
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs


(Revans POV)

Getting out of my plane i jumped out of it in the middle of the sky.

jumping down i landed onto the beach watching my plane crash into the mountain ahead.


I looked at the plane and mentally slapped my forehead.

< why the hell did i just crash my plane for> I mentally thought before walking away into the jungle with my pistol.

<Using my Chi sense I noticed a highly fortified castle along with multiple homes surrounding it.

<It seems im in Themyscira> i thought walking towards the castle and hiding my presence via camouflage.

Using my chi sense i found a medium-sized room with a lot of people in it.

This must be where Steve as i knew he would be captured and interrogated form the comics.

Sneaking past all the gaurd i climbed up from the window and entering hearing them talk.

"I am Hippolyta queen of the Amazons," she said before pausing. "We're going to ask questions regarding who you are and what you are doing here, " I heard one of them saying demanding Steve before the lasso started illuminating and as he started to struggle.

"The United States Air Force Connel Steven Rockwell Trevor," He said struggling finally giving in.

Steve looking at Hippolyta was unimpressed.

"This lasso was created to bypass the untrustworthy nature of man you cannot resist it," She said before continuing "What does your government want and what is your mission," she said before tightening the rope.

Steve trying to resist the thought of telling was lying down on the floor struggling to keep up when he suddenly spilled the beans.

"My government has no idea of your islands and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" He screamed not wanting to tell the rest until he gave in" I was seeking intelligence on the ottoman empire, Our intel told us the Germans were penniless and Out of ammunition... Our Intel was wrong the german were creating weapons. Weapons used to destroy the world it was something we had never seen," He said before pausing.

All of the amazons stood their shocked they had never heard about weapons that could cause so much death besides the queen.

"So were you followed," She said staring at Steve directly in his eyes.

"Yes. I was followed by my comrade" he said before turning away obviously feeling bad about giving me away.

Not feeling like watching him be tortured i zipped and pushed one of the Amazons before rolling over to Trevor Releasing him.

Dodging the incoming swarms of punches i blocked each and everyone even parying them and knocking them back.

Bowing down i looked at Queen Hippolyta holding the lasso and smiled.

"Greetings Queen Hippolyta Your beauty ever amazes me. It seems the apple also doesn't fall far from the tree" turning my head to look at her daughter ‎Princess Diana Wonderwoman.

Diana feeling mocked was chucked a spear before pointing at me.

"I was going to leave you alone but it seems you have come here looking for trouble" She shouted before rushing me striking her spear at me.

The other amazons wanting to join in decided not to interfere as this was the princes fight no theirs.

looking at the amazons i couldn't help but appreciate their beauty.

Although I could alter anyone's facial appearance to my liking their natural appearance was still appreciated.

Dodging her kick i grabbed it instead and pulled her closer to me.

"You look even more beautiful face to face," i said holding her.

Diana feeling embarrassed pushed me away and ended up falling onto the ground.

Looking at her embarresed i smiled again.

As if on cue all the amazons pointed their spear at me not even flinching I lowered my hands downwards gesturing Diana to stand her back up.

Looking at me she took my hands up and stood back up.

"It seems you are mistaken Princess you see i came in and saw my comrade being tortured and forced to spill our government's secrets i was only protecting my friend," i declared i was obviously lying.

"How do you know me and my mother's names. I believe we haven't met before," She said feeling both suspicious and confused looking at me.

"History books told of the Amazons they are spread throughout the world. It tells of tribe full of beautiful women and seeing both you and your mothers crown I assumed it to be both of you" I said smirking under my mask.

"Though they look more flattering in person," i said looking towards Diana which she turned away blushing.

"Enough of your games Man if you seek no harm why don't you take on the lasso of truth to prove your point," Queen Hippolyta said glaring at me before gesturing to come near her.

"Oh, already wanting a piece of me," i said looking towards her.

Getting close to her i stood there waiting for her.

Understanding she tied me in the lasso before asking me the same questions she told Steve.

"Who are you and what are you doing here," She said proudly expecting me to tell her everything.

Smiling under my mask i started speaking.

"I'm a 6ft handsome man looking for love. Single and ready to mingle. What am i doing here? Well, my comrade over there crashed down onto this island leaving me trying to get him back" I stated smiling under my mask. If i was going to give my name i was going to give it out willingly.

"What is your name," She said visibly angry with my response.

Looking at her i laughed mentally she was struggling to get an answer from which she liked which i responded with the truth there was no point hiding my name if they cant link it back to my face.

"The names Revan Osmosis remeber it you might not want to forget it," i said leaning on the chair and putting my hands behind my head looking relaxed as she glared at me intensely.

Having enough of my attitude she just walked off towards her Diana.

"Look daughter this is the attitude of man i warned you about they only bring trouble. They do not pose a threat and shall be escorted out off the island" She said shaking her head before continuing "You will be set on guard duty we will host a tournament to select our strongest champion to escort these men out."

"Mother i am not a child anymore i am a woman i do not need your protection anymore. How am i supposed to Gain experience if you do not give me the options to do so" She said angrily not wanting to be held down by her mother.

"You will do as i say, Diana, you shall no disobey me," Hippolyta said not wanting to deal with Diana's rebellious attitude started walking through the door.

The guard pointing their spears at us gestured we follow Hippolyta not wanting to waste time i listened.

Remember to reply and comment the next chapter is coming soon. :)))))) <3

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