
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Getting a bit serious

(I'm going to not upload tomorrow because i need a break to fully plan out the course of the novel and because of school)

"Your pretty stupid to bring a damsel around these parts for a date especially this late," he said grabbing out his switchblade.

"We're collecting a fee on stupid individuals you being the case, " He grinned gripping the knife and moving it around in the air.

"Oh, So you believe that i will just willingly willingly you my money," I said tilting my head and putting my hand behind my back.

"That's right nigger you best believe you're going to give us that money" He demanded before he continued " Or else"

Laughing me and Diana looked at each other and nodded.

Lunging at the hooligans in front of us they pulled out their guns and fired at us which i shielded Diana using my back and hardening my skin by times 2 then blitzing toward hooligan #1 and punching him in face causing his nose to bleed before dodging hooligan number #2 punch redirecting it toward Hooligan #3 which caught him off by guard.

#4 trying to understand what just happened pulled out his gun started firing toward me which earned him a fist to the face.

Running toward their body on the ground i punched them in their heading causing a concussion.

Leaning on the wall in the ally i watched as Diana punched hooligan #1 on her side and slid downwards kicking the feet of #3 and #4 before finally knocking out #2 and #5.

"Your beauty and strength always amaze me," i flirted before throwing a rock at Hooligan #1, who tried shooting her.

"So why do you find me attractive," I asked before putting my mask on and getting up to see a large spartan like warrior staring at Diana the body had also suddenly disappeared with the appearance of the large spartan.

"So spartan guy what bring you around here? Want to check out the sites," I joked

"I am an agent of Ares and i have come here to destroy you and your husband," He roared before striking me and Diana.

Pulling Diana behind me i was pounded into the ground my feet being etched into the concrete.

Diana wanting to help me was about to run before i stopped her.

"I'll tell you why i love you" I calmly Declared lifting the hands of the titan back up before jumping up and punching the colossus away from the ally.

"Staring at you i see my mother a strong woman capable of putting a man to shame and a woman who has the compassion to do what she believes is right. that is what i see in you and why i love," I said smiling towards her.

Not wanting to delay my fight with the punching bag i sprinted into him and uppercutting him into the air and punching him before using my constructs to form a barrage of guns all lined up which looked like Tom Carry's the mask when he pulled out his weapons and blasted on full auto.

Although seemed a bit overkill fitted the situation.


Dropping from the ground and walking toward Diana what remained of Ares flop slammed onto the ground.

Standing there i posed like Jataro before pulling his signature quotes.

"Yare Yare Daze," I said before walking over to the remains of the Ares dog.

Grasping what seemed to be a coin i chucked it over to Diana who was watching me amazed and full of wonder.

"If your ever my wife I'm going to have at least tell you some of my secrets won't," i chuckled before calling over a taxi.

"Where are you going," She asked confused before looking at the coin and hopping into the cab before me.

"To the volcano of hades the entrance to the underworld here we go," I yelled with excitement

Heading to the park we took off to the volcano.



(Oops wrong location)

(Entrance to the underworld)

Flying in via invisible plane was kinda weird it was like a 1-way mirror but for a plane.

Getting in close i dived into the island and forming knife constructs and throwing it towards all the guard's throats killing them.

Diana landing the plane from afar dashed towards me only to find the dead bodies of the guards.

Sneaking in we secretly killed the snipers surrounding the area and finally made our way to see a man wearing what seemed to be a grey rope along with that traitor Persophone.

The man wearing the rope who i assumed was Ares which he grabbed his knife and told his goons to strap one the guard in the middle inside what seemed to be a sacrificial table.

Diana not wanting the sacrifice to be made threw her tiara at Ares's hands forcing Ares to drop his knife.

Diana then ran towards Ares jumping behind him and high kicking him in the face causing him to spin and land on his face.

Persophone not wanting the sacrifice to be delayed stabbed the guard's heart which caused Ares to stand up and chant strange words.

Finishing the chant a giant bat thing swooped and knocked out Diana.

constructing the Heckler & Koch HK416 rifle I shot towards bat-like creature before catching her. Leaving her near the wall i walked back to Ares.

Ares looking back found me there crossing my arms and glaring at him through my mask which i took off to reveal my Guy Fawkes mask which was bleached red through the man battles i fought during my legends.

I kept it that way to strike fear into those i killed.

Walking there menacingly i used my chi to slowly but surely push Ares and Persophone onto the ground.

When i stood in front of them they were on their knees struggling.

Looking down on them i smiled.

"So what brings you here Are's hmm attempting to gain your powers i see," I said looking into the door of hades before stepping on his back causing him to slam onto the ground.

"I know who you are Revan Osmosis. Revan the true lord of Egypt you are littered throughout the history of man i sensed you feeding my powers eons ago though i was never able to find you," He struggled trying to lift himself up.

"I consoled my Father, Brothers and sisters of your existence but they never listened why do you help my niece," He choked as he couldn't get up.

"As my uncle, i must say you are invited to my marriage" I chuckled before constructing a lightsaber and decapitating his head clean off.

"Persophone, How do you plead" I laughed.

Before she could say anything i decapitated her head off as well.

Looking into the entrance to hell i decided to take a trip i always wanted to visit hell to see the poor bastards i sent here.

Walking down the stairs of hades i saw a large Fatman and a servant standing there waiting.

Hades seeing me was confused.

"Who are you stranger what brings you to the underworld'" He said menacingly which had no effect on me as i just laughed this was like seeing Jabba the hut in person.

"Ever thought about exercising," I joked staring at Hades who seemed unamused to my joke.

"Tough crowd," I sighed before constructing millions of spears Gilgamish style and staring at him.

"I came here to give you a warning Hades it seems you don't understand the word caution let me imprint it into your head" I shouted before drowning him with my spears which hit all around hades before one hit next to his head.

"Don't think i didn't know your schemes hades you sensed Ares return and opened the gate don't make me return again because the next time i do," I paused before tossing him Are's head" You'll end up like him," I cautioned before walking out immediately running towards Diana.

The chapter feels kinda rushed. In all honesty, I really just wanted to finish the war arc and move onto the justice league arc but i need to do a few things before i can. Remember mythical animals are still being chosen so remember to suggest what the mc should get.

Here is the list so far:

Tiger with wings (thank you Jasonenrick for the suggestion)

Kun peng ( Thank you Newsourpatch for the suggestion)

Both animals with wings

GodofTruthcreators' thoughts