked the explanation. Masaki held Ichigo closer to her now. Everyone else looked ready to kill him. "I really need to fix my social skills." Shensei thought.

"Don't you guys get it? That kid there is a super-hybrid. A Noble blood soul reaper with a mix Quincy, a full bringer and hollow. What the hell, man? Did you have a fuse foursome or something!?"

He can see the gears turning inside everyone's head. "Anyway, I know when I'm not wanted. Bye, See you in a few years future soul king."


Everyone blinked at his sudden disappearance. With him gone, they relaxed, but their minds were trying to decipher his words.

Kisuke glanced at Ichigo. Was he a hybrid? How can a child have that much power? Let alone survive. Did he build up resistance?

Isshin knew he had to look out for his family. They need to switch towns before the Hollow comes back.


Shensei reappeared, and everyone tensed. "I almost forgot, don't bother running to another town. Even if you go to Mars, I'll find you." He said, his tone becoming terrifying at the end.


"What should we do?" Masaki asked. She didn't care about her son being a hybrid, only that he was a target of the strange Hollow.

Isshin was distraught. He didn't know what to do or what to say. They can't fight or run from this thing, but he won't let it lay a finger on his son.

"Give me a month. I'll come up with something," Kisuke said. "But you need to be careful. We don't know what he plans on doing with your son."

"I'll go with them." Yoruichi said. "But what did he mean by future soul-king?"

None came up with an answer. He's not planning on attacking soul society and replacing the current soul king with their son, is he?

Hueco Mundo

Shensei arrived and laughed hard. "YOSHA! I'm fired up. Time to set my plans in motion!" He yelled excitedly. "But first, I have got to take care of that geezer and Aizen."

With that, he left as he went back to his turf. His shadow slowly morphs into his true form.

"Sorry Ichigo, but I'm gonna rock your world." He muttered, finally reaching his throne. For the first time, he sat upon it. His omniscience flares up as he forms his plans.

"So this is how smart people feel." He said.

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