
A Demon And An Angel

Planet Earth , Solar system number- unknown , Milky way galaxy , Multiverse 5000 ,Universe 5000, omniverse--- A calm planet located in an insignificant galaxy called milky way galaxy, well it was in the past. Wait you are telling me it's not calm anymore, There are monsters, demons , dungeons, dimensions , leveling up? This is a story of a boy born with a curse... A demon and an Angel... The cover is ai generated.

Undeadtheman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


"Bastards , what are you doing? hold them back , put more power!!"

A man exclaimed on top of a horse.

In front of him was utter chaos.

There were about 100 demons guarding this town... now they were only 60.

The intruders that caused this were 30 and their count was still 30.

All they managed to do was inflict critical injuries like decapitating limbs and so on. But that too were on some people only. Most of them remained unhinged and attacked fiercely.

This had been going on for the past 4 hours or so.

The humans were seemed to be led by a man with charismatic skills.

His orders were carried out with precision and utter completeness.

"Bros , keep on pushing , we are getting there , just a little and we will sleep in this very town for the night!!!"

"Yes" cries were risen.

The demons morale were reduced further.

A short bulky man with a hammer struck a demon on his waist.

The demon dodged by striking his own hammer with the hammer of the man.

The vibrations shook both of them equally and they paced back a little.

"You handle the hammer well" the man complemented

"Shut up , invader bastard , I will only speak to your corpse"

"Haha , how amusing , well I only joked . so you would feel better , in fact your skills with the hammer are shit."

Soon the man jumped and hit the hammer on the ground causing the ground to shake a little .

He had used the level 4 skill [Ground shake] which shook the ground but in essence it targeted a specific person who would lose their footing.

The short man lost his footing for a little

"Woah man , take it a little easy" he left out a hearty laugh

The demon didn't mind his mocking laugh. He would have the end laugh when he killed him.

He dashed and jumped towards the man with a kick to his face.

The man dodged to the side and grabbed the non kicking leg of the demon and tossed him to the ground with sheer insane physical power.

The demon on the impact with the ground coughed up blood.

But he soon stood up from his spot and activated another skill.

[Stamina lamina] . It was a level 3 skill that offered little bit stamina for 2 minutes.

He struck the hammer.

*Srik* *srik*

A sound different than when swords were struck with each other were heard.

The demon broke free from the barrage of hits by stooping down to hit a rotating hammer shot.

To his confusion , the bulky man just took the shot and showed no pain.

This confusion caused him to let up a second or two which was enough for the man for counterstrike.

He hit the hammer in his head with such force , that the demon head splattered blood on all side.


"Ow , dude taking advantage of my low speed as advantage , thank god I invested points in defence , otherwise I would have been cooked."

"Mr James" a shout was heard.

James turned his head. He saw a young boy of 14 years coming towards him.

"I just killed 2 demons!!!" the 14 year old boy exclaimed with a proud expression.

James was a jovial and fun character.

He patted the young boy harry in the shoulders.

"Thats the way , young man , recruiting you in the team was a good thing."


"We got someone ." yerilia exclaimed.

By now the demons were also aware of Yerilia and Karthikeyan causing havoc in the town.

Due to being held up in the front , they had sent 2 prominent level 16 guards to fight them.

"How about you take this one Karthikeyan , I would like to see you fight with out any disturbances."

Karthikeyan just stared into Yerilia.

"Do what you like"

Karthikeyan unseated his sword.

One demon was a mage while other was a swordsman.

The demons nodding to each other soon attacked him.

The demon on the back was forming some spell.

He was about to use the level 6 water skill [Hydro power] equivalent to the level 6 electric skill [lighting].

It was not to be underestimated.

The swordsmen struck his sword with Karthikeyan.

It seemed that he specialised in speed.

He was hitting 2 times in a single second and was pushing back Karthikeyan. 

Karthikeyan soon found a weakness in his neck and try to hit him there.

Just then his entire person was pushed back with the spell of the mage. The [hydro power] skill only targeted him and didn't hit the other demon as it was concentrated into one place as intended by the user 

Usually if someone had level 2 special defence , their hp could have dropped to an astonishing 1000 points. A level 10 person with no special defence could theoretically be completely killed.

But Karthikeyan hp reduced a mere 300 points as his special defence was 6 points.

There was a number factor which reduced the impact of the spell as the defence stats increased , but it was only a rough estimate.

The true impact of the spell given that the defence stat was not in the Base line and how much hp it would reduce, depended on , the speed it was cast , skills boosting it , enchantments , the spot it hit and so on.

Even if it were in the baseline , the skill could only cause a set range of damage , albeit the factors which influenced it were simpler than the case when the defence stats were higher and could be predicted with precision.

For now , it reduced 300 hp from Karthikeyan's 2000 hp.

The demon using the chance activated its own skill.

Level 4 skill [The free flow]. It allowed the user to freely flow the sword as if dancing.

The demon hit in unconventional places ,at the same time with extreme speed with smoothness.

He managed to hit a spot on Karthikeyan's shoulders.

Seeing the hit , he grinned widely.

Another hydro power was cast .


It seemed to pierce through the air.

This time the other demon retreated to the right so he could dodge the hydro power which was bigger than what was cast previously.

Due to the first hydro power hitting , they thought that Karthikeyan had slow speed stats.


Karthikeyan just deflected the hydro power with his sword.

Everyone was taken aback.

To tackle a skill was different but...

To deflect a skill like hydro power which was known for its physical power and speed , to just deflect it like that and change its trajectory...

The hydro power which was deflected hit a building near by them. It was a 2 storey building , probably a resident one. There was a gaping hole in its basement.

Did they underestimate him?

The other demon didn't give a damn.

He quickly did a diagonal slash intending to give a big gush in his shoulders.

He was a 'B' level talent , what more could this human in front of him have?

Karthikeyan dodged it and this time , he pushed back the demon with his strength.

The demon flew and fell face first in front of the mage.

"Well , so [The dance of the sword] could be used for stamina and accuracy as well"

Karthikeyan grinned.

[The dance of the sword] was a technique which was neither offensive or defensive or for anything of that sorts.

It could be used in a number of combinations for optimum results.

If you needed power? just put more force into each movement of the sword , though it might hinder your speed and stamina.

If you need speed? just carry out the movements smoothly , though it might hinder your strength and stamina.

Up until this point Karthikeyan had tested a lot of these combinations and scenarios , letting him wield a very high proficiency with the art.

Now he wanted to just test out , if he could hold on for some time , while tanking hits retaining stamina and accuracy at the same time.

He was a monster so he retained his strength as well.

"Yerilia" he shouted

"You said , you wanted to see what I could do" he replied in a calm tone.

"Well , I will show you . I don't show it to many people , but you have already seen it so just treat it as though you are watching a recorded video."

Karthikeyan got cocky. Well now he had pretty much mastered every variations of the [The dance of the sword] so he was not in his right mind.

Just before the demon who fell face first got up and the mage who was momentarily flustered and was now preparing to cast the level 5 skill [Waterball]

Karthikeyan appeared in front of them. Two heads fell at the same time.

A face that died only seeing the ground and a face that was still in the phase of casting a skill.

This was what pure power looked like....