
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Recovering princess

I said I wasn't going to post but seeing all the love and I decided to give you guys a chapter today thank you people love you ❤️ thank you for the support

Teleporting to Themyscira I returned to the queen and gave her the princess.

She was later taken away from me and taken care of the Amazon healers.

"Thank you for protecting my daughter Revan Osmosis The True Lord of Egypt," She said sneering as if finding dirt on me.

"Don't worry mother you seemed to have grown extra wrinkles since the last time i saw you," I responded back sneering under my mask which retracted.

"Who are you Revan Osmosis and how you still alive?" She questioned me.

"I have my ways by the way Ares is dead as well as the other woman," I responded before looking into the sky.

"You are what represent man as itself why should you marry my daughter your whole life is consistent of war, death and misery you are no better than Ares himself," She snapped angrily at me pointing for me to leave Themyscira.

"I understand your anger but before you leave i hope you see the side of man you never chose to see the one you try to hide from your people," I smiled and gave her my diary of the deeds over the years as well as picture and drawings i made of when i was exploring the world.

Back during the stoneage i enhanced my brain to increase my intellect and created a camera which i used to take photos because memories can last a thousand years though i never wanted to use it again as it burned my chi pool so i had forgotten about it over time.

Giving her my Diary i decided to travel to Asia to try the food i hadn't eaten as well as my dojo poor kids probably still sulking about me leaving.

(Hippolyta Pov)

Seeing him disappear i sighed and sat on my chair looking into the night sky looking into the diary i was shocked beyond belief.

<How can a man of destruction and death be able to save the lives of many just how?> I thought before sighing.

"It looks like i judged you too soon Revan osmosis the Hero of the world-saving the millions of people without even knowing stopping an alien threat from consuming earth.

Revan the messiah saving the world from the Red death a disease capable of torturing its victim before its death. Known commonly to the outside world as chicken bocks now. (This disease was caused by His existence which he stopped)

Revan the kind a gentle person who owned an orphanage and looked after orphans who suffered from the Wipe which was caused by the alien threat the orphanage is still being run in Asia in legacy of Revan the kind a man who took it upon himself to feed, heal, and look after the children that was in need. Hippolyta looking down saw the many pictures of the children smiling and playing around.

She then saw a picture of drawing of a big man wearing a mask holding hands with a kid.

Revan the gentle known for being a doctor during the french revolution saving the lives of the poor people who were in the middle of the french revolution and not charging a cent when asked to task gave the officials money to not come and harm the lives of the poor.

Looking at the contrast between his other titles was astonishing.

This man was no saint but he was also not a devil.

I had to rethink my way of man they weren't just destroyers who killed everything on sight they were capable of doing just as much good.

Finishing reading the book i gave it to my advisor who was shocked as well.

"Just where are you Revan Osmosis," I sighed before walking toward Diana she was going to be both happy and sad.

Waiting a few days she awoke.

Diana confused asked where Revan was which i replied that i had chased him off the island which angered her he had saved her life and helped her track Ares.

She had woken up during when Revan had walked back but saw him glow of gold before finally succumbing to the numbing pain in her head.

Giving the book to her she quickly read it before frowning then depressed as she wanted to have time by herself this confused the other amazons.

I quickly explained to them she was in love and that man has stolen her heart.

The man had come and gone like the wind first coming in like a storm before leaving like the breeze he truely was a mysterious man.

even looking into the history book and diary you wanted to know more just what was he up to.

Looking at Diana's tears i gave her lasso and armour back.

"I believe our ception of man has changed we truly can't believe they are all bad as they seem it is time for to go into the world of man once more this time to see both the horror of man but also the gentle touch of those we seem to turn a blind eye on," I said before leaving the room in the first time since having Diana i was feeling doubtful and anxiety.

(Revan Osmosis)

Sitting in the Asain restraunt i enjoyed my fried rice and preyed for my mother, father and the gods that sent me here before digging in.

I decided to change my outfit but was wearing my usual mask. I decided to wear a grey Jedi armour.

Eating it i was delighted it had been a long time since i had actually eaten something eastern it had been about a 300 year or so which i cherished every bite until i saw a familiar face.

It was Ra's al Ghul did the guy not have any fashion sense he was wearing the exact same thing since when i last saw him what gibberish is this.

Looking at him gestured him to sit with me because why not the last time i saw him i caused them to be left on their see but youk now he wouldn't be so mad as to hold a grudge for that long right?

Well, i was right he sat across from me and stared at me trying to see through me which he couldn't if I represent what he trying to look at it would be an abyss made of Acid If you were to try and cross me you would end up dead on the other side.

"So, How goes your ninja squad it seems your still alive and active im guessing you found the green pool of ass" i joked.

"How are you still alive i thought you killed your self when you realized who you were up against i tried attacking your students but i found nothing of you in the end they, of course, are still breathing to this day somehow and just who are you?" He asked crossing his arms.

"I'm tired. Ra's al Ghul I've been asked that question many times throughout history since the dawn of life. There are times i even question myself but i tell you this since I'm feeling moody today. I'm just a man," I stated before finishing my food and walking out at exit when i stopped.

"If you ever have an heir send them to me they might gain something useful" I smirked before fully walking out it was time to see my students whom i abandoned hopefully they weren't mad at me

Hope guys enjoy this chapter The top 10 people who have voted the most power stones will get a shout out this is to give thanks to those who dedicated their stones to me. Thank you everyone else who has also supported me. 🙇.

Thank you for reading my novel and i hope you enjoy it.

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