
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

The man beneath the mask

Attention readers if you guys can get my novel to be officially reviewed and get to 65 power stones i will upload the other chapter I have saved up. it has 1450+ characters.

Join the dark side readers.

It has cookies. ;)))))))))))))))))))))) <3

Walking past Diane I released my chi causing everyone in the room to not see my face but Diane. Taking my mask off I smiled directly at Diane.

Diana looking at my face was left flustered and confused.

I looked devilishly handsome having a chiselled jawline, Bright white teeth, Roman nose, and deep dark eyes which could pierce through any girls heart.

Putting my mask back on I continued looking forward not bothering to look back at her

(3rd person Pov)

Diana could be seen sitting by herself in front of the cell block looking down at the ground.

Looking into the sky she thirsted for adventure beyond the sea.

She looked at the statue of her mother.

She felt conflicted. at one side she craved for an adventure of a lifetime but the other seeked approval of her mother and fear of disappointment.

She couldn't pick aside.

Feeling frustrated she walked over to the grass and laid there looking into the sky.

She wished she were a cloud drifting from one place to another sharing through the sky as it is.

Thinking of that man she smiled he looked free as if he was never being held against his will.

(Diana Pov)

Even fighting me it felt as if he was toying with me not even trying.

His expression when looked at me left me speechless he didn't look on with fear or anger it was that of calmness and leisure.

Even when first appearing he seemed to be watching for a while only hopping in just when his comrade was about to get answered for a few more questions.

He was hiding something.

This left me with a feeling of helplessness how was I going to find out more about him if I didn't even get the chance to do so.

Not knowing what to do I got up to see one of my sister next to me.

"Why the big frown Diana," she said wondering why I wasn't actively guarding the cell block.

"I feel trapped sister. I want to see the outside world. I want to see beyond the sea, " I sighed looking down on the ground.

"How about you sneak into the tournament while I take over your guard duty for you," She said smiling.

"You'd really do that for me" I smiled staring at her directly.

"of course. just make sure when you come back you owe me you" she said punching my shoulder before hugging me.

"I believe you're ready," she said winking at me.

Running away I waved back shouting

"Thank you, " I shouted Running away as I waved back.

"Don't leave that man waiting" He shouted back as if to make fun of me.

(Revans POV)

After walking with queen heartache for a while we reached the coliseum. Looking down i saw them set the events. Looking up in the stands i saw the ends of the coliseum fill up.

Just as i was about to doze off i saw a new warrior show up through the challenger area late.

Seems Diana felt compelled to come hereafter seeing my face i mentally smirked.

(A while later)

(Didn't really want to write a whole paragraph of her dominating in the tournament)

Just like the animated series i watched she aced every one of the challenges as expected of the daughter of Zeus i mentally thought.

The whole crowd cheered for her.

Watching her come up to the podium i watched her taking off her helmet and kneeling in front of her mother.

The other amazons surprised by the sudden revelation of her sneaking into the stadium fell silent.

They had unknowingly hyped her, this left an uncomfortable feeling in the atmosphere.

"As the champion of Themyscira, I gift you with the honour of donning armour designed by that of the outsiders," She shouted announcing it towards the crowd.

The crowd hearing the approval of the queen cheered on for Diana.

Looking at the armour it donned the same appearance but with a twist of having bracelets they were gauntlets instead and looked as if it carried a heavy punch.

The other change was she not only got the classic tiara she was given a valkyrie helmet with horns protruding from the sides of the forehead.

This was most likely because of my existence as she wasn't supposed to be given a helmet and gauntlet.

"My daughter it seems you are ready," she said before pointing towards the invisible plane which i saw as its being covered by mana i belive as i could sense it with my chi.

Diana feeling ecstatic about her armour ran back to the cellblock to tell her sister.

Getting there she found her sister lying in a pool of her own blood.

Her lifeless corpse lying there still.

Following her, i found the same sight.

Her mother following in suit with her adviser also came to see the sight.

"Ares has escaped. My sister has failed her duty to amazons," Hippolyta adviser said staring at her lifeless corpse.

"No, it is Persephone who has failed her duty to the amazons" Hippolyta corrected before continuing " It seems daughter your journey will have a second purpose."

Walking toward the plane i touched it and revealed its presence.

This shocked Hippolyta and her advisor as i touched it randomly and found it.

"Neat," I said before walking over to steve.

"You can go ahead with Fruit cake I've got my own way back to HQ," I said looking at steve before pausing putting my shoulder on his neck "Don't try and steal my fish or ill drown you in the water with the rest of them," i said before going back to the queen.

Steve understanding nodded and walked over to the plane he had enough of today first he escaped from the Turks then he got tortured.

He wasn't keen on a second round.

"Daughter step into the darkness that is of man's world follow the path of war, destruction, and death you will find Ares" She commanded.

"Yes Mother" She replied before hopping into the plance.

Watching them fly off i saw steve sitting as far back as he could not trying to talk to Diana.

Smiling i removed my mask and turned to Hippolyta staring at her with my pitch-black eyes.

"My queen," I said smiling at her which could hypnotize any girl in a matter of seconds.

Getting up i returned to my stern face as i stared at her.

"You know that I'm actively trying to marry your daughter. If i am ever going to do so i will need to gain your approval and trust," I said looking at her.

As if dazed by my appearance she stopped to look at me before responding.

"I understand and why should i give you my daughter you may just be another man trying seduce my daughter how can i be as bold as to trust my daughter to you. How can i trust you to protect her and not break her heart," She said staring directly at my eyes not breaking eye contact before

"I will protect Diana and not break her heart," I said not backing down from her stare.

"Then prove to me Revan Osmosis that you can do just that," She responded before rapping me around with the lasso of truth not giving it to Diana just yet.

"I Revan Osmosis swear to protect Diana with my life and soul," I Said smiling at her.

"Do you Revan Osmosis swear to not break Diana's heart as well as exploit her" She responded still glaring at me.

"I Revan Osmosis swear to never to hurt or break her heart," I retorted before taking off the lasso of truth which did not shine throughout the entire moment.

"You have proven worthy Revan Osmosis though the final decision rests in my daughter's hands," She said finally smiling as if weights had been released of her shoulders.

Sighing she gave me the lasso of truth.

"Give this to my daughter please" she sighed

"So Revan how will you return to your home," She asked questioning where i was going.

Walking down the steps I smiled.

"Don't worry mother I am already home but i have my ways to get to new york" before strapping my mask back on and teleporting to the park where they would be landing.

Hey guys what your thoughts about the story so far? Continue as i am or do guys want some changes? Write a comment on the suggestions you want to appear in the novel and ill think about it. know your input does matter.

:))))))))))))) <3

GodofTruthcreators' thoughts