
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Cultivating love

Thanks, guys. You guys are killing it. ໒( ಥ Ĺ̯ ಥ )७ You guys leave me with a tear in my eye. Though im really suprized i zipped up to 83 power stones( Previously 53) realy quickly in an hour.

What mythical pet should the mc get after the war arc? Realy wandering what to pick. Remeber i don't want the usual dragon and phoenix combo thanks. ( Shout out to Jasonenrick for giving me the idea)

I got to write more chapters when i get back home from school ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)

(Hippolyta POV)

Looking at the man disappearing i was shocked. He just teleported if i wasn't mistaken. Looking around i was also not the only one shocked by such a revelation.

Looking at where he once stood i smiled this man was by no means ordinary.

<My daughter was in safe hands> i thought.

Standing up i decided to read through our library something about that name made me think of a history book i once read.

Looking into the libary i came out fruitful until i came across a book on the counter.

The books titled The history of Man.

Reading into the book i flipped over some pages until i came across the familiar name of that man.

Reading the book i was shocked to my core this man was no man at all he was a beast and monster in human skin.

Revan the true lord of Egypt known for creating A large castle able to withstand decades and any army of any sort.

Revan the knowledgable known for his incredible in-depth knowledge about the human body creating the first book of biology.

Revan the apostle of death known for killing all and anyone infected with the black plague his famous quote being "We must exterminate the weak to strengthen the future" this line left shivers down my spine it was as if he knew of the future.

Looking into the history book of these strange men they all had one thing in common.

They all had the same name.

Who was this man?


Who was Revan Osmosis?

(Revan Osmosis)

Teleporting to the park in new york i saw a child an African child sitting by herself.

Walking up to her she looked a bit frightened taking off my mask i put my hands up to show her i wasn't going to harm her.

Finally squatting next to her I smiled.

Looking at me she blushed.

"So why the down face little one arnt you going to go play with your friends over there," I said pointing to the boys playing with wooden swords.

They won't let me play because they said I'm a girl and girls don't know how to fight using swords" she said pouting nearly crying.

Wiping the incoming tears from her i smiled staring at her.

"Look kiddo there right you don't know how to fight with a sword," I said before pausing seeing her nearly cry before continuing "But that doesn't you can't beat them at something else," I said smiling again.

"Realy," she said rubbing her eyes.

"Of course you can," I said using taking off my army coat and putting it over her and then proceeding to put back my mask on.

"A woman is more efficient with a bow than a melee weapon," i said smiling.

"While men are masters of strength women are the masters of diversion and stealth men will never be as skilled as a woman like that. I've seen strong men be brought down by women by a single sentence," I said smiling at her.

"While those boys play with the swords you can master the bow but you can of course still use the sword though," I comforted rubbing her head.

Looking at her sniffling i looked into the sky.

"Why do you wear the scary mask"

"Because i, Revan Osmosis Have a dream" I stated before continuing "I have a dream that my future children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin or by their gender, but by the content of their character," I Declared quoting Martin Luther, king. ( Did you catch the jojoke?)

The child looking at me was inspired by my speech and was amazed.

"You really think it will happen, mister," She asked

"Of course a dream is nothing but a dream unless we put the effort to make it a reality," I said smiling at her.

"By the way little one what is your name," i asked standing up.

"Amanda. Amanda Waller" She replied smiling back at me.

"Revan. Revan Osmosis" I said before looking at the duo who were silently listening to me.

"So how was the trip" i exclaimed smiling looking at Diana and steve who looked dazed as to how i got here.

(Diana POV)

Arriving i looked around to see Kids playing in the park and what seemed to be Revan talking to a lonesome child.

"Because i, Revan Osmosis Have a dream" I heard Revan state before continuing "I have a dream that my future children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin or by their gender, but by the content of their character," He Declared.

This was the charismatic charm of a king, not a solider.

just who was Revan Osmosis.

Watching him finish talking to the child he spooked us.

"So how was the trip" He exclaimed

"It was quiet" I murmured just wondering why steve was so quiet during the ride I tried extracting information from him about Revan but he wouldn't budge.

"Must have bit his tongue lets go to HQ lets see what we can find on your guy," I said taking a cap with steve, and Diana.

"Though first we gotta get Wonderwomen here a coat to hide her armour. Don't want any hooligans staring at my future wife" I teased causing Diana to turn into a tomato.


Arriving there we stepped inside the building and walked past a female coworker of steve.

"Hey steve i need your hand with a little something," she chuckled holding steves hand and pulling him toward the other room.

Holding Diana back she almost followed suit.

"Why'd you stop me," said raising an eyebrow.

"That's not the room we're looking for" I snapped before taking a detour to the intel room holding a large pc which i found via wall map.

Getting in the intel room i locked the door before sitting on the computer chair and turning the pc on.

"Oh here's your lasso sorry i forgot to give it to you," reaching into my shirt before pulling it out.

This left my refined 8 pack exposed for just enough time for her to see it.

"So just what guy are we trying to find," I asked the now blushing Diana meanwhile going through the crime reports throughout the world on the computer.

"Just imagine a god who can just by existing cause millions of people to just hate and cause destruction to anyone or thing even if they're close to you," She said

"Sound like a great guy to hang out," I joked before going silent as the guy just recently murdered her sister which I immediately apologized.

"Sorry about that" I assented trying not to look her in the eyes.

"Don't worry about it" She sighed before starting back at the screen.

"A guy Humping the ground vigirously?" I laughed which i earned a chuckle from her before saying "Are you sure he's not the god of lust?" I said before reading the more wacky incidents.

Turning the chair to her i took off my mask and asked her " Since this might be your last time here in earth why don't we go explore the city i said smiling at her"

Diana looking at me smiled before responding.



Ordering snacks i opened a bag of chips leaving it next to Diana.

"So what do think about the world outside," I asked.

"It's a bit stuffy though the lights still amaze me" She replied looking into my eyes

"So who what do you think of man in the outside world, I'm alright as you can tell from my handsome face" I joked smiling at her.

"So you're the one interrogating this time," she said smiling back at me.

"you have the lasso of truth while i have bourbon and coke," i said pulling out two different drinks and mixing them together and then pouring them into two.

"Cheers to you my future wife," I chuckled before we both doused our drink.

(Minutes passed)

I leaned on the bar deck and looked at her.

I then leaned really close to her face which she did too in response to this i took a potato chip from her side and ate it. ( Death note fans will understand )

Diana confused looked at me flustered.

"I thought you were going in for a kiss," She asked looking down at the ground.

"shhhhhhhh. I'm saving our first kiss for when we marry" I whispered into her ear which caused her to look like a bright red tomato.

Diana having enough of my games lunged her face to me kissing me directly in the lips which caused me to get off guard.

Our lips started to melt as i sat there in disbelief. ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)

<Well, I do like my girls fiesty> I mentally thought as i adjusted my face wrapping my hands around her as i hugged her.

Finishing my hug i asked her

"Keen for some food," I asked smiling at her.

"Sure, why not" she smiled before we both walked out.

Walking outside we took a short cut through the ally to the nearest restaurant which we were surrounded by 9 men.

4 in front and 5 in the back.

This was going to be annoying.

Hey, guys make sure to leave a review and comment. Thank you for your support. I love you guys and gals and ill see you next time on is Raven going to get laid.

GodofTruthcreators' thoughts